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Everything posted by Royalswissarmyknife

  1. Absolutely nothing happens to the colour green but Starship gets delayed by the grid fin actuator. @Deddly Wins! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  2. I would love to see a mockup of how it would look. I honestly feel like the Navball is too far to the left though and should be in-between the middle and the far left.
  3. Yeah and IFT-2 Launched 2 months after IFT-1 Wait...
  4. The Ksp-2 dev's never slayed the Kraken they actually moved it to the S&Sf subforum.
  5. What if we make the blue/orange part of the Navball translucent/transparent and then put in in the middle? you can still see some of the ground but also have vital information within symbol recognition? Seems to be the best of both worlds of having the information easy to access but not blocking the ground. I also think having it in the middle would be much better for beginners who still haven't developed muscle memory for gravity turns yet.
  6. I sure need to see the ground when I'm launching rockets or maneuvering in orbit.
  7. Maybe when you turn on hard mode they die after you run out of food. Just for the small percentage of players who like to suffer when playing games.
  8. Better landing gear's and propeller engines should be actual parts I agree with that. But have you actually used robotics for anything else other then that? They can be extremely useful for making your payloads more compact for launch and many other useful things.
  9. KerbalX - Apetryx-9B Kiwisat-Geo-1 We have fixed what we suspect to be the main cause of the failure of the Kiwisat-2 mission. We also Uprated the engines on the first and second stage along with stretching both.
  10. I'm hoping to get Apteryx-9 ready to fly again today or tomorrow. Real Life + Computer Troubles got in the way.
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