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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. Haha yes I specifically made that for Duna. For ejections to Dres, Jool or Eeloo the arrows need to be a bit longer. Again, the diagram is not to scale.
  2. No if it's here, people see it and post in it. If it's in forum games, people don't see it and post new threads. This thread is not the problem. It's the solution. Trust me
  3. "But dad gave Betty cookies!" urged Edward. wqvfzknn
  4. You shouldn't go down to LKO, but burning from Minmus so your PERIAPSIS is close to Kerbin (Say 100-200km) *AND* at the right location (which can be extremely difficult) does save some fuel on most ejections. I think Duna and Eve don't benefit much if at all, but the rest do. Essentially, the further you go the better it is. However the savings is not - in my opinion - worth the extra work. If you just want to go, launch from Minmus like you would from Kerbin, ideally when Minmus is orbiting around Kerbin in the same direction. Here's a quick and ugly ms paint image for what I mean: The arrows show how Kerbin and Minmus are orbiting, so to eject to Duna you want to burn to your ship follows the yellow line at the top of the screen, not the red line at the bottom of the screen. You do this so your burn gets Minmus' orbital speed as a bonus to your thrust. If you burn for the red line, you actually have to overcome Minmus' orbital speed with MORE thrust. I apologize for the crudeness of the image. I didn't have time to make it to scale
  5. Two points: 1) I completely agree with those who don't feel the hype this time around. Mine is tempered, for sure. I will never understand though the need to post on this thread that you don't want to post on this thread. There are THOUSANDS of threads in this forum (Some of them very popular) that I will never post on. Guess what I do? I DON'T POST ON THEM. It's shockingly effective in reaching my goal of not posting on them. 2) HYPEHYPEHYPEHYPE
  6. Bookmark this: https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=4o4j625e1m17fnhthlaam69l6o%40group.calendar.google.com Or this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84562-KSP-TV-Programming-Schedule Though check in early. I showed up at 8:30pm last time and he was already going. After about 5 minutes he was signing off.
  7. Universal Polymorphic Dynamically Activating Torque Ejection Dipole (I have no idea what that does but it sounds like a Kerbal would use it) FACEBOOK
  8. Yes, but it may take a few weeks/months to compile the list.
  9. Ladies don't undertake that nasty garbage. toinsphi
  10. *wakes up from his hidey hole in the N-Xth car, where N is directly proportional to the amount of hype and X is the number of people posting in this thread that they don't understand why we need a hype thread* What? People on the train? Sweet! Let's get this going!
  11. Kerbals sit, mindfully doubting nothing, cherishing home. lgmzoqwn
  12. Also, if you change camera mode to "chase" and orient your camera behind your vessel, what happens on the screen will match the navball. But yes, Eddiew is correct. The rest of the screen is there to be pretty. The navball is king.
  13. I gave him eight machetes to juggle (!) vbudivlf
  14. I use tables to set all things in my signature. It's a huge pain. Feel free to copy any ideas you find in this: [table][tr][td] [/td][td] ONGOING [/td][td] YouTube Series: COMPLETED [/td][td] ABANDONED: - [/td][/tr][/table]
  15. My (untested) Eve Lander is 35.712 tons upon landing. That includes quite a bit of stuff that I will leave on the surface, including all the parachutes and a rover. It *should* have enough dV to reach orbit from sea level. That includes the chair and the Kerbal who will sit in it. It *may* need a bit more oomph, but I'm hopeful it'll work without exhorting to breaking 40 tons. EDIT: Ah I missed the whole "LES" thing. Depends on how you define it. My ship has an abort sequence that cuts all engines and then kicks off everything but the core, so the Kerbal can land under power (which on Eve is pretty easy). That's good enough for me (and more than I normally do, frankly)
  16. You can't do something "without mods" with a mod installed.
  17. It sounds here like maybe your'e not in the correct mode on the navball. If you click where it says "Orbit" it'll toggle between 2 modes, Orbit and Surface. If you have a target set (and you should) you'll have a 3rd mode, Target mode. Then you can aim at your retrograde marker and burn until your speed relative to that target is 0 m/s. Makes it a LOT easier to sidle up next to your station.
  18. Man I had such a good reply too. I guess I'll never get to post it now.
  19. I reached for the stars and hit the VAB.
  20. Oh you guys just used the "import image" tool in MS Paint to "paintize" your avatars. Show some real skill and program an oscilloscope to draw it.
  21. I don't know if it's the game or a mod but all my waypoints are Nyan Cats.
  22. How do you know he's a troll? Let me see the thread *reads thread* There are no bad things on this thread.
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