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  1. VertexHeightOblateAdvanced VertexHeightOblateAdvanced is a custom PQS Mod intended for use by planet modders to enable easy creation of oblate bodies via a simple PQS Mod, rather than via a heightmap. Additionally, when in the SOI of a body implmenting VertexHeightOblateAdvanced, two new camera modes will be added to the camera rotation after FREE mode to better support non-spherical bodies. Planet pack developers implementing VertexHeightOblateAdvanced are encouraged to bundle it with their mod, for the convenience of users. Examples PointEqupotential UniformEquipotential Low UniformEquipotential Low UniformEquipotential High UniformEquipotential High Download Github SpaceDock Installation and Use Install ALL listed dependencies, following the links below Download and extract the VertexHeightOblateAdvanced zip file Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory Once installed, simply add a VertexHeightOblateAdvanced node to the Mods node in your body's PQS node Using the following Google Sheet, find appropriate periods for your body to get the desired oblateness, based on body surface gravity and radius. Camera modes: SURFACE NORMAL Functions like FREE camera mode, but with the vertical axis aligned perpendicular to the shape defined by the VertexHeightOblateAdvanced instance. This eliminates the "uphill effect" that oblate bodies have. Lerps to FREE camera mode when greater than 10% of the body radius above the maximum oblate height. GRAVITY NORMAL Functions like FREE camera mode, but with the vertical axis aligned with the local apparent gravity vector, taking into account the effects of rotation. Surfaces that look flat and level are actually flat and level relative to gravity. Lerps to FREE camera mode when greater than 10% of the body radius above the maximum oblate height. Parameters and expected values: oblateMode: overall controller for type of generation used Values: (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend, CustomEllipsoid) PointEquipotential: Generates a point mass equipotential UniformEquipotential: Generates a uniform density equipotential, either a Maclaurin spheroid or Jacobi ellipsoid deppending on energyMode and period Blend: Multiply a PointEquipotential by a CustomEllipsoid CustomEllipsoid: Generate an ellipsoid based on a, b, and c axis values energyMode : Used with: oblateMode (UniformEquipotential) Values: (Low, High) Low: For the given period, generate using the low oblateness branch. Always generates a Maclaurin spheroid High: For the given period, generate using the high oblateness branch. Generates either a Maclaurin spheroid or Jacobi ellipsoid based on period mass: Mass of the body as set in the Properties node. Optional if geeASL is provided. Used with: oblateMode (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend) Value: (greater than 0) geeASL: Surface gravity of the body as set in the Properties node. Ignored if mass mass is provided. Used with: oblateMode (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend) Value: (greater than 0) period: Rotational period of the body as set in the Properties node. Used with: oblateMode (PointEquipotential, UniformEquipotential, Blend) Value: (greater than 0) a: The primariy equatorial axis as a ratio of body radius. Used with: oblateMode (Blend, CustomEllipsoid) Value: (1 to infinity) b: The secondary equatorial axis as a ratio of body radius. Used with: oblateMode (Blend, CustomEllipsoid) Value: (1 to infinity) c: The polar axis as a ratio of body radius. Used with: oblateMode (Blend, CustomEllipsoid) Value: (1 to infinity) Requirements ModuleManager Kopernicus FAQ Q. I'm not a planet modder? Do I need this? A. You do not need to install it manually yourself, but if you found this in you GameData, it is because a planet pack you have/had needs/needed it and so it was either included with the mod or auto installed through CKAN Licensing VertexHeightOblateAdvanced is licensed under the MIT License
  2. Introducing Kerbal Star Systems 2 - Embark on a Galactic Journey! Greetings, fellow space enthusiasts! It's with immense excitement that we unveil the next chapter in our cosmic odyssey: Kerbal Star Systems 2! A universe of infinite possibilities awaits you as we venture into the interstellar realm. Remember the thrills and challenges that Kerbal Star Systems brought to your screens? We've been hard at work over the past several months, crafting a spectacular successor that combines the best of both KSS and GU. While this isn't a mere continuation of those beloved mods, it's the culmination of everything we've learned and experienced in those projects. Prepare to take flight once again, with Kerbal Star Systems 2 as your vessel. Stay tuned for more updates and prepare to explore the cosmos like never before. The universe beckons, and your destiny among the stars awaits Kerbal Star Systems 2 © 2024 by StarCrusher96 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
  3. This is meant to be an expansion to OPM and MPE, adding three new minor planets in the Kuper Belt and Scattered Disc region. Bodies list: Kuvar: Quaoar Vőt: Weywot Arkar: Leleākūhonua Nognog: Gonggong Ei: Xiangliu Download here!: https://spacedock.info/mod/3446/Trans-Neidonian Objects NOTE: Requires Niako's Kopernicus Utilities and Lt. Duckweed's VertexHeightOblateAdvanced License: MIT
