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I played some good 'ol Among Us today. The new map "The Fungle" just dropped, so I had a few fun rounds. The new tasks and environment were tons of fun, and I even got impostor a couple times. I lost though. :P


Trying to lay low as impostor.


Unlocking (more like unblocking because we're removing mushrooms) the doors.


Reassembling an artifact.


Roasting those marshmallows.


Emergency meeting!


*Zipline going up intensifies*


The new eject animation. It's like a Viking funeral, except the person who's ejected is alive when it happens. A bit brutal. :P

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My son got Cities 2 on GamePass.  Trying to run the game at 1080p on his comp (AMD 6600 GPU) and following recommended settings... The game doesn't look great.  Certainly not like advertised nor like the CC hype before release. 

Other major problem for me is that the economic simulation is broken.  The movement of goods around the city, calls and pushes and what is asking for what where just does not work.  (The devs have acknowledged this). 

My kid's observation?  The economy is so forgiving that the game is little more than a painter... And one that does not look good. 

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On 10/28/2023 at 7:33 PM, TwoCalories said:

The new eject animation. It's like a Viking funeral, except the person who's ejected is alive when it happens. A bit brutal.

You will find 42% of my launches "a bit brutal", then.

( and probably not only mine :P)

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20 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

My son got Cities 2 on GamePass.  Trying to run the game at 1080p on his comp (AMD 6600 GPU) and following recommended settings... The game doesn't look great.  Certainly not like advertised nor like the CC hype before release. 

Sorry for posting a VK screenshot of a Twitter screenshot of a Reddit post, but... ahem...



as well as multiple clothing layers.



[screenshot of model of naked female body omitted]


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20 minutes ago, DDE said:


I've seen that.  There is a developer response stating that teeth and LOD are not (really) the issue.  Some hit... but not a major one.


As for the overall LOD issue, yes, LOD are one of the issues we are addressing that we believe are affecting the game's performance. Yes, our characters have teeth. No, the characters' teeth are not affecting performance in any way we would call significant."

Cities: Skylines 2 developer: 'Yes, our characters have teeth. No, the characters' teeth are not affecting performance' | PC Gamer


My biggest concern is the 'broken' simulation side.  There is apparently a very wonky economic model that has multiple things wrong with it.  A lot of people complaining about it just being a painter at the moment.

The complaint echoes that of my son; there's not really a game to be played at the moment.  Sure you can build something that looks like a city - but the game is so forgiving that there's no challenge.  All you do is build (paint) something that you hope looks nice.

Except - with the graphics issues?  


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FWIW - here's the CO official response about economic simulation problems:


Hi everyone. I just wanted to pop in and shed some light on this situation as resource management in Cities: Skylines II is, unfortunately, affected by a few bugs at the moment. We are aware of this and currently investigating these issues:

  • City services only trade with outside connections, even when storage companies in your city have the resources they need. They should of course be able to purchase the resources your city produces locally.
  • Harbors are mainly trading with your city’s storage companies, not other zoned buildings or city services. As you would expect, they should be able to trade with all zoned buildings and services, allowing your city to import and export through them.
  • We’re investigating reports that indicate the cargo terminal is affected by the same or an issue similar to the harbors.

It’s also worth noting that transportation distance affects costs. We expect that your businesses will prefer the closest storage facilities over a further away harbor/cargo terminal, however, that does not explain the reports we’re seeing.

I want to apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your reports. The information you provide us is very valuable in narrowing down these issues, and should you encounter any other issues or unexpected behavior, please make sure to report them on our support forum. Response times are a little slow at the moment, but we are working our way through all of your reports and greatly appreciate them and your patience. Thank you


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26 minutes ago, AstroWolfie said:

A fellow cities skylines player i see. you have any tips for my cities? they all seem to need workers.


What game is this? I'd like to try it

Is it workers you need, or educated workers? The solution to educated is to simply place more schools. The problem should eventually go away. If you don’t have enough workers in general, you might need less factories and shops or more houses. If it’s CS2, I can’t help you.

The game is called Mars Horizon. You can play as the ESA, NASA, the USSR/Russia, CNSA, or JAXA. You lead your space program from the earliest days all the way to the first Mars landing.

Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/765810/Mars_Horizon/

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13 hours ago, AstroWolfie said:

I think I expand too fast

Death wave? At some point your initial generation of workers become seniors. Almost all at once!

You have to pace your expansion so that they don't.

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Taking a bit of a break from KSP, playing a lot of DCS.

Here are a lot of screenshots of some things I've been doing:


F-14 Aerial Refueling:


Slurp Slurp


Even though I haven't played DCS in quite some time, I seemed to have kept my aerial refueling skills!


Overwhelming Force Mission (Included with the F-16C Module):



As some of you know, I used to live in Arizona. Pretty nice state, but it's so friggin hot. So hot in fact that my mother no longer wanted to live there, so I now live in New Mexico.

Wore this livery as a nod.



4YA Caucasus PVE:



Chilling at Angels 53.


My AIM-120C-5 is about to give this poor A-50 a bad day. (It actually took 3 AMRAAMS to take him down. Not the best use of taxpayer dollars or my ammunition... I could've splashed 3 enemy fighters instead :P)



4YA Aerobatics; Formation Practicing:



Unrelated; as I was taxiing, a Huey and a what looks like a Hind or a Black Shark were dancing over the airfield lol


Practicing flying in a formation with some F/A-18s, and an F-5E a MiG-28.



