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28 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

I've got a problem with the forum and not sure where to direct it. Here lately (for the past three weeks), whenever I do a forum search, it will go to a blank screen. That's it. No search results, no nothin'. It's making it very hard to do anything on the forum, especially updating mods. Any suggestions...?

I've just done a search using the forum search function and it worked fine. Maybe clear your browser cache and try again?

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3 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

No. Has anyone else been experiencing this? 

Yes I have. Basically if I've been on my computer and I go the the forum on mobile I need to sign in. Then when I go back to comp I need to sign in there. And if I go back to mobile I need to sign in again and the pattern continues. Noticiced it first a few days ago.

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2 hours ago, RA3236 said:

It's been happening since I joined the forums. Its probably because there's only one device allowed in the "Remember Me" field.

I have 3 devices and don't need to log in very often at all. Not sure what could be wrong... Maybe your browser cookie settings?

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@Red Iron Crown

I took your suggestion and tried it in Mozilla FireFox and in Internet Exploder (Edge is the newest version of it, but I still call it Exploder). Here's the results in both:



and in Windows Edge:


It's making it difficult, short of bookmarking mod OPs, to navigate the forum...

5 hours ago, Deddly said:

I have 3 devices and don't need to log in very often at all. Not sure what could be wrong... Maybe your browser cookie settings?

I have five... :D

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On 6/6/2017 at 10:24 PM, Vanamonde said:

None of your business, punk kid. :mad: And get off my lawn! 

Ooh, scary scary. 

So you are one of those kind of old people.

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Coming back to the topic of people who post full logs into posts; would the moderation (I think that's the right word) team be willing to remove logs from posts (if they were reported)? These logs break the forums and even though tons of people always say "hey don't do that, post a link to it instead" I still see tons of massive logs. I feel like mods removing them would really get the message across that this is a bad way to go. Thoughts?

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@TheRagingIrishman when people report those full logs, we usually remove them. But it depends how big they are, really. Sometimes the log isn't all that huge and it's in a spoiler, so we have on occasion let it be. But it helps if people explain in the report that it breaks the page on their mobile, for example. Then we're more likely to take action, because we prefer not to remove content unless it's really necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Physics Student said:

 I have a question: Why can't I delete my own content?

Mainly because giving users the ability to do that sort of thing would play right into the hands of trolls.  Troll posts something obnoxious, somebody responds to it, troll hides own content, other people see an apparently nonsensical situation, hilarity ensues.

(Sure, it's possible for a troll to edit their stuff after the fact, but at least they've got a post there, and everyone knows that editing is a thing, so the potential for mischief is considerably lower.)

Basically, it boils down to "allowing people to say things publicly that they know they can completely erase does not tend to encourage good behavior."  Yes, the 99% use case is that it's decent, law-abiding users who have perfectly legitimate reasons for wanting to hide their stuff, and we're sorry.  We know it can be occasionally irritating.  But this is one of those cases where it just takes a few bad apples to spoil the cart.

The usual way to "delete one's own content" is to just report your own post and say "delete please".  We pretty much always honor such requests.  (And if you've said something that you urgently need to make-it-didn't-happen and don't want to wait for a moderator to actually remove it, you can just edit your post down to a "nvm" while you wait.  It's usually not a super long wait, though.)

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8 minutes ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Users who use the "log in anonymously" option do not give accurate last activity times. Some of the mods use this option for various reasons, Snark among them. 

ok, what exactly does the 'log in anonymously" option do?

is it just normal but nobody else sees that your in?

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1 hour ago, StupidAndy said:

ok, what exactly does the 'log in anonymously" option do?

I am everywhere... and I am nowhere.

I am everyone... and I am no one.

BuAHAHAHAHA!  *cough* *ahem*  :)

1 hour ago, StupidAndy said:

is it just normal but nobody else sees that your in?

Basically yes.  It's not any special kind of moderator power, anyone can do it-- it's a standard login option.  It makes it so that the forum doesn't track your "last logged on" date.

It all boils down to this:  Do you regard the fact that people can see when you're logging on as a positive (i.e. better engagement, the social-media thing) or a negative (i.e. "it's nobody's business but mine when I'm logged on"-- the privacy thing).

Anybody can choose for themselves which they prefer.  As for me, I prefer the privacy.

Of course, every time I post something, you can see when I posted it, which obviously means I had to be logged on at that time.  Since that's publicly visible for all the world to see, it seems kinda silly that the forum software doesn't go ahead and update the "last logged in" timestamp every time one makes a public post, but hey, I didn't write that code.  :)


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