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The Space Peacock

Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by The Space Peacock

  1. this might be a problem with hardware on your end. since you meet the minimum specs, my advice would be to open a support ticket on the Private Division support website: https://support.privatedivision.com/hc/en-us/categories/10601207789331-Kerbal-Space-Program-2
  2. Going to use this report as a repository for all loading issues that occur on hardware that is below minimum spec (theres quite a few) moving forward. Word of fair warning to everyone running into these issues: they likely wont be looked into at this time since they only occur on unsupported (below minimum) hardware. If you encounter any loading issue but are ABOVE minimum specs, please reach out to me or @Spicat and we'll get you in touch with QA. The latest official IG reponse to these issues (pulled from the Loading_Stuck thread in the Help section on the Intercept Games Discord):
  3. this also occurs on Duna near the monument. i have a savefile for that: Duna Monument.json probe core is connected to commnet and has control, but has no connection to transmit Data EDIT: Likely caused by using a relay for commnet connection.
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