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Everything posted by Spike88

  1. Is it CxAerospaces ISS? Also which mods for the beam and the altered launch site?
  2. Anyway to get Blocs and Roman numeral support like Launch Numbering?
  3. Don't think I've seen any blondes. Although one of the spine/cerebral girls looks like Donna from that 70s show. According to the wrist doctor, I probably will be by the time this is all over.
  4. My main issue is the fact my right arm/wrist is in a cast. Thank you. I sadly don't have a male doctor. Thank you.
  5. Well, I was going to work on the patch yesterday, but I was involved in an accident on Monday, and have been in the hospital since then. When I get discharged and feel a little better., I'll try working on it.
  6. It dawned on me that my TAC-LS patch was built around a 6 seat modded cockpit, If you use the standard 4 seat cockpits, you'll have 3 days of extra supplies. I'm going to re-write it Tuesday so that it scales based on the number of seats in the cockpit.
  7. @Pak, if I knew you were going to release an update I would've gotten this out earlier :P. Either way, loading up KSP for the final check to make sure my numbers are good, and then I'll upload it. Edit: @Drew Kerman I was able to work out the numbers without it, but thank you anyways. Edit2: Here is the TACLS patch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rc9ijzwjvc861ts/CATACLS.cfg?dl=0 It also covers @MrMeeb's version of the Shuttle Cockpit. Right now the EDO Pallet adds 7 days of extra oxygen, and the EMS adds 3.5 days of Food/Water. They do not add extra storage for waste products(I.E. Waste, Waste Water, and Carbon Dioxide). However, excess waste products are just dumped overboard anyways and is only stored for using with recyclers. I'm contemplating moving the extra water from the EMS to the EDO, or possibly removing the extra oxygen/water and making it a by product of the EDO.
  8. I just made a TACLS support patch for Cormorant Aeronology, wouldn't mind converting/creating one for CxAerospace if you're interested.
  9. I'm working on it right now, but sure. I'll probably upload it within an hour.
  10. @PakAlright, I've taken a look at things and I'm ready to start the patch, but I have a few questions on how you balanced your version of the shuttle. First, from my research the shuttles were originally designed for 7 Earth days of food per crew member, and any mission over any 10 days was considered EDO missions. Is it fair to assume that your shuttle would fly 7 Kerbin day missions on average, and thus would need that amount of supplies? Right now with the default TAC-LS, the shuttle comes with enough food, water, and oxygen for a crew of 4 to last 4 days and 3 hours, or 2 days with a crew of 6. I'm thinking of bumping this so that a standard crew of 4 can get 7 days of supplies just from the cockpit. How many days would you say the EDO and EMS extend the missions by? I tried comparing the Kerbalism patch, but I couldn't find how much a Kerbal consumes in a day in Kerbalism.
  11. And if I have them both does one override the other or will I end up with two copies of the shared parts?
  12. If I have BDB installed, what's the difference between this and BDB?
  13. I'll take a look at it on Friday and see what I can come up with.
  14. I have to say I love your mod @Beale. When 1.2 came out, I was waiting for @CobaltWolf's BDB Skylab to come out to start an East Vs. West type career with them eventually meeting up to form @cxg2827's ISS. Now I'm waiting for you to release Proton K and Salyut/Almaz followed by the rest of MIR so I can start my career.
  15. I wasn't aware of the differences between the A and the C-D. Next question, is there anyway to alter the size of the launch tower/umbilicals?
  16. It was the Verniers, I moved them up like @Jso suggested and the fairing came off like a dream. @minepagan, I only checked the C-D so you might want to check the A when you fix it.
  17. I'm a scrub at code, any suggestions on where to start so I can write one?
  18. Anywhere between 11km-40km, all with the same result. Mind you it's a stock system. It was the Atlas 1D, I'll check when I get off work In 3 hours.
  19. Any suggestions for flying the Atlas 1? Whenever I eject the skirt, it tends to strike the engine and causes the rocket to either careen out of control, or at least wobble off its course. I've only been successful with it a couple times.
  20. He hasn't been online since September 2015, so I doubt we're going to hear anything from him.
  21. Might I suggest you check out Tundra Exploration?
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