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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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Bonus points to @Starhawk for snipping the blank lines in the quote :) 

So at this point I think I've perfected the Laythe ship (modified to fit in a reasonably sized stock hangar--stay tuned!), and I know what needs doing for the Longboat. New concept for Tylo will be in simtest shortly, and then... we're going to try orbital docks with the hangar concept. But first, Bill and Sarge attempt to bring back the Longboat (and themselves) in one piece. Ooh rah!

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2 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

Thanks for reminding me! I have some concepts... all uncrewed. 

Aww... I was hoping to see some Kerbal break-dancing on the surface of Jool. :)

Here is a picture that might help Kerbfleet's kerbs learn how to breakdance:


Bonus: No need to remove your helmet; just stick your head through the helmet!

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Darn, I thought we might just get our first KSMC Officer.

While I agree with Bill - that was outstanding!  I don't think Mort will view the loss of the expensive vehicle with quite such aplomb.  But, then, his life wasn't on the line.

Happy Concerned Skillful landings!

Edited by Starhawk
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1 minute ago, Starhawk said:

 I don't think Mort will view the loss of the expensive vehicle with quite such aplomb.  But, then, his life wasn't on the line.

Well, that was Mt. Whoopstooshort in the background, so whatever pieces survived will get recovered near 100%, which is 100% more than Mort thought they were going to get--and he didn't have to waste fuel sending a Gliido!

I'm as happy as Sarge and Bill are--this was legit dangerous, and there was NO F5/F9. If I had quickloaded I bet I could have landed it--I crashed with 300 m/s left in the tank, quite level, at a speed of about 40 m/s. Ooh rah!

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1 hour ago, Kuzzter said:

I'm as happy as Sarge and Bill are--this was legit dangerous, and there was NO F5/F9. If I had quickloaded I bet I could have landed it--I crashed with 300 m/s left in the tank, quite level, at a speed of about 40 m/s. Ooh rah!

I'm just happy you decided not to hold out on that last page. I felt my heart sink for a second there on that last panel of the third page.

Edited by FyunchClick
I can't count worth [redacted]
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14 hours ago, Starhawk said:

You are forgiven, blasphemer.

Thanks for the update Kuzzter.
Sarge is definitely going to be a lot of fun.
Happy Concerned landings!

I get a feeling that Sarge has a slight but noticeable riskmanagement disorder.
There is serious action ahead. Or drama.:wink: Maybe both.:rolleyes:

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That " never mind" just about killed me :D You must let Sarge speak freely more often - of course when situation warrants it. Which, knowing your crew and kerbalkind, should be about every two chapters. More often if Jeb's involved. Pure gold LOL.

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1 minute ago, Deddly said:

 I'm glad you didn't end with a cliff hanger. They are good when used sparingly but I fear they are quite overused by some.

Exactly. If my purpose in this part were drama, I would have stretched it out a bit and left at least one cliffhanger, like I did with the various crashes on Eve. But the point here was humor, and humor needs to maintain a certain momentum or it fails.

Very glad you guys liked this! Originally I was not going to bring Sarge to Jool, I already had too many pilots, but now I don't see how I could possibly leave him behind. Somebody's gotta "work for a living" and keep those idiot officers from [redacted] their [censored] [uh oh] so far up their [here we go again] they'll never [watch it!] another sandwich, as long as they live!

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3 hours ago, Kuzzter said:

I was thinking of leaving you a cliffhanger but nah, you can have all four pages.


Funny that @Parkaboy and I both used censor bars this morning. I think I ran out, though, I might have to borrow more from him if Sarge 'speaks freely' again. :) 

Heheh, that was great.  A can see Sarge being heavily recruited by the guys in that parallel, war-like Star Trek trope universe :)

3 hours ago, smjjames said:

He definetly talks like a drill sargent. :) lol

In my misspent youth I was a sergeant of Marines so I have a couple of quibbles.  First off, no USMC sergeant will tolerate being called "Sarge" even by superiors, it's always "Sergeant".  It's a respect thing.  "Sarge", "Corp", and such are army things.  The only enlisted Marines who'd let you slangify their titles were the old gunnies, tops, and master-guns, who had a more grandfatherly or uncle-like relationship with the lower deck.  And USMC warrant officers are still called "gunners" even though "gunner" itself is no longer an official rank (the last true gunner in captivity retired in the mid-80s).

Second, "drill sergeant" is also army.  In the Marines, they're "drill instructors", and neither species likes being called the name of the other.  Woe betide any recruit who makes that mistake ;)


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22 minutes ago, Geschosskopf said:

In my misspent youth I was a sergeant of Marines so I have a couple of quibbles.  First off, no USMC sergeant will tolerate being called "Sarge" even by superiors, it's always "Sergeant".  It's a respect thing.  "Sarge", "Corp", and such are army things.  The only enlisted Marines who'd let you slangify their titles were the old gunnies, tops, and master-guns, who had a more grandfatherly or uncle-like relationship with the lower deck.  And USMC warrant officers are still called "gunners" even though "gunner" itself is no longer an official rank (the last true gunner in captivity retired in the mid-80s).

