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  1. I got a mission that requires me to measure temperature on ground level right next to the launch pad. So I tried to do this by putting thermometers inside of the inventory of a pilot and just walk towards that area. But I am confused because I can't find a way to actually use the thermometer.
  2. (Formerly KA-330 and KEAM) Welcome to the development thread for Kerbalow Aerospace's inflatable / expandable modules parts pack! Please feel free to leave any comments, questions or suggestions you may have for this project. KEAM Features: 4x Unique Science Experiments Distributed Impact Detection System Deployment Dynamic Sensors Wireless Temperature Sensors Radiation Environment Monitor Kerbal Inventory System Storage Space Compatibility Connected Living Space Compatibility Tweakscale Compatibility KA-330 Features: Inflatable / Expandable module Sun-tracking solar panels Functioning expanding radiators Functioning lights IVA interior cut-out view Fully furnished interior when using Near-Future Prop Flat ends for attaching any 1.25 meter docking ports KA-330 Compatibility Patches: Tweakscale Connected Living Space Kerbal Inventory / Attachment System PBR texture (reflections) patch - This is a test / demonstration / incomplete KA-330 Life Support Compatibility: With USI Life Support: Acts as a functioning habitat With Snacks: Stores snacks / soil With Keep-Fit: Is a "COMFY" room With TACLS: Contains standard life support resources Kerbalow Aerospace is 100% Dependent upon Textures Unlimited by @Shadowmage Installation: Extract the contents of the GameData folder to your GameData folder. Structure should then read GameData\Kerbalow Optional KA-330 Compatibility and Life Support Configs Installation: Copy the config files from the Optional Configs folder to GameData\Kerbalow Download Download A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO: @CobaltWolf, @Nertea, @Shadowmage @Beale @Pak @steedcrugeon Kerbalow Aerospace is License CC-BY-4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
  3. Im playing Science mode with no mods and I need some Easy Science points so can someone tell me how? Thanks.
  4. A new series that i'm developing as I play through this game after a long break. The goal is a general Science mode playthrough, but with the endgoal being to establish colonies on every planet and moon (yes, even Gilly and Tylo.. grrr) To develop Kerbals from being a race that looks towards the stars, to a race that lives amongst them. First flight. First flight of the 'Twiggy', as the engineers call it, went well. A simple capsule, SRB, and science package. Landed near a strange black object, will investigate further.
  5. Hi, I'd like to edit the science lab (thus ModuleScienceConverter in some kinda a final patch to catch possible mods) in a .cfg to make it less OP. Few questions regarding ModuleScienceConverter : - " dataProcessingMultiplier = 0.5 // Multiplier to data processing rate and therefore science rate " -> If I tweak this down, say to 0.1 will this make research slower ? - " scientistBonus = 0.25 //Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x " -> can I totally disable this feature ? And if yes, how... - " researchTime = 7 //Larger = slower. Exponential! " -> Is there an upper limit for this value ? Can I go above 10 for instance ? Thanks a lot !
  6. I wanted to build some sort of Duna Science unmanned space plane, to visit multiple biomes on Duna and send data back to Kerbin. I think a small Ion powered plane makes sense, but I’m not sure. Do you guys have any tips, suggestions? Has anyone ever tried this?
