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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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17 hours ago, CobaltWolf said:
On 9/17/2021 at 7:07 AM, birdog357 said:

Would it be possible to get active cooling as an option on the cryo tanks in the new parts? I'd love to build the Mars ship from Stephen Baxter's Voyage but the fuel runs out entirely too fast.

Not any time soon, but it's definitely something that I'd like to look into for that sort of purpose. Something that kinda looks like a radiator mounted onto an industrial air conditioner the kerbals salvaged :P I'm not sure how the actual science/physics break down, but I'd be interested in something that just cancels boiloff for gameplay purposes.

You wouldn't even have to get that fancy. I'm thinking just a tweak that comes in at a later tech node that allows you to trade massive amounts of EC for no boiloff perhaps with a small volume hit. It's been a while since I've actually used them, but I think that's how cryotanks does it.

17 hours ago, Pappystein said:

Thanks.  I buy Reference books but I will hope someone has access to it and can just post any S-4 engine data they find (pictures nice.)  I don't want to shell 60 for a book that will likely remain on my shelf after the fact.

If I did the online interlibrary loan right, I should have it on the way to my local branch right now.

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3 hours ago, Starhelperdude said:

перейдите на страницу GitHub BDB и используйте ветку Apollo revamp под ветками

  Скрыть содержимое


затем нажмите зеленую кнопку «Код» и выберите «Загрузить Zip».

ура, Кеплер! Мне всегда нравится, когда у нас появляется больше доступа к космическим телескопам, особенно таким известным, как, например, Кеплер!

Unfortunately, there is an older version of Apollo.

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15 minutes ago, prinjrius said:

Unfortunately, there is an older version of Apollo.

Github has been having this issue of only downloading the default branch recently. If you have an account, fork it and switch the default branch from master to apollo-saturn-revamp. Here's my fork if you don't want to go through with that. https://github.com/Jcking0/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/apollo-saturn-revamp

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28 minutes ago, Jcking said:

У Github недавно возникла проблема с загрузкой только ветки по умолчанию. Если у вас есть учетная запись, разветвите ее и переключите ветку по умолчанию с master на apollo-saturn-revamp. Вот моя вилка, если вы не хотите доводить ее до конца. https://github.com/Jcking0/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/apollo-saturn-revamp

Yes, that's it. Thanks.

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9 hours ago, pTrevTrevs said:

Is anyone currently working on new Saturn I parts or is Cobalt planning on doing that himself?

That's me. I have everything mostly modeled, need to sit down and finish it. Probably the next priority. Will try and stream later today if I feel well enough (getting over a nasty cold, don't worry I got tested and it's not covid)

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@CobaltWolf, ask and you shall receive.






However, once I went back and took a look at my design, I realized what you meant when you said "one that fits". This is what it looks like when it is "stowed".


I wasn't taking into account scale differences. Yes, this is the older LM descent stage. I haven't downloaded the new one yet. Perhaps you can make it work anyway. Thanks for asking!

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Mariner 11 (not to be confused with Voyager 1)

After the sucesses of Pioneer 12 and 13 it was decided to modify a spare Mariner 10 flight backup, removing the topmount camera system and most of it's scientific equipment to install both an UV spectrometer and a Reentry probe similar to the one found on Pioneer 12 and 13. Parts like the antenna and star tracker still stayed on the new design (as without them it would make no sense lol). The flight profile would be similar to the normal Mariner 10 one except the atmospheric probe would be released prior to flying by venus, and it would then reenter into the venusian atmosphere. After that it would use it's UV spectrometer to do UV spectrometry on mercury (idk what exactly but there is prob. stuff to do so...). Consideration has also been taken to develop a mercury orbiter similar to Pioneer 14 and 15, though it's unclear if there is enough interest in souch a project.

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Mariner 12 (not to be confused with voyager 2)


After evaluating the possible rewards of having a continuous sattelite present around mercury (moho), it was decided to the design the afromentioned Orbiter. It's main mission would be to orbit mercury for a reasonable amount of time, 1+ year, and make sientific measurements of mercury's surface and also topograph it's surface aswell. It looks very similar to Mariner 10 and 11, though a number of avionics upgrades have been made. It's differences include the presence of a large solid rocket motor which is in place of the top-mounted camera system which is used to capture into a mercury orbit, and also multiple scientific experiments, mainly centered about UV spectrometry but it also features the afromentioned mariner 10 camera system, though it's placed on the side of the rocket motor rather than directly ontop of the spacecraft bus. It's flight profile would be similar to Mariner 10 and 11, with the only difference beeing that Mariner 12 would capture into an very excentric mercury orbit at it's 2nd flyby. Mariner 12 would theoretically allow for nearly continoous TV coverage of mercury which might lead to increased puplic engagement in our industry through increased interest in the field.




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5 hours ago, birdog357 said:

You wouldn't even have to get that fancy. I'm thinking just a tweak that comes in at a later tech node that allows you to trade massive amounts of EC for no boiloff perhaps with a small volume hit. It's been a while since I've actually used them, but I think that's how cryotanks does it.

