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  1. What do you think about some Spectators who could watch a launch?
  2. Our VFX artist Aaron Lundquist continues to create new engine exhaust effects. The first of these engines runs on an as-yet-announced fuel (guesses welcome)! The other two are metallic hydrogen and jet engine. We're all really proud of Aaron's shock diamonds! The score, as always, is by the incomparable Howard Mostrom.
  3. Biofuels good idea or something stupid/unnecessary? When we develop medium-sized colonies would it be possible to produce biofuel? Of course I know needed water, fertilizer (in plants), sunlight, carbon dioxide and other things. We could grow algae, microorganisms or plants for that. We may be able to use the waste (if added) that kerbals would produce. We can extract from alien ecosystems (if added)
  4. Signal delay in comunications in ksp 2? Example: The signal that will be transmitted from a spaceship in another star system to Kerbin or a colony
  5. Juggling 4 Mun missions at once got me to thinking... I personally would like an option in the settings that would allow your kerbil pilots to automatically perform a maneuver that you have already created or preset when the time reaches the T -0 point. Hear me out, I don't mean complete computer control per se. I'm thinking it would only occur if the option were set, you were not in control of the craft, you had appropriate controls in the craft and you had a pilot in the control seat. Results of the burn/maneuver could be based on the kerbil pilots skill level. Such as 2% margin of error for top level, 4% for the next, 8% next, 16%... and so on. I think it would add a dimension of play in pilot choice depending on mission, and could make for very interesting situations if the skill were too low. It would also help in the current situation I am in, where 3 crafts maneuver windows are within 1 minute of each other! Any thoughts? Or has this already been mentioned elsewhere?
  6. New power generation modules for colonies! Your nuclear power options will progress from compact fission reactors to giant fusion tokamaks to next-generation Z-pinch fusion reactors. Yes, the radiator on the fission reactor opens and closes like an umbrella. Credit to Jonathan Cooper and Matt Reynolds for the fusion reactors, and special thanks to our friends Bob Palmer (RoverDude) and Alexander Martin at Squad for building the fission reactor.
  7. A new Developer Insights post is up! Learn what it’s like to be a producer working on Kerbal Space Program 2 in our latest Dev Diary: What Does A Game Producer Do? https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/dev-diaries/developer-insights-8-what-does-a-game-producer-do/
  8. This is the all new U.K.N. thread, it is where we upper governments will control the future of KSP2 servers that we play on and lead everyone to a better future. Guidelines will be added in based on a democratic system, of course this is a work in progress and it will slowly be developed to the point where we will have weekly polls and we we debate on an issue that need be taken care of. There will be a weekly paper that will go into the specifics of what the primary issue is and peoples ideas to solve said issue. Now of course we are over a year away from the release of KSP2 but as I always say, "A planned system is a working system.". I strive for an economy and the economy strives for balance and peace!
  9. Returning Planets and moons This includes planets that we know are returning planets/moons in KSP 2 Jool (and system): We have seen multiple clips of some of the greatest places in the Kerbol system. We also in Friday Funday saw a clip of Laythe KSP 2 developement. Kerbin (and Mun): We see our homeland and we have seen multiple clips of the new KSC and we have seen clips with the mun in it. Note how over time Kerbin has recieved clouds Minmus After some texture comparisons I was able to comfirm it's Minmus, Pretty cool actually how it looks minty in a different way. Dres: Dres with the sick look. Iapetus looks very similar. It is unknown right now if it will have a ring system (because Dres has a belt of asteroids like how rings on exoplanets work in KSP 2) Eeloo: We saw Eeloo! In the Pax East clip! Holy cow my favorite planet in the original just got more beautiful Eve?: We saw a clip of a purple planet and later at Pax East a view of where it is in the system. Based on where it is, It looks like to be in a similar orbit of Eve, but the terrain I can't find something similar. Gilly: We have seen the new moon I wonder if it will still be the smallest. New Planets Rask and Rusk: Two Binary planets that tug on each other. Pretty cool planets in my opinion. It was said to be a hard one since the orbital mechanics will be a doozy for visitors. Note the heat coming of the bottom right one Description: "Rask and Rusk, a binary pair locked in a dance of death" Ovin: A