  7. The problem with science is KSP is that they science report will always be in the same weather the experiment is being blasters by rocket exhaust or heating in the atmosphere. Like why doesn’t a Kerbal EVA report is still the same weather that Kerbal is being blasted by rocket exhaust? Since KSP2 seems will have weather (I’m not sure and I could be totally wrong and incorrect) I’m hoping EVA reports and science experiments will be different. Because it does not make sense when the Mystery Goo is being blasted by Nerv Atomic Rocket exhaust and it the same as not being blasted by exhaust. So I’m hopping the report will be different depending on circumstances. Here I have listed the examples below. Kerbal on EVA (Kerbin) while NOT being blasted by exhaust: I don’t think a spacesuit was nessecary for getting here. Kerbal on EVA (Kerbin) while BEING blasted by exhaust: I is very hot and is something burning? As you may see I want to see that science, crew, and EVA reports are different depending on a circumstance. I think this would, be really fun and interesting. It would add some randomness and seeming to look l8e the game knows what the player is doing. Connection to player a bit more, maybe (I really don’t know). Depending also on the circumstance the science points would probably vary. I will list some more examples for more reference below: Thermometer in Deep Space (NOT touching anything hot): It it very cold and chilly here. Any heat is from the rocket. Thermometer in Deep Space (BEING EXPOSED TO ROCKET EXHIST): It is very hot in the rocket exhaust and it barely noticing the coldness of space. Earthquake Detecter (STILL and on Mun (Landed)): There a little Mun quake!!! Earthquake Detecter (Knocked over and bouncing on surface of Mun): All we can detect is the experiment bouncing! This isn’t an earthquake! Surface Sample (Not blasted by rocket exhaust)(Minmus): It looks edible. Just like mint ice cream. Surface Sample (Being blasted by rocket exhaust)(Minmus): It is a little black. It was burnt by the exhaust. I definitely would not eat it. These are three examples I have listed (above if you did not notice). I really hope the developers of Kerbal Space Program 2add this little feature in. I personally think it makes the game more interesting and it a sense that the player can feel like what the player is doing. A little connection (I really don’t know, I’m not a doctor who monitors behavior of people). I really hope they add this feature in KSP2 but if they don’t that’s fine. - Dr. Kerbal
  8. The KSC is broke! Nobody knows how accounting made such an avoidable mistake, but somehow, spending has gone out of control and the Kerbals are in deep financial trouble. With investors pulling out, manufacturers cutting supply, and the constant pressure of continuous scientific advancement, the KSC will need a grand mission and an affordable price. The challenge- Launch a crewed mission to at least LKO, or another celestial body, in science or career mode, and gather science for as low of a price as you can. The rules- No alt+f12, HyperEdit, MechJeb autopilot (though MechJeb for information is okay), no part mods or physic-altering mods. You may not mine and process ore for fuel, and then recover that fuel for extra profit. Any fuel mined must be used. Visual and informative mods are always welcome. You are allowed to Start a new science/career save, and give yourself Max-Facility or Max-Progression or Max-Tech Tree, so you have access to all parts and unrestricted building limits. All science must be recovered. Scoring- The equation for scoring is P=(V-R)/S, where V= the price in the VAB or SPH, R=the recovered price, S= the science gathered, and P=your score, in funds per science. For example, if my rocket costs 80,000 funds in the VAB and I recover 20,000 funds and 100 science, I do P=(80,000-20,000)/100, and get P=600 funds per science, or a score of 600. Video/Pics of important parts of your mission is a requirement. You must also include a shot or picture of your craft in the VAB, and of your recovered science and funds upon landing and craft recovery. My run with a scientific version of my SSTO “Burnley” got me: (76799 - 73655) / 177 = 17.76 funds per science. Leaderboard: 1- @camacju= 0.04 funds / science 2- @DRAG0Nmon= 17.76 funds / science
