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[KSP 1.12.1+] Galileo's Planet Pack [v1.6.6] [23 Sept 2021]


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@DarkFighter, et al...

OK, gathering stuff together for my Rald craziness. Here's my Rald config:

    useOnDemand = false   
        name = Rald
        flightGlobalsIndex = 199
            	name = Laythe
		removeOcean = true
            	removePQSMods = PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap, PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
			radius = 320000
			geeASL = 0.33
			rotationPeriod = 21549.4251830898
			tidallyLocked = True
			sphereOfInfluence = 812233
			description = Primitive Kerbals believed Rald to be the herald of the gods because the other celestial objects moved about the sky while Rald stood still, others believed it was the king of the gods. Kerbals on the other side of the planet didn't believe Rald existed - Many wars were fought. Later its study lead to science and navigation advances. It is believed to have formed at after a giant impact which also made Mun. It has also long been the source of invaders in kerbal science fiction. Its orbits close enough to be protected by Kerbin's magnetic field, allowing it to hold on to its atmosphere better. 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 120000 240000 480000 600000
				landedDataValue = 2.75
				splashedDataValue = 3.0
				flyingLowDataValue = 2.0
				flyingHighDataValue = 1.75
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 1.75
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5
				recoveryValue = 3
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 7500
				spaceAltitudeThreshold =  140000				
            biomeMap = Rald/PluginData/BiomesFinal.png
                    name = Polar Caps
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,1,1,1
                    name = Kraken Mare
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.012,0.329,0.576,1
                    name = Kellas Sea
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.020,0.20,1,1
                    name = Lowlands
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.788,0.055,1
                    name = Lesser Volcanoes
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.251,0,0,1
                    name = Large Eroded Volcano
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.682,0.788,1
                    name = Krakatowa Gulf
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0,0.635,0.910,1
                    name = Bay of Rivers
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.639,0.286,0.643,1
                    name = Curiosity Cove
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.600,0.851,0.918,1
                    name = Frigid Fjord
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.784,0.749,0.906,1
                    name = Pyramids
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0.349,0.349,0.349,1
                    name = Ancient Settlements
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0.667,0.667,0.667,1
                    name = Ancient City
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0.498,0.498,0.498,1
                    name = Ancient Airport
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0,0,0,1
                    name = Dunes
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.573,0.565,0.012,1
                    name = Karsis Plateau
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.580,0.322,0.012,1
                    name = Great Rift Valley
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.58,0.067,0.012,1
                    name = Kargyre Impact Basin
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.576,0.012,1
                    name = Rivers
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.012,0.976,0.012,1
                    name = Volcanoes
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.149,0.012,1
                    name = Coasts
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.988,0.475,1
            referenceBody = Kerbin
            color = 0.56683,0.5996605,0.55563,0.8813723
            inclination = 0.0
            eccentricity = 0.0
	    semiMajorAxis = 3435733.51
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 150
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.34000010490417
            epoch = 0
			ambientColor = 0.27451,0.21905,0.14483205,1
			lightColor = 0.5797,0.58792,0.559,0.25
			enabled = true
			oxygen = true
			albedo = 0.2
			altitude = 50000.0
			staticPressureASL = 55.6625

				key = 0	55.6625 0 -0.0103503
				key = 1000 41.2557 -0.00851910 -0.00851910
				key = 3000 27.1722 -0.00573779 -0.00573779
				key = 6000 14.2599 -0.00311942 -0.00311942
				key = 9000 7.31086 -0.00165699 -0.00165699
				key = 12000 3.66142 -0.000857698 -0.000857698
				key = 15000 1.79476 -0.000432219 -0.000432219
				key = 20000 0.528330 -0.000130770 -0.000130770
				key = 25000 0.151615 -3.81128E-05 -3.81128E-05
				key = 30000 0.0429112 -1.08640E-05 -1.08640E-05
				key = 35000 0.0120990 -3.05928E-06 -3.05928E-06
				key = 40000 0.00344284 -8.58192E-07 -8.58192E-07
				key = 45000 0.00100353 -2.44677E-07 -2.44677E-07
				key = 50000 0 0 0

