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A beginner's guide to Kopernicus - The basics

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3 hours ago, Potato3478 said:

i understand the base of it but not the atmosphere and ocean ._. so i understand most of it

I'm looking to make my first planet and have been studying the Kopernicus tuts. :)@KillAshley has a Github folder with examples you can plainly copy from and tweak. I have to find it back and bookmark it.

Much thanks to you @The White Guardian for these tuts. I think I'll need the most help with PQSMods (and maybe the Kittopia UI) because I'm very clear with what I want and that's mostly in terrain detail. :)


I'd like to have a custom atmosphere and ocean too. I'm planning on ripping and tuning Duna's own, and adding lakes of most likely something other than Water.


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15 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

I'm looking to make my first planet and have been studying the Kopernicus tuts. :)@KillAshley has a Github folder with examples you can plainly copy from and tweak. I have to find it back and bookmark it.

Much thanks to you @The White Guardian for these tuts. I think I'll need the most help with PQSMods (and maybe the Kittopia UI) because I'm very clear with what I want and that's mostly in terrain detail. :)

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I'd like to have a custom atmosphere and ocean too. I'm planning on ripping and tuning Duna's own, and adding lakes of most likely something other than Water.


That's relatively easy, just tweak the colors. In the examples you can already find an example of an ocean code, just tweak the colors. You can also add your own textures, but that's something else, that'll require disabling some specific ocean parts so I won't go much into detail about that unless you want to add custom textures to the ocean.

(Custom textures for the terrain is also possible)


A custom atmosphere is the easiest thing. @KillAshley has made a calculator that will do most of the work and @OhioBob has made an amazing guide that covers the other curves and how you can tweak your atmosphere to be just the way you want it. The color values of the atmosphere are easy, if you're having trouble just tell me what color you want to have.

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I know about the calculator for atmo pressure curves but I didn't know a guide for the other curves existed... Umm, which other curves? I can only think of the atmo temperature curve (which I kinda want) and I would like the option to raise surface temperature.

I'm already confident in the atmosphere being the easiest part. The core of my project is hand-made terrain maps.

Edited by JadeOfMaar
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3 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

I'd like to have a custom atmosphere...

An atmosphere can be easy or complicated depending on how realistic you want to make it and whether or not you want to implement all the available features.  Most Kopernicus files I've seen define only three curves - pressureCurve, temperatureCurve, and temparatureSunMultCurve.  There are actually five other curves that define how the planet's temperature varies by latitude, diurnal cycle, seasons, etc.  When these curves are not defined, the curves of the template are used by default.  This means your planet can have some odd and unintended temperature variations.  Temperature has no effect on the atmospheric pressure, but it does on the atmospheric density.  This means you could get some aerodynamic effects that are uncharacteristic for the planet you are trying to develop.

I wrote a rather detailed and lengthy tutorial describing the methods I use to develop an atmosphere.  Although it is certainly not the easiest method around, the result is a rather life-like atmosphere.


Edited by OhioBob
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15 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

An atmospheres can be easy or complicated depending on how realistic you want to make it and whether or not you want to implement all the available features.  Most Kopernicus files I've seen define only three curves - pressureCurve, temperatureCurve, and temparatureSunMultCurve.

Well now I have a lot more respect for Atmosphere as a subject. :0.0: I may be planning to put too much into my first planet but I do have a few specifics in mind for this, in addition to the many I have for the surface. And that reminds me, I think I want it to be a little more cooperative with aerodynamic craft than Duna's atmosphere-- leaning towards a certain other celestial body with blue sky.

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On 25-8-2016 at 11:03 PM, AtomFox0213 said:


You mentioned a plugin for GIMP that corrects sphere map distortion, do you think you could link to it? :)


I can, but I must warn you. I've been testing the plugin and the effects aren't that great tbh, it also warps parts of the equatorial region and near the borders of the map, which shouldn't happen.

On 25-8-2016 at 9:13 PM, JadeOfMaar said:

Well now I have a lot more respect for Atmosphere as a subject. :0.0:

That was my reaction as well, although I had respect for atmospheres already. But I never could've imagined that there was so much more to do with them.

But yeah, @OhioBob seems to be the atmosphere expert around here, so I'd use his guides for help. I'm still learning those other curves myself, so I'm afraid I can't be able to help much there. What I can do is making curve writing easier for you. Check this out:

This guide also provides a link to a curve-editing application for Unity. I've been using it myself for VoronoiCraters, so I can safely say that it works incredibly well.

