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OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return


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While it is highly unlikely now possible (thanks to @Dman979) that a member of the OSIRIS-REx mission team will read this, I would like to wish @IonStorm and all of the people on the team good luck and a safe flight to Bennu.

We're rooting for you guys!

UPDATE: CONGRATS @IonStorm, now, onto Bennu! 

Edited by njmksr
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20 minutes ago, njmksr said:

While it is highly unlikely that a member of the OSIRIS-REx mission team will ever read this, I would like to wish all of the people on the team good luck and a safe flight to Bennu.

We're rooting for you guys!

I'll bet you $50 USD that someone from the team will read this.

@IonStorm? You there, or at your console?

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29 minutes ago, Dman979 said:

I'll bet you $50 USD that someone from the team will read this.

@IonStorm? You there, or at your console?

Whoops! Forgot we had a member of the OSIRIS-REx team on the forums!

I doubt that he'll be paying attention to this. He's either got pre-launch coverage to watch, or, ya know, he's actually there :P << (More likely)


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On 5/26/2016 at 2:18 PM, IonStorm said:

The spacecraft touches the surface of Bennu with what looks like an old car air filter on the end of a 3-m long pogo stick.

"Raw" engineer-speak

On 5/26/2016 at 2:18 PM, IonStorm said:

 This is called the Touch And Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism (TAGSAM).

"Crap we really should come up with a cool acronym for this thing we invented" engineer-speak


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So, how much closer is this going to bring us to start mining these things? ^_^

I can already imagine that 20-30 years from now we'll send up some basic mining equipment along with a couple of the latest 2040-style 3d printers and get building on that first (robotic?) asteroid colony in the first capitalist venture outside of the Earth SOI

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The rules have been updated with a close date of October 8, 2016 at 7:05:00 pm EDT.  There are now numerous videos widely available showing the launch you can use to improve realism.  Video feed from the Centaur camera including OSIRIS-REx separation is here.  More video should be posted later.

Please post your entry in this thread, state for which category you are competing.  One entry per person per category.  Evaluations will not occur until after the contest has closed.

Have fun.

Edited by IonStorm
added video
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On 5/23/2016 at 1:32 PM, IonStorm said:

I'm glad you like the name.  OSIRIS-REx was based on the mission objectives:


  • Origins:  Return and analyze a sample of pristine carbonaceous asteroid regolith
  • Spectral Interpretation:  Provide ground truth for telescopic data of the entire asteroid population
  • Resource Identification:  Map the chemistry and mineralogy of a primitive carbonaceous asteroid
  • Security:  Measure the Yarkovsky effect on a potentially hazardous asteroid

Plus Egyptology is cool.  We proposed OSIRIS twice in the NASA Discovery mission line, but the Agency selected nobody for our first cycle then Grail for our second.  The biggest problem was we couldn't fit in the cost box for Discovery.  We proposed for New Frontiers, with about double the budget and as a joke someone added REX to the end to signify it was bigger.  The joke stuck, so we decided that REx must mean:

  • Regolith Explorer:  Document the regolith at the sampling site at scales down to the sub-cm

NASA does love their acronyms.  I'm fond of this passage

Anyway, the spacecraft (or s/c) shipped to NASA KSC Friday and final preparations for launch September 8, 2016 at 7:05 EDT are underway.  

I am very much looking forward to your OSIRIS-REx model in KSP.


Not just a NASA thing, and at least they make some kind of sense. Unlike the National Biomedical Research Center for AdvanCed ESR Technology (ACERT).

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On September 8, 2016 at 4:54 PM, njmksr said:

Whoops! Forgot we had a member of the OSIRIS-REx team on the forums!

I doubt that he'll be paying attention to this. He's either got pre-launch coverage to watch, or, ya know, he's actually there :P << (More likely)

I was on console in the event of an anomaly.  Luckily, it was pretty boring. :D

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23 minutes ago, IonStorm said:

I was on console in the event of an anomaly.  Luckily, it was pretty boring. :D

Congrats to your team, ULA, and the USAF range team. Really a textbook launch yesterday. I was impressed with how easy you folks made it look.



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8 hours ago, Robotengineer said:

@IonStorm What do you (and the team) do during the cruise phase?

