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  1. So today I made my first SRB Only to Orbit Rocket! It can get into orbit with some fuel remaining to attempt a Trans-Munar Injection, but I wasn't able too. Here is a video on the craft and if you want to download it there will be a link below: https://kerbalx.com/JohnsterSpaceProgram/SRB-To-Orbit-Rocket Here are images of some prototypes of the final design: And here is the final design: Have you made an only SRB Rocket that can get into orbit yet? If so, tell me below and post some images of it!
  2. So, I just created a new SSTO that has about 5,000 meters per seconds of deltaV, but I can't get it into orbit. It goes well until I hit the higher atmosphere, and then it screws up. Can someone please help? Craft Image
  3. Hello, Whenever I get into an orbit around kerbin, I lose the ability to place maneuver nodes along the orbit path. Before I reach orbit, this is not an issue. This is a science game with the following mods: Interstellar KAS KIS MechJeb2 NearFutureElectrical NearFutureSolar NearFuturePropulsion Kerbal Planatary Base Systems Community Tech Tree The mods were manually installed. I have not played in a while, so has there been a change that I don't no about that requires me to do something else to use the nodes in orbit? Update: Going to the space centre then back to the ship lets me place another node, testing whether getting into another orbit breaks the system again. Update: Moving into a second orbit doesn't require the "reset", however entering orbit on a different flight (launched after the first one) does. Update: The problem seems to have slightly stopped. It no longer happens every time, but it still happens occasionally upon a Mun flyby
  4. This should be a straightforward bug report, as I do believe I've been given an impossible mission to test an engine in Gilly orbit between 120km and 130km altitude. Thing is, I couldn't establish any orbit higher than 113km altitude, and thus not satisfy the contract parameter. Looked up the Gilly characteristics, and looks to me like the max altitude at which you can orbit Gilly is indeed 113km. Am I missing anything? Thanks!
  5. I use Ksp 1.4.5 RSS and some other mods. Whenever I Enter the influence zone of the Moon my game freezes about 5 minutes and then it crashes. It doesn't matter either I enter the orbit legit or via cheats. https://www.dropbox.com/s/hmh7jx4meppsapi/Crash_2019-01-12_102800.rar?dl=0
  6. Hey all; I'm back after a long time. Last time I was here I had loaded 1.3.1 and Real this / Real that (can't even remember now!), worked through many many install issues, got it all running, then life happened. Now, I'm kind of back to square one, and not sure yet that life won't "happen" again, so I decided to just update to vanilla 1.6 and start a career mode from scratch...and just have a little fun rather than stress. Actually, I'm not entirely sure if this install is really "vanilla"; I somehow have mechjeb 2.6.1 and kerbal engineer redux installed and running...though they both say they're not compatible with 1.6 on the load screen. Yet they seem to work fine in game with the right parts installed on the craft. So, my question is: What's the "best" (most automated) way to get to orbit these days? This is the "guide" that I either wrote to myself or found somewhere around here a long time ago, and have been using the last few days. It's very manual and tedious: By 100m/s: pitch to 85 (95 if you need to orbit the other way 'round) By 10k: be pitched to 75 (105) 20k: 65 (115) 30k: 55 (125) 40k: 45 (135) 50k: 40 (145) By this time AP should be 70k or higher. Cut engine, coast to within 25 seconds of AP (more or less depending on engine efficiency) Pitch prograde Throttle up to circularize orbit If I use MJ Smart A.S. and the above guide, I go to the launchpad, open Smart A.S., click SURF, then SURF; I launch the rocket, and at 50m/s I click the minus sign for PIT once...putting my pitch at 89. At 60m/s, click down once. 88. Rinse, repeat. So by 100m/s I'm at 85. Then every 1000m (altitude), I click the minus sign once, and do that until I get to 50k (altitude). I know later in the career I can unlock the ascent autopilot thingy in MJ, but I'm not there yet. So. Is this a viable way to get to orbit? Is there (hopefully) an "easier" way? A way with less clicking, and more enjoying the scenery? The novelty of launch to orbit is already wearing off; in real life they don't manually fly to orbit...I'd rather have it automated, too. :-) Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Simple thing; if I've got 3 Pe/Ap markers (Ship, target, maneuver) in very close proximity it can be difficult to tell which belongs to which orbit. Is there a mod that will colour-code the mouse over text to match the orbit colour?