Edited by The White Guardian
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11 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

That was my reaction as well, although I had respect for atmospheres already. But I never could've imagined that there was so much more to do with them.

But yeah, @OhioBob seems to be the atmosphere expert around here, so I'd use his guides for help. I'm still learning those other curves myself, so I'm afraid I can't be able to help much there.

I actually found atmospheres interesting and learned how to model them long before I ever started playing KSP (yes, I'm a nerd).  Learning how atmospheres work in KSP was not something I could do on my own; I have to give much thanks to @NathanKell for helping me out and patiently answering all my questions.

As far as all those curves go, the ones that are used by the stock atmospheres are:


At a minimum, these five curves should be defined in the Kopernicus configuration file.  If not, then the curves of the template are used by default, which means you may not be getting the results you think you are.  Almost all the Kopernicus cfgs I've seen define the first three curves and omit the last two.  I don't know why this is the case, but it should be something that is corrected going forward.

The remaining three curves,


are recent KSP additions and are not currently being used by the stock atmospheres.  This just means that their values are equal to zero, which isn't such a bad thing.  No harm is done by leaving them out of the cfg file, but if you want to implement seasonal and eccentricity temperature variations, you'll need to learn how they work.

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It may take my project a little extra longer but I'd like to hopefully pioneer with those three new curves, or at least, define all of the original five...even though I personally may not have the eye to notice and scrutinize their effects in any live flights I do later on.

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1 hour ago, JadeOfMaar said:

It may take my project a little extra longer but I'd like to hopefully pioneer with those three new curves, or at least, define all of the original five...even though I personally may not have the eye to notice and scrutinize their effects in any live flights I do later on.

Yeah, defining or not defining some of those curves isn't likely to have any noticeable impact on how the game performs.  Even if you default to the curves of the template, that just means that parts of your planet are likely to be a bit warmer or cooler than you intended.  This will affect the amount drag and lift produced, but it will just seem like that's the norm and you won't even notice that it's a bit off.  On the other hand, if you add or change the curves after you've been playing it a while, then you might notice some small differences.  For example, if you are accustom to making precise landings, then you might notice that your landing site predictions are off.  Or perhaps aerocapture and aerobreaking behavior has changed.  Or the maximum g-forces that you're accustom to seeing might be a little different, or occur at a different altitude.  These are subtle changes that would likely go unnoticed unless you were really paying close attention to these kinds of details.

Edited by OhioBob
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Can someone help me my planet's not apearing and I don't know what's wrong.


        name = Rigoo
            name = Kerbin
            removeAllPQSMods = true
            removeOcean = true
            description = Rigoo is a small asteroid orbiting Tyr. Due to tidal forces from Tyr It has a giant super volcano. This moon is Source of Tyr's 1 and 2 rings.
            radius = 500000 
            geeASL = 0.42
            rotationPeriod = 36000
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = true
            initialRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 300000 300000 400000 700000
                landedDataValue = 350
                splashedDataValue = 200
                flyingLowDataValue = 0
                flyingHighDataValue = 0
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 75
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 64
                recoveryValue = 77
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 1200
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 14000
            referenceBody = Tyr
            color = 1,0,0,1
            inclination = 0.0
            eccentricity = 0.00
            semiMajorAxis = 5000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            type = Vacuum
            fadeStart = 50
            fadeEnd = 150
                texture = Kerbal Duluxe/Rigoo/Rigoo_Texture
                normals = Kerbal Duluxe/Rigoo/Rigoo_Normal
                shininess = 45
                specular = 0.95,0.0,0.0,1.0
                rimPower = 3
                rimBlend = 0.5
                    0.0 = 0.96,0.00,0.00,1
                    0.5 = 0.95,0.00,0.00,1
                    1.0 = 0.019,0.000,0.000,1
                    map = Kerbal Duluxe/Rigoo/Rigoo_Height
                    offset = -50
                    deformity = 3000.0
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    order = 20
                    enabled = true
                    deformity = 100
                    ridgedAddSeed = 123456
                    ridgedAddFrequency = 12
                    ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedAddOctaves = 4
                    ridgedSubSeed = 654321
                    ridgedSubFrequency = 12
                    ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedSubOctaves = 4
                        key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
                        key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
                        key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
                    simplexHeightStart = 0
                    simplexHeightEnd = 6500
                    simplexSeed = 123456
                    simplexOctaves = 4
                    simplexPersistence = 0.6
                    simplexFrequency = 12
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                    blend = 1
                    order = 500
                    enabled = true
                            name = Bottom
                            altitudeStart = 0
                            altitudeEnd = 1
                            color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = Base
                            altitudeStart = 1
                            altitudeEnd = 2
                            color = 0.7,0.55,0.2,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = Low
                            altitudeStart = 2
                            altitudeEnd = 5
                            color = 0.7,0.6,0.4,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = Grad
                            altitudeStart = 5
                            altitudeEnd = 10
                            color = 1.0,0.9,0.7,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = High
                            altitudeStart = 10
                            altitudeEnd = 20
                            color = 0.95,0.95,0.9,1.0
                            lerpToNext = false
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 0
            maxLevel = 19
            minDetailDistance = 8
            oceanColor = 1,0,0,1
                colorFromSpace = 1,0,0,1
                color = 1,0,0,1
                colorFromSpace = 1,1,0,1
                color = 1,1,0,1
                    globalDensity = -0.00001
                    heightFalloff = 6.75
                    atmosphereDepth = 150000
                    DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
                    cameraAlt = 0
                    cameraAtmosAlt = 0
                    heightDensAtViewer = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                        waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
                        waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
                        waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
                        waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
                        waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
                        waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
                        waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
                        waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
                    framesPerSecond = 1
                    spaceAltitude = 15000
                    blendA = 0
                    blendB = 0
                    texBlend = 0
                    angle = 0
                    specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
                    oceanOpacity = 0
                    spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                fogColorEnd = 1,0,0,1
                fogColorStart = 1,0,0,1
                skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7

