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The Space Peacock

Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by The Space Peacock

  1. @Elnod merged your report also changed the title to be a bit more clear and include a mention of undocking then trying to redock as a possible cause for this
  2. @jclovis3 merged your report, changed title and added a list of all known instances of this issue to the original report. If you find any more of these out there, let me know!
  3. @Sir Eskomaz edited the title of this report to mention Vall, and added a pic from user memes18522 on the Discord showing this bug there
  4. thanks, added it to your report i wonder if this is the recolorability of the reentry effects at work, or completely unintentional
  5. @Mushylog moved this report out of the archive @Ringael merged your report and editing title to include engine mount shrouds as a cause
  6. @JoeSchmuckatelli do you have a craft/save file or video of this bug happening?
  7. @Kersifal moved this report out of the archive @m4ti140merged your report
  8. @last-stop-till-titan moved this report out of the archive @cubinator merged your report
  9. does anyone running into this by chance have a campaign name that ends with a "." ? trying to figure out if this is related
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