			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false            
           	 	temperatureOcean/seaLevel = 294

				key = 0 293 0 -0.0004261126
				key = 1000 282.8 -0.000573325 -0.000573325
				key = 25000 153.7 -0.001877083 -0.001877083
				key = 30000 150 0 0
				key = 45000 150 0 0
				key = 50000 160 0.003746914 0

			temperatureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temperatureLapseRate = 0.0024
			temperatureSunMultCurve = true
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 1000 1 0 0
				key = 25000 0 0 0
				key = 45000 0 0 0
				key = 47350 0.4551345 0.0006885778 0.0006885778
				key = 50000 1 0 0
				key = 0 30 0 -0.0957164
				key = 50 0 -0.950278 -0.950278
				key = 70 -30 -1.955704 -1.955704
				key = 90 -50 -0.02418368 0
				key = 0 18 0 0.06497125
				key = 40 25 0 0
				key = 65 20 -0.5202533 -0.5202533
				key = 90 5 0 0
				key = 0 1.5 0 -3
				key = 1 -1.5 -3 0
            	       	adiabaticIndex = 1.48
			gasMassLapseRate = 2.06477390407027
			atmosphereMolarMass = 0.03596822
			staticPressureASL = 13.51
                texture = Rald/PluginData/RaldScaledSpace.png
		normals = Rald/PluginData/Normals.dds
		rimColorRamp = BUILTIN/desert_atmogradient
		rimPower = 2.06
		rimBlend = 0.3
                	    map = Rald/PluginData/RaldHeight.png
                	    offset = -1398.0
                	    deformity = 10500.0
                	    order = 20
                	    enabled = true
              	      	map = Rald/PluginData/RaldUpClose.png
                  	order = 500
              	      	enabled = true
				enabled = False
				enabled = False
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 16
			minDetailDistance = 16
			oceanColor = 0.00,0.33,0.44,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.10,0.33,0.44,1
				color = 0.00,0.33,0.44,0.5
				colorFromSpace = 0.10,0.33,0.44,1
				color = 0.00,0.33,0.44,0.5
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 1500000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.05,0.33,0.44,0.5
					oceanOpacity = 0.01
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.45,0.45,0.45,1
				fogColorStart = 0.45,0.45,0.45,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.5

OK... maybe I do need to put everything into a .zip.

Anyways, this puts Rald rock-steady in the KSC sky, but that's scaled up to 6.4x. It should still work at normal scale, but there might be some tiny defect in the math. Doublecheck with @OhioBob's number. Also, meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14-ish will put Rald in the western sky, instead.

Also, my Rald is tweaked here to have .55 atm pressure at sea level. Just enough to take your suit off with Texture replacer (also needs a file tweak.) I hope. Testing this now.

@Galileo Is it possible to just prune out the relevant bits from the EVE config, or does that have to be a single file?

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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Sorry, but I gotta say Im surprised this hasn't been posted by now. :P      

I think it goes without saying that Bob Fitch's work is above and beyond legit. Saw he was using GPP for his new episodes and thought id mention it.

Edited by Motokid600
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Just now, Motokid600 said:

Sorry, but I gotta say Im surprised this hasn't been mentioned by now. :P      

I think it goes without saying that this guys work is above and beyond legit.


Oh, yeah, Bob Fitch is awesome. This series, and the two series leading up to  this, are just amazing storytelling/roleplay.  And his Project Alexandria taught me a lot about space flight history that I'd never heard before. I would have mentioned when he switched to GPP but I just recently caught up, and just assumed it was mentioned somewhere in the pages of posts I didn't read while I was taking a break from KSP. 

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@Motokid600 I could have mentioned that here, yes. The series is great. I particularly like when the poster came up with in-story lore for how Gael and her moons got their names, like from an actual Gael Kerman among the KSC's roster, someone couldn't be bothered to give an iota about something, and someone went overboard and wanted to name Ceti, Tau Ceti V. :) 

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That feeling when you finally launch your Iota miner and refining station... then realise it's time for work :( 

3 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Also, my Rald is tweaked here to have .55 atm pressure at sea level. Just enough to take your suit off with Texture replacer (also needs a file tweak.) I hope. Testing this now.

Last career I had a kerbal who didn't seem to need oxygen... he was fine on Rald at default pressure :S  I think it's a holdover from when he became an immortal energy being...



