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  1. A lot has changed since I last posted here. I've now set myself up with a PC and installed a number of mods, including Galileo's Planet Pack (which is terrific, by the way). The pack adds many new outer planets, unreachable with stock antennas, so one of the R&D nodes adds antenna upgrades for the Communotron 88-88 (the umbrella one) and the largest of the relay dishes, which are now rated for 1.00T instead of just 100G. Ever since I researched this node, the CommNet just breaks every time I launch a vessel from the VAB. The craft on the launchpad has no connection to the space center whatsoever. I go to the Tracking Station and the CommNet lines are gone. The logs are absolutely filled with spam, but here's one section: [EXC 19:26:17.574] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0) System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0) PartModule.ApplyUpgradeNode (System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] appliedUps, ConfigNode node, System.Boolean doLoad) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) ModuleDataTransmitter.CommPowerUnloaded (ProtoPartModuleSnapshot mSnap) (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) CommNet.CommNetVessel.UpdateComm () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) CommNet.CommNetVessel.OnNetworkPreUpdate () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) CommNet.CommNode.NetworkPreUpdate () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) CommNet.Network.Net4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].PreUpdateNodes () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) CommNet.Network.Net`4[_Net,_Data,_Link,_Path].Rebuild () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) CommNet.CommNetwork.Rebuild () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) CommNet.CommNetNetwork.Update () (at <2afc64dea36946459d4707808bdac511>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object) The post linked below details a similar issue, but doesn't give a solution to the problem. Can anyone help me fix the problem?
  2. I seen vidoes with kk working in 1.11.1 so why does it not work for me. I am using Katniss cape Canaveral and Katniss cape Canaveral extended (and there dependencies) I dont have any other Kerbal konstructs mods so please help. Cant open kerbal konstruct menu (ctrl-K) nor do the statics from these mods pop up. please help thanks,
  3. I was taking jeb out for a ride on a clean install of ksp 1.11.1 and ejected him because why not and there was a weird static sound playing when i was focusing on a kerbal on eva. Any word on how to fix this?
  4. I have a bug where I can't interact with a ship after I load it. When I load the ship into the VAB, I can't launch or build. The cost doesn't show and the load menu doesn't go away. I tried merging it with another ship to save it but it doesn't work. I tried relaunching KSP but the bug is still here. This bug seems to only apply to this ship cause I can launch my other ships perfectly fine.
  5. I have a texture bug after installing scatterer on 1.8.1. U have to zoom in or be very close to the ground for any texture to appear (on all planets). A link with a screenshoot: https://imgur.com/a/kIn58Ey
  6. Next time, if you're gonna give a really low rating, please comment why so you see higher quality posts in the future....
  7. I put a probe in an orbit around duna. Right know the probe is connected to the fueltank and nuclear engine but when i decouple the engine and fueltank everything starts to shake a little when i move the probe. The orbit suddenlychanges from a circular one to a straight line that just goes into duna and if a try to accelerate time it says i cant go over 1 speed while in an atmosphere even tho i am 210 thousand meters over dunas surface. Has anyone here expierenced this bug or knows how to fix it? Because i need help fixing this.
  8. Hey everyone, just a little bug i found: i landed on the mun and went on an EVA, but both my kerbals won't stop sliding, even after switching to a vessel in mun orbit. it seems as if the game thinks they are in orbit/ doesnt realise they landed? one of them even has his arms straight out like he is floating in space... i clipped it for you, as you can see they also go straight through landing legs and whatever i do i cant control it. i already reverted and after dinner im going to try again. Any help preventing this would be great!! EDIT: this is version 1.10.1, i recently reverted the game update 1.11 via the beta's menu in steam. no mods were recently updated so i dont think that it is a mod issue. this is my first mun landing since the revert. everything else seems to work great.... as long as i stay above the ground using the EVA jetpack all is working fine. but once i touch the ground im stuck to the ground and sliding EDIT #2: reverting to a savegame before landing didn't help... Thanks , parpar78
  9. I'm stuck at the main menu and i have 42 mods... help
  10. prpretty self explanatory from the video, any idea what could be causing this and solutions to the issue? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/295199794102796288/794310947475947560/Kerbal_Space_Program_2020-12-30_14-05-57_Trim.mp4 (video of issue)
  11. I have a quadcopter part thats basically a probe core with 4 attachment points and it works fine except the model doesnt show up so i cant select it. Ill upload a few pics here Also how do i 'assign KSP shaders', i cant find any ksp shaders other than the particle shaders also also what is the 'File URL' in the Part tools script
  12. Hello, I am attempting to use my tflight HOTAS X joystick with ksp (steam version) on windows 10. I am in the input settings and the game can bind joystick buttons to certain actions, but when I go to edit the bindings for axis it recognizes the axis but then when I click accept it reverts to not assigned. What is the issue?
