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We're not paying enough

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  On 3/1/2016 at 12:57 AM, SpaceplaneAddict said:

Yeesh, I think I paid my share. $45 CAD, which, though I might be mistaken, is the price that @Starhawk, and @GDJ paid as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, you two!


Currently, with the canadian economy, I paid $33.24USD. Heh, it was WAY orver worth it anyway...... I logged 300 hours in my first week...


I actually paid US$27.00.  I just checked.  I still can't believe the amazing value.  The exchange rate was quite a bit better then IIRC

Happy landings!

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  On 3/1/2016 at 1:45 AM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

It's because time gets delivered from the atomic clock via the internet, and everyone knows you guys have crappy internets down there :sticktongue:



  On 3/1/2016 at 1:37 AM, TriggerAu said:

I'm concerned here - theres only 168 hours in each week in Australia. Has Canada got a time machine?


It was a metaphore for saying how addicted I was...

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To OP @Vermil:

I guess it's a nice way of saying that you like the game a lot, and so do I and so do many others.  I'm sure folks at SQUAD appreciate it.

However, just throwing money down their throats is not gonna help much. They are very very tight lipped about their sales and don't like it when people talk about it, but pretty darn high numbers have kept bubbling up. They themselves mentioned mutliple times that they are "well off" and "sufficiently funded". They also said they'd keep going with the development to "give back to the community", which I'm gonna optimistically interpret as "we are now so loaded that we would be bored if we wouldn't be developing the game, so we just keep going cuz it's kinda fun".

tl;dr, if I were you, I wouldn't worry too much about SQUADs finances.


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  On 2/28/2016 at 11:10 AM, Vermil said:

One thing I've been thinking about recently, is how much I loathe MMO-games...

I don't want to see KSP becoming a game that finances itself by becoming an online-game. I don't want to see KSP be sold to a major publisher that ruins everything they get their hands on, by remaking game-mechanics things to become subscription services. Also, I don't think we full-blown fans have paid enough. I would certainly pay some kind of subscription to have my game updated, as per currently. 
What I'm specifically thinking of is a KSP 2? This would force us to pay for the game over again, and generate income for continued development.



How can you judge wether you have or have not paid enough. Do you have acces to Squads books? Also, what is enough?

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  • 3 months later...

I'd pay to have the popular graphical enhancement mods permanently integrated into the stock game, so I don't have to worry about every single update breaking them (and then my game saves being broken by trying to fix them).

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According to the common Mexican Salarys (no offense meant) The 'Playerbase' already paid enough Money to rewrite the game 20 times from the bare scratch with a dev team of 50 Coders.


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  On 2/28/2016 at 4:06 PM, tater said:

I'd happily pay for a sequel. Anyone against that should move out of their parents' basement.


This stamement seems to ignore the large percentage of the fanbase (including me) that are still teenagers, and therefore have to live with their parents anyways.

If you really want to support SQUAD financially, buy more copies, or advocate the game to people so they buy it, or wait for SQUAD to add a donation feature (which I would definetely support as a notion, but might seem as desperate from some, and no respected company that just left the indie market wants that), or buy the KSP merch. There are so many alternative ways SQUAD can generate revenue for, and none of them preventing people like from giving them what we can give them- which is better than not being able to give anything at all, AND not having fun ourselves.

  On 3/1/2016 at 2:05 AM, Matuchkin said:

I was thinking of a more dark ksp with complete realism (and real humans), like Orbiter. You know, more seriousness.


Okay. now THAT I can vouch for.

Edited by Coga19000
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Whilst very cynical about paid DLC in general I would not be against some for KSP if it expanded the game significantly enough to feel like a new 'alternative' version that could run in parallel.  An example would be alternative solar systems, maybe in different scales, that could offer a completely new set of exploration experiences.

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Short version, I think squad did a perfect job on pricing KSP for the most part.  I think the regular price was in a good spot, and it makes people feel like they got a great game at a good price. And I'll definitely be checking out any game squad may make in the future. If you'd like a more in depth view off my thoughts read on...