And Tyr is a gas giant in my mod.

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@Plink456 I think you need to add the file extension on you map/normal/Texture files. If that doesn't work you could try deleting (with a backup) all but one section - then adding the rest in one at a time until it stops working (I know - slow and painful but it should get you there).


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10 hours ago, Plink456 said:

Can someone help me my planet's not apearing and I don't know what's wrong.

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        name = Rigoo
            name = Kerbin
            removeAllPQSMods = true
            removeOcean = true
            description = Rigoo is a small asteroid orbiting Tyr. Due to tidal forces from Tyr It has a giant super volcano. This moon is Source of Tyr's 1 and 2 rings.
            radius = 500000 
            geeASL = 0.42
            rotationPeriod = 36000
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = true
            initialRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 300000 300000 400000 700000
                landedDataValue = 350
                splashedDataValue = 200
                flyingLowDataValue = 0
                flyingHighDataValue = 0
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 75
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 64
                recoveryValue = 77
                flyingAltitudeThreshold = 1200
                spaceAltitudeThreshold = 14000
            referenceBody = Tyr
            color = 1,0,0,1
            inclination = 0.0
            eccentricity = 0.00
            semiMajorAxis = 5000000
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 0
            type = Vacuum
            fadeStart = 50
            fadeEnd = 150
                texture = Kerbal Duluxe/Rigoo/Rigoo_Texture
                normals = Kerbal Duluxe/Rigoo/Rigoo_Normal
                shininess = 45
                specular = 0.95,0.0,0.0,1.0
                rimPower = 3
                rimBlend = 0.5
                    0.0 = 0.96,0.00,0.00,1
                    0.5 = 0.95,0.00,0.00,1
                    1.0 = 0.019,0.000,0.000,1
                    map = Kerbal Duluxe/Rigoo/Rigoo_Height
                    offset = -50
                    deformity = 3000.0
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    order = 20
                    enabled = true
                    deformity = 100
                    ridgedAddSeed = 123456
                    ridgedAddFrequency = 12
                    ridgedAddLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedAddOctaves = 4
                    ridgedSubSeed = 654321
                    ridgedSubFrequency = 12
                    ridgedSubLacunarity = 2
                    ridgedSubOctaves = 4
                        key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
                        key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
                        key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
                    simplexHeightStart = 0
                    simplexHeightEnd = 6500
                    simplexSeed = 123456
                    simplexOctaves = 4
                    simplexPersistence = 0.6
                    simplexFrequency = 12
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                    blend = 1
                    order = 500
                    enabled = true
                            name = Bottom
                            altitudeStart = 0
                            altitudeEnd = 1
                            color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = Base
                            altitudeStart = 1
                            altitudeEnd = 2
                            color = 0.7,0.55,0.2,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = Low
                            altitudeStart = 2
                            altitudeEnd = 5
                            color = 0.7,0.6,0.4,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = Grad
                            altitudeStart = 5
                            altitudeEnd = 10
                            color = 1.0,0.9,0.7,1.0
                            lerpToNext = true
                            name = High
                            altitudeStart = 10
                            altitudeEnd = 20
                            color = 0.95,0.95,0.9,1.0
                            lerpToNext = false
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 0
            maxLevel = 19
            minDetailDistance = 8
            oceanColor = 1,0,0,1
                colorFromSpace = 1,0,0,1
                color = 1,0,0,1
                colorFromSpace = 1,1,0,1
                color = 1,1,0,1
                    globalDensity = -0.00001
                    heightFalloff = 6.75
                    atmosphereDepth = 150000
                    DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
                    cameraAlt = 0
                    cameraAtmosAlt = 0
                    heightDensAtViewer = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                        waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
                        waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
                        waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
                        waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
                        waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
                        waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
                        waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
                        waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
                    framesPerSecond = 1
                    spaceAltitude = 15000
                    blendA = 0
                    blendB = 0
                    texBlend = 0
                    angle = 0
                    specColor = 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000
                    oceanOpacity = 0
                    spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
                    enabled = true
                    order = 200
                fogColorEnd = 1,0,0,1
                fogColorStart = 1,0,0,1
                skyColorOpacityBase = 0.7

