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[WIP] adsii1970's Custom Image Repository


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I am currently working on the following project this week and next - here's what you can look forward to:

  • Bug Hunter images for 2.2 (similar to the ones I did for 1.1)
  • Saturn Space Shuttle Missions (for @ZooNamedGames) Missions 1 - 10.
  • Requested flag archives for flag requests I completed for 2014-2015.
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  • 2 months later...


One of the threads I have enjoyed participating in was begun by @Deddly and is the The Positive Forum Movement thread. The thread was created for the sole purpose of attempting to change the dynamics of the forum by members willing to change their on-line attitudes. Let's face it, anyone willing to stand up for decency in a world that seems filled with opposition, general rudeness, and at times, harsh criticism from those who believe others must agree with their viewpoint deserves to be praised and supported.

On November 15th, I created a custom image for those who participate in the thread and are willing to take its message to the rest of the forum. The image has been sized to fit perfectly in the space allotted for your signature.


Once you have placed the image in your signature and before you hit the save button, click the <CONTROL> and right mouse button at the same time to bring up the image options, select <EDIT IMAGE> from the scroll down menu, then paste the URL for the OP of the thread in the <LINK URL> dialogue box. Click <SAVE> and your signature image will now link back to the original thread!



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For%20KSP-1.0%20+-green.png   License-NC--SA%204.0-green.png   CKAN-Not%20planned-red.png   KSP%20AVC-Pending-ff69b4.png   GitHub-Available-green.png

About six months ago, I was asked by a forum member to create a set of ribbons that could be used to designate rank using  @Nereid's Final Frontier mod. The only requirements made in the request was for the mod to designate four major types of officer career paths - air, sea, land, and space. The original requester did not respond to any of my private messages for additional parameters, so earlier this week I decided to finish the mod and release it to the general KSP forum public.

REPETITIVE STATEMENT: To use this mod add-on pack, you must have the following mod installed:


This mod add-on pack contains 44 images. The rank insignia was created with being able to instantly know the level of the Kerbal and the branch of service they are in. The structure is loosely based on a combination of the U.S. Army and Navy rank structures but with a twist - the ranks are equal in title across the board (a captain is a captain, regardless of branch). The only change in name structure is once you get to ranks above captain.

Rank Description Ground Forces Air Forces Naval Forces Space Forces
Trainee BVnwnXt.png cvsuPmW.png N1rgys6.png OPey6sX.png
Junior Lieutenant Hvji6lQ.png SEA8YJ9.png A6pr2Xu.png OyjnKxi.png
Lieutenant enIxfaL.png LXW1MWE.png 6hrXX7m.png RU3FO4N.png
Major ZH4Xn3G.png kle1VRX.png rT5ihlV.png yhl8lZr.png
Lieutenant Commander j3AlBKE.png cq9FDS7.png LAN4V3u.png leJxkaT.png
Commander ia0ba6q.png vxudYTh.png N3M6xGN.png b3uiKWz.png
Captain zjZp7lK.png MkvlWrx.png UU1Lrh0.png R92QrFx.png
Brigadier/Commodore JkmIbhP.png 206OjQK.png vj9u8lp.png NLAzLbk.png
Lieutenant General/Lieutenant Admiral uYdKjnl.png yevcZYY.png Xi7xRpw.png 40Y0GB0.png
Major General/Staff Admiral U1KfCpZ.png jpIh4mO.png DXH3b4c.png e5JVVZC.png
General/Admiral ylScy9S.png pxAo204.png DihdiUW.png zV6kDBz.png


This add-on pack contains all 44 ranks, however, I will be willing to release each category as a stand-alone plug-in if there is enough interest in this mod.


Download the zip file from GitHub and extract the folder named "adsii1970" to your KSP's GameData folder.


There are very few known issues with this add-on pack. While I do not use this particular set of ranks for my games, I have thoroughly tested it with KSP v. .90, 1.1 and 1.2 without any problems providing you have an updated version of Final Frontier. Here's a list of possible issues and suggestions to resolve them:

  • The ribbons in this pack are not visible:
    • This means you have another ribbon add-on pack that uses the same base ID number.
    • This can be resolved only two ways: 1) delete the other add-on pack OR contact me for a different config file. You must include the conflicting mod pack(s) and their config files before I can resolve the issue.
  • The ribbons do not snugly fit against the stock ribbons by Nereid:
    • Yes, this is an optical effect and depends on your video driver and other video settings and...
    • Is contributed to because the beveled edges and shadows on my images and the images created by Nereid are slightly different.