  4. In general I have been supportive of the game after launch, I have not criticized things that will surely be fixed by the devs.. it's all part of the EA process. This feedback looks past the technical issues and the lego building aspects of the game. Assuming the first EA release had no bugs and performed well.. what is there to explore in the game? Well, not a lot. The celestial bodies look good when seen from far away / high orbit, which really makes them unique and interesting. But when you get closer the terrain is not great. It will probably be improved with higher resolution textures and more polygons when the performance budget will be available. Anyway, I have done complete visual orbital surveys of all the planets and moons searching for anomalies or special terrain features that stand out. I have found very few. It seems that, at least for now, there is not much creative content in the game. I don't see reasons to hop a lander or drive a rover or fly a plane around looking for interesting stuff. It's just not there. You basically have 1.. or maybe 2 interesting and unique things to see on each planet or moon. Other than that, yes there are some biomes like craters, hills, valleys, mountains. But there is nothing special there, no interesting scatter, no fascinating natural objects. The planets and moons feel as barren and empty as KSP1... for now. And this is a surprise because the devs always said in the feature videos (paraphrasing): "the planets are great, everyone's gonna love the planets".. "exploration is a much bigger motivation now" .. "some of the things the creative team is cooking up.. it will blow you away" etc. It just feels like a great waste of space, with no real reason to go exploring over the next hill. There should be more "wow" moments than just arriving at a nice looking planet with beautiful music and landing once. Hopefully more content will be added (the Duna and Tylo anomalies are very high quality and the Vall place is very interesting). Also: please limit the camera zoom-out when in low orbit. We can basically zoom out and move the camera close to the ground anywhere. It kind of spoils the fun of landing and roving. The zoom is limited when landed, I think this should also apply in low orbit.
  5. I have always wanted to create a few ksp planets, but I find that the learning curve of kopernicus prevents me from achieving anything. So an idea would be to have an integrated editor, where the only thing you would have to do manually is creating the textures for the system. There should be an array of options that set the properties of the planet, with a view of the body you are making - similar to the map view in flight. You would also skip the process of constantly opening and closing the game to see the results. To visualise this, I created an incredibly rough design of what this could look like if implemented: I'm not suggesting a procedural planet editor like space engine, but instead an understandable UI that visualises the whole process.
  6. Yes, you heard that right! A story mode! Unlike previous planet mods, this doesn't limit itself to background lore that you might find in science descriptions, this is a full blown story with new gameplay mechanics to back it up. DOWNLOAD & source (Github) (Current version 1.0.2, Requires Kopernicus) Also on CKAN! Check the Webpage for a map of the planetary system! If you like this mod, you can also donate (Totally not a surprise in that link)! THE PLANETS All the new planets orbit the star of Cercani, an orange dwarf at the not-very far distance of 3.2 Tm away from Kerbin. It has 5 planets orbiting it, ranging from the deadly heat of Troni to the icy landscapes of Secunda But how do the planets loo... The whole Cercani system, with all the 5/6 planets and 8/9 moons In this mod, you will be able to explore all these bodies at your heart's content, but not only that, they hold a secret... Want to know more about the planets? Check this animated system map! THE STORY MODE The thing that makes this mod so special is the fact it has a full blown story mode! What's the story about? The only thing I will tell you is to look at the trailer. The rest, you will have to discover it yourself, we don't want any spoilers floating around after all. It does have ingame music though... The important thing you have to know is to look carefuly at the map view of the planets, one might have a marker to the start of it all... CONTRIBUTORS Though I've done most of the content for this mod, I've used help from some friends! - @Beale: Texturing help with a very specific model (spoilers?) - @DibzNr: Science Experiment Descriptions OTHER DETAILS VISUAL MODS These planets have comptability for Scatterer, EVE (Non Volumetric) & Parallax (Terrain Only). If you have them installed, you will be able to see the planets in far more beauty than before. TODO LIST - Parallax Scatterers comptability - Finish all science experiment descriptions BUNDLED MODS This mod bundles another 2 mods, those being VertexMitchellNetravaliHeightMap and CTTP CHANGELOG Other Worlds has been a mod that's been in development for many years now. This changelog has every single change that has happened to its reboot version, that started in 2017. KNOWN BUGS - Sometimes, walking kerbals might clip into the ground and die. This could be either the custom PQS mod being used or a bug relating to Kopernicus itself. Quicksaving is recommended - Main menu buttons are offsetted from the text. Unknown if this is due to the planet configuration files or Kopernicus, once again. - ScanSAT can be used to skip parts of the story. If you use this mode, please, disable anomaly detection. LICENSE This mod is licensed under two licenses, one specific for each part of the mod: - The C# code of the mod is licensed under MIT - Dialogue and everything else (This includes textures, models, music, etc.) falls under ARR
