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Everything posted by TickleMyMary

  1. I've only ever played career mode and anything less than that would be madness to leave out of the game imo... I'll hold out for whatever 'Adventure mode' is but I don't like what I've heard so far.
  2. Went with he closest option but I really have zero interest or intention in multiplayer, it's just not what I play KSP for... And, 63% of responses saying the same should not be ignored.
  3. Because he wants to AND it was something you could do in KSP1? Just a full throttle simulator without it and removes yet more fun from the game. If you're happy with it then game on but don't expect everyone else to be equally as ecstatic.
  4. That is one boat load of data you want to collect... Think I'll skip it until there's actually a game to play and a reason to surrender my data to you.
  5. My issue with Patch One is that it seemed a heck of a lot like the influencer event build... Same bugs we saw there only stated showing once Patch One landed imo, I'll leave that speculation at that though. Science is the key one for me really as I'm at a loss with the game right now, even if it ran perfectly, in it's current state there's no way possible it can hold my attention... An issue I have never had with it's predecessor in nearly 10 years of play. Maybe I'm just getting old.
  6. I didn't read it as an agreeing statement to be fair... If it was, I'm more than happy to take it back! Yikes indeed! Let's see what todays update brings... I'd like to say I have hope but, you know, I don't anymore.
  7. You don't say... Well done! (Possible I've read this wrong and my go-to emotion is sarcasm) I agree... Similar to yours but with a bit more substance and actually aimed at the product, not the individual?
  8. Seeing as KSP1 has over 2500 max for today and the same .exe bypass is used (I use CKAN personally) then the numbers really do start to look terrible for KSP2... The worst part is the blind ignorance to it from the team, saying it's fine and all going to plan doesn't make it so. I didn't mind the game but I really am not bothered about it at all now, there's no enjoyment there, no fun... What on earth was ready for release 3 years ago? None of this makes sense.
  9. The science that hasn't been seen yet? The science they have said will be pretty much the same as KSP1? When they're showing us snippets of the end of the roadmap (multiplayer) and not one single part of the roadmap in between, you've got to wonder what is going on. You can see for yourself when you eventually get the game.
  10. All good news but nothing that is really going to pull me away from KSP1 at this stage... That said, I'll be there on Wednesday with everyone else (who has the game in here) seeing what improvements we got and how it all feels!
  11. IF we get that far into development then it's probably a couple of years away at best... It's also fair to point out that it's not going to be "traditional" colonies a la KSP1, more like a design and place directly on the surface rather than a fly the modules there gameplay style. Science is first though and we haven't heard a peep on that yet... When and how science drops will probably tell us a lot about the rest of the roadmap.
  12. Patch is slated for Wednesday (12th April) from what I've heard... We shall see!
  13. I'd rather they scooped up the issues we saw on the 3 week old bulid they had at the 'influencer' event that was held around a month before release... Asking too much though obviously.
  14. What a terrible opinion... People are reviewing the game as they are because that is what they have to review and that is EXACTLY in line with the review guidelines for reviewing products in EA (on Steam in particular)... See here for the official guidelines regarding EA releases as wiki is not a source, for anything; Early Access (Steamworks Documentation) (steamgames.com) All you are doing here is the exact thing you're trying to blame other people for... You're trying to turn valid criticism into some sort of confusion on their part and that any possible issues that can be found are most certainly down to the CONSUMER over the DEVELOPER. This is not the case. I enjoy the game, the bugs are hella annoying but I can still gleam a slither of enjoyment from it in its current form... That doesn't mean I wont call out the terribly handled release and update schedule when I feel it is required. Quite a lot of the bugs we still see to this day where there at the 'Influencer' event held a few weeks before release... On a build that was already a few weeks old at that stage... I feel any criticism has been earned and any bad reviews given are subject to change as the game develops, blaming people for having an opinion of what they currently have in their hands is nonsensical... Just as somebody creating a post deriding "blind devotion" in regards to any particular user screaming "It's Early Access!" would be as equally nonsensical. I think it's quite possible to both love AND hate the game at the same time... Because, I do.
  15. Yeah, like a joke but a pale imitation... I didn't get the funny, maybe you have to be on the "inside" to understand?
  16. Yeah... Truly bored with it if I'm to be honest. I struggle to bother doing anything worthwhile as I really don't care for the bugs anymore and until some major change comes on the scene, I'm sticking with that opinion. It's quite apparent that they are using this EA as a crutch and I'm just not playing their game anymore... Until they bring something significant to the table that blows KSP1 out of the water (rocket sounds and music don't really ticklemymary so to speak) I really don't wish to devote more time into it than I already have. KSP1 had its many flaws but MAN could you enjoy it through it's various stages throughout the years... And, fully modded, it is exquisite for a game of its age.
  17. Not wholly sold on the answers provided to be honest nor on the questions that were avoided... Time will tell on it all, I'm just finding it so hard to understand how we were meant to have a more feature complete game around 3 years ago and that this is the stage we're at now. I've got hope but this AMA hasn't eleviated any concerns, but, it's their ship and they can steer it how they please. "Iceberg! Dead ahead!"
  18. I second this bug... Highly frustrating and makes flying impossible.
  19. Hopefully next week? I do see some movement here today... Kerbal Space Program 2 Depots · SteamDB
  20. My train is delayed at the station right now... It's still on the tracks but the RMT are asking for more money.
  21. I love this part even more and think it's applicable in this situation... "6. Don't launch in Early Access without a playable game. If you have a tech demo, but not much gameplay yet, then it’s probably too early to launch in Early Access. If you are trying to test out a concept and haven't yet figured out what players are going to do in your game that makes it fun, then it's probably too early. You might want to start by giving out keys to select fans and getting input from a smaller and focused group before you release in Early Access. At a bare minimum, you will need a video trailer that shows gameplay. Even if you are asking for feedback that will impact gameplay, customers need something to start with in order to give informed feedback and suggestions." I had the hype for this game because of what we were told before release in interviews... It was big talk that was unnecessary seeing as they knew the state the game was going to be released in. I'm certainly in this for the long haul but it's valid that many are calling out a terrible release... It's barely playable at this stage.
  22. I logged in, entered the VAB and went to load up a craft... Nothing but stock craft in the list, again... Alt+F4 and called it a day. I have faith this could be what we're all after, just not yet.
  23. I've bought it... That should be enough. If I go out for a meal, I don't expect to be having to go into the kitchen to show the chef how to make a steak... A bad release is a bad release... I hope it picks up but people calling it out is valid.
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