  8. I was getting a satellite into orbit, and I was warping to my apoapsis so I could start burning prograde, but mid-warp my SAS menu disappeared, and the SAS & RCS buttons are disabled. What happened?
  9. When i accelerate to escape kerbins influence it accidently drops my orbit further than the orbit of Dres. Please help, i need to quickly transport a rover to Duna
  10. This is xBEEFYSAUSAGEx on Xbox One X When I got my spacestation safe in the space orbit the Kerbin and spinning both rings then switch to Space Center to do others then I want check on my spacestation. As soon as I switch to spacestation, out of suddenly it got explosion and killed 276 Kerbians :_( You can check on my Spacestation Double Rings on my clip to see what it look like. Didnt have clip for Spacestation Double Rings explosion.
  11. Hi, in order to implement a safer interpolation mechanism on LMP I store the orbital positions in a queue and replay them after 2 seconds have passed. The code looks something like this: var startTime = KspOrbit.epoch; var targetTime = Target.KspOrbit.epoch; var currentPos = KspOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(startTime); var targetPos = Target.KspOrbit.getRelativePositionAtUT(targetTime); var currentVel = KspOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(startTime) + KspOrbit.referenceBody.GetFrameVelAtUT(startTime) - Body.GetFrameVelAtUT(startTime); var targetVel = Target.KspOrbit.getOrbitalVelocityAtUT(targetTime) + Target.KspOrbit.referenceBody.GetFrameVelAtUT(targetTime) - Target.Body.GetFrameVelAtUT(targetTime); var lerpedPos = Vector3d.Lerp(currentPos, targetPos, LerpPercentage); var lerpedVel = Vector3d.Lerp(currentVel, targetVel, LerpPercentage); Vessel.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(lerpedPos, lerpedVel, LerpBody, Planetarium.GetUniversalTime()); KSPOrbit is the first packet Orbit, Target.KSPOrbit is the next packet, and on every fixed update frame that code is called. In order to ignore FlightIntegration issues I only call this when vessels are PACKED (OnRails) (I will deal with FI later) The LerpPercentage is a value between 0 and 1 that increases on every fixedupdate call The movement is very fluid BUT the positions are displaced kind of "backwards" This is for example a screenshot I took with 2 clients side by side: Here the player 1 is flying above that wide line in the runway: https://imgur.com/0oPcYHH But the player 2 sees this: https://imgur.com/HlEmoxJ I understand the GREEN distance as the vessel is 2 seconds behind and it will take some time to reach the runway but I don't understand why it's displaced sideways (red distance) Also, I tried to set this code: var lerpTime = LunaMath.Lerp(startTime, targetTime, LerpPercentage); Vessel.orbit.UpdateFromStateVectors(lerpedPos, lerpedVel, LerpBody, lerpTime); But then the orbit is rendered in real time (not 2 seconds behind in time) and the vessel goes inside Kerbin a lot of times and there are weird movements. I think there's some orbital calculation that I'm missing but I can't find how should I proceed on this... I even tried specifying the position manually as: Vector3d vector3d = Vessel.orbitDriver.driverTransform.rotation * Vessel.localCoM; Vessel.SetPosition((planetPos + Vessel.orbitDriver.pos) - vector3d); But I didn't had luck Does someone have an idea of how I should implement this? It's honestly one of the oldest LMP bugs and I've been dealing with this for months and not making much progress. EDIT: If I reduce the interpolation delay time to 300ms or so the movement is almost perfect (there's still that sideway distance altough much shorter) but I want to set a 1 or 2 seconds delay for bad connections
  12. So... I'll just let this explain itself: ...Yeah I think I've got a bigger pROBLEM THAN I ANTICIPATED?!... Somehow??? Here's the config I have for Laythe: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qppPu8ZElp4hPOPVi77gA7Owa43dRkjT/view Can someone tell me how to fix this?