  7. It would be so cool if there were rouge planets that where all different and orbited themselves so they would stay in place NAME IDEAS: (sorry if there all bad I am not the best at names) Twier Maybe pink and blue (maybe ice) Noover Maybe green Lipe (Idk what color it would be) IDK what else so yeah
  8. What do you think is the order of the planets in the Debdeb (Deb Deb) system? Here is the overview in my order: Debdeb - It is a possible analogue of Alpha Centauri while also being 4ly away (as mentioned in KSP 2 - Episode 5 at around 1:20). Judging by the distance of the planetary Debris disk from the star, and the fact that it has already formed into planets, the age of the star might be around 5 to 50Myr. The only planets officially confirmed to be in Debdeb so far are: Charr, Gurdamma (+Donk, +Gop), and Glumo (+Merbel). Some planets are seen orbiting a yellow star, while Gurdamma is seen orbiting an orange-red star (which we know is Debdeb). This could be placeholder or outdated footage. We do know that Nate has confirmed that some of the planets we've seen are from different systems. The following is my order if all of the known new planets were in Debdeb. Charr - It has been officially confirmed to be the innermost planet. It has a very hot surface and it is made entirely out of iron. Planetary Debris Disk - It is formed formed from the protoplanetary disk after a few million years. It is orbiting the star and has formed at least 2 planets. Rask and Rusk - They have a partially melting surface. We're not sure if it is entirely due to tidal forces alone, or if star proximity plays a part. If they are present in the Debdeb system, my guess would be that they are the 2nd innermost planet we see on on the map. If so, they will likely have high amounts of iron and possibly some carbon. Gurdamma - It is a young earth, or proto Kerbin, with rings. It has liquid water, but no ice. Gurdamma is officially confirmed to be like Earth in the Hadean Eon. At that time Earth had a very thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, with oceans of liquid water. Gurdamma has no oxygen and it is covered in craters and occasional surface lava. This is also the planet we have the most footage of so far. Donk - It is a moon of Gurdamma which was formed with the ring after a recent collision. It has a light grey rocky surface. Gurdamma may also have a second distant moon with unknown composition. Gop - Gurdamma may also have a second distant moon with unknown composition. It is possible it is the unknown brown planet/asteroid we saw the footage of earlier, but that's kind of a long shot. Lapat - Although not confirmed, the little footage we have of it shows it has vegetation and clouds. It is most likely not present in Debdeb, as it would take a while for plants to develop. If it is in Debdeb, it would be in the goldilocks zone due to water and trees. The vegetation might be producing oxygen making atmosphere breathable. This could allow for animal life. Puf - It has an atmosphere and a large crater with liquid water which looks like an eye. If it is in the Debdeb system, the presence of ice caps might put it on the colder side of the goldilocks zone. It does not appear to be tidally locked. Clearly it had suffered a massive collision. Ovin - It is a giant dry planet with rings. It is larger than Kerbin and has a surface gravity of 4Gs. There is no surface water or ice. If it is hot and further away from the star, it might have a dense greenhouse gas rich atmosphere. There are no mountains on Ovin due to the high gravity. It might also be flinging asteroids from the mid-system asteroid field into the inner planets, like Gurdamma. Skutt - It is a large spinning asteroid with a rocky surface. With one side being covered in boulders and a fast spin, it will allow for some fun landing challenges. If it is in the Debdeb system, it would make sense for it to reside in one of the asteroid fields Glumo - It is a colorful Saturn analogue with rings. It's moon, Merbel, is the icy moon we first saw in the cinematic trailer. Its orbit does not align with the ring, suggesting it was captured by Glumo. In addition to ice, it also has some liquid water and atmosphere. There is a chance that underwater life is possible here. Maybe it was a captured planet that is now slowly melting. Glumo is confirmed to be in Debdeb. Due to its frozen moon, I would put it further away from the star. Perhaps it is the planet we see in the far corner of the map. In KSP 2 Episode 5, we got to see an early map of Debdeb. I have made a vector map using the information we currently have: SVG: https://www.reddit.com/r/KSP2Mods/comments/z2g1zg/comment/ixggn7v/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 What do you think of my order of Debdeb's planets and where they are located? Keep in mind that the only planets officially confirmed for Debdeb are: Charr, Gurdamma, and Glumo.
