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Everything posted by Clayel

  1. Alright, adding onto that, how do I get the galaxy mode to show up in GU 1.3? I have Alpha Centauri and the Stellar Adventures Expansion and I don't see any galaxy shape when I zoom out, only a collection of the included star systems in random locations. Do I need to have multiple star systems installed?
  2. @StarCrusher96 Is INSTANTIATOR still required for the galaxy shape to show up with the stellar adventures expansion? That mod doesn't look like its been updated on ckan since 1.3.1. Also, the long and short version of the IPD-03 (for GU Parts) have exactly the same name and description but they are still listed as separate parts in the VAB. Could this be changed? Also also, I think the atmosphere for Cail (in Nova Kirbani B) is broken, on the map view it says that it has an atmosphere but it is exactly 0 atm pressure. (as opposed to like .0001 or something)
  3. This mod can be useful at times, but I think it would be much more useful if it had specific cursed pieces for tanks of radius 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, etc. Right now, all I can do to try to cover up all of my fuel tank is use terrible looking rectangular heat shields.
  4. KSP isn't really being updated for bugs anymore. Do you have any resource overlays toggled? It looks like one of the options for ore scanning.
  5. Download this on ckan, it'll download everything relevant to starting on RSS. (even if you don't want to do career mode) There's also this guide: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RP-0/wiki/Introduction-and-Overview
  6. @Rudolf Meier By the way, you have the wrong link here for the IR sequencer: It should be https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/181943-wip16-infernal-robotics-sequencer-next-301/, but it links to a broken page instead
  7. If anyone else is having this problem, I managed to fix it quite easily. All you have to do is go into the .cfg file for the shielded docking port (it's in gamedata/squad/parts/utility), and edit 2 things: Change the attach rules to have a 1 in the third slot ("#,#,1,#,#") Copy the "node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.2828832, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1" from the normal docking port file and past it above the "node_stack_bottom" in the shielded docking port file. This adds a permanent node on the top of the docking port, it doesn't go away when you close the shield. It would still be nice if the mod made it so you don't have to do it manually though.
  8. Yep, this fixed it, but it wasn't just root though, it seems like any autostrut will reproduce the bug. Turning off autostrut fixed it immediately. Thanks!
  9. @Rudolf Meier I've been having a very consistent bug show up will all moving parts within this mod. They always work fine in the vehicle assembly building, but about half the time when it is being used outside of the assembly building the part will get stuck on something and not move to its target position. This has been happening for at least a few months, and happens with basically every moving part I could find, I just happened to use the pivotron in the video. Reloading the save does not fix the bug. Can this be fixed? Update: Removing kerbal joint reinforcement and rejoining the game does not fix this bug either. KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19xG6f6kCpqBvsAlpO4TbA0fwd8psKyKo/view?usp=share_link Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZXnxk7X2nnQbIt45NorUPaLtoRUFD_UD/view?usp=share_link Video of Bug: https://streamable.com/urnz9r
  10. Make sure you have a probe or capsule on the craft so you can control it
  11. You tried reproducing the bug with no mods installed, and it still caused the bug? If so, I'm not sure what could be causing your issue, especially if you said that you verified your game files and reinstalled the game. If you do manage to fix your bug, make sure to make a stock backup incase this happens again.
  12. For "testing" contracts, theres usually one of two things that you have to do 1. You have to physically stage it, which can only be done once during the flight 2. There is a "test" or "activate" button on the part, this is decently rare and usually the mission will tell you if it is this
  13. This looks like a goldmine for @ShadowZone! Clouds are interesting, could use some work though
  14. I'm a little confused, how do you access the tutorial and such? Thanks for adding it based on my suggestion btw.
  15. Update: Thanks to a very helpful comment from someone in the r/ksp discord, I figured out that the problem was because all of the heat producing sources were in the same loop, and they had different max temperatures. This is fixed now.
  16. Having a very annoying reoccurring bug with this mod, my radiators don't seem to cool down the reactor past its melting point, and the reactor will just melt down and become unusable while the radiators are only at like 15%. This seems to happen particularly in timewarp, and I've made sure that all of the system loops are correct, and my radiators can consume much more heat than they need to. Can you help? This is preventing me from continuing my mission. (I have all of the system patches installed and I'm using kerbal atomics as my reactor)
  17. This mod is very useful, but I wish it would add something that squad clearly forgot about. An actual docking attachment point to the shielded docking port like the normal docking port has. This would save me so much time during the building of my missions. Honestly, it doesn't even have to go away if you close the shield, if that would take too much work to implement.
  18. https://drive.google.com/file/d/157WfTM70nlhGrSJDBNkpsffcLqOsUd3e/view?usp=share_link (Player.log) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q4Z0p7UhHtnumzgSVL3f8hvxZTFTQn1k/view?usp=share_link (KSP.log)
  19. Can you put a controls menu somewhere within the game so I don't have to keep coming back to this forum to remember the controls?
  20. How do I make the sentinel not target Nova Kirbani? I want it to detect asteroids/comets around Kerbol.
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