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OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return

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On 1/19/2017 at 4:51 AM, VaPaL said:

A quick update: OSIRIS-REx successfully performed it's first Deep Space Maneuver on December 28th and yesterday (January 18th) also successfully performed a Trajectory Correction Maneuver.

On February it will serach for Earth Trojans and on September it will do and Earth fly-by.




EDIT: Well, I just notice that this is not on Science & Spaceflight, but in Challenge & Mission Ideas, but oh well...


Earth flyby! Bennu probe in the news!

Edited by Jetski
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Data! Science!  Gravity!

The Earth Gravity Assist went perfectly with the trajectory right down the middle (blue line, the green, yellow, and red are 1, 2 and 3 sigma errors to the 2-way X-band Doppler residuals during the EGA).


And the images and spectra look great.  http://www.asteroidmission.org/?latest-news=osiris-rex-views-earth-flyby 

Now on to Bennu,  http://www.lizard-tail.com/isana/orb/misc/osiris_rex/ 

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  • 2 weeks later...



"This was solid now"






Hi! Here is my little thing i did using MSpaint, my shaking hand, fear, regret and discouragement.

But i managed to make it anyway, and it turned out not as badly ass i though it will be.

This is an alternative patch for this challenge.

Your welcome! :) 

(more like sorry, actually, i hope it won't be very disgusting)


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9 hours ago, cratercracker said:



"This was solid now"






Hi! Here is my little thing i did using MSpaint, my shaking hand, fear, regret and discouragement.

But i managed to make it anyway, and it turned out not as badly ass i though it will be.

This is an alternative patch for this challenge.

Your welcome! :) 

(more like sorry, actually, i hope it won't be very disgusting)


Nicely done.  The colors remind me of Earth.  I hope the real asteroid is darker and rounder (and larger with respect to the spacecraft), but very pretty.  You are also welcome to tweet, instagram, etc. it to @OSIRISREx

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/18/2016 at 7:27 AM, IonStorm said:

These are good questions and I don't have immediate answers of what is fun, challenging, and reasonable, as my personal experience is messing around in stock KSP and watching Scott Manley and Bob Fitch videos.  


  1. Most accurate spacecraft reproduction in stock KSP with no mods
  2. Most accurate spacecraft reproduction with unlimited use of mods
  3. Most accurate reproduction of OSIRIS-REx mission design in the KSP universe (unlimited mods)
  4. Most accurate reproduction of OSIRIS-REx mission design in RSS/RO (unlimited mods)
  5. Lowest ∆V OSIRIS-REx mission design in the KSP universe to (unlimited mods)
  6. Lowest ∆V OSIRIS-REx mission design in RSS/RO (unlimited mods)
  7. Consolation prize for funniest and most epic fail

Proof: For 1 and 2 the .craft file (and list of mods for 2) and images are sufficient, but additional explanatory video appreciated. For 3-6 images or a single explanatory video of launch, maneuvers, and each mission phase.  Please read the posts in the thread, http://www.asteroidmission.org, https://dslauretta.comhttp://gsfcir.gsfc.nasa.gov/colloquia/4942/touchstone-the-osiris-rex-design-reference-mission, https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/osiris-rex/index.htmlhttps://www.facebook.com/OSIRISREx/https://www.youtube.com/osirisrexhttps://www.instagram.com/osiris_rex/https://plus.google.com/+OSIRISRExMission/postshttps://twitter.com/OSIRISREx, etc. for the details on these phases, the spacecraft, the payload, and the sampling system.