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So I know have configured scatterer, EVE and the Rald folder, but it Rald doesn't show up.

When I load up the game, there is still just Gael, Iota and Ceti.


(Just ask if you want to see my config)

Edited by DarkFighter
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5 hours ago, eddiew said:

That feeling when you finally launch your Iota miner and refining station... then realise it's time for work :( 

Last career I had a kerbal who didn't seem to need oxygen... he was fine on Rald at default pressure :S  I think it's a holdover from when he became an immortal energy being...

Hmm. Is that KAS helmet remover or Texture Replacer? KAS let me remove helmets much higher. 


But if course, with Kerbalism, as soon as they take their suits off they start getting CO2 poisoning. Hmm, low gravity, high pressure, toxic barely-breathable atmosphere... it seems I have created Pandora. :D

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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10 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

@DarkFighter, et al...

OK, gathering stuff together for my Rald craziness. Here's my Rald config:

    useOnDemand = false   
        name = Rald
        flightGlobalsIndex = 199
            	name = Laythe
		removeOcean = true
            	removePQSMods = PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha, PQSMod_VertexHeightNoise, PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightMap, PQSMod_VertexHeightMap
			radius = 320000
			geeASL = 0.33
			rotationPeriod = 21549.4251830898
			tidallyLocked = True
			sphereOfInfluence = 812233
			description = Primitive Kerbals believed Rald to be the herald of the gods because the other celestial objects moved about the sky while Rald stood still, others believed it was the king of the gods. Kerbals on the other side of the planet didn't believe Rald existed - Many wars were fought. Later its study lead to science and navigation advances. It is believed to have formed at after a giant impact which also made Mun. It has also long been the source of invaders in kerbal science fiction. Its orbits close enough to be protected by Kerbin's magnetic field, allowing it to hold on to its atmosphere better. 
			timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 30000 30000 60000 120000 240000 480000 600000
				landedDataValue = 2.75
				splashedDataValue = 3.0
				flyingLowDataValue = 2.0
				flyingHighDataValue = 1.75
				inSpaceLowDataValue = 1.75
				inSpaceHighDataValue = 1.5
				recoveryValue = 3
				flyingAltitudeThreshold = 7500
				spaceAltitudeThreshold =  140000				
            biomeMap = Rald/PluginData/BiomesFinal.png
                    name = Polar Caps
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,1,1,1
                    name = Kraken Mare
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.012,0.329,0.576,1
                    name = Kellas Sea
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.020,0.20,1,1
                    name = Lowlands
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.788,0.055,1
                    name = Lesser Volcanoes
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.251,0,0,1
                    name = Large Eroded Volcano
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.682,0.788,1
                    name = Krakatowa Gulf
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0,0.635,0.910,1
                    name = Bay of Rivers
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.639,0.286,0.643,1
                    name = Curiosity Cove
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.600,0.851,0.918,1
                    name = Frigid Fjord
                    value = 0.5
                    color = 0.784,0.749,0.906,1
                    name = Pyramids
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0.349,0.349,0.349,1
                    name = Ancient Settlements
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0.667,0.667,0.667,1
                    name = Ancient City
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0.498,0.498,0.498,1
                    name = Ancient Airport
                    value = 0.2
                    color = 0,0,0,1
                    name = Dunes
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.573,0.565,0.012,1
                    name = Karsis Plateau
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.580,0.322,0.012,1
                    name = Great Rift Valley
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.58,0.067,0.012,1
                    name = Kargyre Impact Basin
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.576,0.012,1
                    name = Rivers
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 0.012,0.976,0.012,1
                    name = Volcanoes
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.149,0.012,1
                    name = Coasts
                    value = 1.0
                    color = 1,0.988,0.475,1
            referenceBody = Kerbin
            color = 0.56683,0.5996605,0.55563,0.8813723
            inclination = 0.0
            eccentricity = 0.0
	    semiMajorAxis = 3435733.51
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 150
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 1.34000010490417
            epoch = 0
			ambientColor = 0.27451,0.21905,0.14483205,1
			lightColor = 0.5797,0.58792,0.559,0.25
			enabled = true
			oxygen = true
			albedo = 0.2
			altitude = 50000.0
			staticPressureASL = 55.6625