  13. I just did a mission to Duna to save Jeb, Bill and Bob from an orbit around Duna. When I got all of them on board, I time warped to a transfer window back to Kerbin, but after the time warp I couldn't save my game anymore. I loaded the last quick save I made and time warped again, but after that time warp I still couldn't save the game. I then just went back to Kerbin and landed successfully, but I couldn't recover the vessel. I tried to EVA the Kerbals and recover them, but it still didn't work. Going to the Space Center, saving the game, going to the Tracking Station and exit to main menu, all don't work. I then just closed the game via task manager and opened it again, but then it started at the last quick save I made, so back in an orbit around Duna. I then just tried again, trying to figure out the moment from which I can't save the game anymore. And it seems to be after a long or fast time warp. If I use the 100.000x time warp, it immediately doesn't work anymore, if I use the 10.000x time warp it works for a few seconds, but after a while I get the same problem again. So the problem seems to arise after/while a time warp. I have seen other people have also experienced this problem, but almost all of them after docking, but I didn't dock anything in this flight. I transferred the Kerbals from craft to craft with there EVA pack. As far as I know I haven't clipped any parts and I don't have any mods. (I do have both the DLC's) Does anyone know why this happened and how I can fix this?
  14. Hi there! In the past couple weeks I started noticing that the KER DeltaV and Parts indicators were not working properly. When constructing a new ship or editing an existing one, the indicators will sometimes work, but most of the times will appear empty or with incorrect values. For example the Vessel indicator would show that my ship has 1 part when it has actually 4, or the DeltaV indicator will appear completely blank like if the ship does not have a engine or fuel. On this example you can see I created a simple ship an even thou the stock indicators are showing right values, KER is not being updated, is like it got stock when I added the first part. NOW, if I quickly switch the editor to to hangar and go back to rocket mode, KER will show the right values, but just for a couple minutes, then it will get stuck again and will not update the values anymore. This is how the same ship looks after I switched the editor to hangar an back to rocket mode: This is what I tried so far: 1. I am running KPS on Steam, I completely deleted it and reinstalled it. 2. I deleted KER from GameData and downloaded the last version 3. I deleted all saves an starting a new career mode. 4. Googled a lot about this and nobody is (apparently) experiencing the same issue. Any idea what could be the problem? Like I said, a couple weeks ago worked just fine, the issue started even before I updated to KSP 1.11 so I guess this is not a KER/KSP versions incompatibility. Please help
  15. Windows, Stock + Breaking Ground, fresh install. I suspect this also affects non-DLC games. I've been observing some strange behavior related to low-mass parts in version 1.11. Certain (low-mass, physics enabled) parts seem much heavier than usual, despite no changes in mass or CoM being shown in the VAB. Crafts that include these parts suffer from a significant increase in weight and a loss of delta-V. Robotic parts sag as if burdened with extra weight. Some of my crafts from 1.10 have become unplayable as of this release. So far I've tested the effect using grip pads, empty dumpling and baguette tanks, and robotic parts with various physicsless parts attached. Grip pads, small robotic parts, and empty dumpling tanks are affected whereas empty baguette tanks are not. I think this is because they're below some mass threshold and are not physicsless parts. Small physicsless parts are not affected on their own but do become affected if attached to robotic parts. Below are some screenshots of the tests I've performed. Rocket delta-V test: Scale test: Edit: I did more testing and it seems like the game treats any physics-enabled part under 0.03t to weigh minimum of 0.03t. The effect is pretty consistent. Parts like empty oscar-B tanks, empty dumpling tanks, small grip pads, and small robotic parts all weigh exactly 0.03t according to the scale. I plugged these new mass numbers into a delta-v calculator for my test rocket. The delta-v numbers I got were incredibly accurate taking the 