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The Truth Can Now Be Told - GTA Lunar


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Another image was released today showing one of the alien creatures in close proximity to a astronaut of Apollo 17.



According to one of the crew.

"A couple of these creatures had been shadowing our activities on the lunar surface since our arrival there. On EVA 1 we raised our flag and it seems this is part these aliens procedures on the surface too. But just seconds after putting their flag up, they must have changed their mind about where they wanted it.

Strange thing is though I never saw them take the flag down, it was just there one moment and gone the next, before they headed round the far side of the rover from us, to go plant it there.

I actually got a clear view of the face of one of these little guys towards the end of that EVA. Usually with the glare from the sun on their visors, their faces aren't that visible, but there was this weird moment when the creature closest to us must have decided it was time to eat. It just flipped its visor open for a moment before ramming what looked like an oversized cup cake into what I guess was its mouth, then slammed the visor down and started chewing away with what looked like a big grin on its face.

These creatures must be more evolved for a the space environment than us, either that or they really like cupcakes."





Edited by purpleivan
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This evening new images were received showing more encounters on the moon as well as further evidence of the aliens' activities in earth orbit.

One member of the Apollo 12 crew commented on the actions of the alien creatures during their mission.

"Arrhh.. on 12 they kept getting in our shots. 11 had got a bunch of pictures of the little critters, so we were just focusing on getting good photographs of our landing site, without these guys getting in the way...  something that could be given to the press when we got home.

It was hard enough to take a decent photo with that Hasselblad strapped to your chest, but those guys kept getting in the way.

It was as if they were doing it deliberately... jump into our shot any chance they got.

But the worst thing they the would do would be take to off on those little rocket packs of theirs, just as I'd release the shutter. Half of the photos we took up there were just a cloud dust... we must'a wasted half our film that way."



On an earlier mission that tested Apollo equipment before the first lunar landing was attempted, an alien spacecraft was captured on film during an EVA.

The mission's command module pilot describes the experience.

"I was doing a stand up EVA on day 4 and Rus was taking some pictures from the porch of the LEM and were just about to close up when this huge vehicle, I mean this thing ginormous... way bigger then the CSM and LEM combined, move out from the other side of the LEM into my view.

At the time it look something like the Dyna-Soar X-20 that Boeing had been working on, but a lot bigger and I was getting a great look at it.

When it stopped moving from around the rear of the LEM, the top half of it cracked open, two big doors swung back and inside it had a large interior space with some kinda module and some other equipment in there. Rus finished of the magazine he had, taking lots of pictures of it. We even got some good ones of the underside of it when they rolled that thing over.

After a couple minutes it rolled back around which meant I could get another look into the interior of it then, what I assumed was a solar array sprang up from near the rear of the of that thing. The array seemed to orient itself towards the sun, but just as it seem to be getting good alignment, the craft started rolling again, this time bringing that big array swinging round towards the CM. I only had a moment to react, so I ducked down and swung the hatch half closed over my head and the next thing I new I had a cloud of debris around me.

Darn crazy vehicle had swung that huge solar array right into the side of the CM and smashed it to bits... CM was ok, but that array of theirs was toast.

After that we decided we'd better get some distance between them and us, so Houston gave us some burn numbers to get ourselves into a higher orbit.

After our return the engineers took a look at our photographs of the alien vehicle and they got real excited. Apparently it had some design characteristics that they were interested in for the Space Transportation System that was going to follow on from Apollo. So I wasn't too surprised when I saw the designs for the shuttle a few years later and it look the spit of that crazy thing we came across up there."




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Another image in the series of released by NASA, was made available to the press today, this time showing a footprint of one of the alien creatures.


According to one of the first astronauts to walk on the lunar surface.

"Those things seemed to be intent on leaving their mark on the surface. Mostly it was just like us, step by step, but other times it was a bit more dramatic, especially when they flew around on those rocket packs... they'd crash land more often than not. 

There was this one time, one of these things flew in from outta the sun, flashed past me by only a couple yards, then I guess it forget to check its forward momentum, because he smashed into ground real hard... must have rolled a couple hundred feet, kicking up a big plume of dust behind it.

I figured the fella was toast, but after a couple seconds of lying on the ground it leapt up onto its feet like it was nothing.

Wherever these critters come from, they build 'em tough."




In another image from a later Apollo mission, an astronaut is seen saluting one of the creatures.

"Al was outside the LEM, just after I'd entered and I thought I'd take a photograph of him through the forward window.

Just at that moment, one of these guys that had been hanging around the landing site pretty much since we arrived there, came into view.

Al told me later that given that these were fellow explorers, he thought a salute was in order before we parted company."


Edited by purpleivan
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