				key = 0	55.6625 0 -0.0103503
				key = 1000 41.2557 -0.00851910 -0.00851910
				key = 3000 27.1722 -0.00573779 -0.00573779
				key = 6000 14.2599 -0.00311942 -0.00311942
				key = 9000 7.31086 -0.00165699 -0.00165699
				key = 12000 3.66142 -0.000857698 -0.000857698
				key = 15000 1.79476 -0.000432219 -0.000432219
				key = 20000 0.528330 -0.000130770 -0.000130770
				key = 25000 0.151615 -3.81128E-05 -3.81128E-05
				key = 30000 0.0429112 -1.08640E-05 -1.08640E-05
				key = 35000 0.0120990 -3.05928E-06 -3.05928E-06
				key = 40000 0.00344284 -8.58192E-07 -8.58192E-07
				key = 45000 0.00100353 -2.44677E-07 -2.44677E-07
				key = 50000 0 0 0

			pressureCurveIsNormalized = false            
           	 	temperatureOcean/seaLevel = 294

				key = 0 293 0 -0.0004261126
				key = 1000 282.8 -0.000573325 -0.000573325
				key = 25000 153.7 -0.001877083 -0.001877083
				key = 30000 150 0 0
				key = 45000 150 0 0
				key = 50000 160 0.003746914 0

			temperatureCurveIsNormalized = false
			temperatureLapseRate = 0.0024
			temperatureSunMultCurve = true
				key = 0 1 0 0
				key = 1000 1 0 0
				key = 25000 0 0 0
				key = 45000 0 0 0
				key = 47350 0.4551345 0.0006885778 0.0006885778
				key = 50000 1 0 0
				key = 0 30 0 -0.0957164
				key = 50 0 -0.950278 -0.950278
				key = 70 -30 -1.955704 -1.955704
				key = 90 -50 -0.02418368 0
				key = 0 18 0 0.06497125
				key = 40 25 0 0
				key = 65 20 -0.5202533 -0.5202533
				key = 90 5 0 0
				key = 0 1.5 0 -3
				key = 1 -1.5 -3 0
            	       	adiabaticIndex = 1.48
			gasMassLapseRate = 2.06477390407027
			atmosphereMolarMass = 0.03596822
			staticPressureASL = 13.51
                texture = Rald/PluginData/RaldScaledSpace.png
		normals = Rald/PluginData/Normals.dds
		rimColorRamp = BUILTIN/desert_atmogradient
		rimPower = 2.06
		rimBlend = 0.3
                	    map = Rald/PluginData/RaldHeight.png
                	    offset = -1398.0
                	    deformity = 10500.0
                	    order = 20
                	    enabled = true
              	      	map = Rald/PluginData/RaldUpClose.png
                  	order = 500
              	      	enabled = true
				enabled = False
				enabled = False
			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
			minLevel = 2
			maxLevel = 16
			minDetailDistance = 16
			oceanColor = 0.00,0.33,0.44,1
				colorFromSpace = 0.10,0.33,0.44,1
				color = 0.00,0.33,0.44,0.5
				colorFromSpace = 0.10,0.33,0.44,1
				color = 0.00,0.33,0.44,0.5
					globalDensity = -0.00001
					heightFalloff = 6.75
					atmosphereDepth = 150000
					DEBUG_SetEveryFrame = true
					cameraAlt = 0
					cameraAtmosAlt = 0
					heightDensAtViewer = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
						waterTex-0 = BUILTIN/sea-water1
						waterTex-1 = BUILTIN/sea-water2
						waterTex-2 = BUILTIN/sea-water3
						waterTex-3 = BUILTIN/sea-water4
						waterTex-4 = BUILTIN/sea-water5
						waterTex-5 = BUILTIN/sea-water6
						waterTex-6 = BUILTIN/sea-water7
						waterTex-7 = BUILTIN/sea-water8
					framesPerSecond = 1
					spaceAltitude = 1500000
					blendA = 0
					blendB = 0
					texBlend = 0
					angle = 0
					specColor = 0.05,0.33,0.44,0.5
					oceanOpacity = 0.01
					spaceSurfaceBlend = 0
					enabled = true
					order = 200
				fogColorEnd = 0.45,0.45,0.45,1
				fogColorStart = 0.45,0.45,0.45,1
				skyColorOpacityBase = 0.5

OK... maybe I do need to put everything into a .zip.

