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Everything posted by dandoesstuff

  1. who said we aren't adding it
  2. this sucks support ksa NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm joking btw i am a redux dev
  3. Me when I fly with Fire Anyway, it's a really good mod! Finally the days of ugly reentry are gone
  4. I mean, just to be safe too: https://spacedock.info/mod/3813/Firefly
  5. TurboMode. It does a few optimizations to the CPU if that's your bottleneck. Had a +3 fps boost and it's still being developed. Either way, you can lower the graphics quality if your GPU is bottlenecking your CPU. https://github.com/foonix/Ksp2TurboMode/releases
  6. Sir, this is a Wendy's I mean, a KSP1 mod in KSP2 would probably break some things, just sayin
  7. Ooh Shiny! adds reflections to the game, like shown in the dev screenshots. Soon, there will be adjustable settings so you can configure Ooh Shiny! all you want! https://spacedock.info/mod/3787/Ooh Shiny! License: MIT
  8. Enhanced Reentry Effects. Reentry colors and overall improvements. https://spacedock.info/mod/3792/Krispy *0.7* Optimized mod and added default reentry gradient License: MIT
  9. Yeah Jool needs A LOT of work. Currently working on the next update. This breakthrough at Rendezvous Entertainment really is amazing, to say the least lol
  10. Restock doesn't work properly on the models that have the fix installed unfortunately
  11. I've just released it on SpaceDock! Get it here: https://spacedock.info/mod/3741/Cloudy
  12. Lowering the Rendering Quality to Fast doesn't make it look too bad while increasing FPS, so yeah, thanks
  13. We don't give KSP2 the dres treatment here.
  14. KSP's optimization in general needs more attention. More and more mods are being made, and this will progressively slow down KSP1 until it's unplayable. (Yes, I know the poster said to not get annoyed by that, but it genuinely is a problem, atleast for my pc. KSP1 modded runs worse than KSP2 for me.)
  15. So I've decided to be "the next blackrack" and started working on clouds. I added fog and cloud layers, but they're a bit scuffed, any help on how to improve the layers and add *more* cloud "layers" would be nice! Do you like clouds? Me too. This mod adds cloud layers! And will eventually add weather too. Plans for future updates: Weather *Requires Patch Manager and Shoemaker* Get it here: https://spacedock.info/mod/3741/Cloudy https://imgur.com/a/ksp2-fog-q4VTv4F
  16. So due to time restrictions KSC needed to launch a plane during fog. The flight was pretty uneventful, but I managed to do some cool tricks here and there and land in the fog! How cool is that?? https://imgur.com/BrPi3Ih
  17. now no one will want to go to dres!! uninteresting AND hard to get to, lol
  18. i've seen a fade out setting in the source code.. but it isn't implemented, and i have no idea how to build it, sadly. but hopefully if this is getting continued we can get it
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