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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Or we can hold off on the nuclear option for now. As @sarbian says, "No Logs, No support". Post up your KSP logs right after you try to launch a vessel with the case installed. We might get to see some error messages. Confirm that the KSP version you are using and all the mods are compatible. If they are, try installing the most recent Dev version of MJ, see if that fixes anything.
  2. Get the platinum. It costs more. But seriously, a good power supply is a good power supply. The quality of electrons coming out of it are not affected by the various shiny gizmos they come marketed with. Your main concern is if it supplies enough power for what you are asking it to power. There are worksheets online that will let you determine how much power you need. Make sure the connectors match up. I've manually rewired a couple different power supplies, and it's not fun. I would never want to do that with a new one. Get a quality manufacturer, and check the reviews to make sure it's reliable. Other than that, the only difference between power supplies are the shiny gizmos. A power supply is something you don't need to spend a lot of money on, but make sure you don't skimp and get the proper one.
  3. Post up the Ksp log, not the error log, it will have more info in it that we can use.
  4. While on the pad, select your target. If the target is in an equitorial orbit, all is good, and select "launch to rendezvous". It will give you some angle in the box. Don't trust it right off the bat. Launch your craft, and let MJ circularize. If it's a good intercept, remember the value MJ provided. If not, revert and try again, MJ should put the right value in the box this time. This angle will be good for pretty much any craft, flying the identical flight profile, for that altitude. But each time you launch, remember that angle value, you might have to fudge it slightly for different vessels. Keep a little log book (scrap of paper works well for this) of the various altitudes and angles. Then you don't have to do the trial and error as much. If it's not an equitorial orbit, Also select the "launch into plane of target" option. Alone, this option will wait for the KSC to be right under the targets orbital plane before launching (Works wonders for Minmus missions). Adding in the launch to rendezvous option may cause you to wait a very long time for both the orbital plane and target position to line up, if ever. So if it's not an equitorial orbit, I usually just launch into the plane at a different altitude, and do a Hohmann intercept from there.
  5. Well..... MechJeb can automate this for you. Yes yes, MJ is cheating they say. Who cares? Once you've launched your 5th resupply mission to your LKO station, you really don't feel like doing it again. With a bit of practice (not much really), you can usually get to LKO within 10km of a target from launch. But to do it manually, and I haven't done this in a long time, and only of couple times, I've waited till the target was directly overhead, and launched. Then when I reached orbit, I measured the differences in location around the orbit. Then I reverted, and this time waited until the target was the same distance behind the KSC as it was ahead after launch the first time. Then you have to fly the exact same flight profile, and you should end up close enough to do a manual intercept, rather than an orbital maneuver. Once you get good enough at flying the same profile for every launch, you can keep a little log book for the approximate angle you need to launch at to intercept for a given altitude.
  6. Normally, I'm a SQUAD apologist, but this one...... I'm not even a coder and I know how to fix it.
  7. I think giving Jeb rum may be a bad idea.......
  8. The launcher has not been supported for a few years now, I'd advise not using it.
  9. Gargamel


    LOL. no, just started after eating from the doggy bag on the way home from the bar... This seems to have worked. Unless a huge one is being stored up to be unleashed upon the world as another tsunami inducing earthquake...... but I'm pretty sure we're good.
  10. My thought was.... why does he even rate a KSP thread all to himself to start with??? I mean Benevolent Cumbersnatch is awesome and all, but does he make a better Dr. Who or Sherlock?
  11. Gargamel


    OMG.... so bad right now, upstairs neighbor just yelled at me to shut the dog up. I don't have a dog. Just a horrible case of the hiccups.
  12. While this would work for sonar guided ordnance, they would have enough of a fix to launch SSM's at the group. The missiles would be assigned to home in on any radar targets, and so, yes, the missile catcher DD's would get hit first, sparing the carrier. If there are enough subs in the area trying to attack a CVN group, you would end up with a rather depleted screen for the CVN, allowing for one of the subs to execute a final approach and attack via torpedo.
  13. I wouldn't say never, but the concept is true enough. Subs hunt by passive sonar, and if one sub surprises another sub, the targeted sub can fire off some active pings to level the playing field. It will quickly expose which passive sonar contacts are real and which are decoys, allowing them to fire off a quick snap shot in the correct direction. And yeah, that takes a lot of time, but that's what subs are really good at, slowly tracking targets over time. Given various environmental conditions, they might be able to track a target hundreds of miles away, and over the time it takes to get close enough to shoot, they can eventually filter out the noise.
  14. There's your problem. You thought the mod threads are useless. The threads are the primary source of info and support about a mod. The mods have been installed by tens of thousands of other people with no issues, using those threads. So there is something you have forgotten to do, or are doing wrong. And that's why we're going to help! It's most likely that you haven't installed one of the dependencies that are listed in each mod thread. Usually mod makers will bundle the dependencies as needed, but sometimes they don't. So go to the first post in each mod thread, and confirm you have each individual dependency installed correctly.
