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[1.3] [Kopernicus] New Horizons v2.0.1 [2JUN17] - It's Back!


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yeah it seems twp doesn't like Aptur at all from what I've experience personally. It handles the other planets well though...

then again i do like all this talk about how to properly navigate to Aptur, seems my goal of creating new challenges is working! :D

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Strangely enough, Aptur -> Kerbin is working as fine as any "normal" transfer

On Kerbin -> Aptur: I also have "NaN" values, but also a lot of points (colored with different grey), which have values attached

I wonder if that's in any way related to how much easier I've found it is to get back to Kerbin from Aptur than the other way around. I've found I can pretty much at any time and in any orbit get a minimum-dV ejection from Aptur that gets me an encounter with Kerbin that is also pretty low dV to capture. Frequently, in fact, the Pe is within Kerbin's atmosphere.

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I've observed that too, and it seems strange because transfers should be symmetric. Maybe the inclination of your Kerbin orbit (or escape trajectory) factors into it.

I think it's all due to the fact that Kerbin's a bigger target. It's easier to shoot a bullet out of a rifle into a barn door, than it is to shoot one out of a barn door into a rifle.

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Today I ran into some issues with RemoteTech that got me wondering. Basically I was pointing a 40Gm Antenna towards Laythe (to check the size of the cone), and I noticed that it wouldn't even reach Laythe. Has anyone changed the stats for the antennae to compensate for the bigger system size, or what is your solution to the problem?

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Today I ran into some issues with RemoteTech that got me wondering. Basically I was pointing a 40Gm Antenna towards Laythe (to check the size of the cone), and I noticed that it wouldn't even reach Laythe. Has anyone changed the stats for the antennae to compensate for the bigger system size, or what is your solution to the problem?

hmm that's strange. I actually didn't include a RT patch as i was able to directly connect a dish from Kerbin to Vanor without one, so I figured increasing the distances would be overkill. Anyone else had trouble with it?

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Today I ran into some issues with RemoteTech that got me wondering. Basically I was pointing a 40Gm Antenna towards Laythe (to check the size of the cone), and I noticed that it wouldn't even reach Laythe. Has anyone changed the stats for the antennae to compensate for the bigger system size, or what is your solution to the problem?

When Laythe is closer to Kerbin (in ideal-ish Transfer Window Planner range), the 40Gm will definitely work. I ran an entire mission that included Deep Freeze'd Kerbals that relied on a probe core to take them out of cryo just recently with only the 40Gm dish. Otherwise, if you need more range, there are lots of other antenna mods, try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98205-0-25-ORIGAMI-foldable-antenna-dishes-for-RemoteTech

It has two dishes, one with a 69Gm range and one with a 350Gm range. Also, I believe Sigma88 has some extra dishes too and RemoteTech IIRC includes some pretty insanely large dishes that range from 100Gm, 150Gm, 300Gm and 750Gm.

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When Laythe is closer to Kerbin (in ideal-ish Transfer Window Planner range), the 40Gm will definitely work. I ran an entire mission that included Deep Freeze'd Kerbals that relied on a probe core to take them out of cryo just recently with only the 40Gm dish. Otherwise, if you need more range, there are lots of other antenna mods, try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98205-0-25-ORIGAMI-foldable-antenna-dishes-for-RemoteTech

It has two dishes, one with a 69Gm range and one with a 350Gm range. Also, I believe Sigma88 has some extra dishes too and RemoteTech IIRC includes some pretty insanely large dishes that range from 100Gm, 150Gm, 300Gm and 750Gm.

AIES also has some nice antennas.

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very strange, do you have the latest NH & Kopernicus versions? If so, can you go to GameData/New_Horizons/Cache/ and delete all the .bin files and restart the game. If it doesn't load then send me a .zip of your /Logs/ folder

If you could do that also send me a screenshot of your GameData folder in case its a simple install error!

Edited by KillAshley
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ok I deleted the bin files, here is my game data screenshot, how do you want me to send the log?


You should only have the "New_Horizons" folder in your GameData, not "New_Horizons-". I suspect you extracted the zip to your GameData folder. If so, you'll have all the files in there twice, producing some odd results. Move the folder elsewhere (out of the KSP directory), and see if that fixes it.

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yeah not too sure how you got both folders there, obviously it's just a simple install error. Delete the New_horizons- folder and see if it works, if theres any other errors after that delete both New_Horizons folders and re-install, making sure to follow the readme.txt

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I see that the changelog for the most recent version mentions fixing a "quicksand" bug. However, I notice that when I have a Kerbal on Serran, they tend to sink into the terrain up to their waist, and walking is painfully slow-- it's like they're fighting through waist-high snow. And sometimes they die.

Known issue?

Haven't had the problem with vehicles, just kerbals. Landed a plane, it rolls around just fine, but get out and walk and it's slush city.

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Are Kerbin and Aptur supposed to be roughly exactly out from one another on their apoapses/periapses? I seem to remember a more substantial desyncing of their orbits.
They should have the same orbital period as I understand it. No idea if the exact orbits have been adjusted at any point.
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As long as they have the same semi-major-axis they will also have the same orbital period :)

Which just pushes the sentence sideways, to "They should have the same semi-major-axis as I understand it. No idea if the exact orbits have been adjusted at any point."

I can actually state with assuredness that the two moons have the same period. I can't speak on if they have been modified, having only started playing it recently.

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