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[1.12.x] [BG] HabTech2 | Stockalike ISS Parts | 1.0.0 - The Final Update


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9 hours ago, benjee10 said:

This is correct - I have actually resolved the drag cube issue on my end and the part will load correctly, but the 1km spawning bug seems to have gotten worse in 1.10 to the point where any craft with the SAW part sometimes randomly explodes on loading onto the pad. Not sure how it affects crafts already in orbit. I'm reluctant to release a fix for the drag cube/loading issues when the part is still critically bugged in other areas - don't want to imply that things should be working as normal and then suffer 100s of bug reports for a known issue. So until I'm able to fix that problem I won't be publishing an update.

Would it actually make sense to reach out to Squad and ask for help? This seems to be quite a unique issue?

Thanks for updating this mod! I will try to test a few things tomorrow.

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On 10/2/2020 at 12:38 PM, benjee10 said:

Use at your own risk and, as always, back up your save files. If anyone is brave enough to try it out on a save which has a SAW part already in-orbit, I'd be curious to know what the effects are. 

So did some testing:
I inserted the above drag cube (into the parts {}) into a fresh install of 1.9.1, habtech2 dev version from github with module manager 4.1.4 and got the following:

Game starts, simple construction with duo solar array attached will spawn 1km above ground. Cheating it to orbit and it seems to be fine.

Then saved and updated to 1.10.1

Game starts, simple construction will still spawn 1 km above ground. Cheating to orbit works, and existing vehicle in orbit with part out of the 1.9.1 save is regularly usable.

I "launched" 4-5 times and did not get any explosions.

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On 10/2/2020 at 2:38 PM, benjee10 said:

Use at your own risk and, as always, back up your save files. If anyone is brave enough to try it out on a save which has a SAW part already in-orbit, I'd be curious to know what the effects are. 

btw you are on Github, could be a branch.
I will try it.

I already put it into


Edited by Gordon Dry
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On 9/8/2020 at 7:08 AM, GoldForest said:

A 1.10 version is coming. @benjee10 Has a lot of mods and is busy with IRL. Patience. It will get updated, just have to wait. 

Any word on the 1.10 Update release?


Can't delete the 1.10 Solar Array part or none of my craft files using them will load :(

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37 minutes ago, luisitoISS said:


I have a couple of questions:

-First, the IVA textures, can I migrate the textures from the first habtech to this one?

- If I can, I only move the folder of the textures to the other, will not have any compatibility problem?

I believe there was a patch to add the first Habtech’s IVA to this one. Not sure where it was, but I’ll let you know if I find it.

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17 hours ago, luisitoISS said:


I have a couple of questions:

-First, the IVA textures, can I migrate the textures from the first habtech to this one?

- If I can, I only move the folder of the textures to the other, will not have any compatibility problem?

- yes, you can use the IVAs from Habtech1 in Habtech 2
- you only search for IVA patch in this topic and you will find your answer. You need a config.

 On 3/11/2019 at 10:50 PM, MacLuky said:

Meanwhile for those who can't wait for the IVA's, you can use HabTech-1 and a little patch.

//Simple patch for iva

		@name = habtech_nodeInternal

		@name = habtech_airlockInternal

		@name = habtech_labInternal

		@name = habtech_shortInternal

		@name = habtech_jemInternal

		@name = habtech_bigHabInternal

		@name = habtech_labInternal

		@name = habtech_cupolaInternal

		@name = habtech_columbusInternal



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On 9/22/2020 at 5:02 PM, nick1041 said:

Any plans on updating this to 1.10 as well as redirect and the orbiter construction kit?

Try reading the previous page or two before you ask a question - you'll often see the answer - like this one is already answered just a few posts back.  Welcome to the forums. 

I dont mean to be back seat moderating, just reminding myself and others to be patient.  FYI, read the sticky post about asking for updates. 


