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Kimera Industries

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Everything posted by Kimera Industries

  1. The Celestial Lounge has arrived! (Artist's rendering) Have your kerbals view the world in style with this gem-shaped gem of a space station module! (Artist's rendering) It's great for viewing those sunsets that are all the rage to photograph these days... (Artist's rendering) Or even our galaxy itself! Contains relaxing space couches, pillows, and an HD TV on the interior for added relaxation. The Celestial Lounge: View the world in style! KerbalX: https://kerbalx.com/Kimera_Industries/Celestial-Lounge Kimera Industries and related companies and subsets are not able to be held accountable or liable for any lack of comfort resulting, directly or indirectly, from this module. Any injuries, resulting directly or indirectly from the use or improper use of this module, must be covered by the affected individual. Kimera Industries and related companies are not responsible for damage to other spacecraft caused by the improper use of this module.
  2. Granted. All precipitation in your area stops. Plants and crops shrivel and whither and soon everyone moves away. I wish the wobbly rockets in KSP2 would be completely fixed.
  3. In other news, here's a VTOL plane I made with the Airplane Plus mod a while back. You know how it is. Gallery: Making VTOL planes is either tear-inducing or very rewarding. Usually both.
  4. Here are some screenshots from my development of a Falcon booster. Yay for landing rockets!
  5. I just posted my second kerbaled Minmus mission in Wrong Red Moon. It's the first Korolev mission to use a rover! I visited an unmanned rover, Myatnee II with my crew. "Roads? On these flats, we don't need roads."
  6. Banned for not putting your new page message in the text box that asks for a reason why you edited your post.
  7. Chapter 2: Exploration Korolev 7 "Our kerbals have become tired of walking and have asked for a better way of getting around. Well, ask no more! Today, we are proud to announce the Myatnyykhod rover! Compact, lightweight, and durable, this rover will usher in a new age of fun- ahem, research and exploration!" Scientific knowledge is all the rage these days, and our engineers like to think they're cool, so we let them add a science package to the lander. Korolev 6 gathered a plethora of scientific data, in contrast to Korolev 5, which, while groundbreaking, gathered merely samples and observations. However, there was something Korolev 6 lacked- range. MISE has heard rumors of NASA potentially affixing a lightweight rover to their LEM for Apollo 15 and figured they could do better. Right off the bat, they would be designing a rover that would be used for the planned surface base. Capable of traveling a kilometer in less than a minute, with a top speed of 22 m/s, the Myatnyykhod or "Mint Walker" rover will revolutionize Minmus surface transportation forever. Aw, who are we kidding? It's just a stripped-down car glued to the side of the lander! February 24, 1971, 8:15 MSK: Launch: The journey to Minmus is routine at this point. "Roads? On these flats, we don't need roads." Korolev 7 returning home. Yuri Kerman promises he didn't go off any jumps with the rover, but we're not sure. The rover data says at one point it was at an altitude of 40 meters above the surface... Korolev 8 and 9 will be more thorough investigations of other areas of Minmus' extensive flats, but what we're all waiting for is Korolev 10, which will land on the Minmus highlands for the first time.
  8. Granted, but it's a single sentence only and it just says "This is chapter 5." I wish for more snow where I live.
  9. "Why is there a tarp with a Martian landscape printed on it surrounding the ship?"
  10. Floor 4535: the place where all those mysterious, hard-to-identify, and impossible-to-locate sounds come from.
  11. Steve Irwin helps make a cool documentary about the weird avocado frogs and both attain sudden immense popularity! It's a tie! Rock-paper-scissors-shoot, anything you want to do!
  12. My profile picture is now a more compact version of my logo and fits better in a square. It's not a png this time due to the constraints of my image editing software. I wish I could combine this with the full logo.


  13. The Celestial Lounge has finished design and construction and will be shipping out to the VAB soon for integration with the launch vehicle. Think of a cube with each side a Cupola module, and on two opposite corners are docking ports. It was pretty hard to make the shape because of KSP's part attachment limitations. Then, for fun, I started working on a centrifuge with a cool deployment mechanic, got frustrated, decided to be done with KSP, went to bed, and then suddenly had a great idea that would fix all of the problems I was having. Funny how brains work like that. :whatweneedisashruggingemoji:
  14. Perhaps, since there will be no attached payload, the length of the RBS could be increased and maybe given some larger monoprop tanks for more utility.
  15. Banned to Peter Banning's house from Hook.
  16. I'll put one on top and one on bottom, if that's alright. 1.2m unless otherwise specified.
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