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  1. Does anyone have a rescale config for Other Worlds, by any chance? I'd love to try this with JNSQ
  2. I tend to agree gameplay-wise, but I was referring more to resource/item distribution mechanics. Wherever you land, there will be ore and elements and everything else you're looking for nearby - not so close you can magically gather it all with the press of a button, but enough of it that there's always some within walking distance. Breaking Ground was on the right track here in terms of science gathering, imo, but objects were generally not visible enough to pick out from a distance or common enough to stumble upon. I want to be able to walk up to any decently large ground scatter and sample it. Walk a little on the Mun and come across some distinctly orange soil. That kind of thing.
  3. Scale is only an issue if everything is created by hand. Games like Minecraft and NMS are much larger (infinitely so), but they use procedural elements so that there's always something to interact with within eyesight of the player. Instead of a couple locations having added value, every location inherently does. The addition of discoverable and all was nice but what KSP2 really needs is procedural scientific targets wherever you go - whether its rocks that kerbals can pick up, points of interest for a camera to image, or a variety of soil types that can each be scanned.
  4. I'm in a similar position myself but have you gotten any science from the X-1/X-15 capsule experiments (eg supersonic flight, mach 2 flight)? You have to select them through the PAW in the SPH.
  5. Probably too late for this, but recognize that much of KSP 1 is semi-abandoned placeholder content, from the contract system to the planetary system. Don't limit the design to what's familiar when there are better alternatives. e.g. A second gas planet for Voyager-type grand flybys. Redesigned capsules with space for a parachute, docking port, and LES. More granular science collection that rewards exploring the local environment (hilltops, craters, various rockbeds and soils, other procedurally generated scan points) A more informative map view that accounts for re-entry and warns you of commnet and electric problems ahead of time. Any kind of incentive for using non-capsule modules for crew, whether it's crew comfort that affects the science multiplier or life support.
  6. My theory is whatever being put the monolith on the KSC platueau did so to attract the first Kerbals to the area - and it worked. Kerbal civilization developed in the very location best suited for spaceflight, a large flat coastal landmass on the equator.
  7. Thank you for sharing this! Really appreciate the glimpse into internal game development
  8. I am excited for how bright and colorful the game is! It reminds me of the times I played KSP 1 as a kid.
  9. @linuxgurugamerCan the FPS counter be hidden when F2 is pressed? It's kind of obtrusive in screenshot mode(?) currently.
  10. I've been playing with KiwiTechTree, not PBC, but I had the same problem. I've always felt the antennas were placed too far ahead (especially when playing with JNSQ + Kerbalism), so I finally decided to move most antennas one tier earlier via config editing. Progression is much smoother now, and more enjoyable . Play the game the way you want to!
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