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  1. This is nothing unusual and quite easy to understand: Everybody has a more or less good reason to argue why a certain forum theme has it's merits or not. To talk about KSP2 you have to know some insights into IG2s development process (which we don't and won't know) or at least some background in software development. Or alternatively speculate from the bits of informations we have which is not everybodys cup of tea. Or as Parkinson said: It's easier to discuss the merits of a certain color or material of a bike shed than about the building of a nuclear plant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_triviality In the FreeBSD project (a Unix open source operating system, similiar goals like Linux but quite a different origin and philosophy look up wikipedia for Details) the term Bikeshedding for such discussions was coined by one of their developers Poul-Henning Kamp: http://phk.freebsd.dk/sagas/bikeshed/ It orginated when his fellow developers debated about the implementation of the sleep command. If you type sleep 1 in a Linux or BSD command prompt, sleep starts, do nothing for one second and exits afterwards. If you type sleep 5 it do the same just for five seconds etc. This is quite useful for some automation tasks. There was a proposal that you can enter fraction of seconds e.g. sleep 1.5 Since everybody at some point used this in their scripts and the actual implementation is quite simple (at least compared to more challening programming tasks) there was a lot of discussion and controversy although (like every big project) FreeBSD had also a lot of more serious challenges to solve. Kamp seemed to be annyoed at some point and send his fellow developers some information on Parkinsons law. For the details I recommend reading Kampss website ( http://phk.freebsd.dk/sagas/bikeshed/ ) He explains the whole thing a lot better than me and also a lot funnier in his original mail. Thus: I understand your pain but It's not surprising but just human.
  2. - part count of several thousands (not 1000) - interstellar those are the only 2 notable features i gathered from all the dev talks & blogs etc'. That doesn't mean i want a ship made of 4000 parts. Rather, the game was supposedly optimized to the point where part count is not a concern. There was a lot of talk about optimization.
  3. I think this is probably true—but this is a general system, and it can do it in real time. All these small things are coming together. It's pretty interesting. The Sparks of AGI paper is fascinating. Particularly the theory of mind work they did. There's a talk by one of the authors on youtube that popped up in my feed a couple days ago...
  4. And with magnets, magnetism itself is a warm-up exercise. Because that naturally flows into, "Oh, so when a current flows, there is a magnetic field.? - "Yes." - "So in this magnetized chunk of iron, there are current flows?" - "Well, no, the magnetic field in iron is produced by point objects." And then you have to talk about the spin. And intrinsic degrees of freedom that lead to it. And why that particular hammerspace happens to induce magnetism in the real space, which in itself a wonderful topic. And then how all of this conspires to give an entire atom a magnetic moment, because of course Pauli exclusion is involved. And when that explanation is finally wrapped up, that is usually followed up with, "Well, don't a lot of atomic nuclei have a magnetic moment? Why isn't nearly everything a magnet?" And this is where you break down and cry, because now statistical mechanics is added to the mix. We have quantum mechanics, relativity, and statistical mechanics contributing. The trifecta of all that is modern physics. Welcome to the nightmare, enjoy your stay, don't forget to visit the gift shop on the way out. We have fridge magnets that just say, "MAGIC!"
