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Superfluous J

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Everything posted by Superfluous J

  1. I've not played much since it came out, but it seemed fine to me. It allowed me to not use KAC (not that I mind using KAC) so I guess it does its job.
  2. I use all of these quite often. The Vernor is frequently the only RCS port I use so I don't have to bring RCS along. The Basic Fin is my launch fin of choice in early career, well after I've unlocked bigger fins. The Extra large gear is great for very heavy ships, especially mining rigs. I don't recall the last time I used a ladder that was NOT the small one (I assume you're talking about the one that's just 4 rungs that stick out of whatever you place them on). Most notably, they make orbital construction much easier.
  3. Yeah I kept forgetting those weren't different actors. The best part is when one of them is pretending to be another, and not only can you tell that, you can tell which one is pretending to be which other one.
  4. Downton Abbey is surely up there for me. As a steadfast fan of Sci Fi, Fantasy, and Action TV and movies primarily, this show is almost impossible to stop watching once you start, in spite of it being none of those things. One kid. A couple characters. ... Dax?
  5. Surely you meant to add "...by year"?
  6. KSP2 also has not yet been released. I am presuming than some time in the months before it is released, someone from somewhere will say something about it. Here's a secret: My chief aim while doing my job is to make money. Oh I forgot one: So it seems that KSP1 development ending and KSP2 being released have nothing to do with each other.
  7. In case that picture (which you should not just bookmark, download, and print but also memorize) is not self explanatory enough. To get to orbit from Kerbin you need 3400m/s of dV. To eject to Duna you need 950+130 or 1080m/s of dV. You will also need up to 25m/s to correct your orbit's tilt on the way. To slow down into orbit at Ike you need 250+30+180 or 460m/s of dV To land at Ike you will need 390m/s of dV To take back off you will need another 390m/s of dV To eject back to Kerbin from Ike you will need 180+30+250+130 m/s of dV You can in theory aerobrake back at Kerbin but any extra fuel should be used to slow down first. These numbers could grow based on your ability but generally won't shrink.
  8. I'm trying to imagine KSP2 arriving on Steam without months of buildup beforehand, and someone saying "Meh. I lost all hype for it when they didn't talk about it enough. I'll pass."
  9. Why does my microwave have a button dedicated to setting the clock to am and pm? In addition to the button dedicated to setting the clock? How often does that come up, that it is more important than ... anything else? Like a +30 seconds button. For example.
  10. Your TWR isn't higher on that 3rd launch. Your FPS is. In the first 2 launches your time in the upper left is yellow. That means the game isn't running at full speed. In the 3rd launch it's green. That means the game IS running at full speed. As far as why that's happening, no clue.
  11. Post a picture of both rockets on the pad, first the one that launches and is fine, and next the one without enough TWR. Something has to be causing it I just don't know what without more information.
  12. I'm by no means sure about this, but try clicking the 7th icon to the right of the >>> arrows for time warp in the Tracking Station. It's the only icon that's greyed out. That would filter out all of that type of vessel from view. Maybe you clicked it by accident.
  13. I heard this over a week ago and I keep finding it working it's way back into my brain.
  14. I'd need to see a picture to know exactly what you're talking about, but it's likely that Kerbin is rotating under you and your ship was sent straight up. It's just an illusion that you're going "backwards". In fact you're standing still (floating still?) in space and Kerbin is rotating under you. Even if you retain the 250 or whatever m/s of Kerbin's surface rotation, it is moving 250m/s around its relatively smaller circle, while the 250m/s you retained is around a much larger circle up in space. When it's rotated halfway around, you've gone 10% of your orbit.
  15. Basically, this. However, assuming we're not talking "I'd buy stock in Microsoft the day it was offered" kind of things and actual general advice, I'd love to have entered college with ANY idea at all what life was like after college. Maybe I'd not have floundered for 3 years and dropped out. Then again, if it wasn't for that I might not be able to say I've worked happily at the same company for almost 30 years since.