  9. So radius: 10 km semi major axis 23 726 155 264 m gravity .003G lumpy grey asteroid shaped
  10. What is it? A Planet Jam is like a Game Jam but with Kopernicus. Anybody is allowed to participate in the Planet Jam, but a basic understanding of planet modding is expected. Every two weeks, a Planet Jam Challenge will be released on the KSP Forums alongside specific rules and other information. Competitors must craft the best celestial body possible for the challenge and submit it for judging. The score each submission will receive depends on Whether it suits the challenge Whether it abides by the rules, both general and Challenge specific Points awarded based on originality, appearance, and production techniques Following each challenge submission deadline, four elected judges from the KSP Forums (including myself as the host/moderator) will grade the submissions and select four award winners. Winners may choose to have their celestial bodies implemented into an official Planet Jam Mod, which will showcase all previous winners' submissions. Because the Planet Jam is in its early stages, please feel free to ask questions or give suggestions on how to improve the competition experience! Use either this thread or DM me on Discord @ wpetula#4357. I will be updating this post frequently in the coming days, so stay tuned for updates! When does each challenge start? Challenge timeline Judges for the next challenge are elected A new challenge is released on the forums Competitors have two weeks to craft their submissions Competitors submit their creations for judging Winners are announced on the KSP Forums The Planet Jam Winners Pack is updated Who has won so far? Challenge #1–-Moho revamp: RJVB09 Entry Who can participate Anyone can participate in any Planet Jam challenge, unless They are a judge for the challenge They have been banned by the judges They have uploaded their submission after the challenge submission deadline Uploading your submission What to submit Required Config (.cfg) All maps, textures, and files required for your submission to run in-game as intended README (.txt) file Alternate name for author This is to prevent bias during judging Make sure to choose a name that is unlikely to be used by another competitor! License chosen by author Decision to be showcased in the Planet Jam Winners Pack (yes or no) A list of dependencies and compatible mods Not required but considered Scatterer + related files and textures Not required and not considered EVE and related files EVE will not be considered (yet) because there are not enough tutorials available for new modders Other mods Where to submit Competitors will upload copies of their submissions to their Google Drive account and share it with the judges. This method guarantees that competitors cannot alter other submissions, and their original work is protected from alteration. Rules for submission Each competitor may only submit one celestial body for judging (unless specified otherwise). If additional celestial bodies are submitted, they will not be considered. Only under approval from a majority of the judges may additional submissions be considered. Celestial bodies submitted after the challenge submission deadline will not be considered. A late submission will only be considered if a majority of the judges approve. Competitors must submit their own work. Work copied from existing mods or past submissions will not be accepted and scored. Terrain textures borrowed from community mod packs such as CTTP are permitted Judges may not upload their own submissions with the intent of winning an award. If a judge attempts to submit their work in any form with the intent of winning an award, they may be prohibited or banned from judging some or all future challenges. NOTE: A judge may request to submit their work for scoring, "just for fun". This is perfectly fine! The judge's submission will not be given any awards. Other notes for submissions Check whether your submission appears and works as intended on a clean install of KSP (plus Scatterer and dependencies if necessary) Judges may not have the same mods as you installed on their computers, and some mods alter the appearance of celestial bodies in unexpected ways Judging Who can be a judge If you want to be a judge for the next challenge, email me through the KSP Forums or DM me on Discord @ wpetula#4357. You will be added to a list of other judge considerations. Current judges have the option to remain a judge for the next challenge or resign and participate as a competitor instead. Submission scoring Judges will score submissions from 1-5 in three categories: Originality, Appearance, and Technology. Submissions that explore new, interesting concepts will receive high scores in Originality, submissions that are stunning in looks will receive high scores in Appearance, and submissions that were developed with an innovative approach will receive high scores in Technology. Awards There is one award per category, plus one for whichever submission scores the highest overall. Most Original Concept Best in Appearance Most Innovative Production Method Best in Show Entry into the Planet Jam Winners Pack The Planet Jam Winners Pack will showcase all previous winners in organized solar systems. In the description for a winning celestial body, information about the competition will be paired with any additional lore the author decides to include. Example of a winner description AUTHOR: forum user MoarBoosters2 AWARDED: Best in Show JUDGE COMMENTS: (why the judges thought the submission deserved the award) NUMBER OF COMPETITORS: 12 LICENSE: All Rights Reserved MODS BY AUTHOR: Booster’s Planet Pack, Even Moar Planets (Optional celestial body description here) Download the Planet Jam Winners Pack here: