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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. It can on console, PC nope. It might wither your soul a bit, but hey, who needs one?
  2. Nimbus? Minmus perhaps? There's at least one thread bouncing around here with the same complaint, I didn't find them again, you might though, check there to see if they have found a fix. Ahha! Found it! Ok, taking another look at screen shot, I don't even need the thread, you're on 1.6, you need 1.7.1
  3. To prevent abuse. Pleased you are enjoying the place! And I'm bumping this over to the network....
  4. If you bought the game on the KSP store, your account should be still good there. That's where I get mine from. If you have a steam key, then installing through steam should be good. Moved to kerbal network.
  5. In fact, this thread has been merged with that one!
  6. Completely pointless (at least for my game play, IRL has many applications) but utterly cool. I'll have to try this.
  7. Yup, my 1.3.1 game with 80+ mods takes about 20-25 minutes to load. Stock (not vanilla) 1.7.1 takes maybe 5?
  8. Which would be 100% true, as the core (or at least it was at one point) of their business is Multimedia and Marketing. Just take a look at their website: http://squad.com.mx/ It has links to both their commercial programs and KSP, although the KSP side is in dire need of updating...
  9. Edit your profile so that the badges you want to display are shown. Moved to Kerbal Network.
  10. Try it and find out! Report back to let us know.
  11. Most likely something is wrong with your install process. Double check your procedures here and then report back. Without more data, like logs or a mod list, we have very little go on here. I have merged your cross posted thread into this one.
  12. Redownload and re-install. If you Have a steam install, you can verify the install, and it shoyld fix the issue. There should be no game play reason for parts to not be selectable in sandbox. If the reinstall doesn't work, please post your output.log file to a site like dropbox and link it here so we can take a look.
  13. Yes they do. Right now, they're crawling all over the BG forums, responding to threads about issues. And when they don't respond, they do read. Perhaps the reason you don't see devs on the console threads is that SQUAD devs don't want to comment directly on console versions, since it's Blitwork devs who would be able to answer the questions. I know they'd hate to have said one thing, and then something else happen. But that's just a guess on my part.
  14. @Sheldonari how easy is it for others to use your script with other joysticks? If this fix works for most joysticks, I would encourage you to write up a more detailed post and post it in the tutorials section.
  15. My God like Moderator Powers MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA And I have restored the original title to "SAS Problems" Game Play Questins is a sub-forum, not a thread title. Edit: OK, I see you are determined to keep "KSP Gameplay" in the thread title. Cool, I can roll with that. Now to the meat of your question: Make sure your vessel is powered and has Commnet Connection. The Kerbal piloting the vessel (You do have a pilot running the thing, and not an engingeer or scientist right?) is of high enough level to have access to those SAS Nodes. If it's unmanned and in Career mode, make sure the Tracking station (?) is upgraded far enough to enable those nodes.
  16. No Alt-F4!? You mean.....we can never quit the game!?!? O.O
  17. Well, at this time, if you feel you've completed the contract, but aren't getting credit for it, just open the alt-f12 cheat menu and complete it that way.
  18. You can add link to the message in the tracker. In fact, it's often best to post a thread here on what the issue is, have some discussion to see if there's a workaround, and then submit a bug tracker with a link to the forum thread. You can easily post screenshots and videos to the thread. This way there's a chance for the public to discuss the issue, and the devs can easily jump into the conversation, or at least read it. To post a screen shot or video, just upload it to your preferred video or image hosting service, and link it.
  19. The problem is, KSP is not a graphics game like those are, but a physics based game. Different processing power is required. Plus, imagine what happens if they release another console version even more stripped down than the ones already out there. It would not end well.
  20. Giant walls of text like this are not allowed on the forums. If you'd like to post such things like log files or something pointless about bees, please host it on a service like dropbox and link it here. Large posts like this cause issue for some users' browsers and makes it unable for them to view the forums. Please do not use click baity thread titles.
  21. Are you referring to modded parts? It would not be practical for Squad to support specific modded parts in a DLC. The Klaw is already a stock part. Since it is not a robotic part, it will function just as it always has, when it makes contact with something, it will close and grab it. If you want a robotic grabbing thingy, that's the beauty of this DLC, you can make one.
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