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  1. Diverse Kerbal Heads Diversify your Kerbals with unique faces and hairstyles! Original work by @Sylith, @shaw, @IOI-655362, and @Cosmic_Farmer. v1.1.1 Reconverted male head png textures into dds for better results. Moved pre-1.0 female kerbal heads into a zip file to prevent textures loading into ram. Dependencies Texture Replacer Replaced Downloads SpaceDock License CC BY 4.0 Looking for Diverse Kerbal Heads 1.0 for Texture Replacer 2.4.13? Find it here on Curse! Thank you to all the creators who came before.
  2. Planet Texturing Guide Repository This thread will aim to deliver a range of guides and tutorials to cater for those who wish to create planetary textures using a variety of methods, software and mod plugins. Please feel free to contribute any material you think would be suitable to list within this archive and I will endeavor to keep it up to date. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Celestial Body Creation Theory World Generation - by Tyge Sjöstrand Atmosphere Calculators - by OhioBob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Map Making Making Maps Using Photoshop (... and a little Wilbur) - by Jeremy Elford: Turning your hand drawn sketch into a detailed alpha map A Basic Alpha Map Aged, Parchment with a creation method for mountain ranges, trees and trails. One of many options to colour your map 4 ways to give your map a relief using height maps - using Wilbur for one of them. The Genesis of Israh: A Tutorial (Amazing tutorial using Photoshop, Wilbur & Fractal Terrains) - hosted on Wayback Machine Eriond: A Tutorial for GIMP & Wilbur - by Arsheesh Creating Mountains and Other Terrains in Photoshop - by Pasis Realistic Mountains with Photoshop and Wilbur - by Miguel Bartelsman Mountain Techniques using Wilbur and GIMP - by Torq Simply Making Mountains in GIMP & Wilbur - by Ludgarthewarwolf Making Mountains for the Artistically Challenged - by Unknown Painting Heightmaps for Satellite Style Maps - by Theleast Quick Guide for Bumpmaps in Photoshop (Combining Colour and Normals for presentations) - by Pasis Saderan (Creating Land/Ocean maps in Photoshop) - by Tear Realistic Coastlines in Photoshop/GIMP - by Old Guy Gaming Terrain in Photoshop, Layer by Layer- by Daniel Huffman Procedural Planet Textures using Adobe After Effects - by Poodmund How to Make Prodedural Gas Giant Textures using Gaseous Giganticus on Windows 10 - by Poodmund How To Make Gas Giant Textures for Kerbal Space Program Mods - by GregroxMun Gas Giant Texturing Tutorial - by Galileo How to Horizontally Wrap/Create Horizontally Tile-able Textures - by Poodmund Removing Polar Pinching/Distortion from your Planet Map textures - by Poodmund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software Tutorials Wilbur: Filling basins and incise flow to make eroded terrain Wilbur: Using the tessellation tool Wilbur: Rivers Wilbur: Going from a sea mask to a terrain Wilbur: Rivers and lakes Wilbur: Islands Wilbur: Islands Part 2 - by Poodmund Wilbur: How to generate realistic(ish) terrain below Sea Level - by Poodmund Wilbur: How to simulate 'better' erosion - by Poodmund Fractal Terrains Tutorials - by Old Guy Gaming ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KSP Plugin Tutorials Setting Up EVE Cube Maps - by Poodmund Axially Tilted EVE Textures (Cyclones/Auroras) - by Poodmund PQS Mod:VoronoiCraters Guide - by OhioBob ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software Links NASA's GISS: G.Projector - Global Map Projector Wilbur - Free, extremely powerful noise based terrain generation Fractal Terrains - Noise based terrain generation and colouring, based on Wilbur, License required Libnoise Designer - Procedural Noise Generation tool using Libnoise library. Executable file located in \Bin\LibnoiseDesigner.exe GIMP - Free image manipulation software Paint.net - Free image manipulation software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please contribute to the above and I will list it in an appropriate section if suitable.
