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  1. May you provide me with a lander to land on Echo (From the Precursors Planet Pack). It requires 3800m/s to go to orbit or land and all entries must come with a normal Clamp-O-Tron docking port (1.25m). Thanks for your help! The docking port I'm referring to: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Clamp-O-Tron_Docking_Port
  2. Kalkulator is a mod for Kerbal Space Program 2 that adds a basic calculator with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division functionality. The latest release is 1.0.2, which has been tested to work with of KSP 2. Previous Releases: 1.0.0 | 1.0.1 Download Links SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3327/Kalkulator Github: https://github.com/JohnsterSpaceProgramOfficial/Kalkulator/releases Installation Download and extract SpaceWarp + BepInEx (https://spacedock.info/mod/3277/Space%20Warp%20+%20BepInEx) into the root directory of your copy of KSP 2. Drag the contents of the mod's zip file into the root directory of your KSP 2 installation. If you did everything correctly, when you run the game, the mod should appear similar to what is shown in the screenshots below. Screenshots License (CC BY-ND 4.0)
  3. SpaceDock is the premier mod hosting site for Kerbal Space Program and Kerbal Space Program 2. Download and upload mods for: Kerbal Space Program 2 Kerbal Space Program 1 Site newes and announcements If youre having problems with the Advanced Search help beeing in the way reload your browser cache by pressing Shift+F5 OR Shift+ click reload
  4. Have you ever wanted to see your flight data in beautiful charts? Ever wanted to see a detailed log of your altitude, apoapsis, velocity, and much, much more? Well, KSP Data Export allows you to do that! This mod allows you to choose from 20 different values to log (even more are coming in future updates), and neatly puts them into a CSV file. You can then use this CSV file in programs such as Excel or Google Sheets to create beautiful looking charts and graphs. Data is logged by default every one second, but you are allowed to change to whatever you would like. I made this video to demonstrate some of the features: Current Values to Choose From: Vessel Surface Velocity G-Force Acceleration Thrust TWR Mass Position Altitude (Terrain) Altitude (Sea Level) Downrange Distance Latitude Longitude Orbit Apoapsis Periapsis Inclination Orbital Velocity Target Distance Target Velocity Resources Stage DeltaV Vessel DeltaV Science Air Pressure More values are coming soon! Screenshots The main GUI The GUI to choose which values to log Download This mod is available on CKAN, as well as SpaceDock and CurseForge. If you prefer to download it on GitHub, you can get it here. The source code is available here. License: MIT Thank you for reading, let me know your comments, feedback, and suggestions! (I am new the forums, so hopefully I didn't make any mistakes. This is also my first mod!)
  5. THIS MOD IS STILL IN DEV GO TO THE ORIGINAL FORUM POST TO DOWNLOAD THE MOD I've been working on updates to this mod but they aren't ready yet and I don't know when they'll be ready, my schedule has been all over the place for the past few years and honestly I really don't want to be redirecting traffic. The original mod STILL WORKS with the latest version of KSP (at least it did the last time I checked). GO THERE. Thanks, Geo
  6. https://github.com/Xeloboyo/NotEnoughShips Source code, license (MIT), and installation instructions in above link. Uses Spacewarp 0.2+ Does what it says on the tin, that is, spawn any saved vessel or loaded part in the current active campaign. Disclaimers: The vessel position serialization when in orbit is strange in ksp2 currently. This results in when spawning a vessel in orbit locally, spawned vessel will have a rather large offset at times. Features coming: - Ability to select a part and spawn it as a derelict vessel for testing. - Ability to spawn vessel next to a selected ship as opposed to the only active ship. - Ability to replace a vessel with another. - Ability to spawn a vessel next to ground structures like flags. Feedback: reply to this post with a mention or raise an issue on github.
