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The Space Peacock

Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by The Space Peacock

  1. Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core I7 10th Gen | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce MX350 | RAM: 8GB Issue: If there are multiple copies of the same craft in the same workspace in the VAB, deleting a copy of the original craft will cause the struts on the original one to dissapear. This can be archieved by merging a craft into an exiting workspace with that same craft. The craft does not have to be identical; as long as it comes from the same original workspace, it will trigger the bug. Steps To Reproduce: Connect any two parts in the VAB Place a strut and/or fuel line between the two parts Save the workspace Merge the workspace you just saved into the current workspace. This should result in 2 copies of the same craft being in the current workspace. Delete the active (merged) craft. Observe that the struts/fuel lines on the other dissapear. Note: The craft do not have to be identical. This can be verified by placing another part on the craft after Step 3, before Merging the workspaces. Alternative Reproduction: Connect any 2 parts in the VAB Place a strut and a fuel line between the two parts Pick up the craft by its root part and press CRTL-C Place the original craft back down and press CRTL-V Place the copy of the craft in the workspace Delete the copied craft. Observe that the struts and fuel lines on the original dissapear. Note: hovering over the root part and pressing CRTL-C will not trigger the bug. it has to be picked up. Video Evidence: Method 1 Method 2 Additional Information: This behaviour only seems to occur when starting from a clean workspace. Trying to perform the bug multiple times in the same workspace may cause it to not occur. Deleting the original craft will not cause the copy to lose its struts/fuel lines. Struts/fuel lines placed on a copy of a craft will also not dissapear when a copy of the copy is made and deleted, but subsequent copies made WITHOUT picking up the craft and using crtl-c ctrl-v will have those struts/fuel lines missing.
  2. Noticed this too yesterday. inflatable heatshields like to jump out of the water unless they're facing backside down. Inflatable heatshields should also be able to be buoyant like this (from the LOFTID mission):
  3. @Vl3d this might be triggered by having a physicless part (the tiny truss) on the vessel, i've seen something very similar to this in my gameplay. see also this bug report. Could you provide a craft file so we can test this further?
  4. Any chance the kerbal shows up again after you've gone through a few fresh kerbals, like it would when you recover it?
  5. it was, at least to a part of this report. after looking at it closely it looks like 2 bugs were reported here: crafts spinning/being suborbital after a reload, and crafts suddenly leaving their orbits and shooting off. merged all reports pertaining to the former into the report you linked to, and this one will now be a standalone report for the vessels leaving their orbits bug
  6. odd. this must've be a rare weird one-off thing, never seen it anywhere before. it'll probably get fixed along with the load screen pausing, so i just merged it with the report for that. they are ware of this btw, it was in the patch notes for v0.2
  7. i dont know if you can add craft files to a comment, but if not; upload a new report, containing only the save file and a link to this report, and tag me in the title. i'll get it to the right place
  8. @Jeq do you have a save file you could provide for this report?
  9. can confirm this also affects other engines. effect happens both when engines are firing and when theyre inactive
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