  3. Enhancement of Stock Squad textures folder in 3 different settings. [1.12.X] KSP Upscaled - Squad Expansion goes in pair with this mod Process: Used XNView MP to first convert the DDS to PNG; Took Upscayl, with custom model 4X_NMKD-SIAK_200k, 4x scale to all of Squad's folders, recursively. Retook XNView MP to re-convert to DDS Created RAW folder for textures Used the program DDS Converter from Nexus Mods to convert to 3 different settings: High: 8192x8192 Textures Medium: 4196x4196 Textures Low: 2048x2048 Textures The Compression is in DDS BC3 (DXT5), but I kept all the PNG and enhanced them as well to keep the original file structure Installation instructions: (Please note that you need the base game, as the packages do not include any of the configs or models, it is only textures) Download the setting you want; High: 8192x8192 Textures Medium: 4196x4196 Textures Low: 2048x2048 Textures Extract to the GameData folder; Overwrite all when prompted; Play PLEASE NOTE: Be careful of what mods you are using with this package, as it is VERY demanding on hardware. I personnally use the low settings because I use Link's Parallax v2.0 and Blackrack Volumetrics Clouds from their patreon, plus KSC Extended, KSC Harbor & KSC Enhanced that utilize stock assets, which decrease overall FPS in KSC area. I recommend testing with: Show FPS & MemGraph. You will have a good idea of the performance hit you get with the textures. Have fun and buy me a cofee if you like this mod! My Github
  4. 32k Planet Textures For JNSQ 32k texture pack for the main planets of JNSQ, so the ground stops looking blocky in low orbit. You've just assembled the final piece of your magnificent space station, right above the edges of the atmosphere. You gaze at Kerbin in all its splendor, with its glorious JNSQ volumetric clouds, and suddenly you notice, 'holy cow, Kerbin is all pixelated !' And ever since, during every launch, that's all you can see, desperately waiting to get high enough to no longer see that pixelated mess. That's what happened to me, and that's why I made this texture pack, to fully enjoy the planets in all their glory, no matter the altitude ! Dependencies JNSQ ModuleManager Compatibilities: This mod is purely visual, so everything compatible with JNSQ will be with this one. Recommended mods JNSQ_ParallaxScatters EVE Release 4 & Scatterer JNSQ Volumetrics Deferred rendering Download SpaceDock GitHub Installation FIRST, install JNSQ and it's dependencies SECONDLY, drop and merge the GameData folder from 32K_planets_for_JNSQ with your current GameData folder. Windows will ask if you want to overwrite, say yes. Have fun! Changelog : V1.0 Initial release V1.1 JNSQ city textures are now invisible during the day Added new textures for cities at night Improved city texture resolution for high and low orbits Credits: G'th for the reuse and modification of CityDetailNight texture from the mod AD ASTRA Notes: For now, only the planets Kerbin, Huygen, Eve and Laythe have been modified, as these are the four planets where the low texture resolution was most noticeable. The other planets have different texture maps, making resolution issues much less visible.
  5. I am making a planet pack as my first kopernicus mod. It is inspired by the old theorized planet Vulcan,However the it seems that it uses the map of its template(Moho) in map view and it is perfectly flat when landed on. I am sure that I am doing something stupid that is very simple but I do not know exactly what I am missing. The code for the ScaledVersion and PQS is ScaledVersion { fadeStart = 60000 fadeEnd = 90000 type = Vacuum Material { specColor = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1 shininess = 0 } OnDemand { texture = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalcolormap.dds normals = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalnormalmap.dds//Normal map } } PQS { fadeStart = 90000 fadeEnd = 130000 deactivateAltitude = 130000 //Maybe I will need to make a material{} subnode Mods { VertexHeightMap { map = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalheightmap.dds offset = 0 deformity = 4000 scaleDeformityByRadius = false order = 20 enabled = true } VertexColorMap { map = planetpacktestthing/PluginData/usvaalcolormap.dds order = 20 enabled = true } } }
  6. I've solved the missing water for now, but anything I do to fix any other issue somehow seems to mess with it. On average, at least. The texture config for the volumetric clouds is missing, which I bet is a part of it, although I can't seem to find one. Not from the default config or AVP, which I've uninstalled because it messes with my game in general ways. I've concluded this because they seemed to resolve themselves once I deleted it. This part is a bit different from the rest, but every time I click "add segment" to an Astra Porta part from Blueshift, my game crashes. First, the screen goes black while the session continues. Next, I hear explosions. While the screen is black, I can't press any buttons most of the time, so I have no choice but to end the game. When I can press buttons, I usually go to either the space center, where it's usually not black anymore, but right after that I go to the tracking station, where it's black again and I can't press any buttons again. Other times I'll just go straight to the tracking station and I get the same result. Apparently, once the screen goes black, my vessel deletes itself, only for me to load the game again and It's just sitting where it was untouched like nothing ever happened, still not counted as a ring segment. Also, I can't find the file location for the flags. (it's not in the root file) My full ksp save is here. (including ksp.log)
  7. Hello, I'm texturing some big custom assets and I want them to look similar to the stock space center buildings. Do you know where I can find their interior and exterior textures? Or are they hardcoded? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Hi! I have an issue, that textures are twinkling as on the picture in link below. I have some visual mods installed (most popular ones), but certainly it is not Parallax, because I installed it after that issue. Please help to solve this problem or tell me what graphic setting or mod may cause that. Visual Mods: EVE-Redux, Parallax, Community Terrain Texture Pack, Texture Replacer, Textures Unlimited, Firespitter, TUFX, PlanetShine, EVA Enhancements https://imgur.com/a/Om53TdO EDIT: I' ve solved that problem! The reason was Mod "TUFX" and setting "HDR" turned ON. I disabled it and it works properly - in the link above are images to show that option.