  7. So, my RTX2060 maxes out at 30% on startup while I only get around 30 fps. There are also moments where fps drops to 15 and GPU usage drops to 10%. Similar things happen when I have a couple of vehicles next to me and I look at them, the usage drops along with the FPS. My Specs: Ryzen 5 3600 Rtx 2060 16GB RAM And my ksp is on SSD
  8. Download Here EVE is bundled, but be sure to check EVE page for updates as i will not be updating this mod often. Pics: (some may be outdated, will get updated as i get good screenies) Features: *Minimalistic design with focus on performance and full scatterer compatibility (not required to run mod, best to not use it when performance is an issue). *All planets but Gilly and Bop (geometric limitation) have atmospheric scatter or glow effects rendered via EVE cloud layers. Colors are generally highly saturated to give a more sci-fi universe feel compared to the more white and washed out realistic style used in most other mods like SVE. *Kerbin, Duna, Eve, Jool and Laythe have cloud layers. All volumetric layers (Kerbin, Laythe, Eve, ect) are kept minimalistic in thickness and useage to maximize performance while still creating as good an effect as possible. *Some airless bodies have fog/dust effects. Color choice is fairly varied, with some planets having highly colorful fog while others use a more greyish color. Duna has dust storms and Eeloo has blizzards. Moho has something akin to burning air. Particle density is kept to a minimum to keep performance up. While i cannot speak for everyone, my mid range laptop is capable of handling this mod as well as 2 1000 part warships in low orbit around any planet. *Designed to work with scatterer mod, provided you remove the "atmospheres" of SciFiVE since those look janky with scatterer enabled and should not be used together. Changelog: V-1.6 *Vall redesigned from ground up, 2 layers of floating ice in 2 different layer patterns, deleted the ground particle effect as I dont want too much perf hit from 3 particle layers rendering simultaneously. *Minor tweaks all around to layers to try and make things more consistent. Nothing major, but a few things specifically Duna's dust have been slightly improved overall. V-1.5 *File structure redone to make it easier for people to choose which effects they want or do not want without having to go the extra step and remove or edit configs. Currently split into: atmospheres: kerbin, eve, lathe, jool, duna, consider disabling if you use scatterer for a very minor frame boost clouds: renders clouds on planets that use atmospheres effect glow: similar effect to atmospheres but applies to non atmospheric planets dust: renders all the 3d particles near the ground, very cinematic but eats much more frames then the other effects so if your GPU starts crying try disabling this 1st *Overhaul of every glow layer. Edges of almost all planets have a distinctive and noticeable glow effect. Considerably improves contrast, light side actually looks like its reflecting light, dark side is truly dark. I did my absolute best to minimize artefacting present from stock EVE bugs, but a few rare cases still exist... *Many tweaks to particles to both improve visuals and cut down on needless lag (some effects like laythe rain is only visible right next to the camera, as its very hard to notice it far away in the 1st place given how light it is). Altered axis of many particle fields to make them move in different directions and not always east. *Improved laythe rain fx, now only visible at very short ranges, smaller particle size, slightly increased particle density to compensate (performance net increase). Also changed laythe clouds a bit *Added fire effect to moho, high velocity clouds occasionally zip past craft on the surface. Tried not to overdo the effect so the particles are rather thin and spaced out, will look into improving this for later versions. Also, removed moho's aura effect as it adds performance cost and is barely even noticeable during normal gameplay (you only really see it in very very high orbit around moho). For those that really liked it use glow.bak instead of glow.cfg. V-1.4 *Optimized to work alongside stock scatterer (download and install this separately, not packaged with this mod), *Redone or tweaked textures for Kerbin, Duna, Eve, and Laythe. Some new textures, some altered previous textures. *Added uvnoise feature to all major cloud maps to help eliminate jagged edge problems. Not a perfect solution, but it allows lower resolution detail textures and still keeps the cloud layers looking decent. *Few alterations to colors, particle density, ect. *Rain fx added to Laythe. *Mod now broken up into 3 separate files, the base mod (required dependancy), with optional cloud and dust addons. All come in a single zip file, but you can easily pick what features you want. V-1.3 *Huge overhaul of Kerbin, Duna, and Laythe. Completely redone textures (cloud maps, detail textures, particle textures). Detail textures are vastly improved with 2 of em being 4096x4096 to allow a good variety of cloud styles within a single layer without creating obvious tiling issues. *Brand new particle sprites for all planets with a bit more