And Tyr is a gas giant in my mod.

Unlike @wasml I don't think the file extension is a problem, technically it should work without as long as it isn't in PluginData.

I don't see any big problems right away, but there's an easy way to find out what is causing the problem when a planet won't show.

You see, when Kopernicus loads a planet, it logs everything it does with that planet. Look in KSPDirectory/logs/Kopernicus/Rigoo.body. Could you copy-n-paste the contents of that file into a message here? It should be able to tell me exactly what is going wrong.

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you wanna know what would make making planets easier? (this may be hard to describe ._.) if you could just put a planet maker in game and you would start out with i small minmus sized planet or mun and you could edit the size with a little scroll thingy on the left or right and to raise or lower the terrain in some areas (zoo in if you want to raise a smaller zone or lower it) or have some templates and for the ocean you could have a scroll thingy too raise and lower ther level the water is at and a check box that says Has an ocean and have a coloring system for the ocean and coloring and texturing for terrain have a vast selection of texture templates and of course click the color you want it to be but if you want to make an ice cap mountain or beach then you could some sort of selection of covering  some of the land or mountain or what ever you are trying to do and the atmosphere part just select the outline color and make it thick or thin and to make gas giants and stars you can just do the texturing and sizing and maybe a bit of terrain cuz kerbol has those weird sunspots which are also weird crater sort of things or like a dent lol and the gas giant part just select where the clouds are thick enough to stand on i get this may be EXTREMELY hard to implement but i thought i should just get this out of my mouth (or fingers cuz im typing :P)

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56 minutes ago, Potato3478 said:

you wanna know what would make making planets easier? (this may be hard to describe ._.) if you could just put a planet maker in game and you would start out with i small minmus sized planet or mun and you could edit the size with a little scroll thingy on the left or right and to raise or lower the terrain in some areas (zoo in if you want to raise a smaller zone or lower it) or have some templates and for the ocean you could have a scroll thingy too raise and lower ther level the water is at and a check box that says Has an ocean and have a coloring system for the ocean and coloring and texturing for terrain have a vast selection of texture templates and of course click the color you want it to be but if you want to make an ice cap mountain or beach then you could some sort of selection of covering  some of the land or mountain or what ever you are trying to do and the atmosphere part just select the outline color and make it thick or thin and to make gas giants and stars you can just do the texturing and sizing and maybe a bit of terrain cuz kerbol has those weird sunspots which are also weird crater sort of things or like a dent lol and the gas giant part just select where the clouds are thick enough to stand on i get this may be EXTREMELY hard to implement but i thought i should just get this out of my mouth (or fingers cuz im typing :P)

I've seen this suggestion pop up in the Kittopia thread a few months before, the dev of Kopernicus responded to it stating that that'd get close to a planet sculptor, which would literally take ages to code.


Nevertheless, there are various ways to get this stuff done already. For ice caps, use LandControl. For ocean color, that's an easy job in the config file, it's, like, pasting in the same value six times while you can just use an image-editing program to find the color you want. VertexHeightOffset is a PQSMod that raises or lowers the entire PQS-terrain, this can be used to raise or lower the sea level. You see, the sea level is static, generated at an altitude of 0m. You can raise or lower the terrain relative to this altitude though.