  9. Textures get really blurry when looking at surfaces at a shallow angle. Both Anisotropic Filtering and antialiasing (4x) are activated, but textures don't look noticeably different when disabled _______________________________________________________________ game version: OS: Windows 10 GPU: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3070 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400F
  10. I'm ok with enhanced textures, more diverse and richer colors and detailed terrain mesh because KSP is very poor in that department, but from what I have seen so far, all planetary bodies in KSP2 have nothing in common with KSP ones. Large geographical features seem to be completely gone. I can only recognize Kerbin's features. This means some of the long-established lore is lost. That's not good.
  11. I am am making class-specific suits with the class icons on them, is there a way to change the glow texture. I have done everything to make a normal suit including the config and regular texture, but in is there a way to specify a csutom glow texture in the config. I have also extracted the default glow texture from the files.
  12. I am am making class-specific suits with the class icons on them, is there a way to change the glow texture. I have done everything to make a normal suit including the config and regular texture, but in is there a way to specify a csutom glow texture in the config. I have also extracted the default glow texture from the files.
  13. Hi, Perhaps an easy one for you gurus out there. Mods: Eve, scatterer, kopernicus, parallax, planetchine, waterfall. Recently, my planet textures (and aset navball mfd to a degree) become blury. Rover on mun, blurry textures when moving turning. ASET interior navball mfd slightly if rotating in mun orbit, and if looking at mun thru window. Driving me crazy because last week it seemed ok, I dont remember what mod I may have updated last. I just know I had been rover driving on mun earlier last month and hadn't had the issue. I listed some of the mods that impact this, not all mods installed, any thoughts? I even reset setting in graphics and restarted KSP itself, same. It's not a dealbreaker here, just wanting to figure it out and learn in the process, even for someone like me who has played a long time. Most likely if we cant figure it, I figure a mod will update and it will be gone. You all know how it is .... Marc (RW-One)_
  14. I want to have some lights in my cabin, how can i do this? i heard its about texturing, also i use blender and i hope its possible without unity
  15. hi everyone, i try to install city lights with SVE for almost a week now and tried many different configs\textures but all the time the final result is a flickery mess i can't stand. i am not considering myself a modder and i'm probably lacking some knowledge so if anyone can shed me some light on what should i do to make it work properly i'd be hella happy;) also i think it's important to mention that i managed to get it to work a couple of times and even launch the game multiple times without this problem but the next day it's all the same. i am losing my sanity here
  16. Discontinued, [snip] Humanstuff content of my creation is now a "AGPLv3" project Please report any use of any content licensed as such in other sources to me directly.
  17. Quicktex Available on Github License: LGPL Quicktex is a python library and command line tool for encoding and decoding DDS files. It is based on the RGBCX encoder, which is currently one of the highest quality S3TC encoders available. Quicktex has a python front end, but the encoding and decoding is all done in C++ for speed comparable to the original library. While it is not only useful for KSP, KSP is what I initially made it for, so I think it can go here for support and visibility. It should have higher quality than NVTT or DDS4KSP, while still being reasonably fast, as well as having a (in development, unstable) python API for custom scripting and tricky image types like light cookies. Installation If you are on macOS, you need to first install openMP from homebrew to enable multithreading, since it is not included in the default Apple Clang install: brew install libomp To install, just install from PyPI using pip (the package manager built into python) pip install quicktex and setuptools will take care of any python dependencies for you. The package also makes tests, stub generation, and docs available. To install the required dependencies for them, install with options like so (Docs are still a work in progress): pip install quicktex[tests,stubs,docs] Quicktex will be available on Pypi once it is out of alpha. Usage Usage: quicktex [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... Encode and Decode various image formats Options: --version Show the version and exit. --help Show this message and exit. Commands: decode Decode DDS files to images. encode Encode images to DDS files of the given format. To decode DDS files to images, use the decode subdommand, along with a glob or a list of files to decode. To encode images to DDS files, use the encode subcommand, plus an additional subcommand for the format. For example, quicktex encode bc1 bun.png will encode bun.png in the current directory to a bc1/DXT1 dds file next to it. For KSP textures I recommend quicktex encode auto -r [filenames] encode and decode both accept several common parameters: -f, --flip / -F, --no-flip: Vertically flip image before/after converting. [default: True] -r, --remove: Remove input images after converting. -s, --suffix TEXT: Suffix to append to output filename(s). Ignored if output is a single file. -o, --output: Output file or directory. If outputting to a file, input filenames must be only a single item. By default, files are converted in place.