focus on overall quality. *More varied particle maps which makes each planet have a different thickness and level of particle coverage, no more reusing the same detail textures for half the planets. *Many other alterations too minor to bother mentioning, try it out to find out. V-1.2 *New custom cloud maps in 4096x2048 (8192x4096 for Kerbin), unique to every planet. Styles vary from purely sci-fi to semi-realistic depending on the planet for variety's sake. *Three new higher resolution detail textures which are both high res and do not give tiling issues when viewed from far away. Currently textures are for cumulus, cirrus, and a sci-fi one. *Seven new particle textures. Three are for clouds, all of which are wispy in nature and optimized to look good with very low particle density. Four are for the surface effects which vary from some particulates floating around to full blown dust storms. *Few minor color adjustments to improve looks with the new cloud textures. V-1.1 *Improved detail textures. *Minor changes to atmosphere and glow colors. V-1.0 *Initial release. Support: Due to a lack of time in my life i am not offering support of any kind officially. I may or may not update this mod when/if i get time on vacations or whatnot, but i currently have a full time job, family to take care of, and what little downtime i have available i cannot really spend on videogame modding. It was a pleasure working on this mod (and a few others), but for now im officially on hiatus, and as such ive modified the licensing to allow anyone to do anything with the mod or resources solong as it remains freely available for everyone to enjoy (that means no using any of my work to make money without my explicit permission). If you are having trouble installing, please post on the thread, and someone with technical knowledge on the forum should be able to help you. You may use all art assets and parts of this mod as you please, credit is appreciated but its not like im gonna chase anyone down if they dont. You are free to redistribute identical and modified copies of this mod. Also, absolutely no commercial use without explicit permission period, im not making any money on this free mod and neither will anyone else. And liscense for EVE itself which is packaged alongside mod:
  9. Kerbal Telemetry - Now Standalone! Telemetry addon for Kerbal Space Program. The program uses a server that is running on the KSP side and a client which is capable of running both the KSP side computer or any other one over a web browser. This means you can connect to the server from any device which is capable of running it over a web browser by entering your server computer's local address and selected port from the interface (default 8000), for example: Download Links Github (Direct Link) SpaceDock CurseForge Report Issue Create a new issue (Github) Features Real-time sync with the KSP. Accessible over the LAN. Full-featured 3D Kerbin map with real pinpoints on it. Real-time attitude indicator. Target name, distance and speed. Real-time telemetry data. Controlling the vessel from the interface. (Will be fixed on oncoming updates) Staging from the interface. (Will be fixed on oncoming updates) Cool animation when you reach the orbit (when executed from the interface). Multi-language support (English, Russian, Japanese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese, French, Spanish). General information about KSP, spaceship and many more. A brand new module to attach to the spacecraft. Translations If you see any problems or if you want to translate the program to your language, please contact me from my Github page. Russian - MekoNix Japanese - MekoNix Ukrainian - MekoNix Turkish - yagiziskirik English - yagiziskirik Chinese - Auto-translated French - Auto-translated Spanish - Auto-translated Dependencies None! Setup Export files to GameData folder as a folder named "KerbalTelemetry". Done! Please be aware of that naming is quite important for mod to work correctly. Make sure you have `Kerbal Space Progam/GameData/KerbalTelemetry` folder and you need to have `KerbalTelemetry.dll`, `Textures`, `WebServer` and `Parts` files in KerbalTelemetry folder. Usage You need to unlock "Engineering 101" tech tree to use the mod in Career mode. Then add Kerbal Telemetry Computer to your spacecraft. Click to the toolbar icon to open up user interface. Select a port (or use default 8000) and start the server via the corresponding button. Connect to your computer's local IP address and defined port (or localhost if you are using the same computer) on your browser on your device preferably from another computer or from which KSP is installed (ex. localhost:8000 or or If you don't know how to find the local IP address, you can follow this link for more information. On the top bar you can see: Spacecraft name Mission time after the take-off Speed Altitude Apogee Perigee Inclination On the first page (Spacecraft Information): External Values page will show you the Location and Atmosphere information. Orbit Information page will show the orbit information. Spacecraft Information page will show information about the spacecraft. Temperature Values will give information about the