superkerbin, now we have gotten so much clips from this place. It has a ringed system as well that which is nice addition to this beautiful planet. Description: "Ovin, a ringed super-Earth with relentless gravity" Glumo: A saturn like planet with it's Icy moon Merble. Now of course we see it's decently small and outside the ring system of Glumo. But in the pre developement-trailer it looked larger and we saw more details like it's equatorial sea. Charr: This new world is really close to the sun Description: "Charr, a heat-blasted world of iron" Puf: A very weird planet with a very weird crater. The sun reflecting off it gives it the nickname: The Eye! Unnamed planets and moons Speculated 1 (kinda speculated to be Charr) This one is pretty heavily cratered and well we know that this isn't some returning planet because of how far away it is from the sun, people suggest it might be Charr, but charr is heatblasted. This same planet also looks like to have a moon scroll down below Speculated 2 Here is another one that looks very similar to the one above but is very different in color. This one may also be the same as the one above it. But too early too tell Speculated 3 This terrain looks awfully familiar to what you would see on Dres but hey! Could be a new planet! Speculated 4 Now at first look you may say "Yeah that looks an awfully like Minmus" But Here I am saying the Minmus above has different colored terrain... Speculated 5 Maybe the same body as shown above... But we don't know yet... Speculated 6 The Moon of the unnamed planet from earlier. Looks a lot like Ike... speculated 7 Very Tylo looking planet. The fact it has solar panels may mean that it's really close to it's sun Speculated 8 A very dark planet with very small circular icy poles. Speculated "Gryphon" Gryphon is a speculated planet after this name I do hope you did enjoy this... If you find more or have a correction reply below. And if you liked this then press a like so I know to make more of these in the future
  10. Hello! Just making this so we can have a collection of gameplay/screenshots for ease of access/an all in one. Get posting!
  11. The problem with science is KSP is that they science report will always be in the same weather the experiment is being blasters by rocket exhaust or heating in the atmosphere. Like why doesn’t a Kerbal EVA report is still the same weather that Kerbal is being blasted by rocket exhaust? Since KSP2 seems will have weather (I’m not sure and I could be totally wrong and incorrect) I’m hoping EVA reports and science experiments will be different. Because it does not make sense when the Mystery Goo is being blasted by Nerv Atomic Rocket exhaust and it the same as not being blasted by exhaust. So I’m hopping the report will be different depending on circumstances. Here I have listed the examples below. Kerbal on EVA (Kerbin) while NOT being blasted by exhaust: I don’t think a spacesuit was nessecary for getting here. Kerbal on EVA (Kerbin) while BEING blasted by exhaust: I is very hot and is something burning? As you may see I want to see that science, crew, and EVA reports are different depending on a circumstance. I think this would, be really fun and interesting. It would add some randomness and seeming to look l8e the game knows what the player is doing. Connection to player a bit more, maybe (I really don’t know). Depending also on the circumstance the science points would probably vary. I will list some more examples for more reference below: Thermometer in Deep Space (NOT touching anything hot): It it very cold and chilly here. Any heat is from the rocket. Thermometer in Deep Space (BEING EXPOSED TO ROCKET EXHIST): It is very hot in the rocket exhaust and it barely noticing the coldness of space. Earthquake Detecter (STILL and on Mun (Landed)): There a little Mun quake!!! Earthquake Detecter (Knocked over and bouncing on surface of Mun): All we can detect is the experiment bouncing! This isn’t an earthquake! Surface Sample (Not blasted by rocket exhaust)(Minmus): It looks edible. Just like mint ice cream. Surface Sample (Being blasted by rocket exhaust)(Minmus): It is a little black. It was burnt by the exhaust. I definitely would not eat it. These are three examples I have listed (above if you did not notice). I really hope the developers of Kerbal Space Program 2add this little feature in. I personally think it makes the game more interesting and it a sense that the player can feel like what the player is doing. A little connection (I really don’t know, I’m not a doctor who monitors behavior of people). I really hope they add this feature in KSP2 but if they don’t that’s fine. - Dr. Kerbal
  12. I’m wondering. When will the next Show and Tell video come? Just curious. Or was that only a once thing?
  13. I don’t have a great computer. It’s a intel i3 I think and I’m not sure about the graphics card. However, KSP with plenty of mods runs well. Will KSP 2 be more demanding?