Gas giants, I'm just gonna ping @GregroxMun here. He did a stream covering planet creation and the first part of the stream was about painting gas giant textures, it's not that hard. Over at his profile were a few links where you can watch the recording of the stream iirc.

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On 1/8/2016 at 2:36 PM, The White Guardian said:

Kopernicus has an incredible feature called OnDemandLoading: it will only load the textures of planets nearby, so if you would be orbiting Duna for instance, it would only load the textures of Duna and Ike, and won't load the others, such as Moho, Dres, and Jool.

This saves a lot of memory! But, in order to make it work with your pack, there are two things that you must do:

- All textures must be stored in a folder called 'PluginData'. There can be multiple PluginData folders, but as long as all textures are saved in a folder called PluginData, you're good.

- All texture formats must be specified. This step is easy: at the end of every 'texture-filepath', add what format it is: .dds, .png, .jpg, etc.

@The White Guardian My bad - per you - not required. I saw this some time ago and my mental note was: always use file extensions for textures/normal maps/etc.

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23 minutes ago, wasml said:

@The White Guardian My bad - per you - not required. I saw this some time ago and my mental note was: always use file extensions for textures/normal maps/etc.

Please, if I'd go nuts over every mistake I'd have one serious problem. We all make mistakes occasionally, so don't feel terrible when you overlook something. One of my fails: I wrote a Kopernicus config and it wouldn't work. Turns out I forgot the Body{} wrapper, one of the most basic things. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Here's what the body file says.


//=====  Kopernicus 1.1.3-1 - (BuildDate: 04.07.2016 12:47:37; AssemblyHash: 8+hAbAwc1tawplHVoco1Ej+9agw=)  =====//
[LOG 13:26:33]: Logger "Rigoo.Body" was created
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removePQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeAtmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeOcean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removePQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.StringCollectionParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeAllPQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeProgressTree in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeCoronas in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template "Kerbin"
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removing mods from pqs Kerbin
[LOG 13:26:33]: Creating blacklist
[LOG 13:26:33]: Blacklist count = 4
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding all found PQSMods in pqs Kerbin
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AltitudeUV
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSLandControl
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_FlattenArea
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_AltitudeUV
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSLandControl
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_FlattenArea
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target randomMainMenuBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target description in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target radius in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target geeASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mass in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target gravParameter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target rotates in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target rotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target tidallyLocked in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target initialRotation in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inverseRotThresholdAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target albedo in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target emissivity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target coreTemperatureOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target isHomeWorld in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target timewarpAltitudeLimits in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target sphereOfInfluence in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target hillSphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target solarRotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMult in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMultLow in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target ScienceValues in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target landedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target splashedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flyingLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flyingHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inSpaceLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inSpaceHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target recoveryValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flyingAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target spaceAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target biomeMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_RGB`1[CBAttributeMapSO])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target nonExactThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target exactSearch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target useTheInName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target selectable in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target hiddenRnD in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Via surface G, set gravParam to 1030050000000, mass to 1.54337728498651E+22
[LOG 13:26:33]: --------- Science Values ------------
[LOG 13:26:33]: LandedDataValue = 350
[LOG 13:26:33]: SplashedDataValue = 200
[LOG 13:26:33]: FlyingLowDataValue = 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: FlyingHighDataValue = 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: InSpaceLowDataValue = 75
[LOG 13:26:33]: InSpaceHighDataValue = 64
[LOG 13:26:33]: RecoveryValue = 77
[LOG 13:26:33]: flyingAltitudeThreshold = 1200
[LOG 13:26:33]: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 14000
[LOG 13:26:33]: --------------------------------------
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Water : RGBA(0.000, 0.196, 0.518, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Grasslands : RGBA(0.349, 0.784, 0.059, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Highlands : RGBA(0.110, 0.533, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Shores : RGBA(0.706, 0.388, 0.518, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Mountains : RGBA(0.510, 0.275, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Deserts : RGBA(0.961, 0.737, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Badlands : RGBA(0.027, 0.149, 0.035, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Tundra : RGBA(0.471, 0.886, 0.400, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Ice Caps : RGBA(0.996, 0.996, 0.996, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Added Progress Tree
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target referenceBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inclination in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target eccentricity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target semiMajorAxis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target longitudeOfAscendingNode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target argumentOfPeriapsis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpochD in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target epoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawMode])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target icon in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawIcons])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target cameraSmaRatioBounds in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target type in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.BodyType])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target specColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target shininess in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target texture in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mainTex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mainTexScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mainTexOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target normals in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target bumpMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target bumpMapScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target bumpMapOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target opacity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target resourceMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target resourceMapScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target resourceMapOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeStart in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeEnd in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Light in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.LightShifterLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target sphericalModel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target deferMesh in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: ============= Scaled Version Dump ===================
[LOG 13:26:33]: Rigoo (UnityEngine.GameObject)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  >>> Components <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.Transform)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.MeshFilter)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.SphereCollider)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (ScaledSpaceFader)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (MaterialSetDirection)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  >>> ---------- <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]:     Atmosphere (UnityEngine.GameObject)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      >>> Components <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.Transform)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.MeshFilter)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (AtmosphereFromGround)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      >>> ---------- <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]: ===========================================
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Atmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target PQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target materialType in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader+PQSMaterialType])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target PhysicsMaterial in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PhysicsMaterialParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target minLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target maxLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target minDetailDistance in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target maxQuadLengthsPerFrame in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeStart in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeEnd in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target deactivateAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mapMaxHeight in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Material in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (UnityEngine.Material)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target FallbackMaterial in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSProjectionFallbackLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target map in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexHeightMap) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_GreyScale`1[MapSO])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Exception Was Recorded: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_GreyScale`1[MapSO].SetFromString (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader.Kopernicus.Configuration.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode (System.Type type, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Loader.Kopernicus.Configuration.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Does anybody  know what to do?

