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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. I'm confused by what you mean. Do you mean words we in general use commonly, or words that can be used to show information.
  2. V-22 Osprey (comparable, but more modern) @kspbutitscursed You also need to add pictures of the aircraft.
  3. F9F Panther, which frequently shot down MiG-15s.
  4. YEAR 3, DAY 287 - AURORA 1 Back to the Mun... I got a bit carried away with the screenshots for this mission, so it will split into two parts (much like Munar 1!) This is part 1. Crew: Jebediah, Bob, Valentina The crew climb the launch tower, rising to the top of one of the most powerful rockets ever built. They're about to go on a journey they haven't gone on for over 2 years: a journey to the Mun. Yes, Aurora 1 marks the return of Kerbals to deep space! Ever since Minty 4, Kerbalkind has been skittish about leaving the safety of Kerbin. Well no more. We now have a rocket on hand powerful enough to lift a Kerbal-rated spacecraft to the Mun and back with maximum safety. The rocket's name? The Eve III, the final step in the ULV Program. Now, what exactly will Aurora 1 do at the Mun? Well, coming with the mission is a lander, nicknamed "Nugget" by the crew. While en route to the Mun, the main command module of Aurora 1, nicknamed "Chicken" by the crew will turn around and dock to the lander in a process called Transposition & Docking. We'll reveal more details about the flight later on. Right now, we just need to focus on sending the crew on their way to the Mun. The countdown starts to spill over the launch complex. 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10. 9, 8, 7, 6, ignition sequence start, 4, 3, 2, 1... We have liftoff! Liftoff on Aurora 1! Aurora 1 quickly rises on the launchpad, and the crew are pushed back into their seats. The command module rattles around, while outside the deafening sound of the boosters reaches across all of Cape Kerman. Booster separation comes up, and the boosters this time separate flawlessly. The Eve III continues high into the sky, disappearing from to the naked eye. LES sep Stage 2 ignition The fairings on the spacecraft are jettisoned, exposing the full spacecraft. Shortly after, Aurora 1 fires its second stage engine to enter LKO, Once in orbit, preaprations begin to send the crew on their way to the Mun. The TMI maneuver is set up, and not even one orbit later, Mission says a phrase that has not been said in a long time: GO FOR TMI! For the next minute and a half, stage 2 gives it its all, and Aurora begins its day long journey to the Mun. However, one more thing has to be completed, and that is the transposition and docking maneuver. Bob steps out of the spacecraft and does an EVA over to the lander. He will keep it stable during the whole process. "Mission Control, come in. Chicken is docked to Nugget, I repeat, Chicken is Docked to Nugget." - Jebediah Kerman Aurora 1 separates from the first stage, and begins its journey up to the Mun. "Been a long time since I've seen this view, Mission Control. And I have to say, it's just as amazing as ever." - Valentina Kerman
  5. I created a little info graphic that's handed to schools across Kerbin. To explain some things real quick, the entirety of Kerbin is a single government, divided up into regions, which are further divided into metropolitan areas, which are further divided into towns and cities. Simple, really. Being the nerd I am, I've also thought of a history behind the UKA too. I guess I'll set up a timeline. 1727: Kerbals, sick of constantly competing for resources, attempt to organize into a global body to evenly divide resources. Except for a little batch of three large nations, who form into the Kerbal States. The UKA attempts to maintain good relations with them, but the varying ideologies of both nations severely strains relations. 1735: The Kerbal States launches an invasion on a coastal city, marking the beginning of the Great Kerbin War. 1742: The Great Kerbin War ends, and the UKA emerges victorious. The Kerbal States is forced to hand over all of their territories to the UKA, and finally the entirety of Kerbin is united. There we go. That's how big of a nerd I am. Feel free to critique this.
  6. JULY 8TH, 1974 - ANNEX 1 America will launch its first robotic Moon lander program since the days of Surveyor back in the mid 60s. The mission of the program will be to scope out a flat area suitable for making a surface base. On it are 6 cameras, which will take panoramic photos of the Moon's surface for investigation. Annex 1 is only a test flight, but future missions will be much more ambitious. As for the name, well, the U.S. wants to use these landers as a warning to the Soviet Union. Maybe a simple unmanned lander against a cosmonaut on the surface isn't exactly 1:1, but America will do what it must. As for the rocket, the mission will be launched atop a Titan IIIC rocket. NASA hopes that the Titan rocket can be used for many more applications in the Apollo-Mars program, as the Titan has many untapped potentials. It can lift a wide variety of payloads to LEO, so it shouldn't be so overlooked. Liftoff! SRB separation Go for orbit! Yes, the lander's quite dinky, but that's rush building for you. Also, once again, only a test. Annex 1 enters a parking orbit around the Earth, as the Trans-Lunar Injection (TLI) burn is plotted. The brand new Annex Upper Stage will carry it the rest of the way to the Moon. Go for TLI! Annex 1 now coasts for three days towards the Moon, now ever so prominent in the sky. JULY 11TH, 1974 Annex 1 enters the Moon's sphere of influence, and readies itself to enter Low Lunar Orbit (LLO). Orbital insertion burn Separation of transfer stage After yet another parking orbit, Annex 1 is ready to head down to the Moon's surface. De-orbit burn On final approach... Contact! Annex 1 now begins its mission. It preforms experiments, takes several photos, and blasts the U.S. national anthem to any eavesdropping Soviet satellites. Meanwhile back on Earth, preparations begin for the first big step in phase 1 of Apollo-Mars. Skylab is about to have a pretty big change to it...
  7. N -5 C'mon, @Nazalassa, @Admiral Fluffy, @RevanX_LSR, and @fulgur! They're gaining ground!
  8. I feel like you should stick to KSRSS, and save yourself from the headache of RSS/RO. As for Freedom, if the shuttles are being retired, what's going to continue flying crew to Freedom?
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