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Stone Blue

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Everything posted by Stone Blue

  1. Thats the thing... rather than releasing your own fork, esp. in a new thread, IMHO, this is where an actual PR to original mods' repo might be best... vOv ..and a post explaining it in said mods' thread... I dont think it would be a problem you making your own thread, listing and explaining all the fixes you've made, *after* you've done the above, and include links to your posts on those other mod threads, rather than llinking, here, directly to your forks... vOv
  2. Yes, you are missing something... First, if you knew how to look, there was a commit made to a non-master branch as recent as July 21... Mod devs have real lives, and most make mods as a hobby in their spare time. Also, first off, tho i quoted you, and I say *you* below, I am NOT specifically pointing *you* out... By my usage below, *you* is in general for anyone who decides to release a fork or copy of a mod that is still active, in development, or still *wanted* by the mod dev. This is where it becomes important to try to contact the dev, and get their blessing, *whether its legal or not*... and if they say they are still interested in *owning* the mod, and dont want you to release anything, then mebbe their wishes should be followed, and the matter dropped. They are *nice* enuff to provide them publicly for others to use... for *FREE*... *THEY* give you something that *you* have to put little effort into using, while it *COSTS* them time and effort, and sometimes stress, to dev the mod, test the mod, make a thread, get the mod hosted, listen to the constant requests to put it on CKAN, listen to the constant requests for updates, sift thru the constant bug reports (which are many times unfounded/unreproducable, reported incorrectly or without evidence, or are the cause of someone simply being lazy and not reading and following the install instructions. Then throw in all the other nagging and complaining, the requests for "...could you do *this*...", and all the other drama the eventually rears its ugly head... And then, while mebbe absolutely legal, someone entitled and impatient comes along, and basically says (paraphrasing here), "Hey, KSP just updated a few hours ago, you havent released an update in over a whole month, and I'm not gonna wait for you, I'm just gonna take over your mod, change it and do what *I* want with it, even tho it will conflict with, mebbe break your mod, mebbe cause problems for your users, and most certainly cause you distress and maybe even make you angry or decide its just not worth it anymoar, and cause you to say enuff is enuff, and just quit modding altogether, leave the community, and take *all* your mods with you (if you offer moar than one mod to the community)." THEN who suffers?... not *you*, who have just *legally* committed a hostile takeover... *but the rest of the community, not to mention the personal stress you've just committed on the mod dev* Here's an IRL example: You stand across the street everyday, from a local foodbank and shelter, that supplies *free* food and shelter to everyone in the community who wants it. Not just in one location, but several around the city. Everyday, you use a loudspeaker to complain to the owners and everyone partaking of their services, that their food is second -rate and tastes terrible. You complain their shelter is not warm enuff, or that they dont offer enuff beds, or that their showers are not clean enuff... Then others stand with you and and complain loudly as well... All the while, you do this *legally*... Which puts the onus on the shelter owners to pursue and pay for, at cost to them, legal action against you... They lose, because what you are doing is legal... So they say enuff is enuff, and close *all* their shelters... Then you, move in and take over the this one shelter, and you decide you want to limit the hours the shelter is open, offer moar beds, but with limitations to who can stay in them... Your food ends up being worse than the people before you... Your showers get cleaned less often...Then people start complaining *your* version of the shelter is worse than the one before... You decide its not worth the effort to keep this shelter open, so you close it... *OR*, maybe you do make this one shelter better... but in any case, you've managed to shut down *all* the other, previous shelters... In either case, overall, the whole community is worse off... My point in this far-fetched, tho possible scenario, is that *just because something is legal and you **CAN** do it... doesnt mean you **SHOULD** do it...*
  3. I know not exactly what you want, but I use Alternate Resource Panel to keep track of things that TAC doesnt exactly do... vOv
  4. The ones with .dll's, ones that use DXT3 textures, and ones that reference shaders ... vOv So... *all* of them?... LOL j/k (other than anything that has .dll's (ie plugins))
  5. Excellent timing, @VITAS KSP v1.8.0 Moar Boosters just released a couple hours ago... Note to all mod devs hosting there, TiktaalikDreaming updated SD to reflect v1.8.0. Thanx!
  6. Does anyone know if PCR is useable (by clients) with LMP (Luna MuliPlayer) mod?
  7. Sorry if this has been asked before, but I was just wondering if anyone knew if the Probe Control Room mod was useable with Luna? Like, by several clients...
