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[1.12.x] SXT Continued


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Help. I can't install the mod fully. I'm using the master edition but it's only giving me a tiny probe part. And that's the only part it wants to give me. Like I said. Please help. If I'm doing something wrong, tell me how to actually install the mod.

Edited by AD-DA
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This is not a complaint or a problem by any means, just something that... well I found amusing that I did because I am dumb at times.


So, B9 updated to 1.3 three days ago, give or take, and I was like... "ooo YES!" lets update. So, I follow @blowfish instructions and I work on changing out my Old B9 stuff, and I think... hmmmm B9PartSwitcher and B9AnimationModule... they might have changed too...

SOOO, I just think 'ell with it, I will change out all the grouped Dependencies just to be sure. JSI, SmokeScreen..... FireSpitter. Prior to this I just got done with adding few "Eye Candy" Mods, thank you very much @Galileo *Bows*. Alright, load this 3 hour (Gross exaggeration, more like 20 mins) Loading screen with 30,000 some Module Manager Patches. 

Now we get to where, I am an idiot and I realized I ****** up <Associate Popular Meme for Reference So we load and hit the SXT section... and it stops loading, doesn't crash, doesn't freeze. I noticed the puny loading references above the bare were still moving. Well, crap, So I think what did I do, what did I change. I reload, some problem. I remove things I added, same problem. I stare at the screen and I realize, PropEng... "Propellers". I think, what manages those... FIRESPITTER! I shout, "sleeping GF kicks me" so I whisper again "FIRESPITTER", with enthusiasm mind you. Well now I try all manner of things, delete and reload FS, I try loading the B9 Packaged FS... no luck... I think what is wrong... did SXT update? 

To which I think, @linuxgurugamer is a friggen Robot Wizard AI from the Nth dimension so this mod is probably already prepared for a KSP version 3.5. Still I dig into the GitHub and look in the files. Aha, FireSpitter is there... what is different I think. Upon closer inspection I see, 'Resources' and I look in the GamaData on the C: SSD, and I see no, 'Resources.' No... It cannot be that simple [It was that simple], there is no way that is my issue [It was indeed my Issue]. I replace the File and reboot for a 6th time... and sure as Jeb is immortal; the game has fully loaded.



always Check your folders people, it could be as simple as a small missing 'Resource' file.

To the Devs I mentioned in this silly long winded, but true a the crabby patty formula, Thank you for your tireless and amazing work, I am going to blow up now.


Love and respect,




10 hours ago, Trekkie148 said:

This mod is great and I have Module Manager installed but the game crashes because of this. I installed this with the SXT and the Firespitter folder in the Gamedata folder  but it still crashes. Plus I have 1.3. I need help! :P

Do you have the most up to date versions of FireSpitter and Module Manager? 

  • Check FireSpitter to be sure all the folders that were packaged with the GitHub are there
  • Check ModuleManager are you on 2.8.1.dll ?
  • finally a link to a PrtSc of you GameData would help and Possibly a .Logs File.

However, I have a sinking suspicion I can help without needing that yet.


PS. Sorry for the Double Post, I just saw the "Quoted" Post a second ago

Edited by zeineizoku
just some small spacing and post separation.
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On 25.7.2017 at 11:34 PM, Trekkie148 said:

This mod is great and I have Module Manager installed but the game crashes because of this. I installed this with the SXT and the Firespitter folder in the Gamedata folder  but it still crashes. Plus I have 1.3. I need help! :P

Do you also have Hullcam Installed?

Found an Issue at my RO RP-0 install where Hullcam VDS seems to interfere with EntenteCockpit RPM internals. Game always crashed at Launch. Removed Hullcam VDS and it works normal. I have 54 Mods installed in whole, none of the other Mods is making Problems,... for now... ^^

P.S.: Im running on 1.2.2 so i dont know if its the same issue anyways..

Edit: I now doubt that it has something to do with SXT particularly, Community Category Kit leads also to a crash at loading....

Edited by Euer_Hochwuergen
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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Gregg Kermin said:

Whenever i return to vehicle assembly building with any SXT parts my game crashes. Please help


Unity Player [version: Unity 5.4.0p4_b15b5ae035b7]


== [end of error.log] ==

Sorry, Gregg Kermin, but we had to remove the log because big files like that cause slow page loading on the forum. Please upload the log to a file sharing site and post the link here. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm having an issue with the FL-S3 Petal Adapter... exploding whenever I decouple.

Replicated with only SXT and its bundled dependencies included in the Spacedock link installed. (video)

KSP 1.3, ModuleManager 2.8.0

All parts on the example craft stock except the FL-S3.

~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log Here

Example Video.

Triggering manually, with staging, or in action groups makes no difference.  Setting force percent to 0 also makes no difference.

If I put another coupler inside the adapter, it doesn't explode, but the two halves are flung apart very quickly, around 1,000 m/s instantly.