  18. Here are some screenshots for comparison: I am using KSP version 1.3.1 I'm not able to upload images here, So please refer this link: https://imgur.com/a/nQ0FJ2T, Not only those planets but moons as well, textures in the map mode looks fine but when in game mode it looks pixelated blurred and not clear. This problem persists in both the texture packs 4k and 2k. I tried with 4k first, but same problem, then I replaced it with 2k thinking my laptop is not supporting 4k, again same problem. The hardware is compatible. So what is the issue? Also before installing all the other mods unrelated to Astronomer's visual pack I tested it once but, same problem. Please tell me how to fix it? EDIT: Kerbin looks just fine both in Map and game modes, Problem is with only other planets. AND I used CKAN to install mods.
  19. I have a texture bug after installing scatterer on 1.8.1. U have to zoom in or be very close to the ground for any texture to appear (on all planets). A link with a screenshoot: https://imgur.com/a/kIn58Ey
  20. So, I've been having a problem with some of the textures in KSC Extended (and it's dependencies I suppose). Namely, they've gone black. I've installed the latest versions of the listed dependencies on the 1.8.1 version of KSP with both DLC expansions. I'm unable to pin down the cause and I am also running my KSP in OpenGL, if that may be the problem. If someone can find a solution, that would be well appreciated!
  21. HumanStuff -Add-On Develpoment Thread MOST CURRENT UPDATE: We have a HumanStuff Wiki NOW ! MASSIVE changes to mods file structure. I did not realize how "involved" I would become in making sure I got the added realism "just right", in 1 day the mod had tripled (3x) in size from 900Mb to 2.7Gb. But I got a 6000x6000px (6K) Skybox thats "cubic correct to the plane of the solar elliptic" from @Galenmacil's work, very bright method, I think I can use this method to create a 8K and 16K RSS correct GalaxyTex (skybox) and 1K (1024x1024) EnvMaps (I already made the 512x512 EnvMaps & 4096x4096 GalaxyTex, also correct for RSS) I quot: PS: NOPE! Tested these "older" files, they are in someway not working out in my compression programs as "nice looking". Space Engine captures of smaller size (4K) are far nicer when compressed to DXT5 or BC7, even as DXT1. ^Can anyone assist with this ^ IS THIS STILL TRUE? About GaxaxyTex & EnvMaps? Same "root" image can be used on both?: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A (Slightly More) Realistic Spacesuits, Heads & Staff. For KSP v1.5+ NEEDS (as a "Dependency") TextureReplacer Intended & Suggested For The Realism Overhaul, RealSolarSystem, & RP-1 Realistic Progression One Mod Families, Will work with just TextureReplacer (^Current "Poorly Made Hack Job Title Image" For HumanStuff^) Forgive place holder post(s), trying to organize a lot, for me, my very 1st mod/github thing ever ________________________________________________ Plans, Progress & Issues: *Complete the Do it Yourself "Easy Head & Suit Builder" Layered Components Workshop (LCW, for short)* A set of helper PNG/DDS files to assist users in learning to make heads and faces, or all more custom options to users that may be unable to complete the process personally (aka they are limited to pre-made heads and suits) GENE KERMIN <- I am lost to why he works in 1 scene but not others....and "albino" why? Others dont have this issue unless they use gene's head (some SPH/VAB ground crew) Low Resolution (1/2 the current image sized listed), Standard Resolution (Current image sizes as listed), High Resolution (twice the current sizes listed) & "All Resolutions" (All in 1) packs JUST READ THIS: must Env folder (reflections) images be PNG ONLY to work? NOT DDS AT ALL?? ________________________________________________ Current Project I'm Working On For This Mod: @Aazard (thats me) has been starting at the start.... mostly making sure i'm not breaking the file structure or "blowing up" it working right. Also that I'm following "all the rules" to the letter (next to the really serious letter, I'm an easy going man), in regards to the EULA, TOS and licence terms of any inclusions I'm working on 1950's suits ALOT. Early USA/CCCP high altitude flight suits and Mercury IEVA suits are "mostly done" GENE KERMIN <- I am lost to why he works in 1 scene but not others....and "albino" why? Others dont have this issue unless they use gene's head (some SPH/VAB ground crew) Also I am breaking