  8. though I prefer this one: https://ryohpops.github.io/kspRemoteTechPlanner/ Can still be used without RT installed in your game... just the RT distances wont be applicable Has a nice visual and other info for single or multi-launch resonant orbits
  9. @Mopoii Squad moved the location of the output/crash logs, with the last Unity/KSP 1.4.0 update... nathan's thread is outdated as to the locations... On Windows, theyre now in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program... idk where they are for OS/Linux vOv
  10. No problem... i *know* how that goes... lol Ok.. I'll make some attempts for some of the lesser bodies, to see how this all works Gotcha... so no heightMaps... :check_mark: Are there set texture sizes for each zoom level?
  11. @CraigCottingham HI... I'm poking around a little, and attempting to extract JNSQ maps... I was just wondering which, if any, JNSQ bodies you had already extracted... ?? vOv Also, I'm new to using Cartographer, and was wondering if you had one, could you share the exact content of a .cfg used to extract specifically a JNSQ body? Also, which maps does KerbalMaps support? I guess Cartogropher can export moar types than what KM uses? vOv are these it? 1- satelliteColor 2- heightMap 3- slopeMap 4- biomeMap Also wondering what the texture sies are for each zoom level? vOv Thanx EDIT: So I'm hoping to end up fostering Telemachus/KerbalMaps support for JNSQ... If you Discord at all, and want to live chat aboot this at all, I suppose we could take it to Sigma's Mod channel on the Kopernicus server (I go by KineticSloth8StoneBlue on Discord, and am on just aboot everyday)? vOv https://bit.ly/kopernicus-discord
  12. So here's a question for anyone who may know, not just @DanGSun ... How difficult would it be to edit the code, to have an option to turn off all the mapping features for Telemachus, yet leave everything else working? It seems Telemachus just continually throws nullrefs when you are using any planet pack or maybe even rescaled systems... anything but stock system... Making Telemachus *completely* useless in any install other than stock Kerbol system... Telemchus is throwing these during game loading, while JNSQ textures are loading, and they continually throw while ingame...... [EXC 01:37:04.228] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object Telemachus.TelemachusBehaviour.Update ()
  13. Hmmm.. i dont use BDA, but I hoard collect and archive *every* KSP mod I can get my hands on... anyway, yeah, I know there are *LOTS* of BDA add-ons, with *LOTS* of parts... so I can totally see why that was necessary... So @Eli the Space Nerd , that means this mod wont be useable, till the owner of this mod, or someone, addresses the catagory issue in all the part config files. Or it might take someone taking DoctorDavinci up on his offer, if the issue is moar involved and interwoven with the BDA plugin itself, which sounds moar likely the case. vOv
  14. did you extract the /StarWarsMod folder from the .zip file, and copy/paste it in your /GameData folder?
  15. Interesting... I'm not getting any exceptions in 1.7.3... But I am also not getting *any* docking sounds... NVM: ...turned out to be mistakes in the MM patch someone posted earlier...
  16. @Eli the Space Nerd Sorry, I'm not a BDA user, myself... All I can suggest is going to the actual BDA thread, and go thru the installation instructions... Also, make sure you install Physics Range Extender, as it seems to be a BDA dependency now, mentioned in the actual BDA OP, but *not* here in *this* thread's OP... @Jett_Quasar Once those are installed, i assume you just have to unzip *this* mod and install it to your GameData folder...
  17. @linuxgurugamer I hate to be *that guy*, but any chance to either include your fork of ToadicusTools *in* the VOID package, or at least update the OP with a link to your repo fork of it? only link in the OP currently, is to Toadicus' last update of the original on SpaceDock... I thought maybe you had updated it, so I googled your github and seaarched thru your repos to find it... Others not familiar with github might not know to do that... vOv And if I havent mentioned it before, THANX for taking over VOID... It has been my info mod of choice over KER, MJ and others, since I started playing, circa KSP 0.18 or 0.20 days
  18. All, this is a *parts-only* mod ... doesnt seem to have its own plugin, so it *should* work on any KSP version, as long as the proper version of BD Armory is installed...
  19. Supposedly theres a way to run Dx under Wine... but why run KSP in Wine, when KSP works great natively in Linux, anyway? vOv
  20. So this pack no longer has any dependencies? Specifically kopernicus? vOv
  21. @electricpants yer pic links are locked... you need to select "Get shareable link" ..
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