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Kerbfleet: A Jool Odyssey-CHAPTER 22 pg 2: Yet >another< narrative device!

Mister Dilsby

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4 hours ago, Alchemist said:

Recoil is momentum not energy! Both bullet and gun receive same momentum (in opposite directions), but distribution of energy is not equal and is inverse of mass ratio - most of the energy goes to the bullet.

Yes. Whatever the actual value of work energy from recoil, (and yeah I think it's more like 5J than 500J) remember that in the expression W=F*d the F is the constant force acting on that mass to push it a distance d. In vacuum, even for a small force d can be infinite. So you can't use the work equation here. You'd use it to calculate how far you could push a mass if there was a force resisting the push.

Example: Kenlie stands on the surface of Kerbulus and fires one shot straight down. He's using a special gun and ammo from @Geschosskopf industries with an available recoil energy of 500J. How high does he rise, neglecting air resistance?

Answer: A constant force of 94kg* 9.8 m/s^2 = 921N (gravity) is resisting Kenlie's upwards motion. 500 N*m / 921N = 54 cm.

In any case, momentum has to be conserved--thus I think my initial estimate of about 3cm/second per shot is correct.

55 minutes ago, Scotius said:

Are Kerbulan pistols/guns/slugthrowers mounted centrally on their chests? With such short, stubby arms, they shouldn't be physically able to line the gun with CoM and still take aim :)

*sigh* Let's just assume he corrected with RCS between shots (with his left hand on the suit controls) and the double-tap happened fast enough that both bullets were on the way before he started spinning, OK? Or maybe I need to draw a different gun, something that shoots recoilless flechettes. Or he needs to dual-wield. 

Anyway, here's something new to distract everyone from the physics lessons :P 


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First, I have to say that if a Kerbal can salute, then a Kerbulan can center their sidearm so they don't spin when it's fired.  Aiming is probably done with a helmet visor display similar to what Bill uses in his simulations.

Second, I don't know about others, but I wouldn't dispute matters of physics with an engineer (not being an engineer or physicist, myself). :)

I'm very pleased to hear you solved the fuel flow problem.  The arcane fuel flow rules can make for some very strange behaviour at times.

I'm also glad to hear that the simulated boost to orbit worked and enjoying the glimpses of the Weltraumfahr.... - the [REDACTED].

Happy landings!

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59 minutes ago, FlyingPete said:

I think poor Mort may need counselling when he gets shown the invoice for all that hardware. Either that or he'll BSOD again and need to be rebooted.

Won't be a problem. I'll just show him a picture of someone shooting holes in the side of a cupola module and he'll be so distracted debunking/fansplaining it that he'll just sign the invoice, no questions asked.

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I'm amazed that nobody here has ever seen a Western or a movie with a gun in it, or even a gun in real life. Is the mechanism of a firearm really so limited that you have to point it directly forward? Is it not possible to point a gun at an angle off to the side, thereby lining up perfectly with CoM? Is it unheard of to shoot from the hip without laser sights or Robocop helmet HUDs?

C'mon everyone, watch more TV!

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8 hours ago, CliftonM said:

Maybe you should just give Mort a new OS.

MOO OS 2.0

Mort's Override for Outrageous fund requests Operating System. To be used to get Mort to approve 10 million+ Fund rockets. (This is where Jeb got his new Eve sample plated Kerrari.)

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4 hours ago, Laythe Dweller said:

MOO OS 2.0 (...) To be used to get Mort to approve 10 million+ Fund rockets. (This is where Jeb got his new Eve sample plated Kerrari.)

Is that the one that addresses the limitation of his old FAT32 (Funds Access Tiny) system not being able to allocate more than (4 million - 1) funds to a project?

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2 hours ago, Starhawk said:

...It's humungous! ...

Aside me learning proper english... :D

This vessel of yours @Kuzzter is a outgrown "Whackjobian Weltraumfahrzeugträger of ?" ...  mere words cannot explain. We must wait and see... :0.0:
I estimate the total transfer partcount around 400... or fewer...

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5 hours ago, Starhawk said:

That cluster of drills looks very cool.  And you start to get a sense of the scale of this thing.

Thanks! We'll see if this works...plan is to change the Quadhammer's second port from ventral to dorsal so it docks with its four drills and its four engines facing down, out of the bay. Those four aerospikes plus a few Vernors should be enough to lift 1200 tons off of Minmus, Bop or Pol. So if I find a big enough flat spot to land, I can park the ship there and use all ten drills at once. Should be interesting :) 

2 hours ago, Mikki said:

This vessel of yours @Kuzzter is a outgrown "Whackjobian Weltraumfahrzeugträger of ?" ...  mere words cannot explain. We must wait and see... :0.0:
I estimate the total transfer partcount around 400... or fewer...

I think that'll be about right. It's shaping up to be somewhere around 250, before the landers get attached. I might have to be very sparing with some of the more decorative pieces :) 

26 minutes ago, Mad Rocket Scientist said:

Hey, what's this:


Well it's not the name, that's what it isn't! I will say that the real reason I'm not showing the name is so that I can keep changing my mind right up until the end. So far I'm on my third working name. The 085 represents that this is build 0.85*. Just like KSP itself I expect 1.0 to be launch-ready, and just like KSP itself I will likely be wrong :). Right now I'm working on v0.90, which adds life support. I'm doing the calculations now to determine how much fertilizer and NOMS I'm going to carry to keep my crew of 12 fed for however many thousands of days I decide to design for. Finding room for three big greenhouses in the back of the hangar deck, and space elsewhere for the rows and rows of RTGs I'm going to need to keep this system running so far away from Kerbol!

As it stands with basic shipboard USI-LS, it is impossible to make an indefinite, closed loop system. The missing link is fertilizer, which can only be made on Kerbin. But if you can make rocket fuel and oxidant from ore, I think you can certainly make ammonium nitrate from ore and ''mulch". So I reserve the right to mod an ISRU or the Mobile Processing Lab to convert ore+mulch into fertilizer and allow a closed loop system. Ooh, it'll give Bill and Bob something to work on together! And maybe everyone can take turns cooking for the crew. I hear Melbe makes a great fried simulated kittehkatfish. :) 

*and ETA, I am doing this numbering so that i can save prior configs and restore to one of them if I get something wrong and save before I realize it.

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6 hours ago, Kuzzter said:


So just to be perfectly clear, the "B" pod is actually two bays mounted back to back. The lower half is directly between A and C, and the upper half sticks out on the dorsal side of the ship.

I don't mean to alarm you, but in the current configuration the science lab is completely blocked by the cargo bay, meaning the scientists will be trapped unless the pod is detached. Meanwhile, if the pod is rotated, the other crew will be trapped instead.

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3 minutes ago, RocketSquid said:

I don't mean to alarm you, but in the current configuration the science lab is completely blocked by the cargo bay, meaning the scientists will be trapped unless the pod is detached. Meanwhile, if the pod is rotated, the other crew will be trapped instead.

:cool: <-- not alarmed. I just threw it together for the picture, this isn't necessarily final config for anything. Up to Bob whether the hatch faces out for convenience, or if he'd like the windows to look out of the bay as pictured. And there's no such thing as 'trapped' since crew transfers became possible.

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