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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I personally like to - in the VAB (though you can in flight too if you forget - right click every docking port and set Autostrut to "Grandparent." Whenever you dock, one of the ports will be on the far side of the root part, so if they're all set to "Grandparent" then you're guaranteed to always get an autostrut connection between docking ports.
  2. Experimental Science is a tech tree node. Maybe it means you unlocked that node? If so, that's pretty sweet.
  3. You earned the money, have no pressing need for it, and spent it on something you wanted. Sounds perfectly fine to me. Also, look back on your prior computer buying and ask yourself: When was the last time I bought a part and - after installing it and using it - thought 'Man, I wish I'd bought the cheaper, less powerful one.'
  4. Extremely cool, can't wait to try it in-game.
  5. I've never heard of this in KSP, but it sounds like a classic "Stuck key" problem. Hit each of these keys 3 times in succession: Each Ctrl key Each Alt key Each Shift key Try this both in KSP and out of it. If that doesn't cut it, check this thread out for instructions to more thoroughly report your problem:
  6. A better challenge would be to find a ship that needed normal struts because the autostruts couldn't do the job. I'm on my phone right now but when I have time I'll post my 1.2 Eve lifter. Not only does it have no traditional struts, it's an asparagus with no fuel lines.
  7. I'm getting into the realm of defending something I didn't say to someone who didn't take offense at me, but I think what he meant was: (no ckan) is easier than (using ckan). As in, it's easier to mod KSP without CKAN than it is to mod KSP with it. I don't agree with that statement 100%, though I can understand it. I have tried CKAN and think that - for me - dealing with its issues (mostly around version checking and the fact that not all mods are on it, with a sprinkling of just making yet another point of failure to troubleshoot when something goes wrong) is not worth the automation. In fact, I prefer to visit the mods threads when updating. I don't want it updating at random with no indication what changed. I want to read what changed, decide if I want to update, and then update or not depending.
  8. I think @regex misread your post in the same way I did. It looked to me like you were saying: No, CKAN is even simpler. Drag, drop, done. Granted you didn't put that comma in there but if the Internet has taught us anything in the past 20 years, it's that the majority of the population has no idea what commas are actually for. I personally mentally added it and I suspect regex did as well. This is of course not your fault at all, but it just explains the thought process.
  9. I really am me I've plans for 1.2 but real life is seriously cramping my style right now. Time I hoped to use to record this weekend evaporated right up. Not sure when I'm going to be able to record now. Stupid real life.
  10. I'm trying to figure out why this thread suddenly resurfaced, and trying to decide whether it should be merged with "What did you do today?" or vice versa.
  11. You don't even need to make a save. Just put the lab on the launchpad and see if it's checked off in the contract.
  12. i'll toss in the other 0.01 percent. You have the current version. 1.2 came out like a week ago.
  13. This is the main problem with what you want. And don't you dare try to fix it, as it's the best thing about the KSP modding community.
  14. This looks really cool. I can't wait to try it out! This is exactly the kind of automation KSP needs.
  15. I actually really like the stats window separate Maybe an option? I've been using it to test my non-GT launches and see how they stack up against not just GT, but each other.
  16. I just checked and it's up for me. Probably a temporary thing or specific to you.
  17. I used KAS (back when it was the only mod) to put the chair for Jeb to sit on right on the asteroid in the pic in my signature. In case you can't see signatures:
  18. Upper left, the same little UI element that has mission time in it, in the box to the right of MIT you've got all your CommNet icons. On the far right of that box is the display icon. You have it set for "no paths." Click it and it'll cycle through all modes. I prefer "all" or "path." "First hop" and "off" could be disabled for all I care
  19. Haha yeah I do remember that. It was I think a Malah quick mod. I think he stopped updating it though. I'm on my phone so can't be bothered to navigate the search right now.
  20. Actually geosynchronous, as opposed to geostationary, can be retrograde. The only stipulation in the former is that the satellite be over the same spot at the same time of day each day.
  21. I always do one of two things: Transfer my entire career. Start totally fresh and forget all that happened before. Almost always, I do #2.
  22. It was added with symmetry. Before adding the fuel lines it showed a T-shaped fuel flow. New game VAB Pod Tank Engine Decoupler, symmetry-2 Tank on the decoupler Turn on fuel flow, it shows as expected, one green line. Enable symmetry on the decoupler, it shows as expected. Add the fuel lines, get the above picture. [defunct site link removed by moderator]
  23. I know of no way in PreciseNode to create maneuver nodes. You can create one using the normal method (or this mod ) and then use PreciseNode to move it to those places.
  24. Yeah I can't fix MechJeb I can't even understand most of that code The warp restrictions are there to protect players from themselves. I don't think it's a bad idea per se, but if you're in the f5 habit you're not risking much and gaining a lot. Of game time spent not warping
  25. Aha! Genius! However the fuel flow still displays oddly in certain circumstances even with the engine selected.
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