  9. Heavy Science is a mod I've always wanted. It adds mass to any Surface Samples experiments that Kerbals take from the various planets and moons in the Kerbol System. Reviews to date: This Rocks! - Jeb One of life’s sample pleasures - Bob Background: This mod is my attempt to bring together a jumble of ideas liked having in my gameplay, while also learning a bit of OO Programming. My original idea was built by cobbling together various other mods to get the gameplay result I was after. (I posted that idea in this forum thread) I found it odd that surface samples didn't mass anything and could be 'transmitted' for 25% science for doing so. I sought out a mod that makes players lean more heavily to returning surface samples than just transmitting them, but didn't find one. I later found some forum posts also mentioning the idea. I figured I'd have a go and coding (I've only done VB before and Object Orientated stuff gets me quite lost at times) Heavy Science (Core ideas) Surface samples... cannot be stored in command pods can only be stored in a specific container part which I can add to the craft when building it cannot be transmitted for science (return only) have mass and thus affects your return available Delta-V to get my Kerbals home Adds 1 part to the game - Surface Sample Container with empty mass of 0.06t (60kg) Surface samples will probably mass 150kg I did the maths with this setup to check what happens if I were to grab 1 of all available surface samples in the stock game - including both splashed and landed variants. At 200kg each, it would all weigh a bit over a fully fuelled Orange tank (~40 ton) That should make for some fun shoving that around the system while playing a collect 'em all mission. Known Issue: Not compatible with Kopernicus at all. Breaks it completely. Download link - Github Credits: Big thanks to: The KSP developers for their efforts in supporting the KSP forum community as well and building this awesome game! @Gaiden for suggestions on how to help refine the flexibility of the mod and not restrict the users desired game play. @Rodger for the waffle cone and texture (Happens to be my favourite bit of the mod at the moment) Licence: I'm using Talisar Mk1 Cargo Bay as the Heavy Science Container. Heavy Science uses the same licence: (CC BY-SA 3.0) Happy to hear anyone's feedback, suggestions and/or discussion about the mod
  10. Disclaimer: I'm asking something that may be beyond my current understanding But let's boldly go ... Is there any sort of guideline or requirement or standard for a part that will contain ModuleScienceContainer? Asked in another way ... if I was dreaming of a part mod that would have that module in it, are there physics-types of constraints on the part design that I should keep in mind?
  11. The Sword of Jebediah can support 139 Kerbals in living habitats and science modules. This can be upgraded if you attach more to docking ports for drop ships, rovers etc. Has back docking port for docking boosters or habitat modules to use as a space station. Has around a 2800+ m/s depending on ore/lq/ox on hand 1,440 kN Thrust with working gravity ring. Refuel capable. Would recommend smaller landers or even ore runners to supply for fuel. Action Groups (AG) AG0: Turn on Gravity Ring AG9: Lock Gravity Ring AG8: Turn on Converter and open doors AG7: Toggle Docking Port Doors AG6: Toggle Drill AG5:Toggle Surface Harvester Gear: Toggle MK2 Ring Cargo Shields STEAM: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2245297985 KERBALX: https://kerbalx.com/InterstellarKev/Sword-of-Jebediah
  12. Well, I'm currently trying to get more science in Kerbin. Lately I discovered that you can get "flying" situation under the KSC's mini-biomes (e.g. Kerbin's Launchpad, Kerbin's FlagPole, etc.). This was done by an accident: Moving toward the FlagPole at high speeds but low enough to not break any parts. And collecting science while doing so. However, any subsequent attempt to get to the "flying" situation (i.e. just don't touch the ground) would result me in taking the biome under it (i.e. Kerbin's Shores). I'm a Science hardcore, I'll go any lengths to extract science from a planet to the last bit. So please tell me if it's possible to get "flying" situation in the mini-biomes.
  13. Starting a science mode series! My discord server: https://discord.gg/4d7PSyG
  14. I think the answer is negative but I'll ask: How can I transfer a single experiment from one science container to another container or to a Kerbal on EVA? How can I close the experiment review window without clicking "keep experiment" repeatedly? One way: enter and exit "edit action groups" This is so dumb it hurts.