  13. Hello all. I've tried several times to complete this contract but I can't get the satellite into the right orbit. I set my Ap and Pe first but even though I'm off only by a few kms, the whole orbit is shifted to one side and I can't figure out the proper way to fix it through maneuver nodes. Also, why is inclination measured in meters in the contract objectives but in degrees in the node editor / kerbal engineer? I'm confused regarding that point as well. Orange is the expected orbit:
  14. I have a contract to put a satellite into orbit above a specific point on Kerbin. I can get a keostationary orbit easily, but I can't figure out how (even to approach) ensuring I'm above a specific spot when I get keostationary. I have looked through the forum and the closest advice I've seen is to establish a circular orbit a bit higher than keostationary and burn retrograde a bit ahead of where you want to be. Even so, I can't figure out how to position the ship so I wind up in the right place after the burn. I don't use Mech Jeb (yet), I want to build skill and understanding in plain vanilla, then add mods. Nothing against mods, and I do understand how using them can help one understand as opposed to relying on them as a "crutch." So...what should I be thinking about? Although I'm not at all mathophobic, I feel like I should be able to "seat of the pants" this. ~~~~~EDIT~~~~ Just want to say thanks. Yes, make an orbit slightly smaller (if you want to catch up to the spot) or slightly bigger (if you want the spot to catch up to you), get into position, then adjust orbit. I did have to time warp 18 days (I made a few false starts and had to correct) but ultimately go it done.
  15. Is there an easy way to find the equator on bodies? Mun is fairly easy as I can zoom out and roughly line up with it's orbit around Kerbin, but Minmus and I'd imagine other bodies won't be so convenient. As I understand it the axes of rotation for Minmus, Mun and Kerbin are all parallel, however since Minmus does not orbit Kerbin at 0 degrees inclination, it's orbit and axis of rotation are not perpendicular and so it's equator is difficult to determine. I suppose I could just Hyperedit a cubic octagonal strut around the planet at the equator, or play with Scan-Sat as I use both mods, but is there a way to judge it in stock KSP?
  16. Hey guys, so I am working on my first mission and thought to create a rather oldschool mission to reach a stable orbit as efficiently as possible using a specific craft, the "Efficiency Star". There are still some bugs like messages not showing up in the end graphic. It could be a mission builder bug but I'm not sure! My workaround is to work with dialogs that pop up next to it! The way I have designed the mission is quite complex because there are some nodes missing yet. For example a node that returns a resource number so that I could directly turn that number into a score. I hope that will be implemented! So right now the score can only jump by 100 points when you reach certain milestones. To achieve GOLD you have to reach 2400 points which is for the pros! You need the latest KSP Making History Expansion to play this. All you have to do is to unpack the zip file into your KSP/Missions folder. Example path: Steam\SteamApps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Missions\Efficiency Star Challenge I hope you enjoy and post your result here! Remember, this is not as easy as it looks. Mission Download (I get a possible virus alert on my browser but it's just the exported zip file) --- edit: I fixed an issue where it would show a success allthough the player ran into a fail condition. Explosions are not bugs! ;P You should always get a message when something went wrong.
  17. I just started playing KSP and I'm trying to complete the very first Orbit contract on career mode. After many attempts, I finally got an orbit. However as you can see, my contract isn't getting checked off. I googled it and tried saving and quitting, going to Tracker Station and back to flying. Nothing worked. I also found that some were saying that there were specific Orbit requirements on contracts but I couldn't find out if mine had that. Is there anything I'm missing on getting this contract completed? Edit: Read the FAQ, there's this line about my problem: "Also check the AN and DN markers, if they are close to 180 you are orbiting in the opposite direction." I don't know what this means or if it applies.