As best I can recall, I haven't had any issues with any other SXT parts.

I have no problem messing with config files.  Are there any changes I could try to get it to work?

Edited by Geonovast
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7 hours ago, Geonovast said:

I'm having an issue with the FL-S3 Petal Adapter... exploding whenever I decouple.

Replicated with only SXT and its bundled dependencies included in the Spacedock link installed.

All parts on the example craft stock except the FL-S3.

~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log Here

Example Video.

Triggering manually, with staging, or in action groups makes no difference.  Setting force percent to 0 also makes no difference.

If I put another coupler inside the adapter, it doesn't explode, but the two halves are flung apart very quickly, around 1,000 m/s instantly.

As best I can recall, I haven't had any issues with any other SXT parts.

I have no problem messing with config files.  Are there any changes I could try to get it to work?

If you are having issues with installed dependencies, it is likely an issue with the recent KSP update.

Some modules will have to be rebuilt for 1.3.1

Changing the config files won't help this.

Since SXT auto-detects the included mods with the exception of Module Manager (used for this function) removing everything except module manager than updating module manager should resolve the issues.  If not they will take more debugging.

Then you can install updated versions one by one to make sure everything is working. 

If you don't want to go through this hassle, I recommend waiting a few days until the maintainers have done so for you.

Edited by Ruedii
moar details. (remove OPTIONAL dependecies.) Module Manager is the only REQUIRED dependency.
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14 hours ago, Ruedii said:

If you are having issues with installed dependencies, it is likely an issue with the recent KSP update.

Some modules will have to be rebuilt for 1.3.1

Changing the config files won't help this.

Since SXT auto-detects the included mods with the exception of Module Manager (used for this function) removing everything except module manager than updating module manager should resolve the issues.  If not they will take more debugging.

Then you can install updated versions one by one to make sure everything is working. 

If you don't want to go through this hassle, I recommend waiting a few days until the maintainers have done so for you.

I'm still on 1.3.  Video taken with only SXT, Module Manager 2.8.0 and Firespitter installed (Everything that comes with the Spacedock download link)

My main mod install has MM 2.8.1 and it happens there too.  I'll remove Firespitter and try again.

Update: Game will not load without Firespitter.  Just sits on here. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Im doing the Realism Overhaul thing. The issue I have is that on the TT-06 launch tower, the base of the tower is halfway up the lower part of the tower. It looks like it could hit the rocket possibly. Its not on the ground like it should be. Does anyone else see that happening? I used ckan to do the install. It looks correct in Nathan Kell's RO tutorials. Any ideas as to what the problem might be?


I had posted this elsewhere and just discovered that the launch tower is from this mod. At any rate, it looks like the base of the tower isnt correct somehow and it rides up with the tower once raised a bit. Looks like it should be able to stay on the ground more that it currently does. Ive been trying to find which part it is in the files but could not find it. Just a FYI.

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11 hours ago, Kevin Kyle said:

Im doing the Realism Overhaul thing. The issue I have is that on the TT-06 launch tower, the base of the tower is halfway up the lower part of the tower. It looks like it could hit the rocket possibly. Its not on the ground like it should be. Does anyone else see that happening? I used ckan to do the install. It looks correct in Nathan Kell's RO tutorials. Any ideas as to what the problem might be?


I had posted this elsewhere and just discovered that the launch tower is from this mod. At any rate, it looks like the base of the tower isnt correct somehow and it rides up with the tower once raised a bit. Looks like it should be able to stay on the ground more that it currently does. Ive been trying to find which part it is in the files but could not find it. Just a FYI.

Picture, please

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45 minutes ago, Kevin Kyle said:

I see that in stock as well.

I think it is a problem with the basic model, and there isn't anything I can do about it without someone else reworking the model

Best suggestion is to use the SpaceY clamps instead, or just use these on the lower part of the ship

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8 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

I see that in stock as well.

I think it is a problem with the basic model, and there isn't anything I can do about it without someone else reworking the model

Best suggestion is to use the SpaceY clamps instead, or just use these on the lower part of the ship

OK. do I need to bring that to someones attention? AFAIK, I dont have to use them at all so far. I only noticed it because Nathan used them in his tutorial video which I believe he made last year on a build prior to 1.2.2. Thanks for your help. Oh and thanks for all you do here which appears to be a lot. Dont know where you find the time. I appreciate everything you do. :)

Edited by Kevin Kyle
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22 minutes ago, Kevin Kyle said:

OK. do I need to bring that to someones attention? AFAIK, I dont have to use them at all so far. I only noticed it because Nathan used them in his tutorial video which I believe he made last year on a build prior to 1.2.2. Thanks for your help. Oh and thanks for all you do here which appears to be a lot. Dont know where you find the time. I appreciate everything you do. :)

You can ask if somebody wants to work on it, but the original author is long gone.  If you do find someone, have them get in touch with me since I maintain it.

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