Edited by Plink456
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41 minutes ago, Plink456 said:

Here's what the body file says.

  Hide contents

//=====  Kopernicus 1.1.3-1 - (BuildDate: 04.07.2016 12:47:37; AssemblyHash: 8+hAbAwc1tawplHVoco1Ej+9agw=)  =====//
[LOG 13:26:33]: Logger "Rigoo.Body" was created
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Template in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target name in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removePQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeAtmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeOcean in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removePQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.StringCollectionParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeAllPQSMods in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeProgressTree in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target removeCoronas in (Kopernicus.Configuration.TemplateLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: [Kopernicus]: Configuration.Template: Using Template "Kerbin"
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removing mods from pqs Kerbin
[LOG 13:26:33]: Creating blacklist
[LOG 13:26:33]: Blacklist count = 4
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding all found PQSMods in pqs Kerbin
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AltitudeUV
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSLandControl
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 13:26:33]: Adding to removelist: PQSMod_FlattenArea
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_AltitudeUV
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSLandControl
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_QuadEnhanceCoast
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSCity
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecalTangent
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_MapDecal
[LOG 13:26:33]: Removed mod PQSMod_FlattenArea
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target cacheFile in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target cbNameLater in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flightGlobalsIndex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target finalizeOrbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target randomMainMenuBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Properties in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target description in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target radius in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target geeASL in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mass in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target gravParameter in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target rotates in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target rotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target tidallyLocked in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target initialRotation in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inverseRotThresholdAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target albedo in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target emissivity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target coreTemperatureOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target isHomeWorld in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target timewarpAltitudeLimits in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target sphereOfInfluence in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target hillSphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target solarRotationPeriod in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMult in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target navballSwitchRadiusMultLow in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target ScienceValues in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target landedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target splashedDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flyingLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flyingHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inSpaceLowDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inSpaceHighDataValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target recoveryValue in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target flyingAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target spaceAltitudeThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScienceValuesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target biomeMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_RGB`1[CBAttributeMapSO])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target nonExactThreshold in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target exactSearch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target useTheInName in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target selectable in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target hiddenRnD in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PropertiesLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Via surface G, set gravParam to 1030050000000, mass to 1.54337728498651E+22
[LOG 13:26:33]: --------- Science Values ------------
[LOG 13:26:33]: LandedDataValue = 350
[LOG 13:26:33]: SplashedDataValue = 200
[LOG 13:26:33]: FlyingLowDataValue = 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: FlyingHighDataValue = 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: InSpaceLowDataValue = 75
[LOG 13:26:33]: InSpaceHighDataValue = 64
[LOG 13:26:33]: RecoveryValue = 77
[LOG 13:26:33]: flyingAltitudeThreshold = 1200
[LOG 13:26:33]: spaceAltitudeThreshold = 14000
[LOG 13:26:33]: --------------------------------------
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Water : RGBA(0.000, 0.196, 0.518, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Grasslands : RGBA(0.349, 0.784, 0.059, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Highlands : RGBA(0.110, 0.533, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Shores : RGBA(0.706, 0.388, 0.518, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Mountains : RGBA(0.510, 0.275, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Deserts : RGBA(0.961, 0.737, 0.000, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Badlands : RGBA(0.027, 0.149, 0.035, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Tundra : RGBA(0.471, 0.886, 0.400, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Found Biome: Ice Caps : RGBA(0.996, 0.996, 0.996, 1.000) : 0
[LOG 13:26:33]: Added Progress Tree