If I did the online interlibrary loan right, I should have it on the way to my local branch right now.

You are Awesome Birdog!  


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23 hours ago, Zorg said:


Yeah since 1.12 auto struts dont work across docking ports now :confused:. There is a mod by JPL repo that has a temporary bandaid until 1.12.3 and there is a fix by gotmachine in KSP community fixes. If the oscillations are not related to this issue will need a lot more descriptive details about the issue.

Theres no getting around the fact a correctly scaled Saturn V is slightly overpowered. I guess this is due to the mass fraction of KSP tanks where the dry mass is so much higher than IRL. Hits very small rockets hard and makes very large ones overpowered (see Tantares N1 as well). Last we spoke about it JSO suggested a fuel load of 80% for S1C and SII for JNSQ. I havent tested since the latest mass rebalance though.

Figured it out, I wasn't connecting the habitat to the hidden node correctly. Did that and everything is rock solid.

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19 hours ago, Pappystein said:

You are Awesome Birdog!  


Hold off on the praise. I'm curious to see what happens. It was listed as a periodical with a dozen different versions and didn't give me the option of choosing which year(s) I wanted, so I have no idea what will arrive.


I do have a fallback position, being an Indiana resident, I can get an IU library card and IU Bloomington has the volume in question. I should be able to have it sent up to the closest IU campus...I think..

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So its been a little while since they've been languishing in that experimental branch but the new MOL IVA's have finally been integrated into the master branch for the next release.

These new IVAs were very kindly made for us by @Beale and cover the important MOL, GMSS and Mercury lab station parts.


In addition we also have these gorgeous new props from @Well and @Beale once again to fill these IVAs up. Big thanks to both of them.


The majority of the props in these IVAs use BDB internal props as well as stock ones but there are a few Near Future props ones in there as well. NF props is not a dependency but it is recommended. However there are plans for more retro props in the future so it will not be needed later on. To that effect I did make a little Nikon F photomic inspired one which is in there now but more to come slowly over time.









I think i mentioned offhand a few weeks ago I was working on something else and this is it, IVAs for skylab. Very early stages right now and no promises on when. Might not make the initial release but it is coming.




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1 minute ago, Zorg said:

I think i mentioned offhand a few weeks ago I was working on something else and this is it, IVAs for skylab. Very early stages right now and no promises on when. Might not make the initial release but it is coming.

Woah! Will it have this floor?

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10 minutes ago, Beccab said:

Woah! Will it have this floor?

It will not be a 100% representation, the lower deck for instance needs a slightly different layout due to kerbal proportions and needing to have enough space in the wardroom. But the plan is to try to represent it as best as possible. Will try an alpha shader for the floor and hopefully that works nicely enough to make a see through grid. 

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As always, I'm having a blast "testing" the new parts (my applause to @CobaltWolf and the entire BDB's "team" working on it)...

... now a couple of question, just  out of curiosity:

  1. If I remember correctly, the old LEM descent stage worked as a "decoupler", for the munar take-off of the Ascent stage. It seems that it has lost this ability, in the new one: is there a planned, specifi, decouple for it (maybe I didn't find it around), will it gain back the "decoupler ability" or will it be paired to use any, generic, BDB decoupler??? (missinging to have found a specific part, I'm playing it with the generic BDB 0.625m decoupler)
  2. On 9/18/2021 at 3:25 PM, Adam-Kerman said:


    Wheeeere is the "camera/scientific payload" doors on the descent stage, near the ladder (from where the hystorical "one small step" was filmed), as seen here ??? Am I the usual, dumb, myself not finding the option to have it active (I just only found the switch between the H and J type model) or are we still in an early model available, and that will come "soon™" in later development??? ... please do not tell me that, for simplicity, it was scrapped...

  3. Weird "visual bug" on the VAB (as noticed on the version I downloaded around 10 hours ago... dunno if, in meantime, "new" versions were placed on the github) :
    ... when happened to me to switch between the various SM option for the payload bay (... shielded/not shielded... automatic deplyment or not... various type of storage set-ups), putting the door back generated this, untextured, "pink" version of the shield.
    I'm not sure about it, but it seems to happens only if the "autodeployment" option was turned on, the shield removed (as, for example, to set something in the payload) and then the shield turned on.
    It's just a glitch in the VAB (at launch it return textured...  and also return textured if exiting/reentering the VAB), but it's worth a mention. (I tried various "random set of clicks", and it seems to me that it happens only in the case that the shield was removed meanwhile the "autodeployment" was turned on)
    Worth mentioning that I have, among a lot of other mods, "Universal Storage 2": if the additional option is triggered by an MM patch, could it be maybe a weird interaction after patching (if it went unnoticed in other mod set-ups)???
    Drop me here, eventually, a PM, if it could be useful to have extra infos about it (... KSP log files or anything) if that could be useful to point out the error (my HUGE modded instal could have some involvement, eventually, but it could be worth to study if it is a direct behaviour of the part itself, or any interaction with other mods)


Edited by Araym
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