https://spacedock.info/mod/3081/Planet Jam Winners Pack Benefits of the Planet Jam Educational: Modders of all skill levels can learn from each other by studying and exploring celestial bodies showcased in the Planet Jam Mod Community-building: The Planet Jam is intended to bring the KSP community together in an open, friendly competition for all. This event is an amazing opportunity for players to participate in the modding community! Advertisement: Modders of all skill levels have the opportunity to show off their skills and gain recognition in the KSP Community Entertainment: Planet Jams are extremely uncommon on the KSP Forums, so the community will have something new to try Preventing shenanigans While this competition is intended to be casual, any behaviors considered suspicious or disruptive will not be tolerated. These behaviors include but are not limited to Discouraging others in any manner Constructive criticism is fine; just make sure it's actually constructive Attempting to alter or destroy other people’s work before or during scoring Uploading inappropriate or unrelated submissions Attempting to intentionally delay a valid participant from submitting their work Attempting to enter the competition as a current judge Attempting to break the rules using loopholes or “sneaky tactics” NOTE: The rules of the Planet Jam are subject to flexible interpretation, logic, and reasoning. The severity of violations will be assessed by the judges and, if needed, additional KSP Forum members. Violators may be prohibited from some or all future challenges. Have fun, everyone! Thank you for your support.
  11. Hello! This post is not a request. The KSP2 team has complete creative control. This is not a post about wind or floods or heavy snow or other gameplay changing related features. This is just a list of videos created using Unity that show how beautiful and immersive a celestial body can be if it has weather and other environmental visual effects in addition to clouds and atmospheric scattering / lighting (things that have already been confirmed). I think visually simulating alien climates / seasons / weather .. even vegetation .. would be revolutionary in gaming (weather caused by a different atmospheric chemistry and different physical properties like temperature and pressure). Rain Storm and Lightning Snow storm Vegetation Volumetric Lighting and Flowing Fog Volumetric Clouds Tornado and whirlwind Sandstorm Avalanche (could be with snow, dirt, mud & rocks) Lava, melting ice, mud slides (could not find examples for all) Snow / sand / dust footprints Snow / ice environment Oceanic and flowing river water, dynamic waves Just thinking about how all this would look like on exotic celestial bodies is beyond imagination. I repeat, it's not a request, it's just something I dream of seeing - on alien planets - someday. Weather, climate, seasons.. they are part of the planet with atmosphere as much as the terrain and lighting.
  12. This thread is outdated and old, check out the new one here Check out the discord server! This thread will remain up for archive stuff and also because why not
  13. Greetings everyone! It's been quite a long time since I was last actively part of this community and game. For those that remember me, I was once one of the Community Managers alongside CaptSkunky way back in the day. A lot of things have changed in my life, including the fact I go by Ciara now (and can't seem to update my display name on the forums) but after a very long time away I'm back! Not only am I back, but I've been inspired by StarCrusher's Galaxies Unbound Project to attempt not only learning how to mod, but undertaking a massive planet mod pack. I'd like to share this journey with you including my workflow, concepts, and successes and failures. So, please come along for the ride and maybe in the next few months I'll have something I can be proud of contributing to the community along with all these amazing and talented authors. Workflow Concept Artist Controlled Procedural Content Generation The concept of Artist Controlled PCG is one that exists in multiple mainline space projects of note. The primary concept is that an artist will use a tool to procedrually generate a planet or terrain and then utalize the output of that tool as a "Canvas" to work off of using said Canvas as a foundation to contorl the following, Atmospheric Color Points of Interest Specific Terrain Features Scatter and Ground Clutter Control Color Palette Main Goals and Features * Utalize a Procedural Star System Generation System to use as a staging point to launch pad off from. * Utalize a Procedural and Fractal Based Terrain Generation Method to make truly unique planets generating 8bit greyscale height maps procedrually * Take Real world Orbital Data and Information Generated by the tools in order to create the proper scaled versions in a Kerbol Stock-a-like manner. Test Map - Low Quality / Low Reolution Step 1 - Procedurally Generated Height Map Step 2 - Lightness (HSL) Color Desaturation Step 3 - Color Inversion Step 4 - Color Correction Obvioulsy this height map wont work, it's just a test of the process that I'm going to attempt to see if I can quickly (a few days or so) generate a height map, normal map, and color map, and with the tools I have work on tweaking the outputs to create unique worlds that are procedurally generated but the final outcome is artist controlled. I'll be running some tests tonight and tommorrow and I hope to have test worlds in game to showcase then. See ya soon! -Ciara (Formerly DR) Quick Color Map Test (The Color isn't final but I wanted to see how it would look.) Tool Used: Wilbur + GIMP Procedures Used: Percentage Noise & 1st Pass Erosion Test (Yes I know the edges are way to sharp, just testing and learning tools.)