F-16 Aerial Refueling 1:


Not much to see here, though I feel I am getting much better at plugging in the F-16.



4YA Aerobatics; F-16 Aerial Refueling 2:



Not refueling yet, but it's quite pretty way up here at Angels... I don't remember, and I can't really read what's on the HUD.


Very, very small crosswind at Angels 30... haha


After plugging, we were at the very far northern reaches of the Caucasus. I decided to fly in a formation with the tanker ALLLLL the way back.


Pieapple thinks the Hornet is better than the Viper. He even spelled it as F18. Funny.


I plugged again, before heading back to the airfield I took off from.



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I've picked up Cities: Skylines again, this time with a challenge: build a realistic city. Dunsfield was already fairly realistic, but there were still some... creative liberties taken. The new city I've created is called New Durham, and so far I've been working on the lakeside suburb part. Designing it has showed me how much of a hell American suburbs are, but let's not get into that right now. Here's what I have so far:


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On 11/4/2023 at 7:28 AM, The Aziz said:

Since I QA'd CS2, I may or may not be willing to help with some troublesome elements here.

That is cool of you... Sadly taking a break until some of the graphics stuff gets optimized and scrolling the official forums for word on the economy. 

I suspect graphics is the priority.  The economic failsafes have been talked about, but no promises made. 

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I still hammer on Skyrim. My hot Nord wife tells me how great my house is and the kids love it while beheading bandits and other beasts.

She's great. :)

Okay, truth time: My wife is Serana. I got her to convert herself to be Human, not a Vampire.

She's as maternal as a rock, but she's still hot, so why not.

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I've been playing 2 very different games that are also very different from KSP.

The first is Spirit Hunters: Infinite Horde. Its genre is "Bullet Heaven" which I'd never heard of before but understand immediately, knowing (and hating) "Bullet Hell" type-games where bullets are flying everywhere and you have to aim at 37 enemies at once. In this and other Bullet Heaven games, you merely move around (and pick your weapons) and your weapons fire on their own. Enemies are many, but don't shoot and merely head toward you to attack. It's a bit of a en experience interspersed with panic moments.


The second is the Saints Row reboot. I was leery to pick this up but it had a sale on Steam and I figured it was time to try it. It's ... okay. There's nothing WRONG with it per se but there's not much new here. Wing suits are in pretty much every game these days and they're easier to use in most other games. The story is what you'd expect from a Saints Row reboot - you are basically a God who can do whatever you want but somehow can barely make rent, and you figure hey why don't I get my buddies together and take over an entire town?


I enjoy both enough to be happy I bought them, and will likely finish SR and play SHIH at least long enough to get all the achievements.

Note: Images aren't mine. I picked the image from the Steam page that best showed how the game looked while playing.

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Minecraft servers should be fun, right?

Nope. Not at all. Servers like Hypixel for example, which were probably intended to be fun community places, are now filled with sweats and cheaters and it ruins everything.

It sucks, really. Minecraft survival gets boring after a while, so players like me go to servers to have "fun". But all the games revolve around PvP now, and you can't get better because everyone is already like Level 100 or uses autoclicker and there's no tutorials or anything. Also, all the tutorials on YouTube suck, too.

So, I guess I'm just quitting Minecraft servers entirely. There's no fun anymore. Even the non-PvP games are filled with sweats and unfair plays.

So yeah, there's my rant. :P

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After my rant about servers, I decided to go back to my Minecraft roots with some good 'ol survival.


A lovely spawn.


My *amazing* first night survival base. :P


Went mining to pass a few in-game days.


The mine expanded into this huge cave, which I'll explore one day when I'm properly geared.


I got full iron gear except for the helmet, plus the shield.

I spent a while digging away a large amount of dirt to flatten the area for my future house. I was thinking something using the surrounding resources: spruce, birch, and oak wood, as well as some cobblestone, deepslate, and other stones in the mine I made.

I was thinking of building my own little village, with my own house and some other buildings that I can use, as well as decorating the mine.

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I'm doing another Unites States first run in Mars Horizon, and I finished Era I today!


On the launchpad is a Mercury-Redstone, capable of taking a Human to orbit. Somehow. I don't know this is an alternate history let's roll with it.



And in September of 1960, Runa Braun became the first person ever to go into space and enter orbit, safely returning to Earth later that day. Eat that, Soviet Union! Next goal: Mars, Venus, and complex crewed missions.

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3 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

On the launchpad is a Mercury-Redstone, capable of taking a Human to orbit. Somehow. I don't know this is an alternate history let's roll with it.

The lack of a retrorocket is decidedly alarming.

Although it's par the course for this community.

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So, I changed my Minecraft mods, so I started a new survival game (again)...

I've had a really nice start. I spent the first few days mining and gearing up, and then spent the next building a nice house. I chose a little outcropping of land that borders the ocean, and it's small, but large enough to have a nice little farm. I'll also add some decorations and build a dedicated mine somewhere nearby, but here's what I have so far.


My little house, with the garden surrounding it.


The interior. The wooden pickaxe in the item frame is my first pickaxe that I crafted, so I hung it up for decoration.


The attic, where there's some storage and my bed.

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I got Desynced on Steam (20% sale on a game I already want? Okay!) and played it a bit. I'm not going to dive into it until I get through the last 2 games I mentioned, but i played it for an hour and as a fan of factory games AND "write little scripts" games I think it's just my thing.


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