  14. I’m just curious to know if there will be a dev diary for the planets in KSP2. I’m just curious on how many new planets there are. And what they look like. I also want to see the original KSP planets like Eve or Minmus. You know. I’m just curious I after seeing pre alpha gameplay I mean, I just can’t imagine how wonderful the planets would look. I mean Jool looks like it like in real life!
  15. I was browsing on a coding program called Scratch. I foun that someone was trying to make Kerbal Space Program on Scratch. This meant I had joined a group of people that wanted to make KSP from scratch! Like from nothing! It’s pretty big project. The group started to recruited others and work began sometime in November of December. We expect Kerbal Space Program Scratch Edition to be completed in May 2021. However progress is slower than expected. We will try our best to keep our promise though. If you would like to see the progress or complete game go to the link below: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/27870656/comments/ (Link to All Work and Codes) All positions and jobs for actually making the game are closed. I am very sorry. However you can still help. Go to Scratch and go to the link where all the codes and work is. Ask a guy known as TwistenX to see if you can test out of game in early version. This position won’t be active as much. But you will be cited and given credit in the game. ________________________________________________ Project Director / Supervisor - @TwistenX Physics Programmers - Advanced - @NathanCorporations - @TwistenX - @HermetAnimations - @xAwesomeRyanx Artists - Intermediate - @Ganymede45 - @NathanCorporations - @Hero_Clicker - @TwistenX Basic Programmers - Intermediate - @TwistenX - @NathanCorporations - @Misguided_Ninja - @xAwesomeRyanx - @HermetAnimations - @Coding_pro_27 Music Designers - Beginner - @Ganymede45 - @NathanCorporations Sound Designers - Beginner - @NathanCorporations Testers - No Experience Needed - @legowarrior123 - @Galaxy-Animator *All of the Username names are names from Scratch. I do not know if all of them have a KSP Forums account except me. ____________________________________________________ Kerbal Space Program Scratch Edition Countdown Clock: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/459122157/
  16. Hello its me DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE and i added this discussion thread so we can all express our appreciation to the developers of KSP2. if you didn't already know, its a good sign when devs. are in good spirits so lets keep it that way. You can simply type something nice for the devs. or give a shoutout to them, you can also give appreciation to the moderators who have to moderate the forums tirelessly day after day. and yes, if you want, you can give appreciation to someone in the forums. At the end of the day, We are all in this Together. So let's spread some Kerbal Kindness! Sincerely, DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE! KSP2 Developers Appreciation Discussion Thread! Now Open! Thank you to all the moderators and devs. for KSP2 we appreciate you very good work! Also make sure to SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE, LIKE A BIG BOI BOSS!!! That way i know to make more great topics like this one Rules: 1. Please no Cursing or i'll tell ur mommy your cursing 2. Always spread kindness even if ya dont feel like it 3. No hate comments to anyone 4. Spam clicking IS allowed but only to a small extent 5. always be grateful to our Devs that, without them, KSP2 would not exist. 6. That's all 7. plz like 8. or else 9. i mean it... 10. there no more
  17. This post cam way before KSP2. But. So we can prepare a challenge at first day KSP2 releases. This challenge will be to land on every planet and moon in KSP2. That means you have to visit every celestial body in one mission. This means you will need a ship capable of going to every celestial body in one mission. Rules: You can use multiple ships attached to a mothership. You can refuel. All of the ships or ship has to made at once. No multiple launches from the KERBOL SYSTEM. You have to place a flag on each planet or moon. (Expect Gas Giants) No mods. Try to do stock KSP2. Pictures, craft downloads, videos, and etc. (Evidence) No cheats. Science is allowed. Rovers are allowed to maximize science. Interactions with ships in Interstellar space is allowed. Interactions with colonies and other things outside of KERBOL SYSTEM is allowed. Contestents: Everyone is allowed to play and take part. In case of Cheating If someone think someone is cheating evidence from both sides to support their claim will be needed. Whoever provides the most convincing evidence will decided the fate of the challenge run. No Spam. Thank you and please enjoy this challenge. -Dr. Kerbal
