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Everything posted by softweir

  1. You also need to add to the download a text file containing the full text of the license. (It's all necessary:- but one reason amongst many that I feel disinclined to create mods!)
  2. Very classy! Sorry to nag, but I suggest you check out the Add-on posting rules: You need a license to go with your mod! (You can ask in the Modding discussions forum for advice on which license to use to suit your preferences.)
  3. A magnificent mod! Have I said how much I love it? A suggestion: add support for NESD's Warehouse parts? (After all the everything else, of course!)
  4. TWP? I'd be grateful if you could expand the acronym! Of course - Transfer Window Planner
  5. I have been there, done that - and nearly got the sack because *I* was responsible for keeping backups! (And maybe for panicking and being slightly less than honest to my boss about it until there was no other option.) Regardless, it really hurts when critical automated systems silently cease to operate and dump you in the deep-smelly-brown. Best of luck with your efforts at recovering from this poop, and thanks for everything you have produced so far!
  6. Not a bug, but an irritating and impossible-to-avoid side-effect of Beale's desire to make upgrading Tantares as painless as he can, and KSP's Search facility. Beale has frequently had to change parts in such a way that they would break existing vessels in player's saves. In order to get around this he leaves the old version of the part in the download files, but with the texture removed so that a: they cause as little memory bloat as possible, and b) so it is obvious when a saved vessel needs updating or retiring from active service. Under normal conditions these parts are hidden. However: KSPs Search facility fails to respect this hidden status, so these duplicates become visible. In the normal course of events the older of the duplicate parts get removed when Beale does a significant update, in the expectation that players will have finally grounded, scrapped or otherwise destroyed ships with out-of-date parts and updated their vessel designs. Maybe the very last, final and ultimate update will do away with the very last duplicates!
  7. Yes, but FAR doesn't emulate it. The computations needed to simulate it is beyond PC computing power in a real-time application like FAR running under KSP. I think you are confusing wing-tip vortices and leading-edge vortices. As you say, wing-tip vortices have no lift effect, only drag! However, leading-edge vortices do generate lift -@UndeadFireflyhas linked to the appropriate Wikipedia article. Leading-edge vortices are constrained to the space immediately above the wing, so no "action at a distance" is needed. There are many other articles to be found which describe leading-edge-vortex, you don't need to depend on Wikipedia!
  8. There are alternatives such as Dropbox. Whichever file-hosting service you use, upload the file, then copy the link it that the file-host gives you and copy it into the message you post here.
  9. The forum doesn't host images. So you need to: Upload your image to a fileserver such as Photobucket or Dropbox. Once done the fileserver will present you with a link formatted for inclusion in social media and/or forums. Copy that link, then paste it into a message here. Good luck!
  10. Fix the lack of a working download and there'd be none of this scurrilous talk!
  11. Exactly! They aren't supposed to appear in the Parts List, but unfortunately Squad's search engine is ... flaky ... and these parts do appear when you use searches. And yes, the updated versions are there, though harder to find in amongst the deprecated versions.
  12. Stranger and stranger... Last possible suggestion is to start with a clean installation of KSP and download HabTech2 before anything else. You can move your current installation elsewhere, get Steam to reinstall KSP, and start again. Good luck!
  13. How very odd! As you can see in the right-hand side panel HabTech2 is compatible with KSP 1.12.5, and you have KSP 1.12.5. I suspect you need to go into CKAN's Setting -> Compatible Game Versions panel and make sure the top button - 1.12 - is ticked as well as any others.
  14. There is - however, I didn't download MechJebForAll, yet I have an option in the PAWS to activate MechJeb for any command capsule or probe core.
  15. I know it's a pain, but please do! I can't be the only person who thought "it's on Ckan, all dependencies will be linked, just tick the box and hit Apply changes".
  16. Am I playing KSP 2? Nope. My PC isn't man enough to play it. Let's face it, adding a few more mods to KSP 1 has brought it to its knees! Will I play KSP 2 anytime soon? Mmmmaaaaybe... I need to smash open my piggy-bank and count the coppers and decide if I can afford a better PC - and once I have done that, given that I won't have all that much to spend, it depends on how fast KSP 2's performance improves. Do I want to play KSP 2? YES!
  17. Comparing Steam reviews of KSP 1 and KSP 2 isn't comparing like with like. Something that gets overlooked is that KSP 1 was a finished, mature product before it ever hit Steam, so the reviews on Steam are all those for a finished, mature product, not one in early access! It got a lot of tweaks and fixes for the low-level bugs that remained and a couple of DLCs, but that awkward "it doesn't work it's crap" stage was long gone before the first Steam review happened. If KSP 1 had been released as EA on Steam then I am sure the reviews would have been excoriating! In the early days KSP was as flaky as hell, and underwent several massive rewrites before it became anywhere near stable. What will be interesting is to see how those two very different review sets compare once KSP 2 is released as "finished". With a bit of luck the reviews will be mostly positive - at least from those players who are the target audience for KSP.
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