temperature. On the second page (Telemetry): You can see the charts after you take-off to the point you reach 90km from the sea level (FL900). Also it shows some current values of the spacecraft. On the third page (Command & Control): You will see the extended details about the target. You can see the flight panel control panel. Flight Commands which ables you to command the spacecraft from the web interface. On the final page (Settings): You can select the language of the interface. You can select refresh rate and chart refresh rate. On the bottom bar: Current stage information Stage Now button which initiates the next stage Current planet Current real-time Whether you have communication Initials of the target Target speed / target distance Usage is very simple. Start the game. When you start a flight, activate telemetry plugin from toolbar. You will see the charts will refresh when you are airborne and below 90,000 meters. Special Thanks I would like to thank @MekoNix, @Aebestach, @Genhis and @NguyenAirlines for their contribution and ideas. License
  10. This tiny mod empowers your every day tourists for much more kourageous adventures. With a little bit of training they finally can disembark the space (and other types of) craft. For their efforts not to be left forgotten, they can picture themselves in the most distant places imaginable. And last, but not least - they're willing to pay some good money for their entertainment. * NEW - SkyDiving contracts! * * Also NEW * - to unlock SkyDiving contracts you must * BUZZ THE TOWER * First! Sample of picture of group of tourists visiting a Mün base. Note those happy faces. Some more screenshots: Now, some technical details. This mod temporarily promotes tourists to crew members in order to allow them go EVA. However, actual EVA ability is restricted based on current tourist experience level and vessel situation. These restrictions are configurable with defaults as follows: Level EVA allowed when Jetpack 0 Landed on Kerbin; not moving No 1 Landed or Splashed on Kerbin, Landed on Mün or Minmus; surface speed below 1 m/s No 2 Landed or Splashed anywhere; surface speed below 3 m/s No 3 Landed or Splashed anywhere or being on stable orbit; no speed restrictions No 4 Landed or Splashed anywhere or being on stable orbit; no speed restrictions Yes Level 5 tourists, if they survived to this, can do basically everything. Tourists gain experience just like regular crew, so for training them to level one, just take them to orbital spaceflight around Kerbin and recover. Level 2 could be obtained by Mün/Minmus landings and this is enough for every possible contract destination. You can also train them onsite using facilities that provide Level up crew function, albeit it does not seem safe enough. Jetpack fuel is drained if tourist level does not allow using it. Tourists still can not perform things like taking surface samples, collect experiment data or pilot ships, however they can carry stuff if KIS is installed and can take photos of themselves. All kerbals in the scene will notice that and express some emotions depending on their courage and stupidity levels. The photo could be found in standard screenshot directory and looks like Glerina Kerman-Mun-17-03-01-12:06:18.png, i.e. file name contains the name of the kerbal taking photo, planetary body and time when it was taken. This mod also adds three new types of contracts that depend on tourists ability to de-board the vessel. Walking on the surface of celestial body Taking picture of tourist group when they walk on the surface of celestial body Taking picture of tourist group when they stay nearby some point of interest (currently anomalies on Kerbin and Mün; exact location is not given, only some hints; make use of your scanners) Needless to say that all contracts require safe recovery of all involved tourists. Mod Compatibility This mod was tested and found compatible with following EVA-related mods: EVA Fuel Continued EVA Enhancements Continued EVA Follower With latest version of EVA Fuel, the jetpack fuel that was drained from vessel's tanks, is returned back, in previous versions it would be lost. Kudos to @linuxgurugamer for adding a patch for this. EVA Follower is rather old mod, but is very handy and was rebuilt for 1.3, look it up in the end of the forum thread. Tourists can also add some charm and style to their selfies by opting to Araym's Stock-alike Advanced Suits Issues Contract rewards are bit skewed, please suggest some improvements. Please report if you find any other issue. Bugs could be fixed faster if you provide your log file when debug is turned on - see GameData/KourageousTourists/Kourage.cfg Development thread (if of any interest) can be found here Changelog Future improvements I'd like to have real selfie-stick KIS prop, but lack modelling skills to make it. If you feel like you could do it, please contact me. Also, contract suggestions (or any other suggestions) are welcome. Side effect With ability to board and de-board vessels, you can really seize re-usability. See inside: Source code on GitHub License (MIT) Download Releases on GitHub, on CurseForge, on SpaceDock Latest release is 0.5.2 Happy planetary vacations!