  16. Mine's scripting related, is that good enough? Back in the deep dark days before Windows, I needed to consistently add something to my dos PATH variable, but it couldn't be in there by default so I didn't want to just set it every time. So I made a batch file that was just PATH %path%;<whatever I wanted, I really don't remember> I named this batch file PATH.BAT, and ran it. It did not immediately exit like I'd expected it to. It sat there, running. Curious, I hit Ctrl-C and typed PATH to see what my path was. The same thing happened. I became concerned. Was something wrong with my computer? Was accessing the PATH variable somehow locking something up? I hit CTRL-C again, grabbed the DOS user manual (this was long before the Google, and even before the Web) and found that I can also find my path by typing SET PATH. I did so, and found my path was the original PATH variable and nothing more. More importantly, there was nothing that showed there were any problems. I don't know how many times I went around the problem but I eventually found it. PATH.BAT, in my local folder, was running when I (or it) ran PATH. It had priority. So my batch file was running itself, over and over. That's how I learned about recursive batch files. I renamed the batch file to "PATHIT.BAT" and TO THIS VERY DAY my little DOS utility programs have "it" at the end. And yes, one of them is named "pathit" though it does a bit more nowadays than just set the path.
  17. Sorry I thought it was obvious in my explanation that the two things were actually nearby each other. Let me say it explicitly. Oh wait I just did. To be clear, I'm talking about distance from each other not size of the planet. The fact that Earth and Jupiter both orbit the Sun is why Earth is not Jupiter's moon, not that the center of gravity of the two is inside or outside either planet's surface. They are both moons of Saturn. Their interaction is interesting and in our solar system unique, enough that it deserves note. But there is no need to call one a moon of the other. If it turns out this is common enough to need discussed I think a name should be thought up at that time for this sort of pair. No need to try to shoehorn them into categories they don't belong in. The Earth-Moon system orbits the Sun. The Jupiter-and-all-its-satellites system orbits the Sun. Neither orbit each other. In these two systems, Earth and Jupiter are the planets, and the Moon and all of Jupiter's satellites are the moons. If the Moon was over 0.5 Earth masses but less than 2 Earth masses, I think the Earth-Moon system should be considered a different thing entirely (assuming my pulled-from-nowhere number "2" above is a good number) and NEITHER is a "Planet" but both are in a pair of dual worlds that would get a new name. Rausks, or whatever.
  18. I don't like the idea of judging this based on radius of either world. If the Sun were a black hole, nothing would be orbiting it based on barycenters and radii. I don't see why there just can't be a ratio upon which one planet is orbiting the other if their masses vary by that number. I think the number should be low. Like, 2. Or even less maybe. Is the Earth more than 2 times the mass of the Moon? Yes? The Moon orbits the Earth. Earth is the planet and the Moon is the moon (this is not a tautology!) Is Rask more than 2 times the mass of Rusk (or vice versa)? No? They are a dual planet system and neither is a planet by definition.
  19. IIRC the bulk of Kerbin is the default 0 seed in some generic global landscape program. So yes it's random and at least partially us seeing things that aren't intentional. But yeah that's Africa.
  20. 100% agreed. They'll make NEW mistakes! I agree with this 100% as well. Of all the complaints about the tech tree, "you don't start with sounding rockets and probe cores" has never seemed reasonable to me. It's bad enough I have to do the "science shuffle" on the launch pad every new save. I don't want to also have to launch a half dozen sounding rockets and fly a biplane to the island airbase before I can get to space.
  21. You should read the Better Time Warp page a bit more thoroughly, including this part: New Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController
  22. Okay here's one that pops into my head every decade or so. It's a cartoon movie, I saw it on HBO or Showtime some time in the mid-80s. All I really remember is that the main character was like an escaped slave or perhaps just his entire planet was really low quality of life, and he worked in a mine or something. He escaped that and at one point was on a ship that (now that I reflect on it later) looked somewhat like a Firefly (the spaceship not the insect). The only real scene I have any vivid memory of is the space ship flying very low over the ground and crashing, and the main characters being thrown out the front windshield and - of course - surviving with barely a scratch. It's likely a terrible b-movie unwatchable schlockfest but at my young age I recall loving it.
  23. A (laughing) As children, we have been taught that there are more reasons to wash something than "I accidentally (liquid)ed on it."
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