Anyways, this puts Rald rock-steady in the KSC sky, but that's scaled up to 6.4x. It should still work at normal scale, but there might be some tiny defect in the math. Doublecheck with @OhioBob's number. Also, meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 3.14-ish will put Rald in the western sky, instead.

Also, my Rald is tweaked here to have .55 atm pressure at sea level. Just enough to take your suit off with Texture replacer (also needs a file tweak.) I hope. Testing this now.

@Galileo Is it possible to just prune out the relevant bits from the EVE config, or does that have to be a single file?

I've tried to reproduce your semimajor axis of 3435733.51, but I can't figure where that number comes from.  The semimajor axis of a geosynchronous around Gael is,

SMA = ( μ * (P / (2*π))2 )1/3 = ( 3.530394E+12 * (21549.4145199063 / (2π))2 ) 1/3 = 3,462,938.64 m

I can also recommend a few other changes to your config...

  • You don't need rotationPeriod when the body it tidally locked.  Better to delete it because it's not doing anything and it might just cause confusion.
  • sphereOfInfluence is computed internally by KSP.  There is no need to specify a value unless you want to override the computed value.  Best to leave it out.
  • albedo should go under the Properties{} node, not the Atmosphere{} node.
  • temperatureLapseRate and gasMassLapseRate are not needed when you are using curves.  These parameters can be deleted.
  • staticPressureASL is specified twice.  You should delete the second occurrence.

(edit)  I just thought of something else.  If you want to change the face of Rald that is seen from the planet's surface.  Add initialRotation to the Properties{} node, and give it a value in degrees.  If you don't like the face that you see, change initialRotation until you get something you like.  Be advise that should you move Rald or make of other changes, it might be necessary to readjust initialRotation.

Edited by OhioBob
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25 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

I've tried to reproduce your semimajor axis of 3435733.51, but I can't figure where that number comes from.  The semimajor axis of a geosynchronous around Gael is,

From you. :wink:


Computing the geosynchronous semimajor axis for a 6.4x Gael, we have

a = ( 1.4460493824E+14 * ( 53875.0236462394 / (2 π))² )1/3 = 21,988,694.48 meters.

I just divided by 6.4 for the un-scaled config above. I have no idea if it would actually work at stock scale, now that you mention it. 

Also, @KerikBalm may want to take note here:

28 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

I can also recommend a few other changes to your config...

  • You don't need rotationPeriod when the body it tidally locked.  Better to delete it because it's not doing anything and it might just cause confusion.
  • sphereOfInfluence is computed internally by KSP.  There is no need to specify a value unless you want to override the computed value.  Best to leave it out.
  • albedo should go under the Properties{} node, not the Atmosphere{} node.
  • temperatureLapseRate and gasMassLapseRate are not needed when you are using curves.  These parameters can be deleted.
  • staticPressureASL is specified twice.  You should delete the second occurrence.

I just ganked his raldinnermoon config. 

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2 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Hmm. Is that KAS helmet remover or Texture Replacer? KAS let me remove helmets much higher. 

Texture Replacer requires a minimum amount of pressure for no helmets, as well as an oxygen breathable atmosphere of course. Could be higher than your pic the pressure is too low.

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4 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

From you. :wink:

I just divided by 6.4 for the un-scaled config above. I have no idea if it would actually work at stock scale, now that you mention it. 

OK, I see.  You can't rescale geosynchronous distances like that in GPP.  In order for that to work, we would have had to use dayLengthMultiplier = SQRT(rescale).  I didn't do that, in fact, dayLengthMultiplier varies depending on the body.  I tried to set the rotation periods to something that I thought felt realistic rather than just blindly multiplying by some computed factor.  Consequently, no attempt whatsoever was made to preserve any kind of scale in the geosynchronous distances.  All the geosynchronous distances have to be recomputed from scratch in the resized versions of GPP.

If there is a strong consensus among the users of the resized versions to set dayLengthMultiplier = SQRT(rescale) for all bodies, then that's something we may be able to consider for a future release.  Here's your chance to weigh in on the subject.

Edited by OhioBob
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1 hour ago, OhioBob said:

If there is a strong consensus among the users of the resized versions to set dayLengthMultiplier = SQRT(rescale) for all bodies, then that's something we may be able to consider for a future release.  Here's your chance to weight in on the subject.

