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Everything posted by AlamoVampire

  1. the kraken, he is eternal, do not tempt fate! <bows to the all mighty kraken> seriously tho, vanamonde said it perfect: just not USE quicksave/load
  2. for me, its the visual of seeing what it is my "nose" in most cases is aimed at. Also its the whole: I can see what I am heading at thing" that makes me such an avid proponent of Docking Cam opposed to DAI
  3. my Jeb, Bill and Bob are the guys who do the important and historically significant stuff. Put up the space stations, land on planetary bodies for the first time. that sorta thing.
  4. gonna say it again, Navyfish's Docking Alignment Indicator is not your best bet for a docking aid. For example, you have either of these stations, and yes they are tight quartered and have narrow points of access: OR the DAI shows ONLY if you are on the right path into the port. which is fine if you have plenty of ROOM. BUT, Romfarers Lazor Docking Camera is a better bet. Why? Because its a CAMERA. It shows you in real time how you are approaching and what it is EXACTLY you are aimed at. I TRIED DAI ONCE, and thank GOD I had a quicksave to revert to! I had decided to swap crew on that second station and one of the Solar Arrays decided it wanted a better view of the sun. I didnt see it move, and WHAM, right into it. The impact sent the ship ragdoll style into the station and the station suffered a fatal loss of solar arrays. Had I had my camera on, I would have seen the shift and been able to cope with it. Suffice to say, a camera is better than a vague group of lines. My OPINION.
  5. and it will keep being done again and again. I dont think we can help ourselves honestly lol. We love our speculations and our debates and our ideas
  6. okay i can give you that one. I think when they get the new variant of the forums up to a state they feel is viable, that may go a LONG way to fix the 502 errors maybe? idk for sure tho, so please, no quotes
  7. i honestly dont see server hiccups like the 502 issue damaging the community. I mean, to be honest, if the great forum collapse when it wiped out EVERYTHING didnt hurt the community, I think they are safe from fan harm
  8. im on Jeb 30, bill 10 and bob 15 myself. I kill em, and reset them back to state 0 <faster than waiting on their respawn clock lol> Any kerbal so killed can be fixed by setting them to state 0 <astronaut complex> and welcome welcome welcome
  9. is it frustrating? yes. is it going to do permanent damage to us? probably not. it will be resolved when its resolved.
  10. Autopilot by its very own definition is an AUTOMATIC PILOT which is a device that has a flight computer perform the tasks a pilot would perform in normal operation of the aircraft or spacecraft in this case WITHOUT HUMAN MANIPULATION. Which explicity commands that upon activation the AUTOMATIC PILOT shall fly, maneuver and otherwise control the vehicle in question until such a time as the list of commands such as ascent, descent, rendezvous and docking have been achieved or the system has been manually disengaged or otherwise aborted by human intervention. In short, it is a device that can launch, fly, rendezvous, dock, depart and land with simple instructions provided to the autopilot. The docking cam is easier because it shows what you pointed at and that i think is better than lines that tell me nothing of obsticles in my way and only if im pointed right. DAI cost me a station while trying to dock iva. Why? It didnt tell me a solar array turned into my path. The camera could have SHOWN it. The loss of the array caused a chain reaction similar to Gravity. Cool to see but frustration to see too
  11. its been sitting here quietly, falling further into the depths of the forums, so, here I am bringing it back out into the day. Anyone else with near misses theyd like to share?
  12. that option is fine if you are a programmer, but, in the spirit of speaking for the non computer science/programmer people like myself: mechjeb may also be of assistance than the KOS. Hush you folks who find mechjeb to be bad. its a valid option, that should not be over looked.
  13. ive noticed the 502 errors as well. Ive ALSO noticed <probably not connected, probably, decidedly not? > that Netflix has been having a TON of "We are having trouble playing this title right now" kinda nonsense the last few days too... perhaps something bigger is going on in the interwebs?
  14. I think if you are going to have a docking aid, Docking Alignment Indicator isnt your best bet. vs the Romafer Lazor Docking Cam: vs what NASA for example uses: In all honesty, I think the Docking Camera by Romfarer is by far a better bet. It is more aesthetically pleasing, and more realistic looking. And for those of you who do "Real style missions" the Docking Cam is by far the better option, especially if you post that fun to Youtube.