Shoot me a private message and be sure to tell me the issue(s)you are experiencing. As long as you can provide me what I need, I will do my best to make the mod work.


Technically, this particular add-on is completed and there are no future plans to add additional images to the officer rank add-on pack. However, I do plan to make this add-on pack where it can be monitored by KSP-AVC.




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5 hours ago, adsii1970 said:


For%20KSP-1.0%20+-green.png   License-NC--SA%204.0-green.png   CKAN-Not%20planned-red.png   KSP%20AVC-Pending-ff69b4.png   GitHub-Available-green.png

About six months ago, I was asked by a forum member to create a set of ribbons that could be used to designate rank using  @Nereid's Final Frontier mod. The only requirements made in the request was for the mod to designate four major types of officer career paths - air, sea, land, and space. The original requester did not respond to any of my private messages for additional parameters, so earlier this week I decided to finish the mod and release it to the general KSP forum public.

REPETITIVE STATEMENT: To use this mod add-on pack, you must have the following mod installed:


This mod add-on pack contains 44 images. The rank insignia was created with being able to instantly know the level of the Kerbal and the branch of service they are in. The structure is loosely based on a combination of the U.S. Army and Navy rank structures but with a twist - the ranks are equal in title across the board (a captain is a captain, regardless of branch). The only change in name structure is once you get to ranks above captain.

Rank Description Ground Forces Air Forces Naval Forces Space Forces
Trainee BVnwnXt.png cvsuPmW.png N1rgys6.png OPey6sX.png
Junior Lieutenant Hvji6lQ.png SEA8YJ9.png A6pr2Xu.png OyjnKxi.png
Lieutenant enIxfaL.png LXW1MWE.png 6hrXX7m.png RU3FO4N.png
Major ZH4Xn3G.png kle1VRX.png rT5ihlV.png yhl8lZr.png
Lieutenant Commander j3AlBKE.png cq9FDS7.png LAN4V3u.png leJxkaT.png
Commander ia0ba6q.png vxudYTh.png N3M6xGN.png b3uiKWz.png
Captain zjZp7lK.png MkvlWrx.png UU1Lrh0.png R92QrFx.png
Brigadier/Commodore JkmIbhP.png 206OjQK.png vj9u8lp.png NLAzLbk.png
Lieutenant General/Lieutenant Admiral uYdKjnl.png yevcZYY.png Xi7xRpw.png 40Y0GB0.png
Major General/Staff Admiral U1KfCpZ.png jpIh4mO.png DXH3b4c.png e5JVVZC.png
General/Admiral ylScy9S.png pxAo204.png DihdiUW.png zV6kDBz.png


This add-on pack contains all 44 ranks, however, I will be willing to release each category as a stand-alone plug-in if there is enough interest in this mod.


Download the zip file from GitHub and extract the folder named "adsii1970" to your KSP's GameData folder.


There are very few known issues with this add-on pack. While I do not use this particular set of ranks for my games, I have thoroughly tested it with KSP v. .90, 1.1 and 1.2 without any problems providing you have an updated version of Final Frontier. Here's a list of possible issues and suggestions to resolve them:

  • The ribbons in this pack are not visible:
    • This means you have another ribbon add-on pack that uses the same base ID number.
    • This can be resolved only two ways: 1) delete the other add-on pack OR contact me for a different config file. You must include the conflicting mod pack(s) and their config files before I can resolve the issue.
  • The ribbons do not snugly fit against the stock ribbons by Nereid:
    • Yes, this is an optical effect and depends on your video driver and other video settings and...
    • Is contributed to because the beveled edges and shadows on my images and the images created by Nereid are slightly different.


Shoot me a private message and be sure to tell me the issue(s)you are experiencing. As long as you can provide me what I need, I will do my best to make the mod work.