Personally, I strongly prefer nice rounded (solar) day lengths. I very much like the home planet day length to match the in-game day unit used to describe contracts and so on.

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26 minutes ago, CSE said:

Personally, I strongly prefer nice rounded (solar) day lengths. I very much like the home planet day length to match the in-game day unit used to describe contracts and so on.

Second that. I might have tweaked Gael into a nice 24-hour solar day myself if I didn't like the look of Rald so much where it is. 

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1 hour ago, OhioBob said:

If there is a strong consensus among the users of the resized versions to set dayLengthMultiplier = SQRT(rescale) for all bodies, then that's something we may be able to consider for a future release.  Here's your chance to weight in on the subject.

I agree with the last two posters that even numbers are preferable, especially from a mission planning / time warping standpoint.  For what it's worth, I always go with 2x dayLengthMultiplier for 3.2x scale, 3x for 6.4x scale, and 4x for 10x scale. 

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34 minutes ago, Norcalplanner said:

For what it's worth, I always go with 2x dayLengthMultiplier for 3.2x scale, 3x for 6.4x scale, and 4x for 10x scale. 

For Gael I used dayLengthMultiplier = 2, 2.5 and 3 for the 3.2x, 6.4x and 10x scales.  My reasons for doing so are explained here:

The rotation periods of Ciro and the gas giants I didn't change at all because they already had rotation periods consistent with similar real life bodies.  Factoring them would have made their rotation periods too long.  Icarus and Gratian had their rotation periods factored by SQRT(rescale) because I had to maintain a resonance with another body.  Tidally locked bodies also had their periods automatically factored by SQRT(rescale).  For all other bodies I used dayLengthMultiplier = 1.25, 1.5 and 1.75 for the 3.2x, 6.4x and 10x scales.  I factored them less than Gael because the other planets' periods at the 1x size are generally longer than Gael's to start with.  (Gael's 1x period of 6 hours is especially brief.)  I think the 1.25, 1.5 and 1.75 factors produced rotation periods that seemed reasonably lifelike at the larger scales.

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5 hours ago, OhioBob said:

I can also recommend a few other changes to your config...

  • You don't need rotationPeriod when the body it tidally locked.  Better to delete it because it's not doing anything and it might just cause confusion.
  • sphereOfInfluence is computed internally by KSP.  There is no need to specify a value unless you want to override the computed value.  Best to leave it out.
  • albedo should go under the Properties{} node, not the Atmosphere{} node.
  • temperatureLapseRate and gasMassLapseRate are not needed when you are using curves.  These parameters can be deleted.
  • staticPressureASL is specified twice.  You should delete the second occurrence.

(edit)  I just thought of something else.  If you want to change the face of Rald that is seen from the planet's surface.  Add initialRotation to the Properties{} node, and give it a value in degrees.  If you don't like the face that you see, change initialRotation until you get something you like.  Be advise that should you move Rald or make of other changes, it might be necessary to readjust initialRotation.

since this is ultimately my config, I'll respond to these

point by point

* the result of maintaining multiple configs, when my preferred config at that time was not tidally locked (it orbited the sun at kerbin's pseudo L4 point). I do seem to recall that specifying a rotation period that wasn't the orbital period, while having tidally locked = true did cause problems. My current favored config is still in orbit around the sun, where Duna used to be. Duna's changed config doesn't specify rotation period, just that its tidally locked 

* I did want to override the computed value. The problem is that spheres of influence are not true spheres. This approximation gets quite bad when the orbiting body is relatively large and close compared to its parent body. The version in geosync orbit with Kerbin had a roughly 1:10 mass ratio. My Rald-Duna version is about a 4:1 mass ratio... this is what happens when you let KSP compute the SOI for that:






As you can see, where the blue and red circles intersect above, that is just about "fine", at those points the pull of rald and duna would be about equal... but when in between rald and duna, its very not fine. When your craft is *closer* to the *more massive* Rald, the game has the craft fall towards the *less massive* and *farther away* Duna. So I instead calculated the distance at which the pull of the other body and rald would be equal, if the craft was directly between Rald and the other body, and set the SOI to be equal to that distance.