  5. I will check it again and talk with the Kopernicus dev about this see if we can re-recreate it
  6. Hello, everyone! Thank you for the kind words! I have been a bit too busy to respond to them and TBH I should probably be doing my control systems homework at the moment... Or trying to figure out why the Cubesat's ADCS isn't working... Or catching up on sleep... Or doing optimization homework... Did I mention they are all due today... But I'll do my best to get back to everyone right now! Thank you! The ending has been bouncing around in my head for years now and I'm glad I was able to finally get it in writing. It doesn't completely live up to what's in my head, but I'd say I got about 95% of the way there. I'm glad you enjoyed it! The epilogues were pretty fun to write. Thank you, thank you! Re: first paragraph, I feel the same way, the story has been with me since I was 15. I turned 21 a few days ago! It has been quite an emotional journey. Although it might not be completely over... The idea of doing a second draft has always bounced around in my head and I did test rewrites of chapters 1 and 2 a few months ago that turned out pretty good. Unsure if I'll ever get around to this, if I do, it will be a while. Also have ideas for Galactus related spinoffs. Don't be surprised if I post short spinoffs in this thread every now and then. Re: Second paragraph in the spoiler. This is something that I went back and forth on a lot... Should they stay together? The decision largely came down to my growing up and my personal experiences with that kind of stuff, and the fact that I did not believe I could write a satisfying romantic conclusion... It is very validating that you enjoyed the romance parts, I did not think they were very good at the time. If it makes you feel any better, my headcanon is that they tried for a while and ended up friends for life (musical collabs in the epilogues). One version of the ending that didn't make it into the final story was that they both reached the Pluto monolith together. Re: Third paragraph. PDF/reposting to another site is on the list. I will see what I can do about putting together a definitive version of the first draft but it will likely be a while before I am able to do that. One of my dreams is to get it printed out and actually put into book form so I can have it on a shelf somewhere. However that will likely wait for the hypothetical second draft, which I don't plan to include pictures in if it ever happens, so it should translate much better to novel form. I actually have written a couple things. By far the most successful was a one shot called Mr. President: Looking back on it, it is a bit of a fairytale looking back on it TBH, and the whole Queen and Putin things didn't age too well, but a story is a story! I have actually considered multiple times asking the mods to move this from mission reports into fan works, as the mission report label isn't really accurate any more and hasn't been for several years, but at this point I think it would just confuse people. I'm glad you enjoyed the story! No real comments on what's in the spoiler, just general agreement. I kind of like the idea of them still operating somewhat in stealth mode going forward. Almost six years! I know, right? I'm a bit at a loss for words on how to respond to such high praise, so I'll talk about the galaxy instead. The worldbuilding and the technology and stuff is something I'm very proud of. In the beginning it was just all technobabble but I eventually wrangled it into stuff that makes sense. Speaking of which, the whole quantum spectrum stuff. A semi-canon explanation follows. Quantized spectrum would be a more accurate name, but Quantum spectrum sounds cooler. The main idea is that, well, the spectrum we are all familiar with, the electromagnetic spectrum, on which photons traveling at the speed of light are the carrier particle, is not the only one. By varying some variable that is admittedly still mumbo-jumbo, additional spectrums can be found on which other particles are the carrier particles. These particles may follow different rules, they may interact with normal and exotic matter differently and may travel at different speeds. The "variable" though, is discrete and not continuous, hence the quantization of the spectrums. Every so often in this variable, another usable spectrum appears, and this pattern repeats. Starting at the electromagnetic, or zeroth quantum spectrum, if you go 1, you get the quantum spectrum, 2 for the second quantum spectrum, etc. However the quantization also happens in multiples of pi. So there's a 3.14 spectrum, 6.28 spectrum, and so on... The galaxy as a whole headcanonically uses tau instead of pi (2pi=tau) in everyday use, so the 6.28 spectrum would translate as the tauquantum spectrum, which is the spectrum that the tauquantum gate technology relies on. However, there are actually multiple "variables". The second one that was discovered was just called variable 2, and a prefix was applied to any spectrum discovered - the first Diquantum spectrum, second diquantum spectrum, etc. As more and more variables were discovered, you get stuff like triquantum, quadquantum, pentaquantum, etc. It would make more sense to think of the spectrums as an n dimensional plot where the electromagnetic spectrum lies at (0,0,0,0,0...). There's nothing special about the electromagnetic spectrum other than that it happens to be the one that interacts with the matter that tends to form life the most, so it is the most rapidly understood by a large margin. I never really mentioned variations in multiple dimensions at the same time (There could theoretically be a 1-Quadquantum 4-Triquantum 17-Diquantum Tauquantum spectrum or some other wizardry) so headcanonically variation in more than one dimension at a time tends to make the resulting spectrum difficult to study and not very useful. It would also lead to half of the words in Voyage being complete mumbo jumbo. Indeed it does! Someday, someday... (Additional things I want to quote are on next page, posts will probably merge)