  15. A simple challenge! I looked around the forum and asked Google-sensei and incredibly, nobody seems to have codified this into a proper challenge. If someone does find the "original" thread, please notify me and excuse me for missing it (I bet it's on like page two and I'm blind...). Anyway: The challenge is simple to describe and judge, perhaps less simple to execute: Complete the stock technology tree without undertaking any interplanetary voyages! To submit an entry, simply share your save file (e.g. persistent.sfs or any quicksave SFS file). If it loads a full technology tree and has no records of interplanetary voyages (i.e. no experimental results or points for recovery of a vessel from any destination outside Kerbin's SOI), it wins and you get a cool badge. Tiers: Lax version: Do not enter the SOI of any planet other than Kerbin. Feel free to visit any place on the surface of Kerbin, the Mun, and Minmus, any orbit of these, or any part of Kerbin's atmosphere as many times as you like, but not the surface, atmosphere, or space in the SOI of any of the other planets or their moons. Breaching into orbit of The Sun is permitted, though experience tells me this doesn't help as much as one might hope. Science from mobile labs is permitted. Any and all mods are permitted, but use of HyperEdit or a similar mod to set orbits, manually alter Science points, etc. is not permitted. Using debug cheats to set orbits or edit Science points or similar progress is not permitted. The technology tree can contain mod parts or additional nodes, but all of the stock nodes must be where they are by default. Science rewards must be at a maximum of 100%, starting Science must be at a maximum of zero, etc. The game mode must be either Science or Career. Standard version: All above rules, but "gameplay mods" are restricted: mods that alter the technology tree so as to provide additional Science parts or otherwise provide additional ways of gathering Science points are permitted to be present, but your save file must not contain results from any such parts or activities. Strict version: All above rules, but the game mode must be Career, difficulty settings must not be made easier than those in Normal difficulty mode, and no craft is permitted to leave, nor can Science data be obtained in any way, from outside of Kerbin's SOI. This includes asteroid and comet visits and use of the SENTINEL infrared telescope. Mods that alter the technology tree are permitted, but only on the condition that no part from any such mod is unlocked before the entire stock technology tree is unlocked (though not all of the stock parts need be purchased). Extra strict version: All above rules, but no gameplay mods are permitted (i.e. only visual mods, performance mods, input mods, and similar are allowed). Science from mobile labs is not permitted. Extra extra strict version: All above rules, but no DLC is permitted for use, i.e. no DLC parts may be used and no Science points from Breaking Ground surface features may be obtained, though having the DLC installed is allowed. Please let me know if you find a cool exploit or other flaw in these rules. As I cannot commit to staying active in this thread and devoting time to judging submissions indefinitely, I encourage people to examine one another's save files for violations and courteously point them out. Honest attempts that fall short in some minor way still have a chance of qualifying, perhaps at a lower level or as honorable mentions, but egregious cheating is discouraged unless for the purpose of humor rather than as an official entry. Lastly, to prove that this challenge isn't bonkers or an expression of sadism, here is my own entry, which satisfies the requirements of the Standard version and some, but not all, of the requirements for all stricter versions: save file
  16. Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science Development Thread This is Micha's development thread for the Nehemiah Engineering Orbital Science mod collection originally by @N3h3mia. This thread will continue until such a time as Nehemiah is able to resume work on his mods. Please use this thread to discuss ongoing development, raising bugs, and testing pre-releases. The release thread is probably better to discuss the current stable release and general gameplay questions. I hugely appreciate people testing these builds and posting any bugs, feature requests, balance suggestions, or contributions in this thread. The pre-release builds are only available via Github. Releases on GitHub (KSP1.7) Link to last KSP1.2.x Version Resources @N3h3mia's Original Thread - contains original mod information, video tutorials, and more. Micha's Release Thread - contains current release information (duplicated here) Source Code on GitHub Version History From 0.7b3 onwards, only major changes are listed here. For a more detailed set of changes, please see the Changelog on Github.
  17. Autonomous Lander for the Kerbin subsystem with a 3 Crew capacity and 3300m/s of delta V in vacuum. Can be set up in Career game with a Tech level 6 requirement only (for the Cheetah engine and the Mk1-3 Command Pod). Mods used : Restock, Tweakscale and Nebula Decals. Also variants can be set up to bring this lander to other celestial body: here Moho. A dedicated nuclear craft brought the lander at a 500km orbit. Note : the conical fuel tanks which collide with the main cylindrical one have been emptied to prevent an ugly part clipping.
