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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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On 7/12/2022 at 6:29 PM, Viper2 said:

Had the same flipping bug, and yes its came from Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, after taking this out all works fine.

Do anyone know how to add an examption for the LRV parts to the KJR config ?


On 7/12/2022 at 8:41 PM, Doc Shaftoe said:

As far as I know, KJR just doesn't play nice with robotics parts. I tried messing with KJR-Continued's included configuration file, but it didn't help.

For the most part auto-struts and rigid attachment work just as well, though they're not as convenient. Just auto-strut everything (outside of your moving parts) to the heaviest part and you should be good to go.

I have had SO MANY issues with these mods over the years (all the way back to the OG KJR by Ferram) that I just quit using them and have blanket stated that if I am using BDB, or any of the NearFuture part sets... ESP if I have Robotics or Docking ports.    HARD PASS.

I get that KJR in any form is easier than manually selecting all the "auto-struts" (what a bad name for that FWIW!) but the Auto Struts never break my Builds.   KJR ALWAYS messes up for me.

Everyone's mileage may vary but this has been over enough years that I just have to say no now.


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12 hours ago, shakuvendell said:

Apologies are rare on the web. When I do get them, I take them with much gratitude and cheer!

Also, as an aficionado of puns, I appreciate the "apollogies" on a mod currently developing Apollo related content. The well placed surplus "L" gave me a giggle!

In other words, it's all good!

Both are two-man (Two-Kerbal?) Stations, so that sounds like a good fix. Also sounds like I'm playing some KSP today. Someone's gotta test it! :D


Another question - How is Friznit getting those blueprint-style images for the Wiki when Kronal Vessel Viewer has been dead for a while?


11 hours ago, RocketBoy1641 said:

Inquiring minds *DO* want to know.... how the heck does he get them that nice.  I guessed that he was just doing section by section in the VAB with a chromakey of some sort; but it would be interesting to know the 'behind the scenes...

Share my trade secrets?  Never!

But yes, its just a bunch of KVV images and judicious use of the offset tool.  KVV works fine in the latest version of KSP, although it doesn't like module depth mask so the images sometimes need a little touching up in paint.net to fill in resulting blank spots.

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8 hours ago, Beccab said:

Pioneer Mars Orbiter and Thermoelectric Outer Planets Spacecraft kitbashes

I remember reading something about a Pioneer Mars mission when I was still a kid but was never able to find any other information about it, so I figured it was just some kind of Mandela effect. Cool to see that there was actually a concept for it!

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Just now, pTrevTrevs said:

I remember reading something about a Pioneer Mars mission when I was still a kid but was never able to find any other information about it, so I figured it was just some kind of Mandela effect. Cool to see that there was actually a concept for it!

Yup! The probe itself is here and the penetrator (apparently called penetrometer in '73 and penetrator in '74) is here, the basic plan was taking the Pioneer Venus spacecraft and using it to carry a Mars surface penetrator enlarging the solar panels slightly to take the distance into account. If Pioneer Venus ever comes to BDB it will be much easier to kitbash for sure, I used the small pioneer bus tweakscaled a lot and with the solar panels from near future solar to look less blurry at that size

Kinda related, but what I instead couldn't find anything on are Mars Explorer and Venus Explorer; they sound pretty cool and were tentatively planned for IPP, but all that's left is this page of a 1968 report on the future of space exploration. The fact that the word "explorer" has been put in a few dozen different programs for every single planet also doesn't help the search

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System Heat integration - TESTING NEEDED

So we are currently testing integrating System Heat into BDB as a soft dependency to manage boiloff. We are looking for feedback and testing right now. 

Some notes

1. System Heat in the future will likely become a BDB dependency but a soft one. Meaning you can remove it without adverse effects and things will work as before (this is an aspect that needs testing, ie is everything working fine even if you dont install it with todays updates to the dev branch?). For the time being System Heat is not bundled with the development branch files, you need to grab it separately

2. For testing integration please grab the DEVELOPMENT version of System Heat from github here :


3. Things like Centaur jettison etc should be working and have an effect and different types of tanks should have different levels of boiloff and cooling requirements too. Unlike the old BDB system boiloff rates are fixed in config so you cant tune to taste in the difficulty menu. However unlike before you have ways to mitigate boiloff. We may also get a feature to turn off boiloff in the SH menu in the future for people who want to use System Heat but not use it for boiloff. The way we have balanced things is outlined below.


4 How it works

In order to manage boiloff simply enable cooling on all tanks that require it in the VAB. You can then spam enough radiators until the loop temperature stablises in the part action window.


Better would be to open the System Heat ui. We can see for instance we need 5kW of cooling here


with 3 conformal MOL radiators we are good to go.


With a 4th we have a bit more margin. You can also assign parts to loops. Radiators in a given loop will only cool heat generating parts in that loop. In this case the loop is red because the radiators and tank have been reassigned to loop 1. Loops are helpful to keep ships cooling systems separate when docking, or within a single vessel if you have different requirements. For example a nuclear reactor and high powered rads on one loop, and the cryo tanks and small rads on another.