Moving Rald to a different orbit/around a different body would require redoing these calculations, or letting the game calculate it - it would probably be fine in a more distant orbit around the massive tellumo.

* (last 3 points) I don't recall adding this, maybe it was present in one of the configs I used as a template? maybe I introduced the error myself. I started with the OPM config for Tekto (as it adds a world with custom heightmaps, an atmosphere, and an ocean), and started changing it. At some point I used part of the atmosphere config for mars from RSS but proportionately changed.

What became the Rald planet started when I was just modifying stock Duna to have oceans and a thicker O2 atmosphere









Then I decided I wanted to keep Duna, so I looked into adding a new planet -> carry over many of the parameters from the modified duna into a duplicate of Tekto's config. -> Use RSS mars data for the new planet




Then at some point, I decided to use more RSS data to make it more "realistic" - so I took the RSS atmosphere curves, and proportionately scaled them to my desired surface pressure and atmosphere height. And of course I did the other things like custom biomes, changing the color map, orbit stuff (like the SOI thing), science definitions, terrain scatter changes, etc.

I guess I need to go back through the configs to see what errors I've introduced in that whole mess.

Sometimes I think about going back to the original idea, and just giving Duna the same treatment that I gave "Mars" -> ie just take one of those Duna+oceans versions, and adding green color around the edges like I did for the "coasts" of Mars. I actually made one such color map for that lower sea level version of Duna+oceans, but I never got around to trying it out in the game, or distributing any of those duna versions.

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The atmosphere curve stuff may be my doing, I was mostly griping around trying to get it right for my game  

and I will say please don't abandon poor Rald, I'm greatly looking forward to actually playing with fascinating conglomeration of genius from all y'all I've got now. Almost ready...


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33 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

* I did want to override the computed value.

There are definitely valid reasons for wanting to override the computed SOI, it sounds like you had good reasons.

33 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

* (last 3 points) I don't recall adding this, maybe it was present in one of the configs I used as a template?

I think that's a common problem.  Many people start by copying a config from another mod to use as a template, and then they edit it for their specific situation.  If the original file includes an error or some unneeded parameter, it just gets copied from config to config and mod to mod.  I certainly don't know what every parameter does, but I have done quite a bit of experimentation.   I do know that things like temperatureLapseRate do nothing when you are using temperatureCurve.  In fact, it might not ever do anything; it could be a holdover from the pre-1.0 days when atmospheres were modeled differently.  I also know that having albedo under the atmosphere node is a mistake in the OPM configs, so that's almost certainly where that came from.

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2 hours ago, OhioBob said:
2 hours ago, Norcalplanner said:

For what it's worth, I always go with 2x dayLengthMultiplier for 3.2x scale, 3x for 6.4x scale, and 4x for 10x scale. 

For Gael I used dayLengthMultiplier = 2, 2.5 and 3 for the 3.2x, 6.4x and 10x scales.  My reasons for doing so are explained here:

Resonance-preserving Rescale factors would be

  • { 3.2, 2 } => 3.45
  • { 6.4, 2.5 } => 6.35
  • { 10, 3 } => 9.65
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I absolutely love that Gael contains features like rivers. Even if it just killed Valentina Kerman and a tourist she had brought along for the ride.


The pod landed on the steep incline, and tumbled down the hill to its doom.

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9 hours ago, OhioBob said:

I also know that having albedo under the atmosphere node is a mistake in the OPM configs, so that's almost certainly where that came from.

Good to know - if that mistake was in the Tekto config, then that's where it came from because I certainly did not correct it.

9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

I will say please don't abandon poor Rald, I'm greatly looking forward to actually playing with fascinating conglomeration of genius from all y'all I've got now. Almost ready...

I feel guilty talking so much about my single planet mod, on the forum thread of another persons planet pack mod, but I hope he doesn't mind since everyone here seems to like using it with his planets, rather than the configs I made which simply fit it into the stock system.

