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"Plan Kappa" - A KSP graphic novel (Jeb is back in Chapter 53! Well, kinda.)


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6 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

The game crashed in all the ways that were famiiliar to me, and in a bunch of new others. Frames per second can be counted in one hand, for some reason (I don't even have anything with more than 300 parts, which my PC would be able to deal with easily). At one point, all my vessels were either turned inside out or squashed to one third of original height. I had a pic to show you this really strange bug, but of course after 10 tries it still keeps failing to upload to Imgur. Oh, and everything that's landed now loads 2m underground and explodes.

Have you updated any mods lately?  Such comprehensive problems are usually caused by that.  Especially if you have more than 1 version of ModuleManager in Gamedata.

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

Oh my--- well, everything is fixable eventually, with enough savefile magic. Last resort might be to start a brand new install, load only the mods you need, then cut and paste your ships and kerbals from the old save to the new. Good luck, hope it all works out somehow. 

@Bill Kerman?  We need some help in the Kappaverse.

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1 hour ago, insert_name said:

I find that a large number of ships with remote tech tends to cause problems. maybe new install w/o remote tech

I'm not using Remote Tech, but i think the number of vessels may have something to do with the current lag.

35 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

Have you updated any mods lately?  Such comprehensive problems are usually caused by that.  Especially if you have more than 1 version of ModuleManager in Gamedata.

Haven't updated anything recently, nor added any new mods. But I found out my graphics card driver wasn't up to date, so that may be partly to blame. Anyway, after my rants I cleaned my PC a bit, updated the driver and got rid of a few programs that were running in the background, and things have improved. I got only a couple of crashes to desktop, and no weird behaviour in-game.

I did had to edit the persistence file to raise Yardstick Base a few meters, because it was loading underground and exploding. I think I may have the same problem with Feather Base and Bob's camp on Moho, but I can deal with those later. I managed to get everything I needed for the chapter and already made a few pages. I think I can finish it tomorrow, or Wednesday at most. I actually just realized how much I missed the fun of writing the comic, doing all those maneuvers has been such a drag...

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Wonderful update, Parkaboy!

I, too, am very glad you were able to move forward with the save.  I'm really hoping you get the stability issues sorted out.

I'm sure it's extremely frustrating when it only loads one time in ten.  I do appreciate the effort.  Thanks!

Happy landings!

eta: LOL'd at the name of the newly constructed ship. :D

Edited by Starhawk
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Yup, that would be the JetWing from Buffalo & Pathfinder. It's still experimental, but it does work. And it works on Duna. :) Glad to hear that you salvaged your SAVE. I've run into exploding bases too and I'm thinking up ways to help alleviate that for Pathfinder..

Edited by Angel-125
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4 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Yup, that would be the JetWing from Buffalo & Pathfinder. It's still experimental, but it does work. And it works on Duna. :)

Excellent! A new way to get rid of undesirable Kerbalnauts-- I MEAN-- train the recruits. ;)

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I think we should just buy out one of the cabal members... With any luck, at least one of them would prefer a 100% chance of getting a luxury cabin on duna, a fake id, and a chance to keep all of his funds to a low chance of escaping to another reality, that would probably also explode.

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Very entertaining as always, @Parkaboy!

I'm a little concerned about the general population - I had imagined them shipping planeloads of kerbals off the surface by now. Looks like only a few elite and ready-trained astronauts are going to make it, unless there are more twists and turns in this story. But it's not at all like Parkaboy to put twists and turns in his plot lines. ;)

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5 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

I'm sure Jeb will find some extraordinary way to get off Kerbin at the last moment :D


Jeb will simply jump in the air and ride the shockwave accross the solar system

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11 hours ago, Parkaboy said:

Well, here we go at last!


So we've already established that you're not afraid to kill a Name (as in one of the kerbals with a given name rather than a generated one), so that has me worrying for Jeb. On the other hand we're listening to him monologuing in past tense, so he survives at least a while longer. On the gripping hand, he could be talking to us from KSP at tee minus 5 before the end of the world, so I'm still worrying if Jeb will get his million to one chance or not. Please don't crash your save file.

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Thanks everyone for the comments! I'm really glad I was able to publish the chapter this morning,  'cause I had a frantic day and tomorrow won't be different. My vacations are officially over now, but I'll keep doin Plan Kappa mostly during the weekends. The next chapters will be very exciting!

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