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9 hours ago, Murdabenne said:

Try reading the previous page or two before you ask a question - you'll often see the answer - like this one is already answered just a few posts back.  Welcome to the forums. 

I dont mean to be back seat moderating, just reminding myself and others to be patient.  FYI, read the sticky post about asking for updates. 


 I get it but this is a great Mod and many of us have moved forward to 1.10.  It would just be nice to see this mod updated finally.


Removing the solar panels part makes all of my best Craft files fail to load in 1.10 and having to go back to 1.9 really isn't a great option for me ATM...  :(

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4 hours ago, Kilo60 said:

 I get it but this is a great Mod and many of us have moved forward to 1.10.  It would just be nice to see this mod updated finally.


Removing the solar panels part makes all of my best Craft files fail to load in 1.10 and having to go back to 1.9 really isn't a great option for me ATM...  :(

Apparently you are not getting it. It is your responsibility to check if you can upgrade. If you do so without checking, you have to live with it.

Putting it up here is just increasing pressure on benjee, who stated already what the issue currently is. So if you want to speed up, find a solution to the "spawning-in-1km" and "combustion-on-runway" issues.

Also your current savegames should be ok, with the versions/changes mentioned in this thread. You are just not able to launch new vehicles as they explode on the runway. So please read a few pages back. If you have additional issues with loading craft files after that, a proper log and description would probably make sense

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22 hours ago, chris-kerbal said:

Putting it up here is just increasing pressure on benjee, who stated already what the issue currently is. So if you want to speed up, find a solution to the "spawning-in-1km" and "combustion-on-runway" issues.

In the mean-time, World Stabiliser usually does the trick for me. Give it a try @Kilo60.

Edited by Lisias
"git it a try"? Gee... I need a break!! :D
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Just a bit of advice for those of you who are relatively new here, from someone who has been playing this since off and on since 0.25: If you use any addons and play career games, DO NOT UPGRADE IMMEDIATELY.  Wait a month or 6, unless you are willing to restart your career and do without your favorites for a while. Its really that simple.  There's nothing wrong lagging by a release if your game is playing well, and you like your current setup. Unlike a lot of other things, when it comes to KSP with addons, a new release is not necessarily a better one for some players. Its not like World of Warcraft, or other games where you really need to be on the bleeding edge because everyone else is.   Sometimes, you can simply skip an entire release without missing much, unless there is added content that you want to see/use. 

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On 7/21/2020 at 8:44 PM, MashAndBangers said:

I tried looking a few pages back, but couldn't find this issue:

@benjee10 I think (No one has given me confirmation yet here) you'll need to convert the textures and normal maps to .dds.  Ever since I started using 1.9.1, I've noticed anti-aliasing issues with your parts. 


First image is in 1.8.1.  This looks normal, no jagged edges in the white lines.


Second image is in 1.9.1... or 1.10, I tested on all versions and both 1.9.1 and 1.10 show this anti-aliasing issue.  Notice the jaggedness of those white lines.

This also affects the solar panels terribly.


Hello, I would like to ask how did you put the mod to 1.8.1. For me it just doesn't work

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12 hours ago, Ulgojax said:

Hello, I would like to ask how did you put the mod to 1.8.1. For me it just doesn't work

It works just fine in 1.8. The only thing you must do: replace the included old dependencies (B9PartSwitch and Community Resource Pack) with the versions for KSP 1.8.1. You need to download them separately.

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Today I've pushed an update to the GitHub - it's still a dev release, so please be patient while I iron out bugs. 

I've incorporated the drag cubes and physics significance fixes so that HabTech should now be playable. However, the 1km spawn bug is still present, and I can't guarantee that the physics significance trick (which seems to prevent immediate combustion of the vessel) won't cause any weirdness, so proceed with caution

Additionally, I've added a half-length MPLM variant, and also made it so both the half-length and full-length MPLMs can be used inline, with switchable endcaps. I intend to add more multi-purpose parts like this in the future to increase the diversity of designs you can build. 



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