Anyway, I'm not abandoning it, its just on the "back burner" - for a while I was on a KSP break (playing ArmA). Now I'm doing an OPM + Rald + TAC + Kerbal Planetary Base play through. So I'll soon (*tm) be building my own surface bases on Rald and "exploring" it - although I'm already thinking that maybe I want to thin the atmosphere again. For the big 0.5 G version, the surface pressure is 0.2 atms. In the real world, Surface pressure is ultimately determined by the weight of the air column above the surface. 0.2 atms at the surface, at 0.5 Gs, means the air column is 0.4x the mass of that on kerbin - which ends up being quite substantial - since Rald is heavily cratered, this seems to be conflicting. I may change it back to simply 2x Duna surface pressure (so about 0.13 atms) - this would make landing speeds on Rald at 0.5 G almost exactly the same as landing speeds on Duna at 0.3 G (when also factoring in the lower MW of Rald's atmosphere relative to Duna's)- but then air breathers except the rapier/turboramjet/afterburning panther would perform very very poorly (just as they do on Kerbin over 10km).

I'm also playing around with 3 other planet addons, but they aren't nearly as interesting as Rald.

Since moving Rald to where duna was (or putting it in orbit around Kerbin), that leaves an opening at kerbin L4. So I filled it with a Mun sized planetoid based on RSS Callisto data. Its "unique gameplay element" is simply that its a destination outside of kerbin's SOI with no real transfer window requirements.

Then I added 2 more planetoids smaller than Dres that are co-orbital with dres, using RSS data for Mercury, and a 3rd party source for Vesta. They are basically just as boring as Dres, without the asteroids spawning. Like dres they have eccentric inclined orbits - so they are alternatives if that interests you, but you don't want to wait so long for a transfer window. Also I gave the Vesta one a fast rotation period so that its apparent surface gravity at the equator is only half its actual surface gravity. I was considering releasing them all as a pack and calling Rald(and displaced Duna/Ike configs)+ these 3 bodies the "Inner Planet Mod" - since all the additions/alterations are inside Jool's orbit, as opposed to OPM which adds stuff beyond Jool's orbit

On 2/9/2017 at 7:28 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Also, my Rald is tweaked here to have .55 atm pressure at sea level. Just enough to take your suit off with Texture replacer (also needs a file tweak.) I hope. Testing this now.

Well, I would consider finding a config for texture replacer, and tweaking that instead.


The tallest mountain near me (Mont Blanc) is ~4,800 meters high

According to that calculator, that is an atmospheric pressure of 0.54780 at the summit. While in aviation, one should use supplemental oxygen well below that altitude, that doesn't mean a fully enclosed helmet, or even much of a face mask.

Last time I was in a sailplane with my brother, the oxygen was delivered through tubes like this:


At the summit of Everest, the atmospheric pressure is only about 0.31 atmospheres - people have climbed it without oxygen (although later studies have shown, those who did this suffered minor brain damage). 0.55 atmospheres is a pretty low limit for removing a helmet....

My intention was that Rald's atmosphere would be tantalizingly close to breathable - but would still not be survivable for a human (but it would be relatively easy for a habitat to process it to sustain occupants) - however a pressure suit would not be needed, just a face mask (the MW is assuming 40% CO2, which is probably not something you'd want to breath in- although the partial pressure would be equivalent to about 4-8% CO2 at 1 atm, which isn't so bad, I used to regularly breath in 5% CO2 at 1 atmosphere when opening mammalian cell incubators which keep the environment for the cells at 5% CO2- although prolonged exposure is supposedly not good).

Still, given the risks of biological contamination, wouldn't you want to keep your helmet on? :P


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1 hour ago, KerikBalm said:

I feel guilty talking so much about my single planet mod, on the forum thread of another persons planet pack mod, but I hope he doesn't mind since everyone here seems to like using it with his planets, rather than the configs I made which simply fit it into the stock system.

Tbh, that might be my fault ^^;  Turns out the Rald-goo is highly infectious and now GPP has a case of the gooeys.

In other news, I am way to pleased that my 3.2x Otho probe is actually looking viable. Tiny nuclear reactor and an ion engine from Near Future has produced a probe that only masses about 1 ton, is chock full of science, and packs nearly 8km/s; all without needing a single solar panel. With such a petite format, it's easy to get to LGO, and I'll use a nerva to perform the ejection burn. This stage will equipped with solars so that the reactor won't need to be started until it arrives. Should have about a 6 year operational lifespan after entering Otho's SoI, and hopefully will be able to at least swing past all the moons, and potentially land/crash on one :) 

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