  11. AoA Technologies Development Thread Changelog: v.1.4.1 - Fixed JSIVariableAnimator error - Added crew reports where missing - Tested in 1.4.5, should work in 1.5.1 Known bugs: Cobra MKII, Combat Dragon II and Super Tucano cockpits are missing hatches. v.1.4 "Alpha Strike" - Configuring, testing, etc. - NEW COCKPIT! Su-57 cockpit, internals still pending. - Heavy bugfixing (Including engine starting by itself). v. - Minor bugfixing before major update at christmas - 1.2 support discontinued. Version still availaible - 1.3.1 supported - Curse discontinued v. 1.3.9 "Low Pass" - Updated for 1.3 - New fin texture - New internals - Some new textures - New engine FX v. 1.3.8 "Mach 1" - Everything works v. 1.3.8 pre - Bugfixing - New interior for Tucano cockpit - New Bronco cockpit - New FlyPit - Messing with props - New agency logo, more intuitive v. 1.3.7 "Afterburning" - New Afterburning engine FX - Fixed Falken RCS bug - MiniAVC compatibility - Changed Tech Required for some stuff - Full compatibility with 1.2.2 v.1.3.6 "Sonic" - Minor bugfixes (Internal transmitter, BD Armory compatibility, and other misc stuff) - Custom ScienceDefs : Electronic report to replace crew report on drones - New AoA Technologies Agency - Hawk cockpit FLIR ball working. - Fixed not showing & textures bugs Requirements RasterPropMonitor Aset Props & Avionics (Included on cKan/Spacedock) Firespitter & ModuleManager Plugins (These are bundled in a lot of mods, check if you already have their latest versions in your GameData folder) Credits to @nli2work for props used. Licensed under CC-BY. Thanks to @linuxgurugamer and @gomker for helping me with latest release's bugfixing DOWNLOADS Also available via cKan >FOR 1.2.X (Discontinued) CLICK HERE< Get old KU34 texture here. Delete the old folder and replace. Source I and martinezfg11 are open to suggestions Album Hope you enjoy it. => @martinezfg11 Is still working on the mod. Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Parts: (coming soon)
  12. This pack provides realistic models of SpaceX's rockets and spacecraft, made for your Stock Kerbal Space Program installation. Crew Dragon Cargo Dragon 2 Starlink Satellite Falcon 9 with parts to make all of its versions: Block 5, Full Thrust, 1.1, 1.0 Falcon Heavy Falcon 1 Interplanetary Transport System [2016 version] ASDS Droneship "Just Read the Instructions" and "Of Course I Still Love You" Landing Zone 1 You will find all flown Merlin versions (M1Ci, M1C, M1CV, M1D, M1DV and its subsequent upgrades), Raptor and Kestrel, 22 different payload fairing textures from real missions, booster and fairing recovery hardware, different textures for the booster, 4 different textures for Crew Dragon and 2 textures for the drone ship ("Of Course I Still Love You" and "Just Read The Instructions") included. Download from Spacedock Realism Overhaul Configs [WIP] by @pmborg Installation Follow the instructions in the included "readme" file. You can choose to install the parts at their real sizes or at a stock-compatible size (2.5m). The following mods are recommended to be installed as well: Textures Unlimited for shiny, metallic looking parts by @Shadowmage Animated Decouplers for retracting Crew Dragon trunk umbilical by @Starwaster RetractableLiftingSurface for a working fairing parafoil by @linuxgurugamer Launch Towers Pack for realistic launch towers by @sciencepanda Note that Module Manager by @sarbian is required to make the rescaled configs and some of the above mentioned mods to work. Changelog Known Issues Media All rights reserved.
  13. I've stopped playing ksp for a few years now but I am now just getting back into it. Is there any links to an updated version of b9. What is the future of this mod?
  14. Recently I saw many people had a darker/dim kinda forest green grass near the ksc which look really natural. Example: https://imgur.com/a/D9zLVue (Credit to @Zorg) Does anyone know how to make it look like that? It looks amazing. Thanks!
  15. Made an Airbus A330 based cockpit with stock-alike textures, any interest? Or suggestions for more cockpits / parts? It does not have an IVA yet, though I'd like to give it a try, haven't tried doing one before.
  16. So recently I have installed Spectra Now I have already asked a similar question but does anyone know how to make my game look like this? (The image) If anyone knows what mods/configs I need i would be happy.