  14. KHNS is not a Huge mod, But Aims to make an experience of a "Neighborhood" around Kerbol, it Contains 5 systems (With kerbol) as of now I have 30 bodies, while its not supposed to be the size of mega mods like GU and Wabi-Sabi, but its Aims to Fill the gaps that Squad Left in making a small stellar neighborhood (1 - 15 light years). This mod is small But it aims to be my best, and I want it to look best in the end and that You; the Player receives the BEST Gameplay. And a Kerbol Revamp Downloads : https://github.com/parkerman-com/KHNS/releases/tag/Beta-1.4 ChangeLog : LICENSING : All Rights Reserved This means : You cannot use assets, you cannot Modify or use assets in your own mod no matter if its Mixed and matched, These assets are of KHNS and KHNS ONLY, But Some parts of It have a Different License Like the PQS materials are free, licensed by CC-BY-SA, from https://polyhaven.com/, and the Skybox which is sourced from https://www.solarsystemscope.com/textures/ Stars + Milky Way 8K texture. I only grant you the permission to edit the _KHNS-Setting.cfg DEPENDANCIES: Known Bugs STATUS BETA Screenshots : COMPATIBILITY : Credits : Little Word From Me : This mod is the mark of my very first 99.99% inhouse done mod, with basically everything I learnt into it, I would appreciate constructive feedback, Special Thanks to @StarCrusher96 For His Immense Help in Advises, Debugging and Configging help, and at times even helping in Texturing and I highly appreciate his mentoring and support towards me and my Team and the overall The KHNS mod, Many other People helped me over this mod so Thank you everyone for Support, it would have been impossible without you guys, specially the testers and internal dev team. Hope you all Enjoy the Mod!
  15. This forum post is aimed to share some utilities and tricks that might help with developing custom planets that use Kopernicus. This page is meant for planet developers, not for regular users. Mitchell-Netravali Filtered Heightmap (0.3) Download (and source): Github / CKAN License: MIT Comparison Images PQS similar to the stock's VertexHeightMap, but using cubic filtering instead of bilineal filtering. This yields a generally less pixelated terrain, and far better and smoother cliffs. Read the wiki for installation and usage. It's recommended that if you use this PQS in your own mod, you bundle it with your mod, as to avoid annoyance to the users. Bundle it so the folder 000_NiakoUtils is in GameData. The mod is also avaliable on CKAN.
  16. I am making a mod right now and I have encountered some bugs that I cant seem to solve. This gas planet is having lighting issues Planet texture bugging out bad
  17. Akin to SpaceEngine, KSP2 procedurally generating star systems? (If the comment made on KSP Episode 5: Interstellar Travel is true, this seems the most physically plausible) Thoughts?
