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Everything posted by bigyihsuan

  1. I've been having trouble landing on Armstrong, what are your designs for sky cranes, bouncy balls, etc for landing manned capsules onto the surface? (of note I've found the Landertrons mod that adds in some SRBs that can automatically activate when you're close to the ground, maybe it can be of use? Maybe combine with Smart Parts so that you can have a sky crane that decouples from the capsule when vertical velocity is 0 near the ground?)
  2. Feature request for a 3-noded part with hidden node for engine mounts, shrouds, etc: https://github.com/KSP-RO/ProceduralParts/issues/333
  3. Based on what people are saying, so landing back on Armstrong is more like landing on Duna? Where chutes alone aren't enough, and you need something else (bouncy ball, rockets, etc) to land safely?
  4. If the engines actually had methalox, would their stats actually be similar to what we have now? What about tankage, etc?
  5. When making a new non-career/science save, you need to check "Part Upgrades Enabled" in the save settings.
  6. I built this Saturn monstrosity for my 2.5x Snarkiverse manned Dres mission. It is an otherwise stock (BDB) Saturn V, with uprated F-1s, 2 strap-on SRBs, and an additional methalox second stage. It was successful, though the S-IVB stage had not enough RCS to be fully controllable for transposition and docking.
  7. If you have WinRAR, right click the file, "Add to archive", and select ZIP as the archive format, then press OK. On 7zip, right click the file, go to 7zip > Add to "[FILENAME].zip".
  8. You install RemoteTech for the additional depth and complexity that real(-er) comms has to deal with. Using the vanilla CommNet is not an option if your goal is to have harder comms.
  9. Play session 1 https://imgur.com/a/ZPhaTQA Comms are hard. Good thing I have something shoved up there, now I don't have to worry as much about comms. Up goes an OOG-derived relaysat, as well as a low-altitude ScanSat, also based off of OOGs. Also designed a modular flat-pack relay sat for geostationary (rhostationary?) orbits that can be stacked on top each other. It's no Starlink, that's to be sure. What's weird is that some antennas are breaking of inside the fairing, but I don't know if it's because of Simple Adjustable Fairings, lack of autostruts, or something else.
  10. Playsession 0-ish https://imgur.com/a/2Bs4qe4 Typical early-game stuff, as well as spamming KEI to unlock the tree faster. Kerbal Construction Time is set to VerySlower, so it takes 24 days for a small rocket.
  11. New save, again, because I found a better 3.5x rescaler for Beyond Home: https://github.com/Morphisor244/Beyond-Home-Rescale Also switched over to use RemoteTech, I wanna try it out again. A good start: default RemoteTech settings have mission control not at the launch site.
  12. I'm having the "no settings in the stock settings menu" issue as well, on version 2.2. Only being able to take 5 3-star contracts at Mission Control level 3 is simply not enough...
  13. I was wondering why my solar panels had "Blocked by Destiny" on them sometimes. Thanks for finding the fix!
  14. Spin da wheel: Normal/Hard, no craft restrictions (core) Mods: Beyond Home (planet pack) Rescale 3.2x RealFuels BDB Most of Near Future
  15. 1 part will help with keeping part counts down, but multiple docking ports will help with stability, especially with parts this large.
  16. Play session #1 https://imgur.com/a/7ZkIdwF Some more hax careful KSC probing, I have more parts available. Sent up a comsat, and a science probe interplanetary (intentionally this time)
  17. How big is Rhode supposed to be on 3.5x scale, and what dV is it supposed to be to get to low orbit? Tracking Station tells me that Rhode has 1100km diameter (!) and Astrogator says I need about ~5000m/s dV to get to orbit. Calculating based on the dV map in the OP says I need sqrt(3.5)*2544 ~= 4759m/s dV. Maybe I just used an overpowered rocket to start with, I accidentally sent a small probe interplanetary with ~7000m/s dV:
  18. Restarted my save, but using 3.2x Beyond Home: I blatantly cheated skipped the early tech tree did some advanced probing of the KSC area to skip some of the tedium. https://imgur.com/a/Vm5TPsD Accidentally sent this little guy interplanetary.
  19. I updated to 1.11 and now the custom categories are missing, is there a reason? Log (zip file, since the log file itself is >45MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/cgelpp6czon46t7/KSP - Copy.zip?dl=0
  20. Play session #4 Some successes, some failures We managed to launch more TaylorHamRadio 1.1s, with 2 on their way to orbits specified by contracts. Also, a Nimbus weather satellite was deployed for science. However, when trying out manned flight it was quickly determined that parachutes are near useless in Frontier's thin atmosphere; either a landing stage is needed or more drogue-like parachutes are needed. RIP in peas Jeb, Val, and some third pilot kerbal, you will be missed until you respawn in 24 hours. https://imgur.com/a/ggjnkc0
  21. Play session #3 A new TaylorHamRadio 1.1 with improved fuel capacity and solar panels: one on an Atlas, and one on a Delta-ish rocket, . Also launched the BearlySunny solar observation probe. The Atlas one didn't have enough dV to get past low-Frontier orbit. The Delta-ish one got farther, with an apoapsis at geosynchronous altitude, but couldn't circularize. My current goal is to get communications at Frontier-synchronous orbit so I have constant probe control. https://imgur.com/a/3SKS5lw
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