  15. This is the major issue. It's been a while since I played around with this, but a board limits you to what speeds of RAM you can use, so you have to plan way in advance for this. Then if you pick a type of RAM that ends up not having a long commercial life, it may become very difficult/expensive to upgrade later. But it terms of KSP, more RAM vs faster RAM, More RAM means it will run, faster RAM means it might run, but faster.
  16. Considering nobody has said anything about it in 3 years, I'd say no. The mouse controls are different in the VAB and SPH already, so asking the devs to normalize them is akin to herding cats.
  17. This. As in we can't really fix the wheel physics through mods, but while we wait for the devs to do so, we can practice our EVA piloting skills so we don't need tethers.
  18. No, that's a decoy. A decoy gives a false positive return on a sensor. The operator believes the sensor is operating properly, and may be misled to believe there are more targets than there actually are. Jamming constitutes making a sensor useless. The operator is fully aware that they are being actively jammed, and cannot trust most of the info they are receiving. Imagine you are standing in the middle of an arena full of silent people. One singer is singing loudly, and is located somewhere in the crowd. Your job is to locate that singer. Now a couple of the people are holding up speakers that are playing a recording of the singer. You now have a couple false targets to investigate. Those are decoys. You can fully use your ears for other uses, such as talking to and listening to other people, and using triangulation to home in on the multiple sources of the singing. Now the other 40,000 people in the stadium start screaming as loud as they can. You can not even hear your self think. This is jamming. Not only can you not hear the singer, but you can't even hear somebody standing right next to you. The problem with sonar jamming is that creates a point source. You have no idea whats over there, but you know something noisy as heck is in that direction. The only way to really jam a passive sonar system is to have multiple jamming sources surrounding your target. This is very impractical, as in peace time, it would be merely annoying and wasteful, but in wartime, you already know where your target is, so just drop a few torpedoes on them. EDIT: Dangit... can't quote in an edit.... see below:
  19. I would argue that is not jamming, as per the question, but a decoy, as in the name. It creates false targets for the attacker, confusing the sonar operators or the torpedo itself into believing it is an actual submarine. For it to be jammer, it would have to overwhelm or confuse the sensors so that any info they provide would be useless. Jamming sonar really wouldn't work to hide anything. The modern sonar system can track direction and frequency. By analyzing the frequency of a sound, and any 'rhythms' to it, a sonar system can identify a source from a library of noises they have on record. You could mask what a target is by overwhelming all the frequencies, but it would be very obvious as to what direction it is, as the jammer would be a point source on their display. Sort of like when a car is approaching you at night with it's high beams on, you're not sure what make and model it is coming at you, but you're dang sure where it is. As mentioned above, the PM system is designed obfuscate the sonar signature of a vessel. The problem is, it sounds like something else, namely rain. Which, for a sub, is something they would normally ignore. But if they know a target they are hunting may have the PM system, they can either get a weather report for their locale, or pop up and take a peak with the periscope. If they don't see any rain clouds, or even hear any other rain around them, then they can be pretty sure that very localized rain shower is probably their target. There are a couple types of decoys in use. Some are just large cans of compressed air that create a wall of bubbles that will reflect sonar, causing false positives. Yes, these are the sonar equivalent of popping chaff/flares in an aircraft to lure away a torpedo. There is also the MOSS (Mobile Submarine Simulator), which you allude to, it is basically an unarmed torpedo, fitted with speakers and other noise makers to emulate the sounds of a submarine. It doesn't really work on a torpedo that is homing under active detection, but more of a tool of misdirection. Subs mainly work on passive sonar, just listening to the world around them, not emitting any noise themselves. The MOSS can be steered so that an enemy sub would believe there is a sub over there, while you are attacking from over here.
  20. I was assuming you'd throw together something simple, then just edit it into orbit..... not build Satellite Five! Holy over kill batman!
  21. Just as a test, cause this strikes me as a bug or some procedural thing, not an antenna issue.... Create a save point. Build a really strong relay sat. Get it into a nice orbit near the uncontrollable sat, HyperEdit FTW here. See if you regain connection. If not, there's something fishy going on. Revert to the save so you don't muddle with your career.
  22. That's actually addressed in the movie IIRC. They discuss that the plans do not show any indication for needed life support, with the counter arguments that it can't hurt to take some. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, though. Currently re-reading some of the Tom Clancy novels. It's been about 15 years at least since I read some of them, and in the early 90's, Japan is portrayed as the financial 'enemy' that China has become 25 years later. At the time of the book, and the movie even, aside from Europe, Japan was the only other economy really strong enough to make this plausible. China really wasn't the economic power house then as it is today.
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