  7. Hakuna Matata! Wow, what a lively discussion. Look, if your upset about the game, that's fine, but it's a bit of a stretch for any of us to define what "Early Access" should mean. But then again, I do have rose colored glasses on... why? Because I'm not going to get myself spun up about a game... a game that I voluntarily put time in. I'm not going to talk negatively, but rather constructively and encouragingly. Not because I don't know about everything that's broken, but rather because I don't see the point in putting shame on someone's best effort when they are so obviously trying to fix things properly. They are listening on Steam, Discord, and these forums... There has already been one patch with significant improvements They are offering weekly updates And there is literally no reason to suggest that their intent is to take money and run. That's so offensive. It's like taking a rough draft to a teacher, and your teacher says- "you didn't put any effort in this" vs, "this needs work, but I like your premises". Constructive criticism is not the same as frustrated venting. Anyone reading this, I hope you remember that you can always delete or not submit a post. I implore you to read it before posting and ask yourself if your really just being blunt, or maybe it's snyde and rude. It happens quickly, often without intent, but to dramatic effect to the recipient and the attitude of the forum. I'm always so disheartened when someone I follow on here is... "just being blunt and honest". Like, yeah, I get that... but is the language you use really helpful? Is this ranting that might not age well after another patch? That's a lot of windbaggery, sorry- I'm reminded of this bit that really puts how you say things into perspective- timing and intent is important. (Sorry about the link, this is where I found it and I don't have another source right now. Saw this a week ago) https://v.redd.it/e5tt2oboaiqa1
  8. I used that to emphasize my point, i wasn't screaming at anyone. In english, it's called a "hook". You DO realize that was the first post in the thread. right?? As part of the positive forum movement, I thought it would be nice to raise people's spirits and maybe shed some positive light in the midst of the rocky launch, but in pure honesty, this forum is so divided by equally strong opinions on KSP2 that it feels just like politics (not bringing that up, just using it as a comparison). This is my last post on this thread, because you know what's more disappointing than KSP2? the people who are making such a big stink about it. Can we not have a positive talk on KSP2? [snip] @Gargamel Its best in my opinion to maybe lock or delete this thread. its lost its meaning.
  9. You can turn off all Kerbalism messages with the pause key, but it turns everything off for every vessel so you might miss something important. Those ultra imaging satellites need a dedicated S- or X-band relay network to get the data down at anything near real time. Three or four relays that can all talk to each other with S/X band dishes pointed at each other (use the antenna targeting button) and have either dedicated dishes pointed at each satellite or a high power but lower gain/wider beam width dish aimed at Earth, with each satellite pointing a dish at each relay, is the way to go.
  10. The issue is not no life support versus no life support in the short term. The question is, was he speaking about what they are doing currently, or if he was speaking about their current plans for version 1.0 (or perhaps longer including DLCs) I would love to read the message from the point of view of current activities. That would be great. They would fix the current problems with the game (many), and once stable, life support would, sorry, might be one of the features added later in the road map. Until I read the second part of this AMA response, I had assumed this was the case and that life support was part of one of the later phases (probably colonies). Even if you read the AMA response this way, it does not promise that there would be life support in the future. (No life support in the short term might also be no life support ever) Unfortunately, the second part of the AMA response appears to indicate a focus on long term plans. Why does he move on to talk about modding, and that future improved moddability being the method to support the players who enjoyed KSP 1 life support mods? The response implied that they knew that there were people that liked life support, but that in their opinion the average player would be as happy without it ("the addition of life support won't enhance gameplay all that much for most players"). The only way I can read the AMA response is that there are no current plans to include life support in the base game. Note the use of the word current. I do not see it as a permanent decision at this point. Using the phase at present signals to me that there is a chance they could re-evaluate the decision in the future. Personally, I am concerned that if life support is not included in the 1.0 plans, that the developers will not want to wade into the mess of several competing life support mods, each with its own separate player base. Especially when they are not convinced at present it would "enhance gameplay." Mods are not an official part of a game, as a result, future features/optimizations may be implemented that clash badly with the mods functions, either on the surface, or more likely behind the scenes in the structure of the game's code.
  11. Easier to manage sure, but why not Let me build the colony manually too, even if just partly or optionally, specially for nearby settlements like the Mun or Minmus where launching to is cheap, plus it provides proper practice for precision landings. Designing the colonies IN the VAB is one thing, building FROM a landed "VAB" makes zero sense. You deliver the building and maybe a couple parts and just assemble anything from that? That's exactly the opposite of how it's planned to work in real life (if you ignore all the magic 3d printer/self-assembly-robots talk). It also means you need to mind your landing place, to make future landings not impossible. Supply runs should not be magic. At least task me with designing the ships and having a supply of fuel available for them. Maybe even design the routes to balance speed vs fuel vs life support of people on board lmao. If you've got a kerbal on board, you can do anything without electricity, except for transmitting science. The only real victim is probes, which almost nobody uses outside of roleplay on account of Kerballed flight having no barriers like life support or proper comms.