Parts cannot be reassigned from 1 loop to another in flight but the ID of each loop can be changed. You might want to do this for instance if you are docking 2 nuclear tugs and both have their tanks and rads set to loop 0. To avoid merging the loops upon docking, you can change the ID to another number on one vessel. Note that in such a case merging the loops is unlikely to cause issues since the two loops contain similar parts. You can check the system heat wiki for more information. The UI might look a little intimidating at first glance but I feel its actually informative and intuitive once you've used it just a little. And of course as I said you can remove system heat if you would rather not deal with it.

With this you are ready for zero boiloff cryo adventures. And of course huge thanks to Nertea for adding these features to System Heat for our needs.


Edited by Zorg
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Decided I would fool around with nuclear and the new system heat changes.  While I didn't use a BDB tank, the mission got an extension...


At first, I had some boil off, something like .12 u/s.  But after going out into interplanetary space... the boil off stabilized! 

My thoughts during this:
"Well, we're beyond Kerbin, that's great I guess.  Hey, let's try going to a planet.  Ah heck, Mars will take 2 years for a good intercept.  Maybe Venus?  Ah, 1 year.  Let's check boil off.... STABLE?!  NANI?!   Screw it, Venus it is!"

I ended up putting 8 Hokulani PMBP-RDT radiators on it with 8 Hokulani eROSA panels.  I also have RTGS on near the nuke, but will experiment with taking them off.   The Great Nuclear ORB!

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As teased/hinted over the past couple of weeks and most recently announced over on my ProbesPlus Mod thread, I will be collaborating with the rest of the BDB team to add some more probe parts to the collection, as well as update/remake some that I made for my mod and are showing a little age now.  So, in short, happy to be here and looking forward to getting some new probe parts for you guys alongside Invaderchaos.

First and main order of business: Viking

I have resumed Viking mission development and will be merging and bringing it to BDB. For those who haven't seen it or at least not recently or forgot it existed because I started 27 years ago, here is the latest progress:

<These are untextured 3D renders>








Please bear in mind that this is a very complex spacecraft and I'm a little rusty. I appreciate your patience but we'll get it out to you as soon as we can.  Since I had to transfer to a new computer, I had to fix a few glitches and redo some lost work. Currently, the bus is getting a decent overhaul to more closely match the flight model. Some of the electronics and wiring was redone. Up next are landing gear improvements and heatshield/aeroshell guides and fixing/completing the propellant system. At some point I'll take a pass to see if it's too detailed for reasonable KSP use, but I hope to keep it fairly "dope".

Again, I am thankful and looking forward to the opportunity to bring you this and hopefully other cool parts soon.



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Saturn M22







(sorry for the lack of posts my motivation to make ksp content dropped dramatically because of bugs and crashes, but now everything works so I'm back :D)

(forgot to install new version because I was lazy so no fireballs for you)

Edited by AdrianDogmeat
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After deciding on whether to build a Titan Lander or Warp capable ship I decided to try both.

Only got one picture for the lander since I am gonna test it in the Jovian System and it takes 2-3 years to get there.


Now for the Warp ship which is derived of a Gemini Titan.







For the test of the Warp system I decided to send it to Vesta which is not close to Earth but farther than Mars.



Yes the time is accurate.


A nice evening boating trip after a well earned test.


As fun as testing that thing out, I am not sure if I can fully implement it into my program mainly 1: If I run it too long I gotta wait for the engines to cool down which I had to do it about 3 times going to Vesta and 2: GU is currently incompatible with KSRSS I have not real use for it.

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46 minutes ago, Pudgemountain said:

After deciding on whether to build a Titan Lander or Warp capable ship I decided to try both.

Only got one picture for the lander since I am gonna test it in the Jovian System and it takes 2-3 years to get there.


Now for the Warp ship which is derived of a Gemini Titan.






  Reveal hidden contents

For the test of the Warp system I decided to send it to Vesta which is not close to Earth but farther than Mars.



Yes the time is accurate.


A nice evening boating trip after a well earned test.


As fun as testing that thing out, I am not sure if I can fully implement it into my program mainly 1: If I run it too long I gotta wait for the engines to cool down which I had to do it about 3 times going to Vesta and 2: GU is currently incompatible with KSRSS I have not real use for it.

I'm sorry but this is the most cursed thing i've ever seen

Edited by AdrianDogmeat
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4 hours ago, Pudgemountain said:

After deciding on whether to build a Titan Lander or Warp capable ship I decided to try both.

Only got one picture for the lander since I am gonna test it in the Jovian System and it takes 2-3 years to get there.


Now for the Warp ship which is derived of a Gemini Titan.






  Reveal hidden contents

For the test of the Warp system I decided to send it to Vesta which is not close to Earth but farther than Mars.



Yes the time is accurate.


A nice evening boating trip after a well earned test.


As fun as testing that thing out, I am not sure if I can fully implement it into my program mainly 1: If I run it too long I gotta wait for the engines to cool down which I had to do it about 3 times going to Vesta and 2: GU is currently incompatible with KSRSS I have not real use for it.

Looks like the Phoenix from Star Trek

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4 minutes ago, Galileo chiu said:

Looks like the Phoenix from Star Trek

It is the Phoneix from Trekworks just I decided to replace it's command pod with a Gemini pod. However the SRBs are Bluedog, I was gonna use the BDB Titan 2 booster but I had problems so instead I used the SRBs.

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