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When I go to my profile, Skype, Twitter, Location, and Interests all have Array next to them. 

  • SkypeArray
  • TwitterArray


  • LocationArray
  • InterestsArray

Is this a forum error or moderation intervention?

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moved the thread vana ? been able to recover the *txt ? what's count is that you get a log of the txt for later use. sorry copy pasting the unproper emoji that messed thing up

feel free to remove this message as well as the reported one

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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2 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Is this a forum error or moderation intervention

We never moderate users without alerting them in some way. Whether that's posting in a thread, sending a PM, or issuing a warning, you will know what we've done and why we did it.


If you didn't get anything from us, than it's not moderator activity.

Edited by Dman979
Removed confusing sentences.
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1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

I also have two that keep unreading themselves, in that same thread.

Different threads, but I also have two items that are being listed as unread.   Gladly though, the notification icon is not appearing, so once they drop off the top of the list, they won't be an issue....

I've also noted that if somebody links a thread you've started, or even a single post, you get a notification.   This is a good thing. 

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5 hours ago, Gargamel said:

Different threads, but I also have two items that are being listed as unread.   Gladly though, the notification icon is not appearing, so once they drop off the top of the list, they won't be an issue....

I've also noted that if somebody links a thread you've started, or even a single post, you get a notification.   This is a good thing. 

When it works.

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Ok, I'm no longer sure if this is actually an issue on my side since it happened to me multiple times now but I don't find a way to replicate it consistently:

Since the recent forum update, sometimes a post stays in the editor after submitting it and the spoiler is revealed, with no option to hide it (refreshing the page fixes it but it's annyoing). Both issues can happen independently or together:



The spoiler box just says "Spoiler" instead of "reveal hidden content" or "hide content" and nothing happens when I click on it. At the bottom, you can still see the post in the editor, even though it's already submitted.

Am I really the only one who got this issue?

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On 6/15/2019 at 6:58 PM, adsii1970 said:

When it works.

Ok, this is weird... maybe related to @4x4cheesecake‘s post above... but I’m unable to post Kerbaloid’s post from this thread, which has a spoiler in it. Any time I try, once I hit “save” my post disappears and there’s a “this field is required” error down at the bottom. Also, can’t use smileys when I try, either. Just... nothing happens...

on iOS safari if that helps. :confused: 

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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On 6/16/2019 at 5:39 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

The spoiler box just says "Spoiler" instead of "reveal hidden content" or "hide content" and nothing happens when I click on it. At the bottom, you can still see the post in the editor, even though it's already submitted.

The box said Spoiler until I expanded it, then it said "Hide Contents", when I closed it, it said "Reveal Hidden Contents".    Go figure. 

Yeah, we had a recent forum update, that seemed to slightly bork a few things. 

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hm. it would be great for some sort of fix. I've looked at the sourcecode for the forum but it doesnt show anything out of the ordinary. I've also reset chrome, and tried accessing the site in Opera, Firefox, Edge, even *gasp* 


Internet Explorer

It's still the same, unfortunately

Edited by The_Cat_In_Space
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8 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Not here, specifically, but I do get it on other websites, and I’d love if someone could explain what’s going on. 

That's what a web site looks like when its stylesheet doesn't load. Probably the browser's fault.

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8 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

sourcecode for the forum b

I did not know that that existed.

8 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Not here, specifically, but I do get it on other websites, and I’d love if someone could explain what’s going on. 

The code did not load all the way.

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Has the behaviour of the forum regarding posting images changes in the last week?

The reason for asking is that a few days ago I put together a new PC and at the same time switched from Windows 7 to 10. After that I found that I could no longer just paste an image URL directly into a post (it now shows up as a clickable link rather than the image), as I'd done in the past. Now I have to use the "Insert image from URL" button, which takes an extra couple of clicks for each image.

It's a bit of a coincidence that the behaviour changed when I switch OS, but as I'm using the same browser (Firefox), I'd be surprised if that made the difference. So I'm wondering if the simple pasting method for adding images happened to get pulled this last week.

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