0.03t per part into consideration. More screenshots below: 1.11.1 Update: As of this update partRBMassMin has been reduced from 0.03 to 0.002, which apparently gives parts a new minimum mass of 0.002t. This seems to have corrected the mass values for every physics-enabled part listed at or over 0.002t. So from what I can tell most of the part mass issues introduced in version 1.11 have been resolved. However, any physics-enabled part that weighs less than 0.002t is still affected, and will have an effective mass of 0.002t. The only stock part I know of that fits this description is the Tiny Nosecone, which should weigh 0.001t yet measures as 0.002t on the scale and in delta-v tests. Tiny Nosecone (0.001t) balances two Cubic Octagonal Struts (0.001t each) While testing for physics-less parts I found that attaching one directly to a robotic part gives it a minimum mass of 0.0065t. Interestingly this mass isn't shown in the editor but is accounted for in-flight through delta-v readouts. I also found this effect to be present in version 1.10.1, so I don't know whether it's intentional or not. A Communotron 16, Cubic Octagonal Strut, and an RFP-0 Flag (0.0065t total) balances against a single Cubic Octagonal Strut when it's attached directly to a robotic part. Bug report: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/26898
  16. A new version always brings anxiety: will everything work? So, I make a new folder for 1.11, copy over the game, copy over the mods I use in 1.10 (yes, I enjoy living dangerously). Of course there's the usual warning about mods. Yeah yeah yeah... New career, build simple first craft: mk I pod, mk 16 parachute, flea SRB. Off we go. Chute opens at 1,000m. Craft continues to plummet down at more than 100m/s. RIP Jeb. Wait, whut? It must be mods, right? Remove all mods, and then add them back one by one to see what breaks the game. No mods: RIP Jeb WAIT, WHUT? Run game from Steam folder. Jeb lives. Copy game over from Steam folder to my "1.11 folder". Jeb dies. Validate Steam download. Copy folder over again. For the sake of faster testing, just double-click ksp_x64.exe. Jeb lives Run the game through the start menu (with a batchfile for the -popupwindow command line argument). Jeb dies. The plot thickens. Run the game with a command file from the 1.11 folder with -popupwindow and Jeb lives. So, what did I learn? In 1.10 you can start the game from any directory and things will work fine. In 1.11 you can do the same, and almost all things will work fine - except your parachutes. They'll open, but not slow down your craft I got the same results with or without mods. I filed a bug report in the tracker but doubt it'll be fixed -- it's easy to fix on my end by inserting cd 1.11 game folder in the command file that starts the game -- but it is by far the weirdest thing I've encountered in KSP (and I've been playing since 0.18)
  17. This is a long standing issue, I've noticed it goes back to at least 2015 and probably well since the inception of the game. Many people have various ideas on how to fix these issues and some appear more successful than others. At the end of the day it appears to be how the game loads things in the persistent state and if a part ends up colliding into something else at the time of loading (likely just some slight movement of a part into something else). The fact that I am noticing this still as of the time of this writing 12/19/2020 in an unmodded version of KSP 1.11.0 is still quite surprising. It has forced me to look at some things and dig to find the issue. As of writing this I am testing on a stock KSP with no mods and the problem still persists. The problem that I have is a drill rig that I have constructed explodes a second or two after loading, after having successfully landed it at Minmus with no issues otherwise. I believe that this is due to some flux on some close parts that when extended collide into each other at the time of loading. What I would recommend is that all extendable parts should load collapsed and then auto-extend after the physics engine has initialized all the parts. I think this will resolve the flux issue creating this problem. If saving a game with any craft with extendible solar panels, radiators, etc (basically anything) what I would recommend is collapsing/storing all parts before saving or switching away from the craft, I believe this will fix these issues for good as the problem doesn't appear to happen when loading with all parts stowed/collapsed.