  18. In order to make science less unrealistic and more challenging, I present to you the Science Elaboration System (original discussion thread here). This mod aims to make the road from experiment to parts more challenging, adding gameplay, without making things too grindy. A chart comparing the current science system to the Science Elaboration System (C)(TM)(SCIENCE!) Overview Planned features (subject to change): Multiple science types (at least one for every major category like aero, engines, science, structural, etc) Technology nodes and building upgrades need one or more of these science types to unlock (cost tweakable in settings) Science can be made by processing data in science labs (processing is slow and can be sped up by using high-tech labs or multiple cheaper labs) Processed science has to be transmitted or transported to the R&D lab (much like the current system but with more shiny buttons to press) Data is gained by science instruments, science multipliers are now data multipliers Lab efficiency: higher-tier labs need less data per science and work faster, but require far more power Lab bonus efficiency: research lab location (atmospheric planet or not, orbiting or not, etc) affects science production, relevant science types will get a production bonus or penalty Fast labs and large setups require serious power supplies (more than a single solar panel), perhaps detect mods like Near Future Electrical/Solar and Interstellar and adjust requirements Entry-level research lab with terrible efficiency. Support for science mods if feasible, include default configuration file Lots of options to disable or tweak parts you don't like Things I'd like your opinion on and may or may not be included (you can consider these more like statements rather than planned features, please react!): Data decays over time unless stored in a powered lab Data is a resource and can not be transmitted, but it can be moved in the way traditional science can (this requires you to bring a mobile research lab or a return rocket and will probably make things a lot harder, but maybe too hard. Maybe a inefficient autonomous lab is an idea?) Higher tier science types require lower tier science types as an ingredient Whatever feasible features you can come up with! Meta-research: faster and more efficient research for unlocked science labs Metadata: gain bonus data (unlock with research and strategies) NYFAQTWPBAFIIDNITN (Not Yet Frequently Asked Questions That Would Probably Be Asked Frequently If I Did Not Include This NYFAQTWPBAFIIDNITN) Q: Why is this WIP? A: This is the first major mod I'm making, and I need to figure out the Unity and KSP API, learn C# (I'm already familiar with C and have recompiled mods in the past), and likely reverse engineer other projects before I can start making my own stuff. As I am a physics university student, I barely have spare time, so this will take a while. Please do not expect (rapid) development. I am also still thinking about what I would like this mod to become and how that fits with your expectations. Q: Why do you want me to give you opinions? A: I value your input! You might see things from different perspectives and allow this mod to become better than the Science Elaboration System mod in the parallel universe where I didn't want your opinions! Q: Where will you be pushing code 'n stuff to? A: To this repo: https://github.com/asdfCYBER/Science-Elaboration-System. I tend to delay commits a lot though, so don't worry if there hasn't been a commit in a month. Q: Roadmap? A: https://github.com/asdfCYBER/Science-Elaboration-System/projects/1 Q: NOOOO DONT IMPLUMENT DIS STUPID FEETURE!!!(one)(eleven) A: ...that's not a question. I can't please everyone but I will try to add configuration settings so you can play the way you like. Downloads Heh, you can put a reminder on your calendar for next year or something.
  19. INTRODUCING THE RSV DOLPHIN The RSV (ReSearch Vessel) Dolphin is the Proverbial 'Big Mama' of long range research and experimentation featuring Premium QualityTM Cabins For scientists and Researchers away from Home. Just look at how happy they are! Craft Link; craft file here Hopefully in the future I hope to put this badboy on Laythe as Mobilebase/Refueling Station for seaplane SSTOs But I don't have the talent or skillz to get her into orbit let alone over to Laythe, any help would be appreciated ~Chad
  20. Previous thread. This new thread was necessary because of loss of my old email, forgotten password, some source files, and hosting site (you will be missed, Kerbal Stuff) Salutations! May the sunlight always be upon you! *Update v1.1.0: New Sound Effects and Realtime solar images! Update v1.1.1: New licensing, preparing for a handover to @zer0Kerbal. Check for his thread linked below. Check the changelog for more details This small mod adds a couple new scientific instruments (such as the one pictured here) which do science specifically around the most wondrous body in the Kerbol system. Both of these instruments are based upon instruments currently aboard the SOHO and STEREO spacecraft, and when experiments are run, real, recent images are displayed. It also adds a few new flags. To install Like most other mods, simply download the file (Linked at the bottom), unzip it, and drop the folder it gives you into Kerbal Space Program>GameData. Notes: The Source Code, models, textures, and sounds are provided. These are in .cs, .fbx, .png, and .wav formats, respectively, and are all found in the folder Solar Science > Source. By the license, you can do anything you please with them as long as you don't profit and you give credit to me. Preferably, this would amount to mention of "Snoopy 20111." Remember to Praise the Sun! Screenshots: Review from KottabosGames (v1.04): Changelog: Roadmap (???) Download here on Spacedock Curse mirror Google Drive Mirror (Solar Science v1.1.0) This work is licensed under the MIT License.