Technically, this particular add-on is completed and there are no future plans to add additional images to the officer rank add-on pack. However, I do plan to make this add-on pack where it can be monitored by KSP-AVC.




Nice! I'll instantly promote Jeb to Admiral lol.

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For%20KSP-1.0%20+-green.png   License-NC--SA%204.0-green.png   CKAN-Not%20planned-red.png   KSP%20AVC-Pending-ff69b4.png   GitHub-Available-green.png  Related-Kerny%20Kerman-FFD700.png

Since my previous officer rank release, I've been asked if there are other ribbons I use for my games that uses @Nereid's Final Frontier mod. I have four levels of such Kerbal achievements and am releasing them as a mod to the general KSP forum public.

REPETITIVE STATEMENT: To use this mod add-on pack, you must have the following mod installed:

This mod add-on pack contains 15 images. In the world my Kerbals reside, there are four levels of awards given by the Grand Committee of the United Republic of Kerbin and based on individual merit. The levels are: Achievement, Distinguished Achievement, Commendation, and Honor, with Honor being the highest award. Here's a preview of the awards and their descriptions:

Achievement Award GWjSA72.png Merit Award J4AQOz4.png Commendation Award PQJvmxd.png Honor Award aM89vjl.png
Achievement Award (2nd) JCdN6dJ.png Merit Award (2nd) fPy1XEZ.png Commendation Award (2nd) HaxTUzY.png Honor Award (2nd) t2mMeng.png
Achievement Award (3rd) KF5sqp8.png Merit Award (3rd) hA5J9fj.png Commendation Award (3rd) GTrm30G.png Honor Award (3rd) tEVDaY6.png
Achievement Award (4th) X9XCIkQ.png Merit Award (4th) o2lGleK.png Commendation Award (4th) HjtkQ7X.png    


Here's a saved image from the game showing how the ribbons appear in-game:



You do not have to use them in the designations I've used. The honor awards are based off my Kerbal's flag, and I have no problems creating custom ribbons that feature the main design elements of your Kerbal's flag for use in your game. 


Download the zip file from GitHub and extract the folder named "adsii1970" to your KSP's GameData folder.


There are very few known issues with this add-on pack. While I do not use this particular set of ranks for my games, I have thoroughly tested it with KSP v. .90, 1.1 and 1.2 without any problems providing you have an updated version of Final Frontier. Here's a list of possible issues and suggestions to resolve them:

  • The ribbons in this pack are not visible:
    • This means you have another ribbon add-on pack that uses the same base ID number.
    • This can be resolved only two ways: 1) delete the other add-on pack OR contact me for a different config file. You must include the conflicting mod pack(s) and their config files before I can resolve the issue.
  • The ribbons do not snugly fit against the stock ribbons by Nereid:
    • Yes, this is an optical effect and depends on your video driver and other video settings and...
    • Is contributed to because the beveled edges and shadows on my images and the images created by Nereid are slightly different.


Shoot me a private message and be sure to tell me the issue(s)you are experiencing. As long as you can provide me what I need, I will do my best to make the mod work.


Technically, this particular add-on is completed and there are no future plans to add additional images to the merit awards add-on pack. However, I do plan to make this add-on pack where it can be monitored by KSP-AVC.



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  • 4 months later...

Thread of the Month and Thread of the Year images for 2017 (requested by @Dman979 and @sal_vager)

One of everyone's favorite features is the much anticipated Thread of The Month. But unfortunately, whenever the OP for that thread is updated, the TOTM tag disappears. So, with that said, I was asked by @Dman979, on behalf of sal_vager, to come up with an image worthy of the thread of the month and year status. So, with consultation with Dman979, I'd like to share these images with the forum.

Images for the Thread of the Month (month specific)
rp3KKuA.png?1 0DOZn67.png?1 NkU8D0T.png?1 BWapegu.png?1
January February March April
OOqL3cv.png?1 XBT8Ua9.png?1 sNyjskk.png?1 cz2FiS5.png?1
May June July August
9m3ScHS.png?1 c1JjQTF.png?1 AweUmd6.png?1 Vw38RjE.png?1
September October November December

To use these images, right click on the image and select "copy link location." Then paste that link into the OP of your thread. Once the image is in your OP, you can hold control and right click on the "edit images" of the pop-up menu, and copy the link of the Thread of the Month listing where your page was featured. 