  18. I have been playing KSP on PS4 for quite some time and after a month after the update the game started to lag. When going though the atmosphere there is no lag. But in space there is a whole bunch of lag. The ship had clipped parts such as four vector engines, ion engines, and some struts. The part count was between 20 to 30 parts. So after trying to fix the issue in game by deleting save files and quoting the file I turned of my PS4. It’s not sleeping or resting. But can anyone please help me? What’s going on?
  19. Eu instalei alguns mods no meu KSP 1.10 (EVE, DistantObject, KSP secondary Motion, PlanetShine, Sigma, Scatterer e Astronomers Visual Pack), despois de instalar quando fui abrir meu save todos os contratos, tantos os ativos quantos os do prédio de missão sumiram. Não consigo mais realizar nenhuma missão e assim não consigo mais pontos de ciência. Alguém pode me ajudar ?
  20. Developing a mod that allows external toggling of action groups etc. Everything works nicely until we get a unity crash. Upon inspection of the log file, it seems the error is caused by sounds for parts that create sound on toggling. This line is repeated, in different variations, throughout the logfile. Function class SoundHandleAPI *__cdecl SoundHandle::operator ->(void) const may only be called from main thread! Here is the log file. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zcnxc7ju0dzc6m2/Player.log?dl=0 We also had a bug where unity would crash if you activated a part that needed electric charge, while your ship has no electric charge. We were able to solve this on the arduino side however. Any help/advice is greately appreciated. Is there some kind of check we need to make before toggling a group within the mod? or somekind of method to override? Thanks
  21. So I downloaded Procedural parts, however I have come across an issue. lets use the fuel tank for example. it has a default size of 1 meter. I can barely get it to fit the most basic, early-game parts, and therefore it's not very flexible. it seems to cap out around 1.15 meters maximum, and that same 1-meter-wide width you start with at a minimum. it's also very inflexible length-wise, barely able to change length as well. i'll attach pictures of the minimum and maximum fuel tanks, to give you a better Idea what i'm talking about. I have tested this on career and sandbox modes, and with other mods present (the one most likely to cause errors would be Near-Future Construction, or ProceduralDynamics (Procedural Wings)). can't figure out how to attach screenshots from my computer. oof.
  22. In tracking station or map i see this problem then move camera parallel to ecliptic and zoom in and out. KSP version from Steam, no mods installed I can reproduce this on two completely different computers.
  23. playing KSP. I should note that I am playing version 1.9.1 due to other mods. I also have no other mods that modify the visuals of the planet. I also do not have Transfer Window Planner, which I need to mention as it was causing problems for people in other threads with similar issues. so, I sent a spaceplane to Laythe, only the wings got ripped off somehow in the decent, leading to the plane crashing in the sea. I was able to save what remained of the plane with some parachutes I put on for landing. when on the water surface, I noticed that, when the water is looked at from specific camera angles, or in some cases just all the time, the water detail was not present, there was only a blank sphere where the water should be darkening the ground under it. as I have said before, I don't have any other mod that change how planets look, which leads me to believe scatterer is causing the issue
  24. KSP freezing after 5 seconds of loading to the main menu i have no mods, i'm on 1.10.1 ksp.txt: http://www.mediafire.com/file/pmmg6ps6d0hz7wu/file i cant find my player.txt though
  25. The Wheesley config contains the line: "flowCapMult = 1.0" The Panther, Whiplash, and Rapier all use "flowMultCap", which is correct, per the API docs (https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/api/class_module_engines.html#aca13d25ad5b3e9d217fdf8903ae81ba6). Neither the Goliath nor the Juno set this value. While I realize this is extremely minor, I'm still going to redact my opinion of the quality control effort.
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