  21. (Firstly, let me add a disclaimer that I'm writing this late at night based on a rambling note I made on my phone at like 1am the night before, so bear with me if this starts to lose coherence.) Something I've found rather dissatisfying about the base-game science system (ignoring career, which I have other issues with) is that there's generally no point, mechanics-wise, to keeping a scientific mission in its final orbit after you fire off all your experiments. No reason to keep that first crewed orbiter in orbit for more than it takes to click "save crew report", no reason to go for an orbital probe rather than a landing or flyby, and definitely no reason to have more than one probe in the same place once you've gotten all the science parts unlocked and figure out how to cram them all in one craft. The idea I've had to solve this involves two major systems being added to the game: Having science parts that can continuously log data, returning science based on the amount of data logged Having events that occur that can be observed through a variety of means for science gain The first system gives a big reason to have something stay active in the same situation, by providing a direct reward based on how long it stays there. Rolling-recording imaging probes, microgravity-effects-on-Kerbals studies, and However, the gain needs to be asymptotic (increases towards by an ever-decreasing amount, never exceeding it) to some amount (such as 2x the science from the base experiment), to prevent someone from being able to unlock the tech tree with a Stayputnik, a solar panel, a 2HOT, and timewarp. How these data logs are returned can be an additional system, providing new choices to be made, with relative advantages and disadvantages of any method. (One example could be sending data in large batches vs sending it back continuously.) The second system would be a fair bit more complex. The core idea is that there are numerous events that can occur - eclipses/transits, magnetic field changes, solar flares, impacts, celestial events such as supernovas, etc. - that, if "seen" by an actively-logging science part, provide large science bonuses. On top of this core would be several layers of complexity. Firstly, the larger the variety in the parts used to observe the event, the greater the return (within reasonable bounds of what can be used for observations, of course) - observing a solar flare with a visible-light telescope wouldn't provide as much data as observing one with that plus a magnetometer logging the effect it has on Kerbin's magnetic field. Secondly, using multiple of the same part to observe the same event can also increase science gain, based on factors such as distance between them - observing a magnetic-field fluctuation with several satellites in various points around Kerbin would give more science than an observation with just one. And finally, there'd be two main types of events: ones that are brief (<5 seconds) and/or unpredictable, and ones that are long (several minutes at least) and/or predictable. The former would generally be things easily observable by automatic instruments, while the latter may often require manual observations. In either case, when an event is logged, the player would be given a notification in some manner, indicating what was observed by what instruments on which craft and allowing the science yield from the data to be gathered. I'd love to see this system in a mod, but sadly, I don't have the skills to make that happen, so I'm kinda just throwing this idea out there to see what people think ^^;
  22. This mod seeks to expand the science lab system. It currently adds a smaller, one-kerbal lab, and a 4-in-1 science package. Currently uses stock meshes since I suck at 3d art . Works for KSP 1.8.1 and up See Github for downloads. Github: https://github.com/toshnika/LabsPlus/blob/master
  23. I hope I won't be accidentally double posting this, but I do not remember sharing my idea for a more involved Career/Science System I made half a year ago. The following could potentially be handled as a mod, but I am hoping with some feedback and refinement, it could be worthy of a future update since Career Mode and Science desperately need changes. The following Science Manifesto tackles that, along with changes to the Admin Building and Tech Tree. Copied from a PDF I wrote: THE SCIENCE MANIFESTO: CAREER OVERHAUL SCIENCE TYPES Instead of a generic “Science”, it would be split into 3 science types or “currencies”: Biology, Chemistry, and Material. Different science experiments can provide a varying degree of each. Generic instruments could provide all three, while more specialized would only provide one or two. The purpose of the different science currencies would still be used to unlock tech nodes, which now cost different amounts of each. It could also be used for contracts or for events (more on those later) Biology, Chemistry, and Material Science CHANGES TO EXPERIMENT RESULTS Experiment results are no longer