  12. yeah me and star used to talk a bit in messages. i just came back but i think he might be gone forever
  13. Chapter 2 Harmony Space Station, 300 kilometers above Kerbin, 27/3/2011 As Bill stared at Kerbin, transfixed, the radio crackled to life, bringing him back to reality. "Bill, time to come in. Control wants to talk to all of us." Bill stole one last glance at Kerbin's glittering seas before jetting over to the airlock. Once the crew had all gathered in Kopernicus, the Kerbal States hab module, mission control relayed the bad news that the crew was expecting; They would not be coming home as planned. "If KASA's done with Baikal, how are we going to get home?" "We'll need a resupply, that's for sure." Bill floated out of Kopernicus, over to the Service Module. His buddy Doodny wanted to talk. Something about this company "Korbital Industries". As Bill listened to Doodny's idea, he immediately knew how they were getting home. Korbital Industries "Dunes Spaceport", 28/3/2011 Doodny was hot, tired, and wondering where he was. After pitching his idea and getting KASA's blessing, he had spent the previous night repeatedly calling the CEO of Korbital, but getting stonewalled. Yet when he came into work the next morning, there was a sleek private jet with the Korbital logo on it idling on the runway. He was told that he needed to come with them, and they wouldn't take no for an answer. After a long flight, the plane landed at a small facility in the deserts. They hadn't told him where it was, but he suspected he wasn't even on the same continent anymore. As soon as he descended the airstairs, he found a man waiting for him with a jeep. "Welcome to Dunes Spaceport! I trust you had a comfortable flight?" "Uhm. Yeah, thanks. If you don't mind me asking, who are you?" "My name is Kirk Kerman, but please, call me Kirk. I'm the CEO of Korbital. You called my office quite a few times last night." "This is our state of the art launch facility. Would you follow me please?" Speechless, Doodny followed him into the jeep. "So, why all the cloak-and-dagger?" "Well, as one of Kerbin's first private launch providers, we need to be able to test our proprietary technology. Out here is the perfect place." Kirk didn't tell him any more than that, but Doodny spotted a few buildings himself, including what looked like a horizontal assembly building. When they reached the offices, Doodny stood in the lobby for a moment to appreciate being in a building with air conditioning. "Please, step into my office." said Kirk. Doodny began his pitch. "Mr. Kerman, I understand your company has a contract with KASA to resupply HSS using your Kirbani spacecraft "Mhm, of course. We launch it from here using our Kappa launch vehicle". "And, you of course understand we have four astronauts on HSS with no way to get home." "Indeed." "Well, I'll get to the point." said Doodny. "I've been instructed by KASA to contact you to find out; Can you modify a Kirbani cargo pod into a reentry capsule for our astronauts?" Kirk thought about it for just a moment, then got up and extended his hand. "I'd be happy to help." To Be Continued...
  14. Prologue Kerbolev Cosmodrome, Rusk Federal Union, 12:38 PM, 21/3/2011 The two technicians sighed. It had been a long day preparing the Baikal for launch, and they took a short break to make small talk. "Cold day today." "Aye. She'll be fine though. I hope..." "Nothing left to do but pump the fuel, let's get a drink." Walking off to the break room, they both failed to notice the frozen fuel duct on the core stage was cracking slightly. Baikal Capsule, Harmony Expedition 39, 22,342 meters above Kerbin Adlo Kerman wasn't even bothered by the shaky ascent. He was euphoric. After years of training, clawing his way into the KASA astronaut corps, getting his engineering degree, education, he was going to Harmony. A request for a status update brought him back to reality. "Control, this is 39, altitude 25,000 meters. Trajectory's good, fuel gauges might be a little off though." "Copy Baikal, we're seeing the fuel issue as w...." A bright flash outside the spacecraft distracted hi- Launch Control Bunker, Kerbolev Cosmodrome "Flight, telemetry's out." "Probably just a bad transmitter." "Sir, the last telemetry shows a massive leakage of fuel, before immediately cutting out." "..." "Flight, the Admiral Kermanov reports debris falling onto the coast. Visual observation suggests they're pieces from the Baikal core stage, with some assorted parts from the capsule." "...Lock the doors..." * * * The recovery teams arrived at the crash site, hoping not to find what they already knew they would. Doodny, the engineer of the team, stepped out of his jeep to survey the damage. "Oh man..." To Be Continued...