  17. LAZARUS IS OUT NOW! Welcome to Lazarus: Awakenings. A whole new stellar neighborhood with a dark secret. ALMOST!
  18. Drakenex Deluxe Counterfeits presents In association with Invaderchaos Tantares and BDB now in Colors! Your favorite skin pack for Tantares and BDB is back. Now featuring the amazing work of Invaderchaos. Download at Spacedock BDBNIC GH Dev (expect missing and broken things) TNIC GH Dev (same as above) Join us and experience your favorite launchers in historical and some other amazing skins, like: Atlas SM-65 ICBM Agena Seasat Apollo CSM boiler plates Atlas Bare Metal Parts * Titan in Delta II blue And many more coming soon! *TU required Authors: BDB Skins: @Invaderchaos Tantares Skins: @Drakenex Amazing screenshots by: @Zorg All works and modification permitted by the great and talented @Beale and @CobaltWolf This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  19. Hi! I would like to create my own shaders for KSP, but don't know where to start because I couldn't find any tutorials on the subject. If anyone has any info or suggestions on how to make shaders, I'd appreciate it if you shared them with me!
  20. IMPERIAL PLANET PACK Hundreds of thousands of years after the star Azure passed by Kerbol and deposited a wealth of new planets in the system...such as Olu'um, Quarta, and Scorch...a second star passed by: Helios. It was dragged along by Azure, and passed by the severely altered Kerbol system and changed the already shaken and unstable planets a lot - it effectively "stole" all of the Kerbol planets, rendering their orbits skewed and the planets very different. The Voluxian Empire, from around Olu'um, meanwhile, was going out and colonising all the planets they could: after they got the technology to escape Olu'um, they felt an insatiable drive to spread their kind around the solar system, planting colonies on any planet they could, regardless of whether or not it was feasible. One day, however, they discovered another civilisation in the solar system: on Gaia. They quickly subjugated the population and made the Gaians do the Imperial bidding... APOLLO Apollo, formerly known as Moho, was once a nicer place: brown and airless, rather than with reddish orange colouration and fiery air: with oceans of lava to top it all off. After it captured a small planet that was orbiting Helios, the initial stages of its rings were formed from the debris created from the tidal forces of the two bodies. However, Apollo's new proximity to the sun rendered any moons unstable in their orbits: as such, it crashed into the planet, heating it further and creating the remainder of the ring. Now, the only remnant of this moon is a small chunk of lava orbiting Apollo in an inclined, eccentric orbit... Meanwhile, the Empire was colonising Apollo. Although it was very hot and hostile to life, they nevertheless tried: the components for an atmosphere and oceans were shipped there at great expense to initialise the terraforming process. They managed to get an atmosphere to retain its mass...though it was of such a high pressure that only Voluxians could go outside, not their Gaian servants. After an atmosphere was established and a dense ozone layer were implemented, water was added into the mix. Small oceans formed, but most of it went into the atmosphere. When the small moon crashed into the planet, it vaporised the oceans and a lot of the material on the planet, creating the dense cloud layer currently present and reducing the entire surface to slag for a while. It eventually cooled down enough so that land could form; however, lava still covers a large amount of the surface today. All traces of the colonists were melted with the surface.... THANATOS Thanatos was once known as Eve...until the Voluxians came with their names and made it Thanatos for all intents and purposes; it is significantly different from how it used to be, though: rather than a scalding hot, toxic planet with very high gravity, it is now a hot, high-pressure planet with very high gravity. The introduction of a species of bacterium specialised at breaking down the toxins found in Thanatos's atmosphere converted it into a planet well-suited for colonisation, at least relatively speaking; considering that planets like Apollo existed, it was a mean feat to be considered viable. The conversion increased the liquid component of its oceans and reduced the gaseous, accounting for its lowered atmospheric thickness and increased sea level. The differences in terrain were due to geological activity from the tidal influence of its recently captured moon of Theristis - this airless, bluish grey body is a beautiful sight to see in the crimson sunsets of Thanatos. Theristis was a minor planet in the Helios system, and the large sphere of