I'm very pleased and happy with the 20-30 USD I paid for the various copies I bought from steam. Would I now pay more for KSP since I know what it is and what is is like?  Probably yes. Would I have paid more when I first bought it during the early 0.20 somethings? Probably not. I had never heard of squad and quite honestly the game was lacking a bit back then, and therefore was really unsure of the game and publishers. Which is the reason I bought a few extra copies for some people. 

i wouldn't pay any more money for things I think should be part of a basic ksp like maybe another planet or some parts to round out a decent space game, like maybe some more scientific things like telescopes etc.

unlike some people though I'd be perfectly fine to buy some dlc to maybe go interstellar. I'd have no problem paying a bit more for a few more solar systems and the needed backend stuff to make interstellar or intergalactic travel a part of ksp. It seems reasonable enough to me since that would take a bit of work. And I'm all for paying to expand a game a bit beyond the original scope, which interstellar/ galactic could be seen as. I would not pay more money just to get some better rocket engines so I can get to jool faster than people who don't buy dlc. 

I am confused a bit about the op and the subscription part.  I would just about cut off a finger to get all mmo's and the like to go back to sub based stuff rather then these outrageous claims of "free to play"  and cash stores the industry is transitioning to. Charging me for every little thing that should be standard in an mmo. In fact I believe the moving away from subs is what ruined mmo's. But then again a lot of today's gamers don't really feel like working for anything anymore. And just want to be max level and best gear right now.  I'm sorry I loved playing and advancing and having a character that you could just see them and go. Damn that player has been to some crazy zones and killed some crazy bosses. Also you had to actually learn to play games and your character back then. This is why I like ksp, you have to learn and advance yourself if you really want to have fun and explore. Now  you just tend to find idiots in mmo's that ruin your playtime. Could some of the older mmo's been balanced a bit better for what was needed to really advance? Sure. But what was really lost in all of this was the Massively multiplayer part.  The social aspect was gone, cause now everyone just runs around do there own thing. Even groups tend to be 5 random people doing there own things but trying to achieve and objective together.  Any ways a bit off topic talking about mmo's for ksp. 

I don't ksp was ever planned or intended to be MMO style. I always understoodit as more of a multiplayer style a'la things like civilization games or Europa universal is etc. for several reasons.. Where friends could play together if they wanted.with the time and distance scales I see it being hard making ksp work in mmo style since that would in most cases need a persistent universe, and what happens to your craft that's on its multi day trek to another planet when you log out? How are you going to time warp to 1000x in an MMO with hundreds or thousands of other players in the universe?  Or are you really seriously going to stare at your ship doing nothing for 20 or more hours to get where you want to go? So I think some of the concerns here are really unlikely to happen. 

All in all in am extremely pleased with my experiences with both KSP and Squad. And even though it's only here in the forums, for the most parts with mods and crafts it's a rather social place for people who love space, or ksp, or often both. Many threads on mods bring up real word events, or future ideas of tech and base themselves on that. And I have actually learned some interesting things from some people here. Ksp has kind of hit their market's segment right on point for the type of game they wanted in my opinion.  

Anyways time to go crash a space shuttle/ plane somewhere near the space center. Because I suck at landing those things. :)

Edited by Hevak
Fighting with autocorrect.
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I actually never want this game to become "buy the KSP 1.2 DLC for 20 dollars(ahem ea)" but I would love to promote the game. Like thanks to me 5 of my classmates have bought the game.

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I'm not surprised to see this thread. Still, I think SQUAD has done well in their pricing. Why?


Knowing what I do now about the amount of enjoyment I derive from this game, I would easily pay $50.

Knowing what I did when I bought this game, I most certainly would not.


The disconnect between the two is where this thread resides.

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If they did make a KSP 2 and made it in a Pioneer style universe with colonies spreading out from Kerbol and science-ing the heck out of the universe. I would buy that in a heartbeat.

(Pioneer is an open source free to play space exploration / trading game. A remarkable game. It will be years before it's finished (if ever) It is available  on linux, mac and the other one. )


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  On 6/29/2016 at 11:12 AM, Daveroski said:

If they did make a KSP 2 and made it in a Pioneer style universe with colonies spreading out from Kerbol and science-ing the heck out of the universe. I would buy that in a heartbeat.

(Pioneer is an open source free to play space exploration / trading game. A remarkable game. It will be years before it's finished (if ever) It is available  on linux, mac and the other one. )



Why copy something that already exists though? People won't buy it if it's just a copy of some other game +Kerbals.

I haven't seen any game that has a big planet, easy to use editor and a lot of air-breathing engines (+ the ability to create races and use weapons maybe). Something like the BAD-T tournament. I would buy THAT in a heartbeat.

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