abstracted. You no longer receive a ScienceDef result immediately after running an experiment. Instead, you receive one of two new result types: Data or Sample Data: Functions very similar to how science results are treated now. Experiments that generate number values (Thermometer, Barometer, etc.) will create a “Data” result. Data results can be transmitted via the CommNet system Samples: Experiments that collect a physical substance (Drills, soil scoops, gas chromatographs, etc) generate a “Sample.” Samples cannot be transmitted via CommNet, but you can run a second experiment on a Sample to convert it into Data, which you can then transmit. Converting a Sample into Data destroys the sample, leaving only the Data result. One sample could be run through different experiments and be converted into different kinds of data. Here could be some Sample Types: Atmospheric: Air or gaseous substances collected anywhere on a planetary body Soil: Ground sample collected anywhere on a body while “landed” Rock: Geologic sample collected from either specific biomes or from terrain scatters Liquid: Collected while “Splashed Down” Particle: A more complex sample that could be collected anywhere in the solar system. Such as solar wind plasma, Neutrinos, comet tail particles, etc. Samples can be collected and stored or moved. I am thinking is a KIS-style manner, where each takes up space and has mass. Different storage parts could be made to storage different kinds of and/or amounts of samples. Parts could be configured to spawn with a sample already in its inventory, such as to ship experiments to orbital labs (Plant growth, Material bay, etc.) Upon either transmitting, or returning the sample you will receive a science notification. The menu for this can be set very similarly to how contracts are now. An icon on the GUI can be added for science result logs and would flash once a new result is obtained from either a transmitted Data result, or a completed research project (See: R&D Building, Science Teams). It is from the new menu that you will obtain ScienceDef results, instead of when the experiment is first run. SCIENCE PART TYPES Science parts can now be more specialized. Parts could even be used only to collect samples, without providing any data, or to do both: Collector: These parts could run and generate a sample depending on the condition and biome of the craft. The Sample is added to an internal inventory where it can be moved to be worked on. Film Camera: Takes images and generates a “sample” film that must be returned Digital Camera: More advanced Camera that can develop or take digital pictures which are created as “Data” instead Instruments: These science parts take measurements of the environment or craft conditions, which are created as “Data” Labs: Lab parts take an input Sample, examine it (destroying it in the process) and converts it into “Data” that can then be transmitted R&D BUILDING The R&D Building now has four sections instead of the current two: Archives: Functions as it does now (Or can be removed) Warehouse: Stores samples collected during missions that return to Kerbin. Samples can be discarded sold, or moved to the Research Lab for analysis. The Warehouse Inventory can be accessed from the VAB/SPH or nearby in the world (Like KIS) to transfer returned samples back to a craft, if needed. Research Lab: Science teams in the research lab can analyze samples from the Warehouse for a much greater science return than in-situ experiments. You can run an in-depth analysis for each of the Science types (Bio, Chem, and Mat). Each analysis destroys the sample as part of the research, and subsequent runs of the same analysis on samples from the same biome yield vastly diminishing returns and/or take longer. In addition to increased science returns, sample research/analysis from a Research Lab has a chance to trigger an event. Events can be beneficial, detrimental, or preferably provide a number of player choices. For example, a sample from Duna could be found to potentially have micro-organisms. You could have the choice of exposing them to radiation or some other substance. Each choice would have an associated cost and either a randomized result, or a specific one depending on the sample and the Event. Events can be wildly different with different choices, and the percentage of each could be adjusted as to be less randomized. Development Lab: The development lab is the Tech Tree/Technology tab as it is in stock today. A couple of changes are that, like sample analysis, each node takes time to research. The cost of each node will now be one or more of the three new science types; depending on what it unlocks. Nodes for structural parts can cost more Material than other sciences, electrical or propulsion can cost more Chemistry, while manned or life support parts could cost more Biology. Other desirable changes to the Tech Tree system could be implemented here as well. One such change is using nodes to unlocked upgrade