Limits: KSP version 1.0 or newer is permitted, the most recent version is preferred.  Propulsion systems for 1-4 are chemical and the spacecraft is monoprop.  For 5-6 propulsion systems are limited to those plausibly available (e.g. chemical, ion, nuclear, aerospike, etc.) but not future technologies with no real-world prototype (e.g. no fusion, fission, warp, etc.).  For 5 and 6, mission duration cannot be longer than 15 years.  Low ∆V missions which to not adequately survey Bennu will not be considered. In categories 2-7 all mods/plugins must be listed.  Any custom-made mods/plugins and .craft files must be supplied.  All missions (categories 3-7) must have a launch wet mass of 2110 kg and encounter an object of Bennu's mass and size, such as the one generously created by @KillAshley's Kopernicus.

Judging: I will judge the fidelity of the submission to the mission and reserve the right to solicit the input of members of the OSIRIS-REx team.

Are these rules fun and fair?  If so, I'll add them to the front post or accept suggestions to modify them to maximize your entertainment and education.

So i can use my trusty 1.3 right?

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17 hours ago, [insert_name_here] said:

I just noticed this thread and this OSIRIS-REx thing sounds very nice! It's also awesome to hear from an actual NASA scientist working on the project. Just out of pure curiosity @IonStorm what do you do in between the important parts of the mission?

I have many jobs.  Within OSIRIS-REx there is a constant low level of activity with several different weekly status meetings, planning for future major events (“Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable,” Eisenhower), etc.  This can also involve travel, not as extensive as during the busy times, but enough.  I had a very long interview last month which resulted in only a few comments about travel and  lunch here, https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2017/09/osiris-rex-flyby/541434/, silly but true.

I am also Chief (aka department chair) of Astrochemistry, plus I have a research lab to run, papers to write, peer reviewing the work of others, giving presentations to scientists and the public, writing proposals, and a few minor roles on other missions. 

It is all about maximizing the taxpayer's investments--something we take very seriously.

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  • 1 year later...
Just now, eagle92lightning said:

My one problem will be inexperience. I have only landed on the Mun once, and I used MechJeb.

So the thing about Bennu, is it is much smaller than the smallest moon in KSP and much bigger than the biggest asteroid.  Bennu has a diameter of 0.5 km while Gilly is 26 km and a Class E asteroid is about 0.03 km, either way the sampling is more like docking than landing on Mun.  Unlike the Mun, actually intercepting it is more difficult, since you cannot rely on just getting captured.  Have fun.

BTW, in the next few months we should have an accurate shape and image model for the real Bennu, which I hope will be imported into RSS.



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Just now, eagle92lightning said:

Something interesting, my real name in actually on the real spacecraft.

There are two copies, one in the Sample Return Capsule, which will return to Earth and eventually reside in the Smithsonian Museum and the other will stay in space on the spacecraft bus. Below are some images of the chip with engraved names being installed on the spacecraft bus.  Amusingly, OSIRIS-REx shared a cleanroom with InSight, which lands on Mars on Monday  (you can see part of the logo in the second image).  You can watch the controllers live here https://mars.nasa.gov/insight/ during the landing.





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7 minutes ago, insert_name said:

why does bennu look so sparkly? It doesnt seem like its albedo should be that high as its a C type.

It is an average of 3% albedo.  Though the image is stretched, there is a lot of variation in darkness.  It will be interesting to figure out why the bright spots are bright and the dark spots are dark. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/24/2018 at 2:10 PM, IonStorm said:

an accurate shape and image model for the real Bennu, which I hope will be imported into RSS.

I have been thinking recently about a more detailed model in KSP given how much more is known about the shape now...

(either as a 'closer to scale' shape model 'vessel' or even if enlarged in KSP to 'moon size'  for better handling of a PQS version)

the .obj on https://nasa3d.arc.nasa.gov/detail/bennu feels much too plain compared to the detail in the DSK...

I see that KillAshleys Gilly based Bennu .cfg post & download link is still available....and appears to load it in KSP 1.8.1

I see that NAIF Toolkit utility dskexp.exe does make a 99846 vertices .obj from the DSK ( .bds file at  https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/pds/pds4/orex/orex_spice/spice_kernels/dsk/ ...that opens in SBMT

Edited by AloE
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