  18. Hello everyone! I know that the planet / moon roster for initial game release is probably already set in stone, but there is a lot of room for future expansion in the KSP universe. So I'm going to make a compilation / list of (mostly crazy and probably not possible IRL) planet / moon physics ideas. Any feedback and extra ideas are more than welcome! - binary system with a common atmospheric bridge (maybe generated by gasses from vulcanism like on Rask & Rusk) - that could maybe allow armospheric flight from one planet to another - planets with a lot of vulcanism without / with normal / very thick atmosphere (there are very big differences related to vulcanic explosions behavior) - solid clouds you can land on (like in Interstellar) - maybe above a gas giant, porous ice clouds - water world with huge tsunamis (like in Interstellar) - foam world (water world with oceans that have a thick layer of foam above, with only mountain peaks clear for landing) - classic half hellscape / half frozen planet (planet tidally locked to star, one half in perpetual darkness) - planet like Crematoria in Chronicles of Riddick, with extreme moving heat wave during daytime - planet with a lot of tornadoes and localized storms - rainy planet (serene or with howling winds) - spiky planet (like carbon spikes) with very few places to land on - furry shores planet with aluminum lands and mercury seas (check the chemical reaction https://youtu.be/IrdYueB9pY4 ) - Dune - planet with a lot of sinkholes and lava tubes - planet with dust streaming off of it - radiation and winds from the nearby star would blow off material from its circumference, there would be liniar winds - rogue planets - Europa / Enceladus like moons or planets, with very deep oceans under the ice, geothermal vents - very, very old planet - planets with unstable, varied orbits (like in three body problem) - swamp / mist world - merged double planet (with 8 shape) - metalic planet / moon - some kind of disk world - matte black planet (dark like charcoal) - egg shaped (gravitational pull) - planet surrounded by orbiting liquid bubbles that periodically fall back down - very cold planet with levitating quantum locked metal islands - planet or moon cracked / split in half (Doom vibes) - ice VII / X body - bromic acid seas, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction (video) - phosphorescence / triboluminescence - Mercury (II) thiocyanate / calcium gluconate (video) - ferrofluid lakes / volcanoes - climate / seasons! - very tight and fast orbit around a red dwarf - a pulsar with high radiation levels and you can see it's beams even when landed on a planet (like in Galaxies Unbound) - black hole with orbiting system - planet with two perpendicular orbiting debris disks, at different altitudes - giant impact crater or crack / trench / canyon which contains all the planet's atmosphere (like atmospheric density differences on Duna) - a desert where we can take our rovers and do high dune jumps like at Baja - 10+ km cliffs like Verona Rupes on Miranda (Uranus moon) so we can jump off it - celestial body with giant atmospheric or liquid vortex (let's say you could fly inside it and touch the bottom of the ocean) - N-ary star system - planet with a quartz crystal (of any type or even mixed for colourfulness) surface (Z.O.M.G) - planets with different oxides for different colours: copper oxide soil for a blue surface, bismuth oxide for yellow, chrome oxide for green etc. (Z.O.M.G) - brown dwarf (Z.O.M.G) I will add more...
  19. I would like to find some planet mods that add new stars and planets, not replace the stock system. I already have OPM and GEP. Is there anything else?
  20. Since this is the first result on google i wanted to make something clear, this is not the full mod The full mod is being worked on here: Endless expanse: DOT-33 is the first part of an eventual galaxy. The current system (DOT-33) is a binary star system consisting of a yellow dwarf and an orange dwarf, each with their own system. So, will you be able to survive the endless expanse? https://spacedock.info/mod/2936/Endless Expanse: DOT-33 To all of the people who supported me during development, thank you. See you in the full release -TheOrios CC-BY-NC-ND
  21. Same as the last video, we have a hidden something at the end of the video. Last time it was a Arecibo-style message, what do we have now?
  22. Wabi Sabi - Perfect Imperfection The Overview: Wabi-Sabi. A word that has held prevalence in Japanese culture for centuries. A word that holds so much meaning and depth, it lacks a proper translation into English. It means the acceptance of transience and imperfection, and appreciation of beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete in nature. Wabi-Sabi holds an appreciation of both natural objects and forces of nature, appreciating austerity, modesty, intimacy, asymmetry and roughness. Our planets easily fit this brand. Instead of embracing perfect spheres, habitable planets, perfect and balanced solar systems, we have a different unique approach. Each of our bodies has something unique to offer. In this mod, you won't cheat orbit around each body, or just observe from afar in tracking station, but be motivated to say "I want to go there for myself", and furthermore, "I want to stay here and keep coming back". Planets are unique experiences. They shouldn't be one off screenshot generators, but full of worth, value, and creativity blended with realism. Everything from a super-kerbin with exotic ammonia based life, to a lonely vacuum planet should have a relatively similar amount of value and unique content. If you want solar systems crammed with content, uniquely hand crafted planets, with plenty of gameplay, offering new challenges and reasons to explore, then this is it. Quality > quantity. No filler. In-depth lore and story that will send you on an odyssey spanning the small cluster of stars you find yourself in, somewhere between galaxies. Coming soon™️. Incompatibility Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HYZcvaK (Check back occasionally, I will be updating this! Also also, stuff is heavy WIP so it might not be great as of now, please be nice lol) @Bendy SnowballCo-Developer, PR work, Director, Management, etc. @ballisticfox0 EVE help @ShbibePlaytesting @bobjonesisthebest:D Sciencedefs @Caps Lock Sunflare The Kopernicus Discord Server - Being a great help to me. I can't list all the names individually, but thanks @TheOrios system help/making, concepting @KerbinSphere Part making/modelling @Jason Kerman Their pole spike fixing python script @R-T-B Maintaining Kopernicus @TheProtagonists While their textures are no longer in use, I just think they are cool @RJVB09 Lightcurve Calculator @OhioBobAtmosphere calculator @JadeOfMaar System maps Soon This mod is licensed under CC-BY-NC-ND. Any reuse of my/Wabi-Sabi team's assets is strictly forbidden. Contact me at smushanoob#4556 or the discord server if you have questions about the mod.