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Orbit in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target referenceBody in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (System.String)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target inclination in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target eccentricity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target semiMajorAxis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target longitudeOfAscendingNode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target argumentOfPeriapsis in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target meanAnomalyAtEpochD in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target epoch in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mode in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawMode])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target icon in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[OrbitRenderer+DrawIcons])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target cameraSmaRatioBounds in (Kopernicus.Configuration.OrbitLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericCollectionParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target ScaledVersion in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target type in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.BodyType])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target color in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target specColor in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.ColorParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target shininess in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target texture in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mainTex in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mainTexScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mainTexOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target normals in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target bumpMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target bumpMapScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target bumpMapOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target opacity in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target resourceMap in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Texture2DParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target resourceMapScale in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target resourceMapOffset in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledPlanetSimpleLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.Vector2Parser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeStart in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeEnd in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Light in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.LightShifterLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target sphericalModel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target deferMesh in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ScaledVersionLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Boolean])
[LOG 13:26:33]: ============= Scaled Version Dump ===================
[LOG 13:26:33]: Rigoo (UnityEngine.GameObject)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  >>> Components <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.Transform)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.MeshFilter)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (UnityEngine.SphereCollider)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (ScaledSpaceFader)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  Rigoo (MaterialSetDirection)
[LOG 13:26:33]:  >>> ---------- <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]:     Atmosphere (UnityEngine.GameObject)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      >>> Components <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.Transform)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.MeshFilter)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (UnityEngine.MeshRenderer)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      Atmosphere (AtmosphereFromGround)
[LOG 13:26:33]:      >>> ---------- <<< 
[LOG 13:26:33]: ===========================================
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Atmosphere in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.AtmosphereLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target PQS in (Kopernicus.Configuration.Body) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target materialType in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.EnumParser`1[Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader+PQSMaterialType])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target PhysicsMaterial in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PhysicsMaterialParser)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target minLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target maxLevel in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Int32])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target minDetailDistance in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target maxQuadLengthsPerFrame in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeStart in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target fadeEnd in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Single])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target deactivateAltitude in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target mapMaxHeight in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.NumericParser`1[System.Double])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target Material in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (UnityEngine.Material)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target FallbackMaterial in (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSProjectionFallbackLoader)
[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target map in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexHeightMap) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_GreyScale`1[MapSO])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Exception Was Recorded: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_GreyScale`1[MapSO].SetFromString (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.PQSLoader.Kopernicus.Configuration.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.CreateObjectFromConfigNode (System.Type type, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectMemberFromConfigurationNode (System.Reflection.MemberInfo member, System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Parser.LoadObjectFromConfigurationNode (System.Object o, .ConfigNode node, Boolean getChilds) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.Loader.Kopernicus.Configuration.IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

Does anybody  know what to do?

"[LOG 13:26:33]: Parsing Target map in (Kopernicus.Configuration.ModLoader.VertexHeightMap) as (Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_GreyScale`1[MapSO])
[LOG 13:26:33]: Exception Was Recorded: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at Kopernicus.Configuration.MapSOParser_GreyScale`1[MapSO].SetFromString (System.String s) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 "

From this I can conclude that the problem seems to be the heightmap.

1. Can you check if the filepath is correct and if the texture is indeed there?

2. Could you try to remove spaces from the filepaths? For example 'Kerbal Duluxe' -> 'KerbalDuluxe'? They often cause problems in filepaths.

3. If it still doesn't work, could you place the textures (color, height and normal map) in a folder named 'PluginData' within the KerbalDuluxe folder and add the filetype to the filepath, for example, .png or .jpg or .dds?

4. If the planet still doesn't work at this point, what filetype is it, and could you post a screenshot of it?

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