  15. I think the problem that different people mean different things when they talk about life support. If they do add it, I think it ought to create fresh gameplay. If it’s just a dry mass tax or another supply line you need to set up, there’s not much point, you might as well role-play that, I do this on longer missions by including a berth on a hitchhiker can for every crew member. What kinds of new gameplay challenges could you build around life support?
  16. Why a mod? It's easy to find at least a dozen people around here who will tell you that half of them ("a handful") of devs can write this game from scratch in six months time and it will run at 120 FPS on a potato with Intel HD graphics. I'm sure they're dying to prove that they talk from experience and that these are not empty claims.
  17. Haven’t seen anyone talk about this. Kerbal ragdolling was half the fun of Kerbal 1.
  18. Not so easily. A gas giant is full of the lightest possible gas, Hydrogen. And why do we keep Hydrogen in liquid form? Partially because it will phase through and compromise its container if left to warm up. Personally, I'm confident that this is in the realm of sci-fantasy and wouldn't pass for a possible stock feature (but you can bet that somebody will make a mod that allows this if they're interested enough). The obvious reason being: any sufficiently large facility will be quite massive and will require an active engine system to hold it up. This engine must be capable of an impossible (unrealistic) combination of TWR (to hold everything up) and Isp (to be fuel efficient and not force the facility to largely be a harvester). Remember, our favorite fusion fuel is not normal Hydrogen and normal Helium, but Deuterium and Helium-3, and we know those are super rare. And we don't talk about thermal control setup for a rocket-powered sky city. And that the engine heat will invite even worse "compromise" problems to the engine.
  19. Also, how are they going to implement all the colonies. It's all they talk about. currently, if you have another vessel in space, games starts breaking. For now, game does not handle 2 active ships properly. On what they will implement colonies? How will that work if in 4 years base game is just broken
  20. The HG-5 is a rather puny relay dish with a fairly short range. There’s some complicated calculation to calculate the maximum range when you have more than one antenna on a vessel and the distance two vessels can talk to one another, I suspect you’re just too far away to reach the relay with a low-power antenna on the lander. If you warp around for a few orbits so they get closer, does the relay work then? Use the Communotron 16 and not the 16S when you can, the 16S doesn’t stack with other transmitters so has a fixed maximum range whereas every other antenna can stack to increase the overall communication range.
  21. This sort of talk reminds me of this video.
  22. In this whole situation, the position of the publisher and developer is completely incomprehensible. The game is in poor condition after "polishing" for several years. T2 keeps quiet, Nate has plenty of time to interview guys with a few dozen subscribers. And in this interview, Nate says that his team is satisfied with the game that they did. And they made the game for whom, for themselves? It seems that KSP2 is not a commercial product, not a game from an indie studio, but as if it is a product of the state, where some unknown officials laundered money and the result is not important to them, the main thing is in the reports and presentations. And it's not in this very "state" of the game? And it's not the development team that released the game? Is this our community? We weren't fooled by a gameplay video in 2019 where there were huge ships and bases? Now the game can barely calculate a large rocket, what kind of bases can we talk about? There are mixed reviews on Steam right now, any other studio of a major game publisher would have received a review bombing and a metacritic rating tending to zero for such a release, and quite deservedly so.
  23. i was looking at the pinouts for my gpu connectors and i noticed that the only difference between a 6-pin and an 8-pin, is the 8-pin has 2 extra grounds. i think the rule of thumb is 120 watts per 18 gauge wire pair. but im wondering what the advantage is for having an extra pair of grounds. whatever advantage the 12vhpwr gives you, it omits the extra grounds found on dual 8s, and you might as well run dual 6s. frankly im glad amd did not re-invent the wheel on this one and used 8-pins. i think id have done a mini-16, and the i2c lines in the housing instead of having this stupid overengineered (and therefore expensive) composite connector. id rather they just put a power limit slider in the gpu drivers so i can tell it what the power budget is without it needing to talk to the psu. and to think while they were specifying a stupid new connector to replace something that was already ok, they would have specified new structural members in the gpu mounting hardware to support ever growing render bricks.
  24. I didn't touch the textures, only brought the scatterer configs up to date so that they work with the latest version (which I am not sure wouldn't infringe the license). @Poodmundwould be more suited to talk about the licensing of his work though. If you want to improve on the scatterer configs, it is fine by me.
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