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Everything posted by Gargamel

  1. Given the OP said it was his final project, I'm guessing they are planning an actual mission, not a game.
  2. Why 1.4.1? Why not the latest version which has most of the bugs stamped out (1.4.4)? Or was that a typo?
  3. I only see the game loading in the log file, not the crash itself. Load the game, build a craft, try to launch it from the VAB, when the game crashes then post the KSP log.
  4. Need ot post up your KSP log file, not the error log, check the sticky at the top of the page for where to find it, and your mod list. Does it happen with every craft or just one craft?
  5. Heck, I went out and got a 12 port hub from amazon. It'a the only thing I plug into the laptop, and I only have 1 free port in it right now. This way I only have the one USB cord and the power supply cord to plug into the laptop anytime I want to move it.
  6. Well, the original photo is so grainy and low rez, it's difficult to make anything out. There was enough for me to go there and look though. And this 'egg' is not completely submerged, it's about half above and half below sea level. If we're trying to claim the second letter is an E, in the photo I took, there is clearly no E there. What we have are artifacts from the design of the planet, there is nothing intentional here.
  7. Pics, modlist, and logs would help. BUt my guess would be similar to LP's, Some of the wheels may be pointing in the wrong direction and trying to drive in the wrong direction. Slap a small jet engine on it and see if it rolls. If it does, it's either a mod issue or a design issue then.
  8. It always bother's me when somebody comes onto a forum and posts their Senior project, and basically asks an XY question, often with no idea on how to do it on their own. EDIT: Not that this is exactly what is happening here, it might be, but I've seen it too many times on other technical forums. But we'll need a lot more details in order to help out.
  9. Slow down. Since you're landing on the water, there's no need for a high speed landing. Just flare for longer till the speed bleeds off, and gently touch down.
  10. The buildings must be upgraded, and there are multiple parts throughout the tech tree which enable various features (even though you said you have, Check again, you might have to then purchase the part)
  11. Well..... I assume you mean spaceplane by SSTO. SSTO stands for Single Stage To Orbit. It makes no implications about design or function of the vessel. I have numerous vertically launched rockets that are SSTO's, and a few space planes that are not SSTO's, as they use drop tanks along the way. Just a pet peeve of mine.
  12. I think you should check the publication date on these articles. I don't care what they say, that's not the right date. While the rover itself may work, they'd be useless. The goal is to get rid of the electronics that fry too easily on Venus. So without them, what good would one of these be? No cameras, no samples, no usable science. And don't tell me the morse code gimmick would work. Even if the cameras would survive long enough, how many rez photos are you going to be able to transmit at 1hz? To amke the thing steam punkishly useful, it'd have to be huge. And that means heavy, and that means expensive, and that means a giant waste of cash for such a limited use item. We're better off carpet bombing the planet with short lived cube sat style landers.
  13. This thread will not end well. Just sort the Lounge by date, by oldest first. There's some odd stuff back there. Read, but don't necro unless it's relevant. EDIT: Like this one, I'm pretty sure @HarvesteR was building a cult:
  14. We're going to need more specifics, those are really vague statements. Aerobraking is simple. You use atmospheric drag to slow your velocity. Now, I'm assuming this is all on paper, as 1) You would have mentioned using the RSS mod if you were playing KSP or 2) We would have heard of a independently launched flight to Saturn, we're kinda obsessive like that. You are going to have to provide us with the data on your orbital characteristics, the design of your ship, how it's drag changes over various AOA's in atmosphere, atmosphere density curves for the moons, etc. These are a lot of the info you will need to do the calculations. We can help you along, but we won't do the work for you.
  15. Those screen shots would help if it showed what was using 100% cpu. Try booting the game up outside of steam. The Ksp.exe should be accessible to you.
  16. @ZaeRoe, On a flyer, try unistalling the Station Parts exp mod. Create a new save where it won't conflict with existing saves (I know I couldn't load almost any of my ships without SSPX), and try again. Reading some of the other threads around, SSPX might cause collision mesh issues with the stock ports.
  17. It's a behind the scenes mod. There are sliders to adjust in the settings menu, but there is no other interface or anything. It just changes under lying game play aspects. You might have to enable it from the settings, but you won't see anything different until a crew is recovered on Kerbin and they go on R&R. And unless you know it's working, you won't notice the crew selection window has a more intelligent crew selection than stock, cause it just works.
  18. Also note, most mods are also not backwards compatible. A 1.4.x version of a mod will usually not work in a 1.3.x install. For that, you have to do a little digging:
  19. Who needs warp drives when you have Hyper Warp Edit?
  20. Well, I did some googling, and you seem to be the first to have ever noticed/mentioned Either "NEL" or "VEL" in the forums, although the foreign language forums of full of Nel, but I'm pretty sure they're not just holding out on us. But I sent a lander, vie Hyper Edit BD, to the location you listed, and here's what I found: Given how obvious most of the rest of the Easter Eggs are, and the very difficult time I have seeing letters here, I gotta say, I don' think this is one. I understand you are also showing the entire slope, below sea level too, but I just don't see it. Short of a listed/confirmed dev coming out and saying that, yes, they did carve their initials in these Fjords islands, I don't think we can say this is an egg. Oh, and thank you for the tags.
  21. I have no idea on the numbers, but I say go for it. I won't use it, but there will be some players who love it, and some who think it's ridiculous. One of the beauties of KSP and mods, you get to play the game the way you want to play it.
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