  18. (There are past threads related to this, but they are "quite old!") So I've just recently become aware that solar sails might not be a thing in KSP2 (or at least not at launch), but also that the basic mechanic needed to make solar sails work — namely, the ability to make a ship constantly accelerate even when the player isn't actively flying it or focused on it — almost certainly will be in the game. So... I'm basically just here to beg our wise and awesome KSP2 devs to please please please consider having solar sails in the game after all, mostly because I think they are just about the coolest thing ever. :3 The main reason solar sails don't work well in KSP1 (though there are mods for them!) is that they generate only a very tiny amount of thrust, making the Dawn ion engine look like the Mainsail in comparison. Changing your orbit using a solar sail would take ages! However, in KSP2, unlike in KSP1, it seems we may gain the ability to have a ship continue to accelerate even when we aren't "looking" at it, so there will be no need to sit there staring at your screen for hours at a time at x4 physics warp; you'll be able to just set up your maneuver, and then switch away from the ship to do something else while it accelerates. This makes solar sails quite reasonable as a gameplay mechanic — and they are oh so cool. Here's the thing with solar sails: While they generate only a tiny amount of thrust, they allow your ship to literally be propelled by the very light streaming from the sun (or Kerbol, in KSP's case). Not in the sense of using solar power to generate electricity or anything — a solar sail is literally pushed by light itself, in the same way that a traditional seagoing sail is pushed by the wind. And, much like a seagoing sail-driven ship might never accelerate as quickly as one with an engine, but can keep on sailing as long as the wind is blowing, so too a solar sail can continue driving your spacecraft as long as you're anywhere near a star — no fuel or propellant required. The star itself is your engine! This means that while your acceleration is low, it is also constant. You don't have to worry about running out of fuel, ever, and so instead of having to plan out short, optimally efficient burns, you can just keep building up your velocity — and with a bit of time, you can reach speeds much higher than what any conventional rocket could hope to achieve before it runs out of delta-v. With solar sails, running out of delta-v isn't really a thing, at least until the day Kerbol goes extinct! This means that despite its lower acceleration, a solar sail could potentially reach remote destinations much quicker than a traditional rocket could, by gradually building up speed until it's moving much faster than any rocket. This also makes solar sails a practical means of potentially launching ships into interstellar space (especially with something called laser assist, though that would probably need to be a whole additional gameplay mechanic — potentially a very cool one — and I won't get into that here). As with sail-driven sea craft, you can "tack," in a sense, to control the direction in which you accelerate — solar sails are not limited to accelerating away from a star, just as sailing ships of old were not limited to only sailing with the wind. By angling the sail relative to the incoming light, you can accelerate prograde or retrograde, as with a more conventional engine, thus lowering or raising your orbit! (In terms of gameplay mechanics, I'm imagining something similar to the way solar panels in KSP1 can already tell their angle relative to incoming sunlight, and how much sun exposure they have.) Another cool thing about solar sails is that they have already been used for actual spacecraft propulsion in real life, and so despite sounding cool and science fictiony, are already a 100% confirmed real, practical means of spacecraft propulsion. So I, for one, would be super excited to see solar sails in KSP2. What do y'all think? Solar sails: So space travel can look like this... But feel like this. (With apologies to Disney!)
  19. In the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, Monoliths are found on the Earth, buried in the Moon, and in orbit around Jupiter. We've already had monoliths on planetary surfaces, but we haven't had them buried underneath the surface or in orbit around planets. For KSP 2, the monolith hunt could be expanded by adding interstellar Monoliths that aliens would have placed to tell when the Kerbals had gotten advanced enough to go into different star systems. A monolith would be required to increase the Kerbals technology further and further, the first letting them get off Kerbin after a plane flight from the KSC. The second would give Kerbals the technology to get them from Kerbin to the Kerbol system using chemical rockets. The third monolith would give them efficient rockets and interstellar tech. And finally, the fourth, if returned from an alien world back to Kerbin, would count as beating the game. Not only is this a great way to add a 'Campaign' to the game, it also allows speedrunning that isn't based on just a tech tree or a Eve mission.
