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[1.12.5] Bluedog Design Bureau - Stockalike Saturn, Apollo, and more! (v1.14.0 "металл" 30/Sep/2024)


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6 hours ago, MinimumSky5 said:

Do the SAF variants of the fairings work in 1.8.1? Am I meant to use the plugins for 1.8, or 1.10?

In the dev branch simple adjustable fairings are bundled within it. It will work for 1.8.X to 1.10.1 .

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On 9/10/2020 at 2:07 PM, Dragon01 said:

It's a Saturn C-8, not a Nova. :) Regarding actual Nova, there's way too many designs to choose from. In fact, some are so hilariously Kerbal (particularly the multi-core designs) that @CobaltWolf might well take interest in those. :) 

So I am going to way oversimplify this.  Isn't the above Nova proposal just a Saturn C3 with 4 additional S-I stages underneath in a parallel burn?   I mean it would literally require one more part that a post 1961 C-3 rocket design....   the 2nd stage appears to be a twin F-1 S-I stage, the next stage is a 3 (or 4) J-2 (more likely LR-87 LH2 VAC) S-II stage, and the upper stage is a S-IV stage (RL-10s were designed to be canted out until later in the Saturn C-I/ Saturn I program)

And I am sorry it would require TWO additional parts vs C-3.   The S-II tank would need a stretch.




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That's about the size of it, yeah. "Nova" was a catch-all term for a number of wildly different proposals, this being one of the beefier (and saner) ones. It's not quite a C-3, as the upper stages are 10m, but it's reasonably close. That's one of the ones I thought @CobaltWolf could like enough to make, being low effort, very Kerbal and quite sleek. All of the needed parts would have significant utility. Most notably, the stretched 2nd stage could be used on ones with a solid 1st stage, too.

Here's a full lineup of modular Novas (plus a few less outrageous monoblock designs):

Performance is remarkably close to the "C-8 style" Nova, and it doesn't involve a clustered 2nd stage, which can be hard to do right in KSP. Beyond these, there are 1963 proposals, which consistently resemble either Nexus or Sea Dragon more than a Saturn V, and would all exceed 7.5m in diameter. 

EDIT: Found some info about the diameter of the modules. Real ones were 4.9m, which would translate to 3.125m in KSP. This means that modular Novas should be doable already, and would require LDC Titan multicouplers at most. Given that Titan technology was used in some Saturn proposals, I think it's an interesting idea. :) 

Edited by Guest
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So... I make a saturn shuttle-C



It is a nightmare to fly. Also seemingly authur of Shuttle-C forgot to add LFO to the engine mount so the OMS didn't work

EDIN05 is far worse it is nearly impossible to control. Grond lit SSME cause all hell brake loose as 3 F-1 doesn't have enough roll control authority to counter torque generated by SSMEs, 4 F-1 might enough but I see no point of having just one less engine than Saturn-Shuttle


Out of 5 attempt on flyomg this thing only 1 manage to get into orbit

Edited by derega16
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1 hour ago, derega16 said:

So... I make a saturn shuttle-C

It is a nightmare to fly. Also seemingly authur of Shuttle-C forgot to add LFO to the engine mount so the OMS didn't work

EDIN05 is far worse it is nearly impossible to control. Grond lit SSME cause all hell brake loose as 3 F-1 doesn't have enough roll control authority to counter torque generated by SSMEs, 4 F-1 might enough but I see no point of having just one less engine than Saturn-Shuttle


Sweet jesus those are absolutely cursed

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Delta IV alpha build is up on the github. Theres still some polish to be done and balance isnt final yet. Some parts and features like switcheable tank lengths will come later. But in the meantime please test and enjoy :)

Please highlight any problems on on the github issue:


Oh do note that although DCSS ended up monolithic like the smaller one, we do have a dual engine mount as per the potential option in the payload planners guide that no one ever paid for to make IRL. It can take 2 RL-10B2s while still fitting in a 3.125m interstage. 














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5 minutes ago, Zorg said:

Delta IV alpha build is up on the github. Theres still some polish to be done and balance isnt final yet. Some parts and features like switcheable tank lengths will come later. But in the meantime please test and enjoy :)

Please highlight any problems on on the github issue:


Oh do note that although DCSS ended up monolithic like the smaller one, we do have a dual engine mount as per the potential option in the payload planners guide that no one ever paid for to make IRL. It can take 2 RL-10B2s while still fitting in a 3.125m interstage. 














Very nice. What visual mods do you use?

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Just now, biohazard15 said:



Also, can you explain in detail how to use "mirrored\not mirrored" switch? Tried it this way and that way and other way, ended up with building each side CBC without using symmetry.

Unfortunately B9 mirror symmetry doesnt seem to work with attach nodes. So it needs to be built without symmetry. Luckily there arent too many parts in the CBC build anyway.  I may end up removing that subtype since you can just use the attach node on the opposite side of the tank without any rotation needed.

Surface attaching other tanks is a little janky on the decoupler at the moment but I'll try to fix it so its more useful for other builds like with ldcs tanks etc.

49 minutes ago, gabo04 said:

Very nice. What visual mods do you use?

Documented here:


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For your consideration :)


Yes the SRBs are only on one side


I managed to fly it rock solid with mechjeb PVG guidance and decently enough manually.

DCSS burn time is cut from 15 mins to 7.5 with the dual engine mount



I used the LDC to Atlas fairing mount adapter with a bit of clipping on the tank dome here. But a proper wide body fairing solution will be made at some point. I've been meaning to make a 3.75m fairing for use with LDC. I can work on something that will suit both.

And no this isnt me just being weird, this is from the payload planners guide




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2 hours ago, Zorg said:

Delta IV alpha build is up on the github. Theres still some polish to be done and balance isnt final yet. Some parts and features like switcheable tank lengths will come later. But in the meantime please test and enjoy :)

Dang, this looks good. Don't forget adapters for the 4m DCSS and for the Delta K. :) 

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