influence of Thanatos resulted in it being captured. Unlike Apollo's captured moon of Leto, this did not lead to any disastrous consequences for the fledgling ecosystem on the planet below. TERRA Terra. Once known as Gaia, it has undergone drastic changes since the Voluxians first came and turned it into a planet of factories and mines in order to fuel their ever-voracious machine of expansion and colonisation. The ice caps have partially melted, oceans have flooded some of the terrain, vegetation has rebounded since the Empire - the majority of the planet is covered in lush forests of green, save those areas particularly devastated by the fires of industry: the massive, hot deserts encompassing the remaining land. Its moons have not changed much over the years: Luna has undergone some tidal shifting from the passing of Helios, making it somewhat different in terms of look, but fundamentally it is little different from Gol, other than of course the cooling of its crater. Selene's "goo" oceans that it had while it was called Gullis have also mixed back with the rest of the moon, rendering it more alike Minmus than Gullis, but more bluish. (note: I may make Luna [SEKRIT REDACTED NEFARIOUS PLANS FOR LUNA], but for now, it is simply the Mun but slightly different) Now that the Empire has crumbled and all their technology decaying in old fortresses, the Terrans are free to explore the solar system once more... ARES Formerly Duna, and now Ares, this body was one of the successful colonisation attempts of the Empire: unlike Thanatos, however, life on this planet flourished - the red inland of Duna is still present, however, due to the fact that the soil more distant from its oceans is less rich in nutrients; however, life will eventually spread there. Terrans, during the Imperial era, were not allowed there. It was a purely Voluxian world, the centre of their bureaucracy outside of Olu'um. As such, the legends of beautiful, strange forests under a red sky are prevalent in Terran culture from a lack of any ability to actually see the surface. For the first time in recent history, Terrans now have the ability to get to Ares and its beautiful moon Stratos. KYVERNITIS The original name of Kyvernitis has been lost, but it still retains the characteristic green colour it had in times of old; its moons, however, have changed drastically due to the influence of the terraformers of the Empire. Erimos, known once as Laythe, was crashed into by Bop; Bop disintegrated and Erimos lost its water - the only reason it still has an atmosphere is the Empire. Insula, however, was more successful. By melting the ice in the surface and adding an atmosphere, a cold, archipelago world with a band of life around the equator was created...and then Nova: the pride and joy of the Empire. A desert and forest world, temperate, perfect for life, it was used as a vacation resort for the most wealthy of Voluxians; the government was already established on Volux, Terra, and Ares, so they saw no need to set up on Nova...but it truly is a perfect homeworld for life: hence its name, the Voluxian word for "New". This planet pack is meant to be a continuation of the GPO planet pack by Gameslinx (link down below this) and all of his amazing planets, along with the stock ones. THIS IS A DEVELOPMENT THREAD, AND UNTIL I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW FOR EACH STOCK PLANET, I WILL NOT CONSIDER THIS A MOD IN A RELEASE WORTHY STATE, AND EVEN THEN PROBABLY NOT. The order of releases is roughly established: Pre-Alpha is all the stock planets established; Alpha is all the GPO planets established; Beta is all of the stock planets well made; and Release is all GPO planets well made. As of right now, it is in an alpha stage. Enjoy! Screenshots: GPO: Credits: @Gameslinx for inspiring me to make planets, providing advice and help, and just being an overall great influence on how this pack came about; @GregroxMun for yelling at me when I did dumb things with the mod; @Galileo for providing the skybox textures; ThomasP for creating the Kopernicus plugin, without which this mod would not be possible; rbray89 for making EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, which allows the awesome clouds on Apollo to be a thing; blackrack for making Scatterer, which just makes everything work so much more well; and @JadeOfMaar for recommending things to do, and how to do them better. Thanks all of you TIMELINE: 09/04/17 - 11/14/17: Stock Replacement Making 11/15/17 - [tbd]: GPO Replacement Making Discord for people telling me what to do and how to do it better than I could on my own (also Gameslinx's discord is this one so thats cool): Screenshots: Album a/CbI6Q will appear when post is submitted IMPORTANT: READ THE README IN THE MOD FOLDER!!!
