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[1.2.2] Real Solar System Visual Enhancements v1.2.2-RC4 [2017-09-03]

Phineas Freak

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I'm also having an issue with everything except for clouds working. Here is my log file:



My Gamedata folder consists of the following:

EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements (I've tried both from the newest release and the second newest release with no difference)










Any help would be appreciated. I have a separate version of RSS and RSSVE working for 1.1.3 which is my Realism Overhaul save and I remember having to put a file into the base KSP file (not game data) which I believe was called "sharedassets9.assets". I have no idea if that effects any of this or if it is even needed. Any response would be helpful! Thanks!

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@AWESOMEPIEMAN No, replacing any part of the KSP files is neither required nor supported. This was done in the early days of KSP to add custom sun flares, something that it is done nowadays by both Kopernicus and Scatterer.

You are probably suffering from the same bug that other users have. Unfortunately, i do not have the slightest clue on why this affects certain users and not others. Considering that you are using OSX (OpenGL) there is a very high chance that you are also affected by it.

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I don't have much hope of finding an answer, but here is my question:

I'm having a coil whining sound on my graphic card. I manage to isolate it to "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements". When I install RSSVE and all its dependencies, everything work nicely, but there is this coil whining sound when I look down on Earth from lower orbit and only when look down, as looking around at the rest of space does not produce a noise from the card.

If I remove the "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" folder while still having "scatterer", the noise stops.

So my question is: Is there any setting I can tune in "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" to try to remove this sound? Anybody also experiencing this? The only other time I've heard a coil whining sound from my card is at the loading of "Asset Bundle Definition" during the loading of the game. I've never heard it anywhere else, whatever the played game.

The graphic card is an ATI Radeon R9 380 and is up to date driver wise...



Tuning the graphic settings this way lowered the noise to the mininum hearable by human ears (well at least mine), so I'll take this as a solution.

Set Anti Aliasing to 8x

Set V-Sync to Every Second V-blank

Frame limit to default.


Edited by Benoit Hage
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Hello @Phineas Freak.First of all Thank you for this amazing work :wink:
I have a question, at the OP it says that it is compatible with Planet Shine Mod, but In the RSS download I don't find any config file for Planet Shine and in game, Planet Shine does work, minus the reflective color of the planet. Am I missing something?

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1 minute ago, PmThay said:

Hello @Phineas Freak.First of all Thank you for this amazing work :wink:
I have a question, at the OP it says that it is compatible with Planet Shine Mod, but In the RSS download I don't find any config file for Planet Shine and in game, Planet Shine does work, minus the reflective color of the planet. Am I missing something?

There is a PS cfg for RSS inside of the planetshine folder that comes in the planetshine download.

Or at least, there used to be

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37 minutes ago, Phineas Freak said:

@PmThay Nowadays the required PlanetShine configs are a part of the RealSolarSystem mod (under "RealSolarSystem/Compatibility/PlanetShineColors.cfg"). It was originally part of the PlanetShine distribution (as @Galileo pointed out) but it was then ported to RSS itself.

Indeed I was missing something. :blush:
indeed is part of RSS as you point out :blush:  :wink:
and I was looking at the spaceship in a wrong perspective, so I cound't really see the effect of the light of the planet... 
Sorry for the noob question :blush:
and Thank You very much for the quick answer! :D

Planet Shine is working fine...

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Thanks for this mod, result is stunning! I used it in 1.1.3 for hundred of hours and I am now moving towards 1.2.2.

I am using it along with RO/RP-0, I followed the famous spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_dhwSioZODCCtMFD0kZOtbmbg--ryoE0nzoWJL2cRc/edit#gid=523836116

I however have a minor glitch which, I think, is related to scatterer:


It does it for all atmosphere-based planets (Venus, Earth, Mars ...), not only on the tracking station but also in game.

In the spreadsheet, one noted "Had to set experimentalAtmoScale to 2.5", which I tried but it did not changed anything.

Rest of the mod works perfectly fine (all non-atmospheric planet or bodies are just great), as well as the others.

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@ether_plumber If you read earlier responses in this thread you will find that many other users have also encountered this bug/problem. Unfortunately, i cannot do something about it as it is not possible to reproduce it.]

One question though: do you use Windows? And if so, do you enforce alternate renderers like OpenGL or DirectX11?

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OK, so i finally found some time to sit down and try to pinpoint the cause of the featureless spheres. And i did not like what i found.

After discarding the current configs and creating some new ones for testing, one minor problem with Scatterer was found: it does not like the real life values, not without some tinkering. It is possible to divide by 2 most of the critical values and set the "experimentalAtmoScale" to be 2 (so that the result will be visually the same - something similar was done in the RC2 release). This fixed the smaller bodies (and most notably Earth and Mars).

Now, onward to the gas giants. Here is were everything starts to break down: the radius values are at least 10 times more than the Scatterer Config Tool can handle (you get a "black planet" bug in the preview window). The solution for the Scatterer Config Tool is an easy one: to divide everything by 10.