Thread of the Year Images:

Last year, @sal_vager introduced a new level of a special thread. He simply called it "Thread of the Year." Here's the image for that thread: (note, as more TOTYs are announced, I will add them.

Thread of the Year Image for 2016




2016 TOTY: @Just Jim
The Saga of Emiko Station



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  • 2 weeks later...

Custom Ribbon Pack for @Lo Var Lachland:

A while back, I had a request for custom images that could be used in the Final Frontier mod. @Lo Var Lachland's request was simple - he wanted ribbons that could indicate merits and ranks for enlisted, warrant, and commissioned officers. I asked for his flag so that I could create images that were complementary to his flag and vision for his Kermen population.

In all fairness, a former non-profit organization I was employed by sent me to training in brand identity and image marketing. In each image request I do accept, I apply those standards simply out of habit - and for the most part, I am pretty pleased with the results. As a note, between the forum tables and IMGUR's desire to change the size of pictures, the ribbons may appear to be distorted or slight differences in size. Within the mod add-on pack, this is not the case. There are no issues using these with Final Frontier.

Here's the flag @Lo Var Lachland's Kermen fly under:


Individual merits based on the flag colors (click the spoiler to view):

Achievement XUPG62p.png Commendation NWZ6vML.png Distinguished Service no4oHCY.png
(2nd Award)
P4KWoX0.png Commendation
(2nd Award)
xuEa44r.png Distinguished Service (2nd Award)    eKdeTb5.png
(3rd Award)
G3v6mTO.png Commendation
(3rd Award)
eUsbXvZ.png Distinguished Service
(3rd Award)
(4th Award)
QUyXMip.png Commendation
(4th Award)
958hplS.png Distinguished Service
(4th Award)
rpQo2eL.png o8NeYxH.png 66omeVb.png
Award of Merit

Award of Merit
(2nd Award)

Award of Merit
(3rd Award)


Enlisted ranks based on the flag colors (click the spoiler to view):

ge61r9u.png J64LkcH.png aGfdKIo.png


Petty Officer
3rd Class
Chief Petty Officer
Vy3aMxE.png P4E5yUE.png 7AS26Op.png
Petty Officer
2nd Class
Senior Chief Petty Officer
ulyYUuD.png FFbzqWC.png NhMG5NG.png
Petty Officer
1st Class
Master Chief Petty Officer


Warrant officer ranks based on the flag colors (click the spoiler to view):

9ypQKe0.png nn5uiTN.png VQgnZ6F.png nV0Qu0v.png AdTjYFG.png
Warrant Officer 1 Chief Warrant Officer 2 Chief Warrant Officer 3 Chief Warrant Officer 4 Chief Warrant Officer 5


Commissioned officer ranks based on the flag colors (click the spoiler to view):

hVBIIkj.png QhUfuoX.png c3J0DVC.png uA4oB12.png
Cadet Lieutenant Captain Vice Admiral
RPcPLLl.png nXfsoej.png hgZDdYB.png w7mQyCa.png
Ensign Lieutenant Commander Commodore Admiral
9HWWtSc.png 1xjOr04.png mBhxyoB.png yu464Ie.png
Lieutenant, JG


Rear Admiral Fleet Admiral


Dropbox Link to the complete set of Final Frontier add-on ribbons

Installation instructions:

Download the file and copy the adsii1970 folder into your GameData folder. Do not rename the folders or reorganize them as this will break the configuration files. IF you just want to use one set, simply open the folder named adsii1970 and delete the ribbon packs you do not want.

These ribbons have a base index of 5000. If they are not showing up in your Final Frontier ribbon catalogue, then please check your other ribbon add-on packs for conflicts.


There are very few known issues with this add-on pack. While I do not use this particular set of ranks for my games, I have thoroughly tested it with KSP v. .90, 1.1 and 1.2 without any problems providing you have an updated version of Final Frontier. Here's a list of possible issues and suggestions to resolve them:

  • The ribbons in this pack are not visible:
    • This means you have another ribbon add-on pack that uses the same base ID number.
    • This can be resolved only two ways: 1) delete the other add-on pack OR contact me for a different config file. You must include the conflicting mod pack(s) and their config files before I can resolve the issue.
  • The ribbons do not snugly fit against the stock ribbons by Nereid:
    • Yes, this is an optical effect and depends on your video driver and other video settings and...
    • Is contributed to because the beveled edges and shadows on my images and the images created by Nereid are slightly different.