Good to know. Well, even my civilian candyS knew the difference between a Marine DI and an Army drill sergeant, and Sarge Kerman is neither. As one might expect, though, KSMC is a just little less disciplined than the USMC. So, Sarge will continue to be called Sarge by most of his colleagues... it is his first name, after all. :) 

And of course we both know that "permission to speak freely" is not the same thing as "permission to become profoundly insubordinate and disrespect a senior officer in command of the ship you're piloting, even if he is a goldarn engineer who barely understands he's an officer at all".

But hey, this is Kerbfleet. If you want real discipline, those guys are over on the other side of Kerbol. :0.0:


ETA: I had to check my own canon file for the spelling--Sarge's actual rank is Sarjint :)

Edited by Kuzzter
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Here's a transcript of the last 4 pages:

Tylo lander is is still on Mun.
Bill: All right, I guess we'll figure it out when we get back.  Speaking of which...
Sarge: we're fully loaded, sir-fuel, oxidant and thirty tons of ore.
Bill: Awesome.
*Lander lifts off.*

New page:
Sarge: Just about getting the hang of this thing.  If I squint one eye, the steering almost makes sense.
Bill: Good!  Just don't get too far ahead of me, OK?  I need to refine more fuel as we go.
Sarge: Yes, sir.  Approaching Kerbin-node plotted for LKO insertion.
Mortimer: So I suppose you're going to want a Giliido to pick you up?  Meaning that we recover exactly none of this very expensive test flight?
Bill: Nope!  This is your lucky day, Mort-we're going to land this ship!  Sarge, plot a de-orbit burn!
Sarge: Yes, sir.  ...ooh rah.

New page:

Gene: Bill, don't be an idiot!  That thing has no heat protection, and the aerodynamics of a table lamp!
Bill: Don't worry, Gene!  We'll do a powered decent, see?  *Lander is reentering* OK Sarge, you can hit the 'chutes now.
Sarge: Yessir.  Which action group?
Bill: They're not on a group, just stage 'em.
Sarge: Yes, sir.
Bill: Sarge?
Bill: ...uh oh.

New page:

Bill:  The fuel cells.  I must have taken off the 'chutes when I added more fuel cells, and I forgot to put them back.
Sarge: Seeing as we're most likely going to die... permission to speak freely?
Bill: Yeah, sure, whatever.  Knock yourself out.
Sarge: (censor bars are in bold) Of all the CENSORED OOPS for brains officers my sorry YOW! to get stuck with my first OH MY time in YEESH space...
Sarge: ...I had to get the one with a UH OH the size of a WHAT? noodle and a HEY-O! I DON'T EVEN... ...WOW.
Sarge: ...and another thing...
*Spacecraft crashes and explodes at about 50 m/s*
*Cockpit survives*
Bill: ...
Sarge: ...never mind.
*Bill & Sarge are outside now*
Bill: ...Sarge, that was outstanding!  I'm recommending you for a promotion!
Sarge: No thank you, sir-like I said, somebody around here has to work for a living!
Gene: ...Walt, double check those censor bars on page 12, OK?  Last thing we need right now is another infraction!

Of course, mega thanks to Kuzzter for the comics.  Don't replike me, replike Kuzzter.

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5 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

@Mad Rocket Scientist, I'm going to rep you both. Thanks for the transcript! And @Kuzzter: Awesome writing.

You're welcome!  If I get to it in time, I might do it for future panels.

4 minutes ago, Kuzzter said:

LOL-- "Closed captioned for the internet impaired"

Indeed! :)

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1 hour ago, Geschosskopf said:

Heheh, that was great.  A can see Sarge being heavily recruited by the guys in that parallel, war-like Star Trek trope universe :)

In my misspent youth I was a sergeant of Marines so I have a couple of quibbles.  First off, no USMC sergeant will tolerate being called "Sarge" even by superiors, it's always "Sergeant".  It's a respect thing.  "Sarge", "Corp", and such are army things.  The only enlisted Marines who'd let you slangify their titles were the old gunnies, tops, and master-guns, who had a more grandfatherly or uncle-like relationship with the lower deck.  And USMC warrant officers are still called "gunners" even though "gunner" itself is no longer an official rank (the last true gunner in captivity retired in the mid-80s).

Second, "drill sergeant" is also army.  In the Marines, they're "drill instructors", and neither species likes being called the name of the other.  Woe betide any recruit who makes that mistake ;)


Sorry, mispelling on my part as I wasn't sure how it was spelled at that moment.

Also, the name is just what KSPs name generator came up with I guess.

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