  23. Some of the KSP Show and Tell videos appear to be taken in a deep, sand-colored valley of some sort. Is this environment just a test scene, or is it located on an in-game planet or moon? The amount of terrain detail and the inclusion of a sun / atmosphere seems to indicate that this place is a real location in-game. If not Kerbin or Laythe, where could this be?
  24. I am back again and I am pleased to announce a new Planet Pack, yet again. But this one is special, its a remake of my first Planet Pack, The New Crew. Now, you might have noticed, the mod's name is quite misleading, and that's why It is now renamed the Alpharia planet Pack(BTW there is no planet called Alpharaia, It's only called that as it was a remake of my first planet pack and just Alpha sounded boring) Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2751/Alpharia Planet Pack (The New Crew Reloaded)?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'> Compatible with KSP Version: 1.12.1, 1.11.1 Content(For now) 2 Planets(1 rocky world, 1 Gas giant) 1 Dwarf Planet 9 moons(1 around the Rocky planet,6 around the Gas giant, 2 around the Dwarf planet) Also if you are doing a review for this planet pack, the difficult to pronounce name will have pronunciations in the brackets in the info pannel( also in the pack the syllable "Cy" is pronounced as "Sai") Some Cool shots of the Pack Dependencies Kopernicus(along with everything else in the Kopernicus.zip file) MIT by Thomas P. Kittopia Tech MIT by Thomas P. Supported Mods/Visual mods Environmental Visual Enhancement (EVE) Scatterer Parallax All Visual mods come pre-bundled More content will be coming soonTM The plans for new content: More moons for Cytaria(planned 6) Now finished !!! add some dwarf planets Partially done!! Add an optional alternate homeworld(Cyz0122) License: MIT
  25. Welcome to the development thread for the Precursors Planet Pack! This thread is very old and outdated. See the new one here: PRECURSORS IS OUT! DOWNLOAD AT https://spacedock.info/mod/2869/Precursors Planet Pack#info Mod Overview The discovery of mysterious SSTV signals originating from Duna was a monumental leap in the search for intelligent life. Deciphering the signals revealed The Ignotum System, a previously undiscovered solar system 3 light years from Kerbin. Having recently mastered interstellar travel and hibernation technologies, the Kerbals were quick to launch an expedition to this new system. The trip ran smoothly, but upon arrival.... ... Alone among the stars, you are the future of the expedition. Rediscover ancient rocketry and flight technologies as you explore a vast, handcrafted solar system. Uncover the secrets behind the SSTV signals and the alien race that created them. Precursors is a planet pack designed to provide a fresh and exciting experience to players. Stranded on a barren but habitable world, traverse highly detailed celestial bodies and never-before-seen environments. Each planet and moon has a distinct challenge and appearance; hike across scalding volcanic mountains, maneuver through massive forests, and battle against relentless gravity on your journey across The Ignotum System. Collect custom science reports and unearth extensive lore in this continuation of the KSP story. Dependencies This mod is compatible with KSP 1.9.x-1.12.x. Precursors uses Scatterer to enhance the player experience. While Scatterer is not necessary, I highly recommend you download it for the full experience. Updates I will frequently discuss new content and post in-game screenshots of my progress. Most of these screenshots are taken from orbit and shouldn't be huge spoilers. Mod plan (SPOILERS) Screenshots (SPOILERS) RELEASE DATE: OUT NOW Screenshots here are not up to date.
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