  21. Jack-O'Lantern (JACK) Jack-O'Lantern themed probe cores in seven sizes. All the modcons. Now with pumpkin chunking! By zer0Kerbal, originally by @Porkjet brought to you by KerbSimpleCo Features This addon adds seven sizes of Jack-O'Lantern shaped probe cores See more YouTube review by Kottabos Gaming Help Wanted Localization Installation Directions 1 Dependencies Kerbal Space Program 2 Recommends Halloween (HLWN) Eterno Rest 2000 (REST) Cluster O'Lantern (COL) Kaboom (BOOM) Foundations (FND) Helps prevent ground constructions from floating away Suggests SimpleLogistics! (SLOG!) SimpleConstruction! (SCON!) SimpleLife! (SLIF!) TweakScale Supports GPO (Goo Pumps & Oils') Speed Pump (GPO) On Demand Fuel Cells (ODFC) Either 3 Module Manager Module Manager /L Tags parts, config, uncrewed red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date Credits and Special Thanks @Porkjet for creating this glorious themed parts addon! see Attribution.md for more comprehensive list Legal Mumbo Jumbo (License provenance) DONATIONS: How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal and it is true. Connect with me Track progress: issues here and projects here along with The Short List Release Schedule GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now. CurseForge. Right now. SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Soon™ this isn't a mod. ;P↩︎ may work on other versions (YMMV)↩︎ Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date!
  22. This isn't a suggestion, it's something I'm actually trying to do with a mod pack. The idea is to make a full mod pack that will make the game somewhat playable in VR. Here's what mods I'm putting in: Vivero (VR mod) https://github.com/Vivero/Kerbal-VR RasterProp Monitor (and various plugins to make the MFDs more useful) Through the Eyes (Kerbal EVA first person view) KIS and KAS (to make EVA a little more interesting) I've run into a road block. Vivero ONLY allows you to enable VR when in an IVA... And apparently running the first person mod, and going EVA in first person doesn't count as an IVA. So I'm unable to enable VR while on a first person EVA. It seems like there's possibly a simple fix, maybe a file I could open and edit in notepad, so that Vivero can enable VR regardless of whether or not you're in IVA. But I don't know enough about programming to identify what file I'd have to open, and what edits I'd need to make. If anybody has any experience with modding who could point me in the right direction, I'd really appreciate it. I'm so close to making a proper KSP VR mod pack work.
  23. Hooligan Labs Airships HL AIRSHIPS RISES FROM HER GRAVE!!! Brought back from the dead by the amazing @dunclaw and @SpannerMonkey(smce) for 1.1.2. I honestly can't thank them enough for bringing her back to life for me and everybody else that loved this mod so much! Updated to 1.9.1 by the WONDERFUL @Angel-125 Code now updated to KSP 1.12.3 by @Lisias Download: Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3040/HL Airships Core Source: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/HLAirshipsCore/releases HL Airships adds several airship parts to the game, allowing you to build and design absurd flying contraptions that would make Willy Wonka proud.
  24. reCOLOR Download Github Spacedock (soon) (maybe) What if this mod? reCOLOR is a mod that adds retextures for the SLS and Space Shuttle External Tank textures to make them either look colorful, realistic, or match concept designs such as SLS with Saturn V styled painting The main textures Delta Blue External tank and SLS parts Multiple Flag textures Purple ET and SLS parts An Improved White for both SLS and ET Saturn styled SLS textures Pride textures for SLS and External Tank Green, Red, and Yellow External Tank Textures Dependencies reDIRECT by @benjee10 Module Manager Highly suggested additions SOCKrepainted by @Arthurism for more shuttle textures Shuttle Payload Delivery Systems by @MATVEICH_YT Additional info Thank you so much to @benjee10 for giving us permission to both me and Arthurism for SOCK/reDIRECT retexture mods. It's a very special thing to be able to do and one of my first tries at modding, so I'm glad it went well Thank you to @MATVEICH_YT For letting me do stuff for reCOLOR as well. He's the one who started the mod and I'm inspired by him a lot for it, which was how I even started doing anything related to ksp modding Thank you to @Talverd and @lemon cup who have been massive inspirations for all my shuttle related endeavors weather modding the game or just making something cool in game. And thanks to @Arthurism, @Invaderchaos, and @AmateurAstronaut1969 for being incredably helpfull and supporting in this task in both reCOLOR and SOCKrepainted
  25. i am getting the error where kopernicus is not able to load the custom planetary system, I have a pretty large modpack: https://pastebin.com/2N3baULb KSP.log: https://file.io/JtuQuDPDXrW9 ModuleManager.ConfigCache: https://file.io/j1szrlQVKlhY
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