  20. If it isn't already decided, what about warp drives? Don't we need those for interstellar travel? To get to the nearest KSP stars, (besides Kerbol) they're distance is to be estimated at 1 lightyear.
  21. One of the joys of KSP is that there are a myriad ways of attaining any particular goal, and that it's up to the player to decide how they want to get into orbit, land on a planet, or complete a contract; which nodes on the tech tree they unlock first, what tech they'll use to get to their destination, and so on. This is also well illustrated by the self-imposed challenges you can read about on these forums — players might try to see if they can accomplish a certain goal without a particular technology that would normally make it easier, for example. For my part, when starting a new save I often try and see how far I can get without upgrading the VAB for the first time, seeing what I can do with craft under the 30 part limit. (And you can do a lot! Not to mention that once you unlock the first clamp-o-tron docking port, you can dock ships in orbit to get past the limit... :P) This is all in contrast to many other games out there that tend to hold the player's hand, and offer only one or a handful of ways to advance — unlock ability A, then unlock ability B, then C, and so on. Even seemingly sandbox-ey titles, like No Man's Sky, often irk me by forcing me to complete objectives in a certain order, or to do certain tasks before I can advance in the game, when I feel like I should really be able to work around the linear requirements. So my question is... To what extent will the flexibility of progression that we see in KSP 1, be preserved in KSP 2? Will I still be able to skip over tech tree nodes that I feel I can get by without? Would a planes-before-rockets playthrough still be possible? Will I have to build colonies before I can unlock interstellar travel? Etc. Have there been any hints from the dev. team on this?
  22. So... I heard there was going to be tutorials in KSP 2! Saw some pictures of them, and I thought the cartoony style reminded me of one specific YouTuber explaining guy. I think that the voice actor who does Kurzgesagt: In a Nutshell should voice the tutorials. If anyone has ever watched one of those videos, then you will know what I mean.
  23. Hi its me DAFATRONALDO2007 IN SPACE and i think we need black holes and Neutron Stars in KSP2. the problem is, we do not know if there will be Black Holes in KSP2 or not... So that's why we need your help! to support this addition to KSP2 so we can have an even better gameplay. All you have to do is either say that you agree to this or vote in the Poll above... i kinda recommend that you use the poll instead because it is MUCH and i mean MUCH easier to gather up the data and support than having to look through10 whole pages full of people who agree or disagree (although i highly doubt this Thread will EVER reach 10 pages) Anyways, feel free to drop in whenever ya want to... and make sure to use the poll so we can gather support.
  24. I just need to know, once KSP 2 is published, will there still be updates to KSP?
  25. weather its light wind or heavy wind, storm or lightning, turbulence or whatever you get the point, there should be weather in ksp 2, think about it weather affects rockets in real life and it'll be amazing for us to have realistic weather in ksp2 i think there is a mod for that in ksp 1 but im suggesting that there should be at least some form of wind or storm that goes in ksp2 and a weather indicator that tells you the weather for the next 7 days, the weather should also be different on other planets too like raining acid on eve or heavy snow on laythe or extreme storms on jool or radiation spikes on duna, yes it would be a bit more of a task to maintain your crew (or there could be a automated feature that manages your crew in case of such event) weather would be really nice to have on all planets, also can we have kerbals hair blowing in the wind depending on how strong it is and kerbals reacting to heavy snowstorms like putting thier hands over thier heads and squinting thier eyes or wiping thier helmet every 20 seconds or maybe kerbals sweating heavily on planets like moho and eve i know thier thread wont get far but i really hope someone forwards this to nate simpson to add it into ksp 2 or maybe ksp 1.11 because im too scared to do it lol but hey its just a suggestion and if nate decides to actually put it i the game then it wouldn't really matter if ksp got delayed again as long as he and the other ksp devs get it right. :A delayed game is eventually good but a rushed game is bad forever -Shigeru Miyamoto
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