[Input desired] Preparing a new college class for Fall 2017
An unofficial poll as I put together a college class for Fall 2017...
31 members have voted
1. If you were going to take a class focusing on space exploration, when do you think the course materials should begin?
With ancient astronomy and star observations of the Maya, Aztec, Celts, Egyptians, and the Chinese legend of Wan Hu
Galileo Galilei and his observations, begin in the European Reniassance
Begin with the German V1 (Fieseler Fi 103) program, starting with the early experiments in 1936
Post World War II programs (both manned and unmanned) of both the United States and the Soviet Union
Post World War II programs (manned only) of both the United States and the Soviet Union0
2. If you were a college student, would you be more interested in...
Taking both courses to learn of the continual development of space exploration and how it led to spaceflight.
Take the first course which focuses on space exploration and space flight, ending with Apollo.0
Take the second course which would begin with Skylab and culminate with commercial space exploration.0
3. If you were a college student, would you prefer...
A traditional course with term papers, small assignments, and exams.
A course divided into modules, each containing lectures, exams, and a project.
A course divided into modules, each containing lectures, exams, with a separate major course project.0
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