Most of the team moves to other projects.  (This is one reason launch is bittersweet. I will now rarely see the friends I have made and worked with for years.)  There will be periodic updates https://dslauretta.com/2016/09/10/osiris-rex-day-2-in-space/ through the DSN http://eyes.nasa.gov/dsn/dsn.html. So the navigation team is getting busy as the build team moves on.  (Note that the enhanced acceleration noted was truly tiny, on the order of µm/s2.)  My time on the project also decreases--there is less for me to do on a daily basis and this saves money for OSIRIS-REx.

There are some scheduled activities:  calibrations, rehearsals of observing modes (ground testing is great, but not quite the same as in space), tweaks to the software.  15 days after launch we turn on the instruments for a health check.  In January we do a maneuver to put us on track with Bennu and prepare for EGA in a year. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kennedy Space Center has posted a bunch more photos.  https://www.flickr.com/photos/nasakennedy/sets/72157668020787040

Here are launch videos to help you too, among many on the web.  Note that OSIRIS-REx launched ~180ms into the opening of the window, so the nominal timelines in pre-launch videos are pretty accurate.





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  • 3 weeks later...

At launch +30 days Phase C/D is over, this signifies the end of construction, testing, and launch operations.  OSIRIS-REx launched exactly 30 days ago at 7:05:00.180 EST and prepares for its first trajectory correction maneuver http://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/nasa-tests-thrusters-on-journey-to-asteroid-bennu. And so the entries for this contest is over.  I will tally the responses and award prizes (digital and real for winners willing to have OSIRIS-REx pins and stickers mailed to them) shortly.  Thank you for your interest.  

OSIRIS-REx will continue towards a main engine burn in December, Earth gravity assist next September, Bennu encounter the following summer, sampling in 2020, and Earth return to Utah September 24, 2023 at 8:53am MDT.  Keep looking out for OSIRIS-REx information and enjoy KSP!

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14 hours ago, IonStorm said:

At launch +30 days Phase C/D is over, this signifies the end of construction, testing, and launch operations.  OSIRIS-REx launched exactly 30 days ago at 7:05:00.180 EST and prepares for its first trajectory correction maneuver http://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2016/nasa-tests-thrusters-on-journey-to-asteroid-bennu. And so the entries for this contest is over.  I will tally the responses and award prizes (digital and real for winners willing to have OSIRIS-REx pins and stickers mailed to them) shortly.  Thank you for your interest.  

OSIRIS-REx will continue towards a main engine burn in December, Earth gravity assist next September, Bennu encounter the following summer, sampling in 2020, and Earth return to Utah September 24, 2023 at 8:53am MDT.  Keep looking out for OSIRIS-REx information and enjoy KSP!

Shame I didn't get to do this, but congrats to everyone that did. Hope the mission goes well!

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Looking through the posts, I have found the following entries.  Thought the contest has ended, you can still post your mission here for the fun and education of it all.

Winners in each category determined by review between OSIRIS-REx Project Scientist and Social Media Lead.  Congratulations. 

1. Most accurate spacecraft reproduction in stock KSP with no mods
Entry Date

@MarkoeZ (Winner)

May 2



2. Most accurate spacecraft reproduction with unlimited use of mods
Name Entry Date Proof
May 1

@Wonderbreadninja (Winner)

June 19





June 21



August 2




Sept 3


3. Most accurate reproduction of OSIRIS-REx mission design in the KSP universe (unlimited mods)
Name Entry Date Proof
March 30


@Nefrums (Winner)

June 20



July 3



 @Thomas H.

August 13


Lane Jain*

Aug 13


*Accidentally found on YouTube, but not entered here.  Listed for information only.
4. Most accurate reproduction of OSIRIS-REx mission design in RSS/RO (unlimited mods)
5. Lowest ∆V OSIRIS-REx mission design in the KSP universe to (unlimited mods)
6. Lowest ∆V OSIRIS-REx mission design in RSS/RO (unlimited mods)
7. Funniest and most epic fail
Upon notification, winners (and @KillAshley for including Bennu in Kopernicus) can have OSIRIS-REx swag mailed to them, if they wish to provide an address via private message.
All contestants and individuals who have provided substantive contributions to this forum have permission to add this .gif to their signature: 
Thank you for participating and for your interest in OSIRIS-REx, NASA, and space exploration.
Edited by IonStorm
Having trouble getting the links to people working.
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