down all the dds files, "4096/4K files" looking for "8192/8K files", attempting to optimize them: Env: 256x256 bit depth 24, optimization pass 1= fail (I inverted in game view when making png into dds, noobism).. pass 2 = I "deepened blacks" BUT see no naked eye or file attributes (size) difference... so= done? Looking into 512x512 options... JUST READ THIS: must Env folder (reflections) images be PNG ONLY to work? NOT DDS AT ALL?? Trying @Galenmacil's RSS Correct Ultra High Resolution Unique Galaxy Background CubeMap @6000x6000 Heads: 1024x1024 bit depth 32, file name fixes = done, location for TR fixes = done, images "cleaned" = huge difference in "color" quality! make into compontents = WIP... Looking into 2048x2048 options Suits: 4096x4096 bit depth 32, pre ksp v1.5 suits cant be reworked only remade...so = done, make into compontents = WIP.. Looking into 8192x8192 options GalaxyTex: 4096x4096 bit depth 32, pass 2 = I "deepened blacks" BUT see no naked eye or file attributes (size) difference... so= done? Looking into 8192x8192 options ________________________________________________ Current Project Community Members Are Working On For This Mod: @Chubby_Hamster was reworking the SK-1 IEVA and A7L "Inner layer" IVA suits last I heard from him, he is much better than I am with this and his work is very high quality, IMHO. There is no "confirmation" of final submission currently, forgive if this announcement is in error ________________________________________________ Current Community Suggestions & Authour Requests: Please feel free to make suggestions for anything! I'm looking for higher resolution (native/original not "upscaled") png or dds images for all base "template building" and for the high resolution pack, and also to "downscale" to the lower resoloution packs (mostly to have everything the same & PREVENT quality loss to highest resolutions I desire: env 512x512, heads 2048x2048, skybox/suits 8192x8192, all with bit depth of 32 hopefully Cfg files... these are not new to me i've edited many and the mods I use often require (or used too) "fix by users"... but writing my own "with a goal" is NEW. anyone REALLY understand MM and TR cfgs in general that I could ask direct questions too (that has the willingness to explain/help me for like 15 minutes) Current Poll & Featured Art/Screenshots Of The Week: *This Weeks Deadline: 09/18/2020 at 09:01 PM EST (UTC -5) Last Poll Results: There was no "last poll", below is the 1st Latest Poll: What Famous Face From History Do You Prefer To be The 1ST Added to Pack in "Famous Faces"? (All 5 will be added plus more over time*) *With-in the limits of game, Texture Replacer and my skills (not in that order...) Next Poll Thoughts/Options: There are no "Next poll" ideas or suggestions, yet ________________________________________________ I will make reposts of info from main thread them spoil out original post, mostly to "clean up" & to save "page length" on main release thread. Preview of my mad art skills: Ummm how do I reverve 2nd post slot? lol
  22. I need some outside the box thinking Have tried almost everything and I do mean everything 8, 9 or 10 have not had any textures works fine otherwise and I've installed no mods. please help please please please help!!! https://imgur.com/a/A5hJeHh https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2lkfnpltzuysexv/AABtDkX84gedBCdbaUpBsrmHa?dl=0 [config] build id = 02917 2020.06.29 at 15:18:37 PDT Branch: master language = en-us distribution name = Steam
  23. Hello there, I was wondering if it would be possible to implement cubemap support for planets into an update at some point. I really would love to see this, since the DDS format (a texture format used by most if not all unity games) has a max resolution of just 16k. This works fine if your planets are kerbin sized, but when you have bigger planets it can look somewhat stretched. With cubemaps in theory you could have textures up to 64k in resolution in addition to having no stretching at the poles. this would allow for much greater quality and clarity in the textures of larger planets. Thanks so much for your time. Here's an example of what I mean. For anyone who may not know, cubemaps allow for this kind of clarity. but currently this is done by a mod called RVE64K for RSS using a workaround, so it doesn't load properly when not in orbit or in the map view.
  24. 2.0 coming soon 1.4 Media 2.0 License
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