technologies and not necessarily “parts” alone. Nodes could even research KSC building upgrades, or Kerbal abilities. A tech node can unlock a part such as a manned capsule. The capsule has built-in RCS and auto-pilot but both are locked. Two nodes later on the tech tree could then “unlock” the ability for new crafts with that capsule to use each the built-in RCS, or its probe core. SCIENCE TEAMS Both sample research and tech node research now take time and funds. Each active research takes a certain amount of funds per day to maintain research. Providing Additional or reduced funding will affect the time it takes to complete each project. Funding would be managed from the Admin Building, along with any other R&D Policies. Research Projects are done by Science Teams. KSC has one Science Team by default, plus one per level of the R&D Building for a total of four teams at the highest level. A science team can be assigned to either research a sample, or a tech tree node. Starting out, you may have both teams analyzing samples for early science gain, and then switch both to research tech nodes once enough is obtained. MOBILE PROCESSING LABS The MPL and other parts like it will function very similarly to the R&D Building in that it provides you with the same three sample analysis options. Instead of requiring funds, MPLs need to be crewed and provided with power (and maybe eventually life support). Each MPL will provide a new science team. The efficiency of the MPL will be based on the Kerbals’ experience, and the results based on the location similar to stock now. Perhaps MPLs could also research tech tree nodes, especially if the tech tree is expanded. EXPERIMENT RESULT FLOWCHARTS The following are flowcharts to show the process for running experiments and obtaining science. INSTRUMENT EXAMPLE In this example, a simple instrument part is run. This generates a “Data” result, which can then be transmitted via an antenna, or returned for the same science gain. COLLECTOR AND LAB EXAMPLE This example shows a part used to collect a sample which is optionally returned to KSC, ran through and X-ray “lab” experiment, or a centrifuge. You would need to gather three samples with the soil collector in order to do all three options. MULTI-SITE AND MPL EXAMPLE This more complex example shows the many options from collecting a sample physically with a Kerbal and then processing it through multiple different experiments. It also shows a possible Event triggered by running a sample analysis in the MPL. I know it is a lot, but any thoughts or feedback?
  24. So I put together a rover to collect some Science from around the KSC, and I put four Experiment Storage Unit's on it so I wouldn't need to recover it constantly. I had also had four of each experiment I was bringing, so I expected them to all get collected. Then I noticed X Science was showing I couldn't run an experiment any more, despite the fact more runs were in fact required to fill the bar and enough science parts were present, so I checked the experiments. Turns out some of them had failed to collect. Thinking about it, this had also just happened while I was collecting the atmospheric analysis science from Kerbin's upper atmosphere with a totally different craft. Best I can tell, this is because I had all the Experiment Storage Unit's on an action group together, and they must have all collected from the same part at the same time. New since 1.8.1 as far as I know. While I have mod's installed, which is why I'm putting this here, I do not believe them to be at fault. Any experiment + 2 action grouped Experiment Storage Unit's on a craft should allow this to be replicated EDIT: Actually, it looks like they need to be on the same stage - so no decouplers in-between. Maybe. EDIT 2: Figured it out- this doesn't work with the Science Jr. or Mystery Goo. Haven't gone up to 1.9 yet, so I can't speak for that.
  25. I present my newest invention: A stock aircraft called Science Rover truck! It was initially developed UKRDF Ground Vehicle Company at the time of the Two Year War, it is a vehicle of choice for most science expedition groups. Originally built as an APC, It is a versatile vehicle that can carry up to 3 passengers. It is quite fast, being able to reach up to 30m/s, and with the help of its toggleable SAS units and a low center of mass, it can be very hard to topple over. High composite materials, and reactive front and hind armor provide great shock protection. As well as that, it can hold a lot of scientific apparatuses, and also features an interior! Last but not the least, the Science Truck features a close-able door at the back. Built in the SPH in KSP version 1.8.1. Right now I only have this image, but more are soon to come with more angles of the craft. Download Link -> DOWNLOAD CRAFT I am always open to suggestions, so feel free to post suggestions below. Also, please report any technical problems that you may find with the craft.
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