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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Do you have a joystick or gamepad plugged in? This sounds exactly like that.
  2. Stock Kerbnet will find them if your probe core is listed as being able to scan for Anomalies. I'm not sure which probes can do that (or even if it's named exactly that) because the wiki doesn't show that info and I'm not running the game right now.
  3. A very very long time ago, before there was even a career mode, there was a mod called Achievements. It faded away when career mode took over that aspect of the game but I quite liked it. While looking for that, I found this mod, which is current. I have no experience with it.
  4. 1 may be Kile, but I refer to the delta at 2 as Kario. The river looks like the Nile in that area, the land looks similar, and it's even going in the right direction.
  5. Are you 100% sure? 1000% sure? The screen where you recover your craft actually tells you both, and I always thought the "total funds" was a bit too prominent compared to the "recovered funds" That big blue number is your total funds. Recovered funds is right above it, dimmer and less prominent. Image stolen from this post, unstolen by virtue of attribution:
  6. Let me give you your first rep point. Nice find! That does sound like the Apollo 11 site, though if you go around to the other side you'll see a plaque and it's actually a memorial to Neil Armstrong, who died in 2012. It's placed on Mun exactly where on the Moon they landed, so if you get out and look at Kerbin, you'll have a decent idea of what Neil and Buzz saw. I found the experience a bit humbling.
  7. Same with TV. I'll take garbage sfx and a great story and characters any day over some pretty shiny show full of tropes and boring. And I've not bothered with visual mods except for doe for years, and doe is in more for the info it provides than anything else.
  8. Our more simply, have it automatically happen after 1 second of immobility (or some minimum speed like 0.1m/s) if the brakes are on, and turn off whenever the brakes are released. Regardless of if the craft has wheels.
  9. Weird. I just tried this and it seems to work fine. It even "remembers" what the xps should be based on where the Kerbals have gone, like I expected the setting to do. BACK UP THE PERSISTENT FILE FIRST Open it up and look for this: AdvancedParams { EnableKerbalExperience = False ImmediateLevelUp = False AllowNegativeCurrency = False PressurePartLimits = False GPartLimits = False GKerbalLimits = False KerbalGToleranceMult = 1 ResourceTransferObeyCrossfeed = False ActionGroupsAlways = False BuildingImpactDamageMult = 0.05 PartUpgradesInSandbox = False PartUpgradesInCareer = True PartUpgradesInMission = False } That first one is what you want. Or the first 2 depending. Just change it/them to True.
  10. They don't They just also have max XP so they can actually do things. Esc, settings, click the thing that looks like a title but is actually a button reading your game modes, and it's in there. I'm not 100% sure but I think it also puts everybody down to the level they should be, based on where they've been.
  11. Holy crap Red Iron posted again. :3 And posted truth.
  12. The asteroid was flying close enough to it to burn up, and full of valuable minerals, so the escape pod just was going to crash no matter what. No I don't know anything about the movie. Just thinking laterally.
  13. You misunderstood a statement of fact as a request for work. If you want a mod and nobody's willing to make it, you have 2 options: Make it yourself or go without. Presumably you don't want to go without.
  14. Okay the gif was ridiculously large in file size, or ridiculously small on the screen. There was no middle ground. So, I made a regular video that would fit on a 3.5" floppy if those still existed. @taniwha feel free to put this in the first post. Or not. No bigs
  15. Drop a maneuver node somewhere between you and your target. Like, if you're going from Kerbin to Duna drop one on your orbit line about halfway there, in Sun orbit. Then get your camera focused on Duna but have the node visible in the background, and then just... well... fiddle with it. Try all 6 directions, and see what that does to your trajectory. After a while you'll get a feel for what does what, and how to get as close as you'd like. One big benefit here is Precise Node or Precise Maneuver, two mods which let you step through exact numbers (and fractions) of meters per second in each direction.
  16. Yeah the problem was I tried it on Mun, where the sun moves much slower across the sky, so the jerkiness was hidden in the fact that the shadows weren't changing much. When I did it at the KSC it was much more pronounced.
  17. I need directory names to help you. Also, are you on Steam? Which one works, the Steam version or your copied version? Also, a bit more on what you deleted would be handy. What directories/files did you delete, specifically? The most likely things is you didn't copy the subdirectories, and only copied the files. Or, you deleted the "Squad" directory from gamedata. But those are just a stabs in the dark without more information.
  18. Actually I may need more of an explanation of what this does, because I just did a close (like less than 100 meters at orbital velocity) Minmus flyby and the shadow looked exactly the same with and without the mod. EDIT: OH it's the sun moving, not the ship. Okay yeah I see that. I thought this fixed how your shadow vanished on descent or something like that EDIT: Nope, still not seeing it. I reinstate my request.
  19. I'll try to make a quick video. If I'm super up for it I'll try to make it a gif. But that won't be until tomorrow.
  20. A slightly longer answer is you should test your mining rig on Kerbin before sending it to Mun. It sounds to me like the drills are too low so as you deploy them, they're lifting the ship off the ground.
  21. I'd be more concerned if a brand new entry into the rocket building industry did NOT get scrutiny before spending my tax dollars sending human lives up into space on their product.
  22. That's sad, it was one of my favorite books in the 80s. Asimov was always better at plot and setting than he was characters and dialog.
  23. Which doesn't mean Amazon won't screw it up and make it about scantily clad space marine teens fighting for the prophet Hari Seldon to save the Galaxy from the Mule People.
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