Shoot me a private message and be sure to tell me the issue(s)you are experiencing. As long as you can provide me what I need, I will do my best to make the mod work.


Technically, this particular add-on is completed and there are no future plans to add additional images to these add-on packs.


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  • 2 weeks later...

LPS? If you have a link to the mod or some images I can look at, and you don't mind it taking about two weeks (as I am in finals this week and have to have grades posted by the 8th of May), sure...! I would be honored.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Kerbal Space Program 1.3 pre-release images

I never expected anything other than just poking fun at a request made by @cubinator, I created a flag to commemorate the 1.1 pre-release. Since then, the suggestion was made by @HebaruSan to create a set that could be used in signatures and that could be divided into levels of participation. He asked, "Maybe a few tiers to signify that you tested, reported a bug, had a bug you reported fixed, multiple fixes?" So, my response is - sure, why not? So I began this series of signature images.

Then, @bewing made a very gentile nudge about images for both 1.2 and 1.3, and believe it or not, I had the 1.2 images done almost a year ago but never posted them. I will post them very soonTM.

So for your signatures and tongue-in-cheek fun, here's what I have to offer...

NOTE: They are on a white background...

2pDlds8.png EL5gm7i.png DTgfb4Q.png  
Basic Bug Badge
For those in the hunt, haven't found a unique one yet.
Bug Spotter Badge
For those who have found between one and four bugs.
Bug Killer Badge
For those who have between one and four bugs found, reported, and addressed by Squad
jhWb4bx.png pdtDROy.png UE1MlOI.png  
Pre-Release Survivor Badge
For those who want to celebrate their survival of the pre-release version before the official release!
Bug Hunter Badge
For those who have found between five and ten unique bugs.

Bug Exterminator Badge
For those who have between five and ten bugs found, reported, and addressed by Squad.

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  • 1 month later...


Recently, I was asked where do I get my header images for my forum profile. To be honest, I create them (and my Facebook profile headers) myself. I've decided to share the ones I've already used. In the future, as I rotate to new images, I will put my old ones here for anyone to use. To use in your profile, you will have to download the image from Imgur, then upload it to the forum and move it around to get it the way you want it.

If you have any requests, I will do them too, but will add them to this particular post so that all the header images are in one central location. The quotes are listed in alphabetical order according to the last name of the person cited for the quote.
















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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Thread of the Month and Thread of the Year images for 2018 (requested by @Vanamonde)

One of everyone's favorite features is the much anticipated Thread of The Month. But unfortunately, whenever the OP for that thread is updated, the TOTM tag disappears. So, with that said, I was originally asked by @Dman979, on behalf of sal_vager, to come up with an image worthy of the thread of the month and year status.

In December of 2017, I was given the honor of continuing the thread of the month images for 2018 by Vanamonde. For me, it is a great honor to be a part of the contributing community that makes this forum a great place to hang out. Anyway, here are the TOTM images for this year:

2018 Thread of the Month Images
4xUTq8c.png?1 kuyH4vs.png?1 t6wBM6y.png?1
January February March
FZyX0da.png?1 OUNX6lc.png?1 GgpxL1y.png?1
April May June
Kvq0fVV.png?1 7atw5F3.png?1 1u4qhl1.png?1
July August September
KgFnRoe.png?1 ab38kbX.png?1 H90BHPL.png?1
October November December

To use these images, right click on the image and select "copy link location." Then paste that link into the OP of your thread. Once the image is in your OP, you can hold control and right click on the "edit images" of the pop-up menu, and copy the link of the Thread of the Month listing where your page was featured. 

In late 2016, @sal_vager introduced a new level of a special thread. He simply called it "Thread of the Year." Here's the image for the Thread of the Year for 2017: 


2017 TOTY:



Edited by adsii1970
Changed "threat of the year" to "thread of the year". Thanks Dman979
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