And now you finally load the config and the textures in KSP itself and...you are greeted with the same problem. What can we do to check if it is us who are making the things worse? Time to test the previous working configs from the RC2 release. They should be working, right? Wrong! Even the previous ones fail to work. Until you fall back to Direct X 9, then everything works as expected.

Is this a Scatterer v0.0300 bug? I do not know. But what i know is that every user operating under either Direct X 11 or OpenGL will not be able to use RSSVE. But, there is a reason why @blackrack says:


"-RSS/rescale mods might not actually work and may have several issues."

Judging from the fact that the mod fails to achieve what it is written in the box, i will remove temporarily any download links to it and most probably also lock this thread. Until a solution is found it is pointless to continue distributing it.

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10 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

OK, so i finally found some time to sit down and try to pinpoint the cause of the featureless spheres. And i did not like what i found.

After discarding the current configs and creating some new ones for testing, one minor problem with Scatterer was found: it does not like the real life values, not without some tinkering. It is possible to divide by 2 most of the critical values and set the "experimentalAtmoScale" to be 2 (so that the result will be visually the same - something similar was done in the RC2 release). This fixed the smaller bodies (and most notably Earth and Mars).

Now, onward to the gas giants. Here is were everything starts to break down: the radius values are at least 10 times more than the Scatterer Config Tool can handle (you get a "black planet" bug in the preview window). The solution for the Scatterer Config Tool is an easy one: to divide everything by 10.

And now you finally load the config and the textures in KSP itself and...you are greeted with the same problem. What can we do to check if it is us who are making the things worse? Time to test the previous working configs from the RC2 release. They should be working, right? Wrong! Even the previous ones fail to work. Until you fall back to Direct X 9, then everything works as expected.

Is this a Scatterer v0.0300 bug? I do not know. But what i know is that every user operating under either Direct X 11 or OpenGL will not be able to use RSSVE. But, there is a reason why @blackrack says:

Judging from the fact that the mod fails to achieve what it is written in the box, i will remove temporarily any download links to it and most probably also lock this thread. Until a solution is found it is pointless to continue distributing it.

Don't change the main radius (Rg) in thr config tool, what matters are the ratios or Rt/Rg and Rl/Rt, generate your atmo and once you get ingame it will rescale it to fit the planet, basically just use the default radius, all the other settings are fine to change in the config tool.

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Certainly one of my favourite mods currently (other than DECQ's soyuz) but I used this and it was epic just click the SSSTS link in my sig 

whats the possibility of bringing this to stock scale?

Also I do believe I am using Dx11 or Dx9 one of the two

Edited by kerbinorbiter
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22 minutes ago, blackrack said:

what matters are the ratios or Rt/Rg and Rl/Rt

I am aware of that (the body radius was just an example) but It seems that using realistic ratios breaks some things under DX11/OGL. Example: dropping the Earth Rt/Rg ratio from ~1.0219 to ~1.0141 somehow fixes the "blue sphere syndrome" (the Rl/Rt ratio does not seem to affect anything though).

What i am more worried/confused about is why the older gas giant configs and textures are not working under the 0.0300 version of Scatterer vs the 0.0255 one. Bodies with smaller radiuses work just fine (and most of the user complains were about them) but even if i fix those, the rest will be broken.

Edit 1: i am mostly sure that i have been doing something really stupid all this time...

Edit 2: most of the RSSVE Rt/Rg ratios are in the range of ~1.022, with very small variations. The stock ones are extremely close to ~1.014. Which gives?

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8 hours ago, Phineas Freak said:

I am aware of that (the body radius was just an example) but It seems that using realistic ratios breaks some things under DX11/OGL. Example: dropping the Earth Rt/Rg ratio from ~1.0219 to ~1.0141 somehow fixes the "blue sphere syndrome" (the Rl/Rt ratio does not seem to affect anything though).

What i am more worried/confused about is why the older gas giant configs and textures are not working under the 0.0300 version of Scatterer vs the 0.0255 one. Bodies with smaller radiuses work just fine (and most of the user complains were about them) but even if i fix those, the rest will be broken.

Edit 1: i am mostly sure that i have been doing something really stupid all this time...

Edit 2: most of the RSSVE Rt/Rg ratios are in the range of ~1.022, with very small variations. The stock ones are extremely close to ~1.014. Which gives?

I will need to look at an example when I get home as I have no idea about most the issues you're describing. Is there any config in particular that illustrates these problems?

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4 minutes ago, Stongduke said:

Alright, so I'm pretty new to this, but I've installed the mod (along with a ton of others) and everything works except for clouds. Is this a known issue or do I have to submit something for this to be fixed?

Post your output log and a screenshot of your gamedata folder. 

If you need help figuring out where to get the logs necessary for help, see this thread 


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Hello, i really love your work @Phineas Freak but the download link does not seem to be working. (404 error) Is it just me or...

pls fix?

Thanks, NSEP

EDIT: Yeah, the link got removed. Is there still any way i could download RVE right now or do i have to wait?

Again, thanks, NSEP.

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1 hour ago, Phineas Freak said:

@NSEP Although i do not recommend downloading and installing RSSVE at the moment, you can still access it from the GitHub repository.

Thanks, i might just wait. 

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