  15. I think they are useful and guess what? That works for me. I feel they do belong. And its not fluff to say they are an extension. It is highly reasonable to see it as such.
  16. Autopilot is a natural evolution of the SAS system. SAS became ASAS and by logic could EASILY become Autopilot. So no its not against their nature but in harmony with it.
  17. Steven Mading I am getting tired of going in circles with you. 1. We need autopilot stock. We need vital readouts on our spacecrafts flight data and DV/TWR among other data STOCK. Kerbeal Engineer Redux does half, and not everyone can code so Kerbal OS is a lesser choice because of that. MechJeb is the best bet because it does Autopilot AND gives relevant and vital data that again SHOULD be stock. 1.a MechJeb if stock would be as it is now. A PART YOU CAN ELECT TO USE. Example: I do not like the Rapier Engine so I never use it. Steve YOU obviously dislike MechJeb, so if it were STOCK you could elect to NOT USE it. 2. Docking Camera speaks for itself. 3. NovaPunch adds parts and in multiple sizes. When did THAT become a BAD thing? 4. Procedural Fairings like the camera speaks for itself.
  18. Autopilot is unrealistic? I have not laughed hard enough to geyser milk from my nose in decades thanks!!! SO, NASA and its kin fly missions by hand all the time? Theres a person working the helm on each satellite, each probe, everything? Pilots fly airliners by hand take off to landing, military spy drones all by hand 24 hours a day 365 days a year? No. Theres this thing called autopilot, its very real and 100% reasonable to want in game. And btw forcing non programmers to learn to program is just wrong. Mechjeb is simpler and more user friendly. Which makes mechjeb the best bet. But as ive said twice now 3 times: MY OPINION. You can agree or not i rather dont care but, NEVER assume i am veiling my words. You play your way, i will mine. My posts state what I THINK fleshes this game out. Enough said.
  19. I could be wrong but do I sense a potent dislike for those awesome mods? We need a potent device like mechjeb period. We need more parts than what is stock. Period. We need a good docking aid, both for realism sake and youtube vids. Period. Proc fairings is obvious. The mods i listed in my post are things this game needs in order to be more fleshed out. W/out them we are driving with square tires and flying w/out wings. But thats my opinion.
  20. Okay my 2 cents. MechJeb should be stock. It provides an autopilot which is a must, it also supplies vital information on most vehicle aspects. Now I already hear you ppl screaming KER does the latter. But KER cant fly MechJeb can, 2 mods in 1, a win. KOS is fine if you can code but a lot of ppl cant so KOS is no good imho. NovaPunch cuz hey its a TON of great parts. Procedural Fairings cuz its great to clothe our rockets. And if we get things like reentry heat/better atmospherics fairings are good and since procedural auto generates fairings, custom sizes are a win. Romfarers lazer docking cam because its more real looking than DAI and it can show you if your clear pathing which DAI cannot.
  21. Hiya! I have a question. You state you lack fuel enough to leave the mun, but is your issue on fuel not enough to make orbit or leave the Mun sphere of influence (SoI)? I will work from the assumption that you can make Munar Orbit. Knowing you use MechJeb will make it easier kinda (depends what functions are available to you in your career atm). Assuming you have its maneuver planner, ascent guidance and the rendezvous docking systems unlocked, launch your vessels into orbit at the mun. Then launch a rescue ship and use MJ to get to 10-20 meters and zero relative speed. Then EVA your kerbals to the new ship. Once it cant carry any more kerbals return them home. Do it again with a fresh ship to get any remaing kerbals. Anyway thats my suggestion best of luck
  22. 1. MechJeb 2. MechJeb 3. MechJeb 4. Novapunch 5. MechJeb 6. Procedural Fairings 7. MechJeb 8. Remote Tech (nvr used it but I like its concept) 9. Robotics like the Canada Arm NASA uses. We need a functional autopilot that also presents vital vehicular stats, orbital information and well MechJeb like it or not is the BEST option for it, and all the haters can just hush.
  23. one thing, id cut back on the control surfaces, they are all fighting against each other, second, do you have any ASAS on board?
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