  18. I came across this issue when I was trying to find out what the periapsis should be over KSC if you want to land there. I noticed the orbit and location of my ship changing each time I tried testing the mission. KSP Version: v1.4.1.2089 (WindowsPlayer x64) en-us What Happens: Orbits created in Mission Builder do not save correctly. Mods /Add-Ons: All Stock (Fresh Install) Steps to Replicate: 1) Open Mission Builder 2) Open Mission Brief - rename - click ok 3) Select 'Spawn Vessel' node 4) Choose 'Creator Built' 5) Choose 'Create New Vessel' 6) Select 'Take me to the VAB' 7) Select 'Mk1 Command Pod' 8) Leave - Click 'Save and Continue' 9) Select 'Spawn Vessel' node 10) Choose 'Untitled Space Craft' from 'Please select a craft' dropdown 11) Choose 'In Orbit' from 'Situation' dropdown 12) Change Periapsis to 38000 13) Change Apoapsis to 100000 14) Change Arg. of Periapsis to 196 degrees 15) Change Target of Mean Anomaly to 260 degrees 16) Click 'Assign Crew' 17) Assign Jebediah Kerman to the Mk1 - click ok 18) Save and Test Mission 19) Return to Mission Builder 20) Click 'Spawn Vessel' node 21) Test Mission 22) Finish the test mission by crashing 23) Return to Mission Builder - End Test 24) Click 'Spawn Vessel' node Result: Note 1 - step 18) The purpose for this is to crash near KSC Note 2 - step 18) You will notice the Target of Mean Anomaly is not 260 degrees Note 3 - step 18) You will notice the Periapsis where it should be Note 4 - step 20) You will notice Target Mean Anomaly is still set to 260 degrees, but the world viewer does not reflect this Note 5 - step 20) Changing Target Mean Anomaly from and to 260 degrees updates the world viewer Note 6 - step 22) Mission time should finish around T+ 0y, 0d, 00:18:45 Note 7 - step 24) You'll notice the Periapsis is no longer above the KSC Note 8 - step 24) Even though Mission Start Time is set to 0 time seems to have jumped forward for the orbit and world viewer after testing. Saving and playing a mission instead of just testing yields the same results of the last test. Fixes/Workarounds: N/A Other Notes/Pictures/Log Files: Pictures of 3 different Map Views with the same settings.
  19. I did the flyby mission, then accepted the next one for going into orbit of mun (while my ship was stil on a flyby), I switched back to the vessel, circulised my orbit and... well.. nothing happend: Next try, next fail:
  20. How the heck do I get my satellite to come close to matching this stupid orbit? Heres a pic. I've managed to get get the orbit to approximately 1 or two degrees, but everything I do to try to adjust and match the green orbit only seems to make things worse. Edit: Here's a bit more info: Its totally a polar orbit.Thats how I got into this predicament in the first place. The issue is that I have no clue how to fine tune to match the objective orbit as closely as possible, even with mechjeb. I kinda am a bit dense in the head when it comes to these things. When It comes to fuel, I think I got plenty. I've got two stages on the satellite you see in the picture. ~2400 m/s of dV on stage 1 and about ~2360 m/s of dV on the Final Stage. Unless I do something really stupid, I should have plenty to match the orbit, and possibly a bit left over in case I decide to do anything else with this satellite (not likely) Also, I got the picture uploaded. Thanks in advance!
  21. I created an SSTO which works fine in Kerbin atmosphere, has plenty of fuel to get into orbit, however, when trying to circularise the orbit and using the nuclear engines in orbit, the SSTO keeps on pitching up, even when all control surfaces are turned off. Any help please? The SSTO has a mass of 56.3k kg, 4900 units of liquid fuel and 880 units of oxidiser, with 4 rapier engines and 2 nuclear.
  22. Hello! I always had a problem with stations, as i wanted to make an orbital artillery platform for fun, but i wanted to make it face the planet, because if its not, it will be bad for my movie. Is there anyone who knows how to do that? With best regards, TheSpacePlaneArchitect
  23. This is the core of an inter-planetary spacecraft, other parts will be docked with it in orbit. It is also the heaviest part of my planned spacecraft so if i can get this into a safe orbit the other pieces should be easy but i just can't seem to make it happen. The rockets either do not have enough thrust or are too unstable and crash. I looked at the rocket equations on the wiki but since i am not a physics or mathematics major, they are kinda confusing. Any suggestions? (If you are wondering how a Rockomax 64 only weighs 26.8 tons its because its only carrying liquid fuel, this is going to be an atomic rocket when it is finished.)
  24. Hey all. I did it again. Went to look at the "Starman" in his car. Drifting away from the Earth. And my right hand reached for the arrows on my keyboard and tried to rotate the car around so I could see the other side and a better view of the Earth. Too much KSP obviously. Anybody else care to admit to it? ME
  25. I've recently started a science save on my game, however I feel like I never have enough fuel to get into orbit. I fear if I add more layers the weight will be too much to return
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